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Diversity and Distributions, (Diversity Distrib.

) (2005) 11, 57–72

The ones we left behind: Comparing plot

Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.

sampling and floristic habitat sampling
for estimating bryophyte diversity
Steven G. Newmaster1, René J. Belland2, André Arsenault3, Dale H. Vitt4 and
Tara R. Stephens1

Botany Department, University of Guelph, ABSTRACT
Guelph Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada, 2Devonian
An efficient method for estimating bryophyte diversity in forest stands must con-
Botanic Garden, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E1, Canada,
sider more than just the dominant forest mesohabitat. We compared two methodo-
Southern Interior Forest Region, BC Forest logies commonly used for estimating diversity in forest ecosystems. Floristic habitat
Service, 515 Columbia Street, Kamloops, British sampling (FHS) utilizes stratification of all forest mesohabitats, which includes the
Columbia V2C 2T7, Canada and 4Southern natural diversity of microhabitats found within and stratifies a mosaic of mesohabitats
Illinois University, Department of Plant Biology, (e.g. forest, streams, seeps, and cliffs) and microhabitats (e.g. rocks logs, etc.) that are
Mailcode: 6509, Carbondale IL 62901, USA often not considered in forest research projects that use plot sampling to estimate
species diversity. In Canadian cedar hemlock forest, FHS methodology recorded
more than twice as many bryophyte species as plot sampling (PS). A comparison of
the dominant forest mesohabitat concluded that plot sampling was not as efficient as
FHS in estimating bryophyte diversity and that plot sampling can result in different
interpretations of species diversity. Rare species ordination of stands sampled using
FHS showed strong clustering of sites with respect to biogeoclimatic zones and age since
the last major disturbance (fire or logging) as compared with rare species ordinations
from PS data, which showed no delineation of stands along temporal gradients. Plot
sampling has many useful applications in ecology, but floristic habitat sampling is
more efficient for quantifying overall bryophyte diversity. FHS provides an excellent
way to record a comprehensive list of species.
*Correspondence: Steven G. Newmaster, Botany
Department, University of Guelph, Guelph
Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1, E-mail: Biodiversity, Canada, cryptogams, sampling protocols, species richness, temperate rainforest.

described the methods for collecting data using plots and quad-
rats. These methods have been used very successfully in many
An appropriate sampling methodology is crucial to understand- population and community dynamic studies (Bonham, 1989).
ing patterns of community and taxon diversity on the landscape. Researchers that use this sampling method have acknowledged
In the early 20th century, Clements (1905) described methods its limitations in acquiring a comprehensive sampling of habitats
for collecting plant species data using plots. Since that time many and species within an ecosystem (e.g. Shafti & Yarranton, 1972;
variations of quantitative measurements using plots have been Pike et al., 1975; Gustafsson & Hallingbäck, 1988; Økland et al.,
used (e.g. Cain & Castro, 1959; Cochran, 1977; Bonham, 1989; 1990; Johnston & Elliot, 1996; Bell & Newmaster, 1998; Rambo &
Krebs, 1989). The bounded nature of plots in relation to a spe- Muir, 1998a; Newmaster et al., 2003). Slack (1984) recognized
cific sample area allows for quantitative sampling of species that a completely random plot sampling method is likely to miss
abundance and frequency, and later statistical analysis. The use- important types of variation within the sampling area unless the
fulness of these two measurements have made plot sampling intensity of the sampling (i.e. number of plots) is very high.
a successful method for studying population and community However, it is not clear if simply increasing the number of plots
dynamics in bryophytes and many other groups of plants (e.g. (sampling area) can efficiently sample species diversity (Økland
Slack, 1977; Söderström, 1988a, 1988b; Bonham, 1989; Lesica et al., 1990; McCune & Lesica, 1992). Other studies have shown
et al., 1991; McCune, 1993, 1997; Frego & Carleton, 1995; Gignac that intensive plot sampling in mature forest and areas disturbed
et al., 1998; Morneault et al., 1998; Rambo & Muir, 1998b). by silvicultural operations do not record uncommon or distinctive
Traditionally, randomly placed bounded plots have been used habitats that offer considerable bryophyte diversity (Newmaster
to sample communities for species diversity. Clements (1905) & Bell, 2002). Furthermore, intensive sampling requires a

