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1. Course Title: Revenue Law

2. Course Code: LAWS 2338

3. Credit Value: 3

4. Course Synopsis: The course introduces the main features of a sound system of
taxation; interpretation of taxing statutes; meaning and
scope of income; charges of income on various tax entities;
principles relating to the taxation of employment and
business income, the deduction of allowable expenditures,
capital allowances, corporate taxation and tax avoidance.
Other topics covered are filing of returns and assessments;
appeals and collection for recovery. An outline of real
property gains tax, sales tax and service tax are covered to
complement income tax as the main source of revenue.

5. SAF Elements: Through activities and assessment students will be

prepared to learn to provide solution to tax problems and tax planning, to
appreciate the objective of collecting revenue from various sources, which is
required for the provision of facilities for the benefit of the public at large and to
live together to advocate the importance of the citizen’s contribution to the public
purse. This enables them to internalise the elements of Amanah and Khalifah in
their future roles, to contribute to society, actualizing the spirit of Rahmatan lil

6. Course Classification within the Curriculum: Elective

7. Prerequisite(s) (if any):

8. Co-requisite(s) (if any):

9. Course Learning Outcomes:

Bloom’s Programme
Soft skills
No. Outcomes Taxonomy Outcomes
C A P (PO)
1 Identify the quintessential 2 LL1 1
difference between the concept of CS3
income and capital as an CT3
important tool for the imposition EM1
of income tax.
2 Identify legal issues of taxation 3 CS3 2, 3, 8
relating to the individual and to CT3
business and the concept of zakat LL2
as taxation a shariah. EM2
3 Solve their legal problem by CS3 2, 3, 8
developing in applying tax CT2
principle to factual situations. TS1

Since July 2021

10. LO - Instruction Method - Assessment Alignment:

Outcomes Teaching-Learning Methods Assessment Methods

LO1 Lecture, Tutorials Final Examination, Mid-
Semester Test
LO2 Tutorial and self-directed learning Oral Presentation, Written
LO3 Group Discussion Assignment, Opinion
LO4 Case Study, Problem based learning Oral Presentation,

11. Assessment Methods Weightage:

Assessment Methods Percentage

Midterm test 20

Presentation 15

Quiz 20

Participation 5

Final Examination 40

Total 100

Must-Pass Assessment Method (s) Percentage

Not Applicable -

Total 100

12. Course Content

Week Course Content Guided Independent

Learning Learning

1 Introduction to Revenue Law 3 5

2 Tax Legislation; Charge to tax; Residence 3 5

3 Taxation of office/employment income 3 5

4. Taxation of office/employment income 3 5

5. Taxation of Business Income 3 5

6. Taxation of Business Income 3 5

Mid-Semester Test

7 Taxation of Business Income 3 5

MID-BREAK 30th April - 8th May 2022

8 Taxation of Business Income 3 5

9 Capital Allowances: Plant & Machinery 3 5

10 Capital Allowances: Industrial Premises 3 5

11 Corporate Taxation 3 5

12 Tax Avoidance/Tax Evasion 3 5

13 Real Property Gains Tax, Sales Tax, Services Tax, 3 5

Online Sales Tax 2022

14 Administration of Tax 3 5

Revision 4
Final Examination 4

Total 42 78

Total SLT 120

13. References:

13.1. Required

1. Jeyapalan Kasipillai: A Guide to Malaysian Taxation, [5th Ed 2019] OUP

2. Sudharsanan Thillainathan et al: Veerinder on Taxation (5th Ed, 2020) CCH
3. Tang Siau Yan et al: The Law & Practice of Singapore Income Tax [3rd Ed,
2020] LexisNexis

13.2. Recommended Books

1. Glen Loutzenhiser: Tiley’s Revenue Law [10th Ed, 2022] Hart Publications
2. Mohamed Arif & Yeah Kim: Malaysia's Taxation System: Contemporary Practices,
Issues and Future Direction [2020], Sunway University Press

