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013) 147 PHYSICS DSC a: ‘Thermal Phy: SF SSEE Thornal t lechanica (Sorn.-f1f, Pressure developed is given by PS Thorofore, the internal work done V Against this internal pressure in doule's free expansion ie aW = pdv= Sav ii) Vv Where ‘a’ is Van der Waals’ constant and V is the initial volume of the gas This internal w is done at the expense of its internal kinetic energy and Consequently its internal potential energy inereave As per Law of conservation of energy, Decrease in internal K.E, = Increase in internal PL. =-aw e (cit) ‘The decrease in internal K.B. result in decrease in temperature (cooling offect), Let dT°bs the decrease in temperature dec ne free expansion of the real Bas and C, be its molar specific heat at constant volume, then Decrease in internal KE. =C,dT : Equeting (iii) and (ii), we get @ ee ea ees Vv Coat = Sal @ lia 7 Fae Using equation (1), the Joule’s coefficient () will be (#7) n= ly) : ao Hence proved, Q. 6. (a) Derive Plank’s Jaw of black-body radiation, Ans. Planck's radiation formula is relata the spectrum of a black body. The energy dis tribution is given by the following equation— 8 udu Edu = Tak z emit Assumptioin _ 1. The chamber of black body radiation has the following— ide Amar : B.Sc. Prog.) Phyates-I1 Year (Somestor-IIT, 2013) the same size as the molecules, These are known as Plack’s resonators or oscillators, These vibrate with all possible frequencies but have only one degree of freedom. ‘ i Gii) These radiations can absorb or emit energy in the form of discrete packets of energy but not contnously. These quanta of energy were called Photons. Each photon was supposed to have energy equal to hv, where vis the frequency of radiation and his the Planck’s-constant and has a value equal to 6.625 % 10- $4 Joule-see. Accordingly the energy emitted by photons can be, vu, hu, 2hu, 3hu,... not inbetween. These are known as quantum of energies. Derivation Let us consider two frequences v and u + dv and estimate the number of resonators having frequencies within the range. Consider a hollow cubic encloser having perfectly reflecting walls. Radiation will consist of a number of waves going around in all possible directions within the encloser. These will suffer multiple reflections at the walls, the perfectly reflecting. : Stationary waves will be formed inside the encloser with the walls becoming the nodal points. Let total no. of Planck's oscillator: And let total energy = E ; but same being N Then, average energy per oscillator, & z ‘These energies 0, hu, 2hu, 3hu,, will be in the ratio 1: eT, ¢2/k? Let the no. of resonators with energy 2 ¢ ev= Ny then no. of resonators with different energies will be Nge“**7, Nyen*!#7., can be expressed as 0, e, 2e, 3e....... These Then.” N= No[1+e et? 4 eter : No or Ne it . I» Sum of GP-infinite terms = r 2 Let total energy he E, Then or E= Ne— prysics DSC § “Average enerey = = pony : carte : ber of resonators per unit volume between the frequency range Let the number of r dutdubedV. — oer then energy density E,dv 2 4 8xu® he = [ a + aah c = F and Idv i f-sSaa] But v Seale erin mers We have, Bd, = 33) emer Ly [ze 8mhe da = | Gera —1 This is Planck's radiation law in-terms of wave length. (b) Using this law derive Wien’s radiation formula nad Rayleigh- Jeans law. : Ans. Planck's law is related to the distribution of energy over the black body spectrum, ( 8x )s de O U (Te) de Be fay a YUDd = (St vidy Jain See eee ae UG, T) dr equations (0, (8) and (FD, are equivalent repy : - The e4 = arbeations of Planck's i the most general d, ‘ipti This law provides us general description of lant sow. Tn er laws of black body radiations ans contained ing ee? Hino, Aljjuction of Wien's radiation formula, Forks fie ar petpoch greater than unity. Theegns (in shone reduces tg ential term - 8a can = (2) anna, his