© 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 57

S. G. Newmaster et al.

substantial time commitment that is often not possible given the Newmaster et al., 2003). Vitt et al. (1995) used stratified plot
reality of most research budgets. A popular solution to this sampling to demonstrate that bryophyte diversity in wetlands is
problem is to use ‘stratified random sampling’, which samples the most strongly correlated with habitat heterogeneity. Vitt & Belland
variation within a plot using ‘strata’ (Cochran, 1977; Krebs, 1989). (1997) have shown that rare species diversity is in part a function
Although some researchers have investigated the influence of of the types and distributions of all mesohabitats and the
stratifying at different sampling scales on phanerogams (Zamfir number of microhabitats. They proposed that microhabitat
et al., 1999) there has been little research on this topic regarding heterogeneity might define the quality of the individual meso-
bryophytes (Økland, 1994). habitats (Vitt & Belland, 1997). This has been shown quantitat-
One alternative to random quadrats is the relevé sampling ively for peatlands (Belland & Vitt, 1995; Vitt et al., 1995) and
method (Braun-Blanquet, 1932) used for many years in Europe temperate/boreal forests in Canada (Newmaster et al., 2003). A
to classify vegetation. Henry Conrad (1935) introduced this quantitative analyses of 287 forests (Newmaster et al., 2003)
method to North American ecologists. The relevé method never revealed that patterns of bryophyte diversity are clearly defined
became popular in North America owing to its subjective, by both mesohabitat quality and quantity. Mesohabitat quality
semiquantitative nature (Barbour et al., 1987). However, many was not only dependent on microhabitat quantity, but also the
researchers have used this to successfully study phytosociology quality or types of microhabitats found within a particular meso-
and community structure along environmental gradients in habitat (Newmaster et al., 2003). Therefore, it is appropriate to
vascular (Cain & Castro, 1959; Wolf, 1994) and nonvascular use a sampling methodology that focuses on microhabitats as the
plants (Wolf, 1993a; 1993b, 1993c; Lücking, 1999b). This sampling unit.
method has been used in cryptogamic research to study biogeo- Sampling methods aimed at assessing total bryophyte diversity
graphy (Kürschner & Parolly, 1998a; Lücking, 1999a), biodiversity studies should include all of the potential habitats in an ecosystem,
(Lücking, 1997; Komposch & Hafellner, 1998), ecomorphology and incorporate the elements of a floristic inventory (Newmaster
(Kürschner & Wolfgang, 1999) and life form strategies (Kürschner & Bell, 2002; Newmaster et al., 2003). Belland’s (Belland & Brassard,
& Parolly, 1998b; Kürschner, 2003). Researchers studying epi- 1988; Belland & Schofield, 1994) method of sampling and
phytic diversity in tropical rain forests have focused this method analysis is, in part, derived from Bouchard et al. (1978) and uses
at finer scales on tree microhabitats (i.e. leaves, fine branches, habitats as the basic sampling units. The method has been used
etc.) (Gradstein et al., 1996). successfully to document bryophyte diversity in National Parks
Several researchers have shown that bryophyte diversity of eastern Canada (Belland & Brassard, 1988; Belland, 1989,
is influenced by a multitude of ecological variables including 1995; Belland & Schofield, 1994; Belland & Vitt, 1995). Vitt
microhabitat, stand age, disturbance, and available moisture (1991) used a similar methodology in a study of south Pacific
(Vitt et al., 1975; Pøcs, 1980; Söderström, 1989; Herben et al., mosses.
1991; Gradstein, 1992; Belland & Schofield, 1994). It is difficult This method is referred to as floristic habitat sampling (FHS),
to separate how each of these factors influence or contribute to a term reflecting its roots in the floristic tradition and the use of
patterns of diversity (Kimmerer & Allen, 1982; Leonard et al., habitats as sampling units or strata (Newmaster, 2000). FHS has
1985; During & ter Horst, 1987; During et al., 1987; Carleton, been used by Newmaster et al. (2003) to reveal patterning of
1990; Herben & Söderstrom, 1992; Økland, 1994). Ultimately, it bryophyte diversity in both temperate and boreal forests. This
is desirable to quantify environmental variables in a statistical study used FHS to identify bio-indicators for conservation of
model to predict species richness in undisturbed and disturbed bryophyte diversity in Canada’s old Growth Rain Forests.
ecosystems. This requires a sampling methodology that includes Recently, Heinlen & Vitt (2003) have also used FHS to develop an
the majority of habitats in the study area and their respective emerging coarse filter approach to rare moss conservation. These
environmental parameters. researchers chose the FHS method because they believe it is effi-
Recently Vitt & Belland (1997) presented a framework for cient at sampling bryophyte diversity and captures higher species
understanding the patterning of bryophyte habitats on the land- richness per sampling unit. Although, FHS and PS are both
scape. Habitats can be defined as either mesohabitats or micro- accepted methodologies for studying forest diversity, there are no
habitats. Mesohabitats are localized physiographic (e.g. streams, published reports that compare the efficiency of FHS with that of
seeps, cliffs) or physiognomic (e.g. forests) features. In a forested the more commonly used PS method.
landscape mesohabitats are arranged into a mosaic of dominant The purpose of our research is a simple comparison of two
mesohabitats (e.g. forests) in which restricted mesohabitats (e.g. sample protocols (FHS and PS) that are used to estimate divers-
streams, seeps, cliffs) exist (Vitt & Belland, 1997). Microhabitats ity. The two protocols take inherently different approaches to
(e.g. logs, rocks, stumps) are the smallest landscape units and accomplishing the same goal. This paper analyses patterns of
may be unique to one type of mesohabitat (e.g. crevices on cliffs). diversity to compare these two protocols. More specifically, this
As bryophytes are closely linked to their habitats (Schuster, paper addresses the questions: (1) Which is the more efficient
1949; Slack, 1977; Söderström, 1988a), it is essential to consider sampling method for bryophyte diversity in forest stands, PS or
the patterning of these habitats on the landscape. The import- FHS? (2) If PS is intensified (more sampling area), is it as efficient
ance of habitats in the patterning of bryophyte diversity has been as FHS for sampling bryophyte diversity? and (3) Are patterns of
documented in several studies (Slack, 1976, 1984; Söderström, bryophyte diversity in stands similar using PS or FHS sampling
1988b; Gignac & Vitt, 1994; Belland & Vitt, 1995; Vitt et al., 1995; methodology?

58 Diversity and Distributions, 11, 57–72, © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Estimating bryophyte diversity

Figure 1 Temperate rain forest research site

locations within the Coastal Western Hemlock
(CWH) and Interior Cedar Hemlock (ICH)
biogeoclimatic zones in British Columbia,
Canada ( = CWH sites, 49 –50° N and
123 –126° W;  = ICH sites, 50–53° N and
199 –120° W).