Prepared by: Checked by:

Name: Dr. Mazlena Mohamad Hussain

Name: Dr Mohsin Hingun
Civil Law Department, AIKOL Head, Civil Law Department, AIKOL

Date: 26.8. 2022 Date: 26.8.2022

Since July 2021

LAWS 2338: Revenue Law

Teaching & Learning Method: Semester 1 2022-2023
1. Unless otherwise advised, all students must follow face to face lectures and tutorials.
Nevertheless, students must join Microsoft Team which will be specifically created for
LAWS 2338 Section 1 to facilitate the flow of messages and transmission of study

2. The method of assessment shall be as follows:

Assessment Methods Percentage Description

Midterm Test 20 This is an individual assessment which carries 20

marks. The topic that will be covered is anti-
competitive horizontal agreement under section 4 (1)

and 4 (2) of the Competition Act 2010 (refer to
important dates)

Quiz 20 In the form of Multiple-Choice Questions – one

question carries 1 mark. The topic covers both section 4
and section 10 of the CA 2010 (refer to important

Presentation 15 Student will be given set of problematic question to

present in the class. No written submission is required
but students need to submit their slide presentation.
Students’ oral skills will be assessed based on the
rubrics. This is a group work.

Participation 5 5 marks will be given for students’ participation during

tutorial and presentation. This is an individual
assessment. Preparations and active discussions will be
required to score in accordance with rubrics for class

Final Examination 40

Total 100

Content outline of the course / module and the SLT per topic
Weeks Topics (elaborate the sub-topic) Learning Task/Reading
Hours (author/page/ cases)

Week 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION Kheong, Chap 1, Veerinder 1.1

Brief History of Taxation in

Concept of Income Pool v Guardian Investment Trust Co.

Outline of the Income Tax Act Ltd (1921) 8TC 167
1967 Saunders v Pilcher (1949) 2 All ER
Other Sources of Revenue 1087
Keen v Martin (1934) 19TC 33
Paget v CIR (1938) 21TC 677
STU v CIT (1962) MLJ 220
MR Justice Pitney in the Supreme
Court in Eisner v Macomber 252 US

2.0 Construction of Tax
Kheong, Chap 1; Veerinder 1.5-1.74
Legislation Cape Brandy Syndicate v IRC [1921]
1 KB 64

Mangin v IRC (1971) AC 739

X, Trustee of Est of Y v CIT (1969) 1
MLJ 157
Empat Tin Dredging Ltd v DGIR
[1982] 2MLJ 46
Ramsay v IRC [1981] STC 174
Interpretation Act 1948/67 S 17A
Palm Oil Research and Dev Board v
Premium Vegetable Oils Sdn Bhd
[2005] 3 MLJ 97
National Land Finance Coop Soc v
DGIR [1994] AMR 1
Exxon v Pengarah Hasil [2006] 1 MLJ
Kanowit Timber Sdn Bhd v Ketua
Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri [2008] 8
MLJ 186
Adam Smith : Canons of

Charging section and Territorial S 3 ITA
Scope of Taxation
Classes of Income

Concept and Importance of Veerinder 7.1

Residence Section 7 ITA

WEEK 3.0 Taxation of Office/ Kheong, Chap 10; Veerinder 7.2

3 Employment Income S 2; S 4(b)

Office Gt Rly Western Co v Bater (1920) 3 KB


Employer-Employee relationship Stevenson, Jordan and Harrison Ltd v

Macdonald and Evans (1952)1 TLR
Ready Mixed Concrete Ltd v Minister
of Pensions (1968) 2 QB 497
FCT v Walter Thompson (1944) CLR
Zuijs v Wirths Bros (1955) CLR 561