is Wien’s radiation formula, Derivation of RayleighJeans Law For 2. <<< phe, Bquation (iii) above reduces to 8xhe\f a. = (%)2\o SxkT i UQ.T)dk = ah This is Rayleigh-Jeans law. Q.7. Derive Maxwell's Boltzmann’: velocities und give its experimental v Ans. The molecules of a gas are in possible velocities. Let us consider a voss Let us consider a zone of cells having number of cells in this zone be denoted ith zone be ni, ‘Then, according to Maxwell's Boltzmann law, ni = Ag,ePEi where 's distribution law of molecular ‘erification.of velocities. a state of random motion having all el of volume. Vcontaining an idéal gas. speeds between v and vy + du. Let the of g; and the number of molecules in this Zz ay Bf BF And E, Smo" The number of molecules having speeds ranging. Laie ennetabe de naturally. proportional to dv. Let N(v) be the distribution function of speeds n, = N(v)dv Then, N(v) dv = Ag, eFVeT Tn the above equation, the value of g; has to be found out. PHYSICS DSC 8 : Thermal Physics & Statistical Mechanics (Sem.-III, 2018) 161 represents the number of cells in the zone under consideration. Vol. of zone Vol. of 1 cell Since the valume of the gas is V, v= [JJdedsa. ponents of momentum p along there mutually If p.. p, and p, are com perpendicular directions, 2 2 2 oe r Pxt Py*Pz Let us consider two concentric spheres of radius p and p + dp. The volume between these spheres is given by: 4 3 43 [endnd, = Sxtoraps* ~hae = $s[@+ap*-"] 1 = Sa{o* +dp* +8pdp” +dp’ - p* | J = Sntep*dp) (Neglecting the terme 2dp3 and 3pdp? as dp is very small) _ V4np"dp = _ 4nVp'dp or a= i" 4pV| 2 ot NW av = alee e dp But p= mv j And . dp = mdv | 3 4nAVm™ 2 { Nv) dv = ——y—ve 2012) . 116 Amar : B.Sc, (Prog,) Physics-II Year (Semoster-II, as rl 5) ers _arer(S aP Tas (3). ae) Now as) _ *(5r), = % TdS = C,dT+T Accoridng to Maxwell's relations, Substituting this in (ii) above, . f 2) Tds = C,@T— lor hee * Hence proved. Q. 5. (a) Stating the basic assumptions, formula . x (8) Deduce stefan-Boltzmain law of radiation from Planck's law. Ans. Planck's radiation formula is related to the distribution of energy in thr spectrum of a black body. The energy distribution is given by the following derive Planck’s radiation equation— a . Brh__vidv : E,dv = ~y-~ Tent > ce Assumption : 1. The chamber of black body radiation has the following— . @ Radiation (ii) Simple harmonic oscillators or resonators. These emit energy and have the same size as the molecules. These are known as Planck’s resonators or oscillators. These vaibrate with all possible frequencies but have only one degree » of freedom. : (ii) ‘These radiations can absorb or emit energy in the form of discrete packets of energy but not contnously. These quanta of energy were called Photons. Each photon was supposed to have energy equal to hv, where v is the frequericy of. radiation and h is the Planck’s constant and has a value equal to 6.623 x 10-4 doule-sec. ‘Accordingly the energy emitted by photons can be v, hv, 2hv, Shy, . not inbetween. These are known as quantum of energies. Derivation . Let us consider two frequencies v and v + dv and estimate the number of! resonators having frequencies within the range. lie PHYSICS DSC 3 : Thermal Physics & Statistical Mechanics (Sem, 1, 29) 2012) 15 er having perfectly reflecting walls, di going around in all possible directions ytion ltiple reflections at the walls, the 6 ame jenn eing Considex a hollow cubic enclos will consist of a number of waves the encloser. These will suffer mul perfectly reflecting. Stationary waves will be foi the nodal points. Let total no. of Planck's oscillators = NV And let total energy = E rmed inside the encloser with the wall, Ss becom, ing Then, average energy per oscillator, 7 = é ‘These energies 0, hv, 2hv, Shy, .....can be expressed as 0.6, 26, 36... Tp will be in the ratio 1: e©#7, e-2eh denT lite Let the