Wells Gray, upper Adams River, and Seymour watersheds. Within

these watersheds, sampling was evenly distributed between stands
Sampling was conducted in British Columbia, Canada, within that were burned approximately 80–160 years ago, and old growth
two distinct biogeoclimatic zones; the Coastal Western Hemlock stands of 250+ years in age. In 1997, 185 stands were sampled in
zone (CWH) and Interior Cedar Hemlock zone (ICH — Mei- the coastal western hemlock biogeoclimatic zone (CWHvm1)
dinger & Pojar, 1991). The CWH is located on the westerly edge within the Capilano and Seymour watersheds along the mainland
of the Coast Mountains and is also known as Canada’s coastal coast, and in the Sidney, Clayoquot, Tofino, and Walbran water-
temperate rainforest (Fig. 1). The ICH is located on lower slopes sheds along the western coast of Vancouver Island. Extensive log-
of the Columbia Mountains, windward side of the continental ging activities in the Capilano and Seymour watersheds allowed
divide along the Rocky Mountains, including much of the balanced sampling among stands that were logged 80 years ago,
Shuswap and Quesnel highlands in BC’s interior and just east of and old growth stands (> 250 years). Sampling on Vancouver
the Coast Mountains in Northern BC (Fig. 1). The wetter por- Island was limited to older stands owing to the relatively recent
tions of the ICH (wk1 and vk1 variants) are inland rainforests, a logging activity and lack of fire disturbance.
phenomenon unique to Canada (Arsenault & Goward, 2000). Stands were randomly chosen for species and environmental
Detailed descriptions of glacial history, climate and floristics can data sampling and stratification was applied at two scales:
be found in Schofield (1988), Arsenault (1995), Hebda (1995), between stands and within stands. Biogeoclimatic zone and dis-
Schoonmaker et al. (1997), Newmaster (2000) and Newmaster turbance (stand age) were used to stratify between stands. Slope
et al. (2003). position (toe, low, mid, upper) was used to stratify within stands.
Random points (RP) were located within each stand and were
used as starting points for both PS and FHS sampling. Environ-
mental variables (Newmaster et al., 2003) were collected at each
In this study, a stand follows the definition of Barbour et al. RP and reflect environmental processes at the stand scale.
(1987) and Kimmins (1987) as a standing growth of trees with Voucher collections (15,000 in total) were made at each watershed
similar physiognomy. Stands defined this way show distinctive for common species and where possible, within each stand for
dominant tree species, age, structure, elevation, slope position, rare species (occurring in less than 15% of stands). Species
and aspect. Although they vary in size, most consist of a dominant nomenclature follows Anderson et al. (1990) for mosses and
mesohabitat (the forest), which encloses numerous restricted Stotler & Crandall-Stotler (1977) for hepatics. Voucher specimens
mesohabitats (e.g. cliffs, streams, seeps). Within each mesohab- are deposited in the University of Alberta Cryptogamic Herbarium
itat there are a number of microhabitats (e.g. tree base, stumps, (ALTA), Southern Interior Forest Region Herbarium, and Uni-
acidic rocks), some which may be specific to one type of meso- versity of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC).
habitat (e.g. wet cliff crevices, submerged rocks in streams).
Floristic habitat sampling (FHS) and plot sampling (PS) were
Floristic habitat sampling
used to assess patterns of diversity in cedar-hemlock stands over
two field seasons. Comparisons of these sampling methods are This study expands on the sampling methodology used by
fair because they sample the same stands and the exact same Belland & Brassard (1988), Belland (1989, 1995), Vitt (1991),
sample size. In 1996, 102 stands were sampled in the interior Belland & Schofield (1994) and Belland & Vitt (1995). It incorp-
cedar-hemlock (ICH) biogeoclimatic zone located within the orates floristic sampling with a rigorous method that ensures

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S. G. Newmaster et al.