Gross Income from Employment: S.13(1)a

Perquisites Maxix v DGIR [2015] 1 MLRA 1

Emoluments Hochstrasser v Mayes

Pritchard v Arundale (1972) 47 TC 680

Gifts Owen v Seymour (1920)1 KB 500

Ball v Johnson (1971) 47 TC 155
Tips Moore v Griffiths (1972) TC 338

Offerings Calvert v Wainwright (1947) KB 526

Wright v Boyce (1958) 38 TC 160
Benefit Matches
Blakiston v Cooper (1909) AC 104
Moorehouse v Dooland (1955) 36
Commission Denny v Reed (1933) 18TC 256

Shares &Share Options
Mudd v Collins (1925) 9TC 299

Weight v Salmon (1933) 19TC 174

Laidler v Perry (1965) 42TC 351

Week 4 4.0 Payments, Benefits in Kind Kheong, Chap 10; Veerinder 7.3

Payment for Commencement Pritchard v Arundale (1971) 47TC 680

Riley v Coglan (1968), All ER 314
Pre-contractual payment Jarrold v Boustead (1964) 3 All ER 76

Payment for Continuing DVC v DGIR (1974) 3 MTJ 83

Hunter v Dewhurst (1932) 16TC 605
Prendergast v Cameron (1940) 23TC
Tilley v Wales (1943) 25TC 147
Compensation for loss of
employment S 13(1)e; Sch 6 para 15

Termination/contract expiry H v Comp of Inland Revenue (1974) 2

MLJ 135 PC
THH v Ketua Peng. HDN (2009)
MSTC 3,821

Restrictive Covenants S 13(1)e;

Higgs v Olivier (1952) 33 TC 136
Beak v Robson (1942) 25 TC 33 cf

Payment for loss of future Henry v Foster (16TC605)

earnings Allen v Trehearne (22TC15)
Williams v Simmons (55TC17).

KPDHN v Abdul Jalil Hassan 2010

Benefits in kind

S. 13(1)b any advantage in Tenant v Smith (1892) AC 150

money or in money's worth Wilkins v Rogerson (1961) Ch133
Machon v McLoughlin (1926) 11 TC 83

Clayton v Gothorp (1971) 47 TC 168
Heaton v Bell (1970) AC 728
Jenkins v Horn (1979) 52TC 114
Hartland v Diggines (1926) 10TC 247

Week 5 5.0 Deductions in connection Kheong, Chap 10; Veerinder 7.6

with employment S 33; S 38
Wholly and exclusively incurred:
Lomax v Newton (1953) 2 All ER 356
Owen v Burden (1972), All ER 129
Brown v Bullock (1961) 3 All ER 129
Lupton v Potts (1969) 3 All ER 1083
Nicoll v Austin (1935) 19TC 531
Elderkin v Hindmarsh (1988) STI 256
Lucas v Cattell (1972) 48TC 353
Halstead v Condon (1970) 46TC 289
Mansfield v FCT (1996) 31 ATR 367
Exempt income: Schedule 6 para 21-22

Week 5 6.0 Taxation of Business Kheong, Chap 4, 6; Veerinder Chap 6

S 4(a); S 2
CIR v Forth Conservancy Board
Trade (1931)16TC 103
Harrison v Griffiths (1963) AC1
Ransom v Higgs (1974) 3All ER 949
Simmons v IRC (1980) 1 WLR 1196

Leeming v Jones (1930) 15TC 333

Single isolated transactions Cape Brandy Syndicate v CIR (1927)
12TC 358
Adventure or Concern in the Wisdom v Chamberlain (1969) 1 All ER
Nature of Trade 332
DEF v CIT [1967] 1 MLJ 55
E v DGIR [1970] 2 MLJ 117
LKS v DGIR [1972] 2 MLJ 14
I Investment v CIR [1979] 4 MLJ 4
DGIR V ALB [1979] 1 MLJ 1
Sekong Rubber v DGIR [1980] 2 MLJ

UN Finance v DGIR [1975] 1 MLJ 109
DGIR v Hui Thong Co [1981] 2 MLJ 33
DGIR v Khoo Ewe Aik Realty [1990] 2
MLJ 415