no. of resonators with energy 2eev = N, then no. of resonators with different energies will be Ny e847, Ny en 2eT, . Then, N = WN, [1 + e247 4 ear ay Average energy, = : Amar : B.Sc. Prog.) Physics-IT Year (Somoster-1, 2012) 1 : ; [oe 2 es But se : es Let the number of resonators per unit, volume between the frequengy vondv+avbed¥. eney ran Then energy density 2, dv - | swe |e | Peale] But v= = and |dvi= Be a ce) L e \ ~ | tla a This is Planck’s radiation law (®) Derivation of Stefan-B. claw. in terms of wave-length. ‘oltzmann law of radiation from Planck’s Ans. The total energy density of photons of all possible wave-length in a black body chamber is given by & 3 H Put . Then, UD = ‘ This integlal is a standard integral. Its value /Z¢(4) = S Bx kB ps s uD = Oe oes — PHYSICS DSC 8 : Thermal Physics & Statistical Mechanics (Sem.-II1, 2012) 119 = at «-@® ow * there is a small opening, photons will offuse through it. The net rate of low of radiation per unit area of opening is given by the equation, oy is a Re Lue = 2. 7 4 ne agin - i) Where the value of the constant is calculated and found to be 5.67 ¥ 10°. And the unit of o is Jm-? i sl. This is known as Stefan-Boltzmann constast. Q. 6. (a) Derive Maxwell's law of distribution of velocities. Ans. The molecules of a gas are in a state of random motion having all possible velocities. Let us consider a vessel of volume V containing an ideal gas. Let us consider a zone of cells having speeds between v and u + du. Let the number of cells in this zone be denoted of g; and the number of molecules in this ith zone be ni. Then, according to Maxwell's Boltzmann law, ni-= Ag, ei, where Fees N ae far And BE, ='ime? ‘ 2 ‘The number of molecules having speeds ranging. Between v and v ¥ dv will be, naturally, proportional to dv. Let M(v) be the distribution function of speeds n, = Nv) dv “Then, Nw) de = Ag, FAT “In the above equation. the value of g; has to be found out. “g? represents the number of cells in the zone under consideration, _ Vol. of zone 4 * Vol. of 1 cell SSJffdetretatnn tin toe 7S Since the volume of the gas is V, V= ffJdd,d, If p,, p, and p, are componente of momentum p along there mutually perpendicular directions, : a 8 Pet Py + Pz %, " (gementor-TLIy weer ies LL Your . = volume Amar : B.Sc. (Prog.) Phys a ius pand.p + dp THE s of rad ic aphere Let us consider two concentric aphe between these apheres is given by: i 4 = Snips dP) 3" SPS 4p, 4054 = Aefersder -2°] = 3 [@ Ip a a = fal dp? 43pdp’ +dp -P ] = Sat3p"dp) : Vanp'dp g= oe h we : Nw) dv = But 7 And é a = N@)dv = Where pe dnavin? i Any constant But | A kT ace? o Nv) dv) = BVT gy This is Maxwell's distributi ae ‘ ution law of speed : We can consider the above for three different See ofa perfect gas, etecmes =) \ = top © __Amar 1.8e. Prog.) Phiysics-t Year (Gemestor-I11, 2012) ___— an write (3) : 7 ev Hence, x or gp Hoe AT represents the change in M.P. or B.P. due to change in pressure (Ye -Vi) This is Claustus-Clapeyron equation. &) Deduce Wien’s radiation formula and Rayleigh nck’s law of black body radiation. i Ans. Plancks’s law is related to the distribution of enorgy over the black ‘pectrum, -Jeans Law from 5 UMede = (35) ax) ee Je 1 3 Uw, Dav = (hc _ eeegreecceaae UADaA = (8) Gi) € -1 The equations (i), (ii) and (iii), are equivalent representations of Planck’s law. This law provides us the most general description of black body radiation. All other laws of black body radiations are contained in it. Deduction of Wien’s radiation formula: For <<< Bhc, the exponential! term will be much greater than unity. The eqns (iii) above reduces to ; U0.D = (S}em ms fi a This is Wien’s radiation formula. Derivation of Rayleigh-Jeans Law For 2, >>> Bhe, . Equation (iii) above reduces to UADdr = (Je rn J Bhe a vata, = Ea ‘ a This is Rayleigh-Jeans law. i

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