that a forest stand and its representative meso/microhabitats are a complex mesohabitat and contain microhabitats that are also
efficiently and fully sampled. FHS is similar to a floristic survey as common to seeps, cliffs, and the dominant forest mesohabitat
it can provide a method that records the presence of all species (Table 1). The stream banks were included because they offer a
within a study area without relevés or quadrats. Sampling is complex mix of microhabitats that contain considerable diversity
stratified within forest stands by mesohabitat units, each with a not found elsewhere in cedar hemlock forests. Sampling started
suite of microhabitats that are the main sampling unit. within the actual streambed (i.e. 1–5 m) and continued to
FHS differs from plot sampling in several respects: (1) PS usu- include 5 m of bank. Sampling continued along the stream
ally restricts sampling to dominant mesohabitats; FHS samples (including the 5 m of bank) for 1000 m for a minimum sampling
the full diversity of mesohabitats and microhabitats; (2) PS is area of 5000 m2.
bounded by a relatively small, predefined, sampling area; FHS is 2 Cliffs — Cliffs are defined as large (> 100 m2) rock faces or
bounded by the limits of the stand or sampling time; (3) PS prov- outcrops. Like streams they are a complex mesohabitats and
ides a list of species within a fixed, random bounded space with may include trees, logs, stumps, and seepages, but may also
quantified abundance measures useful for experimental designs contain many microhabitats found in the dominant forest
that test variation in treatments; and (4) FHS results in a nearly mesohabitat (Table 1). Sampling was limited to a maximum area
complete list of species and habitat characteristics since it is flo- of 5000 m2.
ristically based and emphasizes species presence/absence. 3 Seeps — Seeps are swampy areas of cedar hemlock forest with
In FHS, the sampling area is systematically divided into domin- poor drainage. Seeps have many of the same microhabitats as the
ant and each type of restricted mesohabitats. Typically, in FHS, dominant forest mesohabitat. Only seeps larger than 100 m2 were
sampling within any type of randomly sampled mesohabitat is considered for sampling. Sampling was limited to a maximum
accomplished by systematically walking a randomly placed grid area of 5000 m2.
of transects and sampling the different types of microhabitats
until no new species are found. However, in this study, mesohab-
Plot sampling
itat sampling was conducted in successively larger areas (quad-
rats) to compare the efficiency of variously sized bounded plots The plot sampling method used follows standard forestry
nested within the FHS methodology. These plots started at one protocols suggested for sampling species richness and abundance
square metre, and increased in size over nine steps (i.e. 1 m2, for use in community ecology studies including those used in
5 m2, 25 m2, 100 m2, 250 m2, 500 m2, 1000 m2, 2500 m2, 5000 m2). biodiversity research (Krebs, 1989). PS was conducted within a
The maximum area sampled was 5000 m2, which was determined 20 m-diameter circular sampling plot (314 m2), located at the RP
to be adequate in all 287 stands as assessed by species area curves. within each stand. All species were recorded with their abund-
Plot size was quantitatively related to species richness and a ance (ocular estimate of percentage cover within quarters of the
proportional frequency index (Brillouin): 0 –20%, 20 – 50% and 20 m-diameter circular plot). Species area curves were generated
50–100%. to confirm the number of plots needed to properly sample a
Abundance was recorded for each species and microhabitat. watershed or biogeoclimatic zone. These sampling curves lev-
The abundance categories follow that of Vitt et al. (1995): 1 = one elled off with 10–15 sampling plots per watershed or 30– 40 sam-
to few occurrences, 0–20% cover; 2 = several occurrences to pling plots per biogeoclimatic zone. Therefore, we sampled 20
frequent in one or some areas of the microhabitat, 20–50% plots per watershed and more than 100 plots per biogeoclimatic
cover; 3 = frequent throughout the microhabitat, 50–100% zone. We should emphasize that this methodology is a standard
cover. Abundance was averaged for each species, within respect- protocol for sampling forest community diversity. In addition to
ive types of mesohabitats and for each stand. this standard sampling protocol, we sampled within all types of
The FHS sampling methodology used in this study can be mesohabitats using randomly placed plots. In order to allow a
defined as follows: fair comparison to FHS we increased the sampling intensity until
Dominant Forest Mesohabitat — (1) A list of all microhabitats the area (5000 m2) sampled per mesohabitat type equalled the
was generated for the first quadrat (located at the RP); (2) within area sampled using the FHS methodology.
the first quadrat, each species and its respective abundance category
was recorded for each type of microhabitat; (3) Microhabitat
sampling continued in the following quadrats (9 in total) of
increasing size (maximum area 5000 m2), or until maximum
Diversity analyses
richness is achieved (no new species are found).
Restricted Mesohabitat — Each type of restricted mesohabitats Bryophyte diversity was analysed at several scales following the
(i.e. stream, cliff, seep), was systematically sampled following structure and terminology proposed by Whittaker (1972, 1977)
the three steps listed above (see dominant forest mesohabitat). (Appendix s1).  (2 Factor Model III — stand age — random
All restricted mesohabitats were sampled within a 1-km and sampling method — fixed) was used to assess species richness
radius of the RP. Three types of restricted mesohabitats were at different stand ages for each sampling method. Epsilon divers-
sampled: ity is the total species richness for cedar hemlock forest sampled
1 Streams — Streams are defined as a stream gully containing in this study. Gamma diversity is a measure of species richness
the stream itself and 5 m of bank (2.5 m on either side). They are in watersheds, biogeoclimatic zones and variants. Alpha diversity

60 Diversity and Distributions, 11, 57–72, © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Estimating bryophyte diversity

Table 1 A list of microhabitats for each type of meso-habitat within cedar hemlock stands (DMH = dominant mesohabitats; RMH = restricted


Microhabitat Forest Cliff Stream Seep

Coniferous tree species x x x x

Deciduous tree species x x x x
Size of tree (10–25 cm d.b.h., 30 – 60 cm d.b.h., > 70 cm d.b.h.) x x x x
Position on tree (trunk or base — 50 cm above tapered bowl) x x x x
Snag (dead coniferous or deciduous trees) x x x x
Twig (CWD < 10 cm diam.) x x x x
Log size (10–30 cm, 30– 60 cm d.b.h., > 70 cm d.b.h.) x x x x
Log decay class (D1, D3 or D5 — CWD codes) x x x x
Organic soils (LFH) x x x x
Mineral soil (sand, silt, loam, clay) x x x x
Moist depression (small isolated pools of water/mud) x x x
Intermittent stream (narrow and ephemeral) x x x
Rock (sample type, pH) x x x x
Tree stump x x x x
Upturned tree roots (‘tip-up’) x x x x
Adjacent bank (sand, silt, clay, loam, gravel, cobble, rock) x x x x
Submerged habitat (rocks or logs) x x
Shallow bars (sand, silt, clay, loam, gravel or cobble; dry/wet) x
Waterfall (< 1 m, 1–2 m, 2– 5 m, 5 –10 m, > 10 m) x
Depth (< 10 cm, 10– 30 cm, > 30 cm) x
Rapid (flow rate (ms−1)) x
Crevice (horizontal/vertical; < 5 cm, 0.5 –1 m, > 1 m; wet/dry; seepage, soil cover, sand, silt, clay, loam) x x
Ledges (size, wet /dry, seepage, soil covered) x x
Caves (size, wet/dry, seepage) x x
Vertical rock face (size, wet/ dry, seepage) x x
Talus x x
Rock surface (rough/ smooth) x x