Week 6 7.0 Badges of Trade The Radcliffe Commission 1952


Profit seeking Motive Iswera v Ceylon Commissioner of

Taxation (1965) WLR 586
Rutledge v IRC (1929) 14 TC 490
Period of ownership Johnston v Heath 46TC 463
Turner v Last (1965) 42TC 463

Cape Brandy Syn v IRC Supra

Development or processing of
IRC v Livingstone (1926) 11 TC 538
Rutledge v IRC, supra
Nature of the subject-matter
CIR v Fraser (1942) 24 TC 498

Organization and special skill

Martin v Lowry (1926) 11 TC 297
Cape Brandy Syn v IRC, Supra

Circumstance lending to
West v Philips (1958) 38 TC 203
Leach v Pagson (1962) 40 TC 585
Frequency of transactions
Bolson v Farrelly (1954) 34 TC 161

Week 7 3+5
Test & Case Presentation
Week 7
8.0 Illegal Trading Mann v Nash (1932) 16 TC 523
Canadian Ministry of Finance v Smith
(1927) AC 193
DGIR v LTS (1974)1 MTJ 187
IRC v Aken (1988) STC 69

Mutual Trading Municipal Mutual Insurance v Hills

(1932) 16 TC 430
Styles v N. York Life Insurance Co
(1889) 2 TC 460
Jones v The S.W Lancs. Coal Owners'
Assoc. (1927) 11 TC 790
Carlisle v Silloth Golf Club v Smith

(1913) 3 KB 75
Fletcher v IRC (1971) 3 All ER 1185

Profession CIR v Maxse (1928) 12 TC 41

Vocation Partridge v Mallandaine (1886) 18

QBD 276

Manufacture Aditya Mills Ltd v Union of India

(1989) STC 195

Week 8 9.0 Capital Receipts, Revenue

Evans Medical Supplies Ltd v Moriarty
Receipts (1957) 37 TC 540
Musker v English Electric Co Ltd
Sale of Technical Know-how
(1964) 41 TC 556
or secret processes
Wolf Electric Tools Ltd v Wilson (1968)
45 TC 326
Rolls Royce Ltd v Jeffrey (1962) 40 TC

Sekong Rubber Co Ltd v DGIR (1980)

2 MLJ 198
Daishowa v Kepong Wood (1980) 2
MLJ 198

Sums received by way of

Glenboig Union v IRC (1928) 12 TC
compensation for sterilization
of assets
Waterloo Main Colliery Co Ltd v IRC
(1942) 29 TC 35
Van den Berghs Ltd v Clark 19 TC 340
Imposition of restrictive
Higgs v Olivier (1952) 33 TC 136
Thompson v Magnesium Elektron Ltd
(1944) 26 TC 1
Murray v ICI Ltd (1967) 44 TC 175
Payments received for the
destruction of recipient's
Van Den Berghs Ltd v Clark (1935) 19
Profit-making apparatus
TC 390
Kelsall, Parsons v IRC (1938) 21 TC
Payments in lieu of trading
London and Thames Haven Oil v

Attwooll (1976) 2 WLR 743
Burmah Steaming v CIR (1930) 16 TC
Payment for sale of business Short Bros v IRC (1929) 12 TC 955

(e) Sums paid by way of Orchard Wine & Supply Co v Loynes

contributing towards (1952) 33 TC 97
taxpayer's business West v Philips (1958) 38 TC 203

(f) Unclaimed deposits CIR v Cola (1959) 38 TC 334

Evans v Wheatly (1958) 38 TC 216

Mortley v Tattersall (1938) 22 TC 51

3.5 Jays, The Jewellers Ltd v CIR (1947)
Trading Stock
29 TC 274
Elson v Price Tailors Ltd (1962) 40 TC

S.35 : Valuation of Trading stock

S.24 : Transfer of Trading stock

Sharkey v Wernher (1955) 36 TC 275

IRC v Lock, Russel & Co Ltd (1949) 29
TC 387
Jacgilden Ltd v Castle (1969) 45 TC
Petroleum Securities v Ayres (1962) 41
TC 389
Craddock v Zero Finances Ltd (1945)
27 TC 267
Dupple Motor v Ostile (1961) 39 TC
BSC Footwear v Ridway (1968) 47 TC
Min of National Revenue v Anaconda
(1956) AC 85 PC

