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PROBLEM: Polymers take a very long time to decompose. As a Chemistry
student, you have to use your creativity to produce products such as decorative
items, toys, or other recycled products using polymer wastes.
DURATION OF THE PROJECT: 8 June 2021 to 10 June 2021
Folio Cover-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 1
Content----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 2
Acknowledgement---------------------------------------------------------------------Page 3
Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 4
Objective--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 4
Procedure-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 5-6
Report------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 7
Conclusion------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 7
Bibliography----------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 7
I am really grateful because I managed to complete Problem Based Learning
Chapter 4 folio within the time given by my teacher Mr. Lee Kian Huat. This folio
cannot be completed without the help from my parents who helped me to gather
the materials I wanted. I also sincerely thank my teacher, Mr. Lee Kian Huat for
the guidance and encouragement in finishing this folio and also teaching me and
classmates in this chapter. Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude
to my friends for the support and willingness to spend some time with me to fill
the questionnaires.
The invention of the piggy bank originates to over 600 years ago in the 15th
century when people would use pots to store what money they had. In that time,
metal was an expensive commodity and not frequently used for household
equipment. Household items such as plates and pots were made from an affordable
clay called ‘pygg’. 

Therefore, whenever people had a few extra coins, they would simply drop it into
their clay jars which they referred to as a ‘pygg’ bank or pot. During the time of
the Saxons, vowels had different sounds to them, therefore Pygg would be
pronounced as Pug. However, soon after the pronunciation of ‘y’ changed from a
‘u’ to an ‘I’, making clay ‘Pygg’ and the animal pig sound the same. An interesting
fact in the old English language, coincidently pigs would roll around in ‘pygg’
mud and dirt, which could have contributed to the association of the words. 

As both words sounded the same, English potters would shape ‘pygg’ pots into the
shape of pigs to humour the words. As this became a trend, people would request
for the ‘pygg’ pots to be shaped like pigs. Over the next few hundred years people
slowly forgot that ‘pygg’ referred to the clay. This became the norm in the 19th
century, English potters would create pots shaped like pigs for people to use as a
bank, humouring the origins of the word. This may have been accidental but has
been used ever since and this is why we still use piggy banks today.
In this project, I make a piggy bank out of recycled bottles.
To make a piggy bank using polymer wastes

Day 1: Browsing internet for information
Day 2: Collecting materials to do the project

*one and a half water bottle

Day 3: Cutting out all parts that I need

Tape the front part of the bottle and the bottom part of the bottle together
Cut a rectangular hole in the middle and glue the bottom part with a trimmed
bottle’s bottom part
This product is made from 100% polymers, which are water bottles. With this
product, I can put my coins into it and save it up when I have changes in my
pocket. Other than that, I can impress my family and friends by showing them
what I made from polymer wastes.

Polymers have been widely used to replace many other building materials
such as stones, metals, wood, clay, cotton, wool, and nature rubber.
Polymers are very stable, unlike metals, wood or paper, they do not rust, rot
or decay easily in the presence of water, oxygen, chemicals or in sunlight.
Synthetic and natural polymer could be used in the form of inorganic and
organic polymers; coatings, elastomers, adhesives, blends, plastics, fibers, caulks,
ceramics, and composites.
Polymers also become the raw material for products we now uses everyday,
such as synthetic clothing, fiberglass, plastic bags, nylon bearings, polyethylene
cups, epoxy glue, silicone heart valves, Teflon-coated cookware and polymer
based paints. All of these are a part of our daily uses of polymers.
1. 20 Innovative Ways To Reuse Old Plastic Bottles (
2. The Origins of the Piggy Bank | Paragon Bank
3. Justify the uses of synthetic polymers in daily life - A Plus Topper

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