is the number of species occurring in our sampling units (i.e. FHS and PS were made using the Chao-2 index (Chao, 1984;
stands, mesohabitats or microhabitats). Diversity (inventory) was Colwell & Coddington, 1994). These estimate were also calculated
calculated for each of the following: British Columbia’s cedar for the rare (occurring in less than 15% of stands) and common
hemlock forest (epsilon diversity), biogeoclimatic zones, variants, flora for both FHS and PS data. Estimates of richness means
watersheds and mesohabitats (gamma diversity), and stands calculated based on 100 randomizations of sample pooling order
(alpha diversity). All statistics were carried out using SPSS for including the corresponding standard deviations (error bars in
Windows 10 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). An Index based on figures). Both rarefaction and Chao-2 were calculated in EstimateS
species and proportional frequencies (Brillouin index [eqn 1], (Colwell, 1997).
Pielou, 1966; Peet, 1974; Clifford & Stephenson, 1975) were The analyses of the patterns of diversity are presented at a
calculated for biogeoclimatic zones, variants, and watersheds regional scale (both ICH and CWH) using relationships between
for stands stratified by disturbance (logging, fire, old growth). stands, species, and environmental variables. The data sets are
Indices were calculated using Krebs/WIN (Krebs, 1997). based on similar sample sizes within all types of mesohabitats at
the stand scale, using both PS and FHS sampling methodologies.
ln N ! − ∑ ln ni !
HB = (1) Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA; ter Braak, 1998) was
used to produce ordinations of 287 stands sampled in this study,
where, HB = Brillouin index, n i = Number of individuals which were constrained by 22 environmental variables (Newmaster
in each species, N = Number of individuals in entire et al., 2003). The following four ordinations were constructed
collection. based on common and rare species floras (rare occurence in less
Accumulation (rarefaction) curves were generated to assess than 15% of all stands): (1) PS common species, (2) PS rare spe-
species richness were calculated from 287 stands for both FHS cies, (3) FHS common species and (4) FHS rare species. Details
and PS sampling methods (Colwell, 1997). Estimates of the total of the environmental variable measurements can be found in
number of species within the bryophyte community for both Newmaster (2003).

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S. G. Newmaster et al.

diversity dramatically from 196 species to 417 species. Mesohabitats

offer considerable diversity (forest 262 spp.; stream 359 spp.; seep
207 spp.; cliff 237 spp.) and contain unique assemblages of
What is the most efficient sampling method,
species (forest 13 spp.; stream 70 spp.; seep 2 spp.; cliff 2 spp.).
FHS or PS?
Floristic habitat sampling gamma diversity in biogeoclimatic
zones and variants is higher (40–65%) than estimates from PS
Epsilon and gamma diversity
for either young or old forest (Table 2). Old forests are richer
Epsilon and gamma diversity estimates from plot sampling than younger forest using either sampling method. Using FHS,
(20 m-diameter circular plots) were compared with those from the CWH is slightly richer than the ICH and wetter variants (wk1
the dominant forest mesohabitat (using FHS) to allow compar- and vk1) are richer than dryer variants (mw3). Conversely, PS
isons of bryophyte diversity within only the forest mesohabitat reveals that the ICH is slightly richer than the CWH, and variants
(one type of mesohabitat). There was a significant difference have similar richness. Watersheds show a range of diversity using
(P = 0.002; n = 287) in these diversity estimates when using the FHS. The highest diversity is in the Seymour (ICH), Walbran
two different types of sampling units. Epsilon was 196 species (CWH) or Sidney watersheds (CWH). Richness estimates from
using PS and 296 species using the FHS unit (i.e. the entire dom- PS are very similar for all the watersheds (Table 2).
inant forest mesohabitat as a sampling unit). Gamma diversity
estimated using FHS (ICH–forest 222, stream 262, seep 111,
Alpha diversity
cliff 18; CWH–forest 172, stream 293, seep 151, cliff 163) was
between 33% and 44% higher than gamma diversity estimated Alpha diversity (mean species richness of stands) is considerably
from the PS data (ICH–forest 141; CWH forest 114). higher using FHS than PS. Considering only the dominant
The estimates for epsilon and gamma diversity are more accur- forest mesohabitat, FHS is significantly (0.01 > P > 0.001; n = 103
ate when all the mesohabitats are considered in FHS. Epsilon ICH; n = 184 CWH) higher when compared to PS. In the ICH,
diversity for cedar hemlock forests using all mesohabitats increases mean alpha diversity in the dominant forest mesohabitat is 32

Table 2 Landscape gamma diversity for stands with different disturbance histories using both FHS and PS sampling [abundance values are
relative, i.e. sum of abundance categories/number of plots; Plan = Plantation/logging disturbance; Brillouin index is based on species and
proportional frequencies]