Contributing towards CIR v Cola (1959) 38 TC 334

taxpayer's business Evans v Wheatly (1958) 38 TC 216

Unclaimed deposits Mortley v Tattersall (1938) 22 TC 51
Jays, The Jewellers Ltd v CIR (1947)
29 TC 274
Elson v Price Tailors Ltd (1962) 40 TC

3+5 S 33, S 39; Veerinder Chap 10

Week 9 Adjusted Income
Capital expenditure – Revenue
Allowable Deduction expenditure

British Insulated v Atherton (1924) 10

TC 155
Vallamborosa Rubber Co Ltd v Farmer
(1907) 5 TC
Sun Newspaper Ltd v FCT (1938) 61
CLR 337
IRC v Carron (1966) 45 TC 18
Mallet v Stavely (1928) 13 TC 772

Strong v Woodfield (1905) 5 TC 215

Bentleys Stokes & Lowless v Beeson
(1951) 33 TC
Scope of Section 33 Smith’s Potato Est v Bolland (1948) 2
All ER 367
Copeman v Flood (1941) 1 KB 202
Bowden v Russell (1964) 42 TC 301
Edwards v Warmsley (1966) 44 TC
Smith v Incorporated Council of Law
Reporting (1914) 6 TC 477
Newsom v Robertson (1954) 33 TC
Horton v Young (1968) 47 TC 60
Re A Taxpayers (1969) 2 MLJ xvi
Syarikat KM Bhd v DGIR (1972) 1 MLJ
alterations, improvements, repair, 224

Initial Repairs Law Shipping v IRS (1928) 12 TC 621

Odeon Associated Theatres v Jones
[1972] 2 WLR 331

Jackson v Laskers Home Furnishers
Reconstruction (1943) 27 TC 69
Bullcroft Main Collieries v O’Grady
(1928) 17 TC 93
CIT v Straits Rubber Co (1961) MLJ
Lurcott v Wakely (1911) 1 KB 905
Samuel Jones v IRC (1951) 32 TC 513

Week 10.0 Capital Allowance Kheong, Chap 7; Veerinder 11.1, 11.2

Industrial Premises Bourke v Norwich Crematorium (1967)
44 TC 164
CIT v Processing Enterprise Ltd 37
SATC 109
Buckingham v Securities Properties
Ltd (1980) STC 166
Kilmarnock Equitable Co-operative
Society Ltd v IRC (1966) 42 TC 675
Sarsfield v Dixon Group Plc [1998]
STC 938
Ellerker v Union Cold Storage Co. Ltd.
1938 22(TC) 195
CIR v Leith Harbour & Docks Comnr
1941(24) TC 118
Vibroplant Ltd v Holland [1982] 1 All
ER 792
Blunson (H M Inspector of Taxes) v
The West Midlands Gas Board 33 TC
Kilmarnock Equitable Cooperative
Society Ltd v I RC 1966 S.L.T. 224
Bestway (Holdings) Ltd v Luff [1998]
S.T.C. 357
Inland Revenue v. Lambhill Ironworks
1950 SC 331
IRC v Saxone, Lilley & Skinner
(Holdings) Ltd [1967] 1 All ER 756
DGIR v C Company of Malaysia(1980)
10 MTJ 67

Plant and Machinery Yarmouth v France (1887) 19 QBD

Munby v Furlong [1977] 1 ALL ER 953
Cole Bros v Phillips (1981) STC 683
CIR v Barclay Curle Ltd (1968) 45 TC
Rose & Co. Ltd v Campbell [1968] 1 All
ER 405

Hinton v Maden and Ireland Ltd [1959]

3 All ER 356

Jarrold v John Good & Sons Ltd [1963]

1 All ER 141
Benson v Yard Arm Club Ltd [1979] 2
All ER 336
Scottish v Newcastle Breweries Ltd
[1982] BTC 187
Thomas v Reynolds [1987] STC 135
Gray v Seymours Garden Centre
[1995] STC 706
Artwood v Anduff Car Wash Ltd [1997]
STC 1167
Bridge House v Hinder(1971) TC
Thomas v Reynolds (1987)STC 135
Shove v Lingfield Park (1991) Limited
[2004] EWCA Civ 391
ZF v Comptroller of Income Tax
[2010] SGHC 14 cf CA judgment
[2010] SGCA 48

Week 11.0 Corporate Taxation Kheong, Chap12; Veerinder 6.4

11 S8
Residence of Companies
Calcutta Jute Mills Co Ltd v Henry
Management & Control (1975) ITC 83
Swedish Central Railway Co Ltd v
Thompson (1924) 9 TC 342
Union Corp. v CIR (1952) 34 TC 207
Koitaki Para Rubber Est. Ltd v CIT
(1961) 64 CLR 15
De Beers Cons. Mines Ltd v Howe
[1906] AC 455
Stanley v The Gramophone and

Typewriter Co. Ltd (1908) STC 358

S 108
Omnibus Co Ltd v Govt of Malaya
The Imputation System[ to 31st (1963) MLJ 14
Dec 2013] CIT v B&C Co Ltd [1966] 1 MLJ 286
R A Hill v Permanent Trustees Co
NSW (1930) AC 720
Single Tier System [Jan 1, 2014]

Corporate Distributions CIR v Trustees of J Reid (1946) TC


Knowles v Ballarat Trustees (1962) 2

CLR 212
Controlled Companies
S 139

Week 11.0 Estates, Trusts and Kheong, Chap 15;

11 Settlements
S 64
S 64(1),(2)
Apportionment of Income
S 64(3),(5),(6)
S 74(5)
Responsibility of Executor
S 99
S 61
Trusts Sch 1 para 2

Residence S 61(3)

Non Resident Trust S 61 (4), (5)

Beneficiaries Income S 61(1)c

S 61(4)a.,b
Set Off
S 110(8)
Charitable Trusts
Sch 6 para 13

S 65
Settlor, Relative Bulmer v IRC (1964) 44 TC 1

Arrangement Copeman v Coleman (1937)22 TC 594

IRC v Leiner (1963) 41 TC 589

Settlement on Relatives S 65(1)

Revocable Settlements S 65(2)

Deemed Settlor’s Income Woolfson v IRC (1947) 31 TC 141

IRC v Payne(1941)22 3 TC 317
Recovery of Tax from CIR v Warden (1937)22 TC 416
Trustees Chamberlain v CIR (1942)25 TC 317
S 65(3)

Week 12.0 Tax Mitigation; Tax Kheong, Chap 19; Veerinder Chap 17
12 Avoidance
IRC v Duke of Westminster
CIR v Challenge Corp [1986]STC 548
Lim Kar Bee v Duofortis Properties
Sdn Bhd [1992]2 MLJ 281
Anti-avoidance provision : S.90
Newton v FCT (1950) 98 CLR 1
Mangin v CIR [1971] AC 739
CIT v AB Estates Ltd [1967] 1 MLJ 89
WP Keighery v FCT (1957) 100 CLR
Mullens v FCT (1976) 6 ATR 504
Shutzkin v FCT (1977) 8 ATR 166
Peacock v FCT (1976) 6 ATR 677
Cecil Bros v FCT (1964) 111 CLR 430
Sabah Berjaya Sdn Bhd v Ketua
Pengarah Jabatan Hasil Dalam Negeri
[1999] 3 MLJ 145