Spp. richness Abundance Brillouin index

Landscape Elements Hist. FHS PS FHS PS FHS PS

Biogeo-climatic ICH Fire 188 123 269 203 6.4 5.8

Old 300 141 374 251 6.9 6.1
Zones CWH Plan. 114 99 120 103 5.5 5.2
Old 317 134 621 286 6.9 5.6
Biogeo-climatic ICHmw3 Fire 171 95 229 149 6.2 5.4
ICHmw3 Old 235 93 309 146 6.6 5.4
Variants ICHwk1 Fire 162 96 218 162 6.1 5.5
ICHwk1 Old 276 109 348 196 6.8 5.7
ICHvk1 Fire 120 62 162 102 5.7 4.8
ICHvk1 Old 266 94 342 167 6.8 5.5
ICH watersheds WG Fire 125 53 171 85 5.8 4.6
Old 218 77 291 111 6.5 5.1
Azure Fire 138 75 184 124 5.9 5.2
Old 242 80 314 141 6.6 5.3
Adams Fire 151 89 200 139 5.9 5.3
Old 265 81 318 137 6.7 5.3
Seymour Fire 165 94 225 155 6.1 5.5
Old 276 116 335 204 6.6 5.8
CWH watersheds Capilano Plan. 108 89 118 97 5.4 5.1
Old 230 108 151 130 6.5 5.5
Seymour Plan. 87 42 113 91 5.4 5.1
Old 111 87 219 117 6.3 5.3
Tofino Old 213 104 265 146 6.3 5.5
Claquot Old 231 107 281 148 6.5 5.5
Sidney Old 286 106 338 147 6.8 5.5
Walbran Old 288 113 340 155 6.8 5.6

62 Diversity and Distributions, 11, 57–72, © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Estimating bryophyte diversity

accumulation/rarefaction curve. Surprisingly, both methodo-

logies attain accurate estimates for total richness (415 spp.) at
exactly 84 samples for Chao, and 214 samples for rarefaction.
The Chao index is the least biased estimate of species richness
at low sample sizes. In FHS, estimates of richness are significantly
higher (FHS = 417 spp.; ICH = 197 spp.; P < 0.0001; n = 287)
and much more accurate (less biased) than those in PS, which
underestimated alpha diversity. PS sampling effort required
268 days to estimate species richness at 197 species. This estimate
is largely underestimated and the FHS method achieved such an
estimate after only 13 days of sampling effort. However, FHS
sampling required also required a substantial sampling effort
(268 days) to achieve an accurate estimate of species richness
(417 species). Use of the Chao index with FHS can further reduce
sampling effort by more than two and half times (Chao 100 days;
rarefaction 268 days).

Diversity indices and abundance

Figure 2 Alpha diversity of stands assessed using floristic habitat Differences in diversity indices and species abundance support
sampling (FHS including all mesohabitats) and plot sampling (PS)
the differences in gamma and alpha diversity for the different
sampling. Cedar hemlock forests are divided into inland (ICH),
sampling methods (Table 2). High indices are associated with
coastal mainland (CWH-ML), coastal oceanic (CWH-ISL), and by
age classes (class 4, young = 80 years and class 9, old > 250 years). high species richness and frequency. Brillouin indices using FHS
Error bars represent two standard errors on either side of the mean. data are greater than those calculated with PS data (Table 2). Spe-
cies abundance estimates are also substantially higher for FHS
(± 5) species using PS and 65 (± 4) species using FHS. In the CWH, data than PS data (Table 2).
mean alpha diversity in the dominant forest mesohabitat is 41 (± 6)
species using PS and 98 (± 8) species using FHS. When all mesohabi-
Increasing plot size of bounded plots
tats are considered, alpha diversity of stands in FHS is significantly
higher (0.01 > P > 0.001; n can be found in Fig. 2) than diversity Species richness and diversity indices for each sampling unit
estimates from PS using data from all mesohabitats (Fig. 2). increased with sample area (Fig. 3). The 20 m-diameter plot used
Inherent differences in PS and FHS sampling methodologies in the PS method sampled 314 m2 of forest mesohabitat resulting
are apparent when estimating species richness from all stands in a mean species richness of 35 (± 5) species. Expanding sam-
and mesohabitats using rarefaction or the nonparametric Chao- pling area to 1000 m2 increased mean species richness by only 18
2 index (a species estimation index; Chao, 1984). It is important species. Furthermore, species richness steadily increases even
to note that we are now comparing similar sample sizes of all after 5000 m2 has been sampled, increasing mean species rich-
mesohabitat types at the stand scale for each sampling meth- ness in the dominant forest mesohabitat to just over 80 (± 6)
odology and that an ‘accurate estimate’ (i.e. sampled most of species (Fig. 3). Using FHS, the mean species richness within the
the bryophyte community) is identified by the plateau of the dominant forest mesohabitat was 106 (± 9) species.

Figure 3 Mesohabitat alpha diversity (species

richness) and Brillouin indices (based on
species and proportional frequencies) within
increasing sample size areas for 287 temperate
rainforest stands (SP = seep, CF = cliff,
FS = forest, ST = stream).