Week 13.0 Zakat Levy

13 3+5 Collection

13.1 Administration of Income Kheong, Chap 20; Veerinder Chap 4


14 Ss 77 – 89
PP v Choo Swee Huat (1963) MLJ 38
PP v Lee Seng Seh (1966) 1 MLJ 266

Assessments Ss 90 – 97

Rosette Franks v Dick (1953) TC 100

Rosette Principle UHG v DGIR (1974) 2 MLJ 33

Cenlon Finance v Ellwood (1962) 45

Discovery TC 176

O’Mullan & Co v Warmsley (1966) 42

TC 873
Fraud, Wilful Default or Hillenbraud v CIR (1964) 42 TC 617
Negligence Thurgood v Slarke (1968) 47 TC 130

X v CIR (1957) MLJ 110

Finality of Assessment
Edwards v Baistow [1956] AC 14
Appeals Re AB Ltd [1956] MLJ 197
HZHS v DGIR (1991) 1 MSTC 3230

Ss 98 - 102

Special Commissioners Ss 103 – 111

CIT v RST [1962] MLJ 216
Collection and Recovery Govt of Malaysia v DC [1973] 1 MLJ
CGIR v NP [1973] 1 MLJ 30
CIT v AB [1967] 1 MLJ 11
CIT v A Co Ltd [1966] 2 MLJ 282
Offences and Penalties
Ss 112 – 126
PP v Phua Thian Kong [1971] 1 MLJ

PP v Choo Swee Huat [1963] MLJ 28
NTS Arumugam Pillai v DGIR [1977] 2
MLJ 63

14. Other sources of Income Stamp Duty

Tax Real Property Gains Tax
Goods and Services Tax
Custom and Excise Duty
Continuous Assessment and Final 8

LAWS 2338: Revenue Law
Teaching & Learning Method: Semester 1 2021-2022

3. Unless otherwise advised, all students must follow face to face lectures and tutorials. Nevertheless,
students must join Microsoft Team which will be specifically created for LAWS 2338 Section 1
to facilitate the flow of messages and transmission of study materials.

4. The method of assessment shall be as follows:

Assessment Methods Percentage Description

Midterm Test 20 This is an individual assessment which carries 20

marks, based on the taxation of employment income. In
consultation with the class the test date will be
scheduled to be held before the midsemester break.

Quiz 20 The quiz will be drafted in the form of 20 Multiple-

Choice Questions, each carrying 1 mark. It will be
based on the taxation of business income.

Presentation 15 Student will be given set of problematic question to

present in the class. No written submission is required
but students need to submit their slide presentation.
Students’ oral skills will be assessed based on the
rubrics. This is a group work.

Participation 5 5 marks will be given for students’ participation during

tutorial and presentation. This is an individual
assessment. Preparations and active discussions will be
required to score in accordance with rubrics for class

Final Examination 40

Total 100

Rubric for Evaluation of Mid-term Test
Performance Levels Marks
Rubric Components (Points Scale)
4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor 20
Originality of work 3 2 1 0
- Do students use their original ideas?

- Do students refer to original sources?

- Is there proper acknowledgement of

sources that students refer to?

Research skills 5 4 2 1
- Do students rely on correct and
adequate sources and literature?
- Are sources well-referenced?
- Do students use a systematic
footnoting style?
Content 8 6 5 3
- Do students identify the issues/state
the problem correctly?
- Is analysis of the applicable law
- Is the application of the law to the
given situation correct?
- Is the content descriptive or critical?
- Do students conclude with proper
answer, solution, comments or
Organization and Language 4 3 2 1
- Do students use systematic structure
with cover page, table of contents,
introduction, main body, conclusion
and bibliography?
- Do students use sequential
organization of paragraphs that are
suited to proper transition of ideas?
- Do students use correct grammar?
- Do students use correct spelling,
choice of words, and punctuation?
- Are sentences clear and varied in

20 15 10 5

Rubrics & Scoresheet for Evaluation of Class Participation (5%)

INSTRUCTOR: _________________________________________ SECTION _______


Exemplary (5) Accomplished (4) Developing (2-3) Require improvement (1) Total

Level of • Proactively and regularly •Proactively contributes • Few contributions to • Did not contribute to class
Engagement contributes to class to class discussion, class discussion; discussion; fails to respond
and active discussion; Initiates asking questions Seldom volunteers but to direct questions
discussion on issues and respond to responds to direct
related to class topic direct questions questions

Relevance of • Student is consistently •Student has read and • Student has read the • Student is not adequately
Contribution well-prepared; thought about the material but not prepared; Does not appear
to topic Frequently raises material in advance closely or has read to have read the material in
questions or comments of class only some of the advance of class
on material outside the assigned material in
discussion assignment advance of class

Preparation • Listens without interrupting •Listens and • Does not listen • Does not listen when
and incorporates and appropriately carefully and others talk, interrupts, or
expands on the responds to the comments are often makes inappropriate
contributions of other contributions of nonresponsive to comments
students others discussion • Contributions, when made,
•Contributions are relevant •Contributions are • Contributions are are off-topic or distract
and promote deeper always relevant sometimes off-topic class from discussion
analysis of the topic or distracting


INSTRUCTOR: _________________________________________ SECTION _______

Name: Appendix : Matric Number


(13-15) (10-12) (6-9) (0-5) SCORE
Knowledge & • Demonstrated a thorough • Demonstrated a working • Demonstrated a basic • Demonstrated little or
Content knowledge of the subject knowledge of the subject knowledge of the subject no knowledge of the
(10) matter. matter. matter. subject.
• Able to use audience questions • Able to satisfactorily • Able to address audience • Unable to answer
to further demonstrate answer audience questions by repeating parts audience questions or
understanding of the topic. questions and provided of the presentation - did not comment further on any
• Shows how the analysis applies additional information provide any additional part of the presentation
to facts & Explains why the upon request information. • Confusing discussion
analysis applies to facts • Somewhat shows how the • Somewhat shows how the • Lacks showing how the
• Clear conclusion/ answers analysis applies to facts & analysis applies to facts & analysis applies to facts
• Includes all key facts and Uses Somewhat explains why Lacks explaining why the &Lacks explaining why
and applies legal principles the analysis applies to analysis applies to facts the analysis applies to
• Presentation is Organized facts • Organizes discussion around facts
around issues and sub-issues • Somewhat vague or unclear point & Unclear • Lacks key facts
ambiguous conclusion conclusion • Lacks accurate legal
• Includes some key facts • Lacks sufficient key facts principles
and Lacks sufficient legal and Lacks sufficient legal
principles principles

Clarity & • Appropriate volume throughout • Spoke at an appropriate • Spoke quietly. Increased • Barely audible, even
Enthusiasm presentation. volume for most of volume briefly after being after requests to speak
(5) • Proper inflection throughout presentation. asked. up.
presentation. Spoke clearly and • Good inflection and • Showed some excitement • Sounded bored or
understandably enunciation. about the topic. uninterested.
• Appeared enthusiastic about Occasionally sounded • Attempted to modify behavior • Paid little attention to
presentation at all times and monotone to engage audience on one or proper pronunciation
able to hold audience interest • Appeared enthusiastic more occasions. Lost • Showed little or no
for most of presentation. for most of the attention of some audience enthusiasm about the
presentation and able to members. topic
hold audience interest
for most of presentation.
Visual Aid • Visual aids were of exceptional • Visual aids were of • Visual aids were marginally • Visual aids were
(5) quality. Contributed to the high-quality, related to related to the topic. unrelated to the topic,
quality or amount of the topic, and • Did not rely too heavily on or presenter failed to
information being presented. contributed to the notes or visual aids. explain relevance of the
• Presenter handled visual aids presentation. props.
expertly but Did not present by • Handled visual aid • Read the notes or visual
merely reading form notes of smoothly. aids.
visual aids. • Occasionally read the
visual aid and visual aids
used to guide discussion

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