Diversity and Distributions, 11, 57–72, © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 63

S. G. Newmaster et al.

Streams contain the most dramatic increase of richness and higher (0.01 > P > 0.001; n = 287) than in young stands in both
higher diversity indices with increasing sampling area because of ICH and CWH forest (Fig. 3).
the complex composition of microhabitats on the stream banks.
In this mesohabitat the first two areas (1–5 m2) contained low
Patterns of rarity and commonality
diversity (< 20 species). However, the inclusion of the stream
bank in the sampling area (> 5 m2) increases mean species rich- FHS and PS result in different patterns of bryophyte commonal-
ness from 20 (± 6) to 50 (± 8) species after 100 m2 of the stream ity and rarity (defined as species occurring in less than 15% of
and bank have been sampled (i.e. 20 m of stream including 5 m stands). In PS, 70 (34%) of the species are rare as compared with
of shore with each linear metre of the stream). Another large 270 (65%) rare species sampled using FSH. Consequently, the
jump in mean species richness (> 20 species) occurs as the sam- percentage of common species sampled using PS (66% — 126
pling area increases to 250 m2. Species richness increased steadily species) is higher as compared FHS (35% — 147 species). The rel-
until 5000 m2 of habitat was sampled (1000 m of stream gully — ative number of common species is higher (66% > 35%) in PS,
Fig. 3). Plot sampling usually does not include sample areas of but the absolute number of species is higher in FHS (147 > 126)
this magnitude within one type of mesohabitat. because of the higher numbers of species sampled using FHS.
Seeps and forest mesohabitats appear to have a continuous Estimates of species richness for common and rare species
increase in richness with increasing sampling area. In cliffs, mean illuminate an attribute of commonality that may give a false
species richness and diversity indices rise quickly until 250 m2 sense of complete species capture. The levelling off of a species
has been sampled; diversity tends to level off with increasing area area curve represents complete species capture for a given area.
greater than 250 m2 (Fig. 3). Regardless of the sampling methodology, both the rarefaction
and Chao estimates (FHS 147 spp.; PS 127 spp.) of the common
flora level off at small sample sizes (25 samples). Estimates of
Patterns in diversity
richness for rare species never levels off for either sampling
The following analyses of the patterns of diversity are presented method. FHS richness estimates are always higher than PS estim-
at a regional scale (both ICH and CWH) using relationships ates, particularly for rare species.
between stands, species, and environmental variables. The data
sets are based on similar sample sizes within all types of meso-
Patterns from gradient analysis
habitats at the stand scale, using both PS and FHS sampling
methodologies. Species patterns along environmental gradients were compared
according to common or rare floras for each sampling meth-
odology. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) of the rare
Patterns of alpha diversity following disturbance
species PS data and the common species FHS data (287 stands,
Richness patterns are different when FHS and PS data are 22 environmental variables) resulted in ordinations with over-
stratified by stand disturbance. Old growth stands (> 250 years) lapping stand groups representing old growth, and stands dis-
sampled using PS have mean species richness values that are sig- turbed by fire (ICH) or logging. Interset correlations and t-values
nificantly (P = 0.041; n = 124) higher than mean species richness were not significant (0.01 > P > 0.001; n = 287) for any of the
in younger stands (80 years) in the coastal mainland rainforest — environmental variables. It was not possible to define any groups
CWH (Fig. 3). However, with PS old growth species richness in (i.e. young, old, ICH or CWH) from the ordination of stands
the ICH is not significantly (P > 0.05; n = 103) different from although the first three-axis account for some variation in the
richness in young ICH stands. Floristic habitat sampling data species data, the interpretation of the ordination was not possible
indicate that species richness in old growth stands is significantly (Table 3). The low species-environment correlations indicate

Table 3 Summary of canonical

Axis 1 2 3 4 correspondence analysis (CCA) of 287 stands
in British Columbia’s cedar hemlock forests
Eigenvalue R-PS 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 and 22 environmental variables, using plot
C-PS 0.33 0.06 0.04 0.02 sampling (PS) or floristic habitat sampling
R-FHS 0.71 0.46 0.23 0.19 (FHS) of rare (R) or common (C) species.
C-FHS 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 Shaded areas indicate important gradients on
Species/environment correlation R-PS 0.17 0.13 0.12 0.10 the 1st or 2nd axes
C-PS 0.98 0.93 0.85 0.77
R-FHS 0.99 0.92 0.88 0.84
C-FHS 0.70 0.35 0.46 0.43
Cumulative percentage variance of species data explained R-PS 11.9 12.6 14.6 18.1
C-PS 58.4 66.8 73.6 77.2
R-FHS 71.5 77.0 81.1 84.3
C-FHS 33.8 53.1 62.6 69.7

64 Diversity and Distributions, 11, 57–72, © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Estimating bryophyte diversity

Figure 4 CCA ordination of common species

from the plot sampling (PS) data to explore the
relationships between 287 stands, 127 species
and 22 environmental variables. Abbreviations
are listed in Table 4.

that the environmental variables inadequately explain variation Significant (0.01 > P > 0.001; n = 287) interset correlations and
in vegetation along an axis, which results in distortion of the t-values were used to identify important environmental variables
ordination. for axis one (climatic variables) and axis two (time since distur-
Relationships between species, stands, and environmental bance) (Table 5). A Monte Carlo permutation test confirmed
variables were interpretable in the ordination (CCA) of common that the first and second axes are statistically significant (0.01 >
species PS data (Fig. 4; Table 3). High species/environment P > 0.001).
correlations indicate a close correspondence between the species-
only and environmentally constrained ordination and that no
important environmental variables were omitted from the
analysis (Table 3). The first axis of the ordination explained The species we leave behind or exclude because of sampling
58.4% of the variation in the species data set (Table 3). Significant technique are crucial to understanding patterning of bryophyte
(0.01 > P > 0.001; n = 287) interset correlations and t-values diversity. The type of sampling used for estimating diversity
were used to identify important environmental variables for axis depends on the organism being studied, how closely that organ-
one (climatic variables) (Table 4). The two distinct groups on the ism is associated with its substrate, and the nature of the
ordination indicate large differences in the composition of ecological question (Krebs, 1989). Bryophytes occur in close
species between the ICH (right side of axis 1) and CWH (left side association with their substrate or habitat (Vitt & Belland, 1997)
— Fig. 4). A Monte Carlo permutation test confirmed that the and their usefulness as indicators of habitat and environmental
first axis is statistically significant (0.01 > P > 0.001). The second change or sensitivity is well documented (Gignac, 1986;
axis was not interpretable as supported by the very low eigenvalue Söderström, 1988a; Gignac & Vitt, 1994; Bell & Newmaster,
or a small portion of secondary gradient explained. Axes two 1998; Newmaster & Bell, 2002). In terrestrial ecosystems, moss
interset correlations and t-values were not significant (0.01 > P habitat limitations are often associated with substrate availability
> 0.001; n = 287) for any of the environmental variables. and type (Shaw, 1981; Horton, 1988; Söderström, 1988a). In
Ordination of the rare species FHS data indicated that rare peatlands, bryophyte species richness is closely related to micro-
species are crucial for the interpretation of environmental gradi- habitat diversity (Vitt & Belland, 1995; Vitt et al., 1995). Vitt &
ents (Fig. 5). The two distinct groups on the ordination indicate Belland (1997) proposed that rare species occurrence and divers-
large differences in the composition of species between the ICH ity depends on the quality and quantity of mesohabitats found
(right side of axis 1) and CWH (left side — Fig. 5). Furthermore, on the landscape. The patterning of bryophyte diversity is
young (bottom of ordination) and old (top) stands are separated intimately linked with habitat heterogeneity. To understand pat-
on the second axis (Fig. 5, Table 4). Species/environment corre- terning of bryophyte diversity we must incorporate sampling
lations were high for the rare species ordination (i.e. 0.99 axis 1; techniques that focus on habitats as the sampling units.
0.92 axis 2) (Table 3). The first two axes of the ordination This study shows that FHS is much more efficient at capturing
explained 77.0% of the variation in the species data set (Table 3). bryophyte richness than PS. Bryophyte diversity estimates

Diversity and Distributions, 11, 57–72, © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 65

S. G. Newmaster et al.

Table 4 Plot sampling (common species only — see CCA ordination Fig. 4) statistics for variables used in canonical correspondence analysis
(CCA) of 287 stands in BC’s cedar hemlock forest. Asterisks indicate significance at P < 0.01. Absolute t-value > 2.1 are used to indicate
important canonical coefficients (ter Braak, 1998). Bold values indicate variables with significant correlation and canonical coefficients

Interset correlation Canonical coefficient t-value

Variable Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 1 Axis 2

Site series (SS) − 0.74 − 0.19 − 0.04* − 0.01 − 2.55 − 0.46

Elevation (Elv) 0.55 0.60 − 0.08* − 0.02 − 3.09 − 0.64
Slope position (SP) 0.02 0.25 − 0.01 0.01 − 0.11 − 0.39
Aspect (As) 0.20 0.32 − 0.01 0.01 − 0.54 − 1.44
Moisture regime (Hyg) − 0.37 − 0.24 0.02 0.01 1.70 − 0.41
Rock cover (RC) 0.18 − 0.40 − 0.01 0.01 − 0.77 − 0.76
Rock acidity (RA) 0.75 − 0.09 − 0.02 0.03* − 1.83 2.26
Soil texture (ST) 0.01 0.28 0.01 0.01 0.65 0.04
Canopy height (CH) − 0.36 − 0.58 0.01 − 0.02 1.03 − 1.19
Tree density (DT) 0.39 0.41 0.01 0.01 0.99 0.75
Tree basal area (BT) − 0.13 − 0.42 0.01 0.01 1.07 0.51
Snag density (DS) 0.16 0.12 − 0.01 0.01 − 0.53 0.35
Snag basal area (BS) − 0.35 − 0.50 0.06 − 0.05 0.58 − 0.38
Log density (DL) − 0.38 − 0.68 0.02 0.02 0.95 0.64
Log basal area (BL) − 0.40 − 0.61 − 0.01 0.01 − 0.44 0.03
Shrub cover (SC) − 0.41 − 0.49 − 0.04* − 0.01 − 3.00 − 0.99
Herb cover (HC) 0.01 − 0.47 − 0.01 − 0.01 − 0.11 − 0.36
Disturbance (Ds) − 0.29 − 0.31 − 0.03 − 0.08 − 1.73 − 1.42
Mean annual temperature (AT) − 0.96 0.11 1.71* 0.71* − 9.27 2.96
Rainfall (Rn) − 0.94 0.09 1.77* 0.74 7.36 − 1.84
Degree days > 0 °C (Dd) − 0.89 0.16 1.61* 0.57 − 8.84 0.99
6 month mean temperature (6T) − 0.88 0.14 1.70* 0.69 − 3.21 0.68

Figure 5 CCA ordination of rare species

using floristic habitat sampling (FHS,
including all mesohabitats) data to explore the
relationships between 287 stands, 270 species
and 22 environmental variables. Abbreviations
are listed in Table 5.

66 Diversity and Distributions, 11, 57–72, © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Estimating bryophyte diversity

Table 5 Floristic habitat sampling (rare species only — see CCA ordination Fig. 5) statistics for variables used in canonical correspondence
analysis (CCA) of 287 stands in BC’s cedar hemlock forest. Asterisks indicate significance at P < 0.01. Absolute t-value > 2.1 are used to indicate
important canonical coefficients (ter Braak, 1998). Bold values indicate variables with significant correlation and canonical coefficients

Interset correlation Canonical coefficient t-value

Variable Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 1 Axis 2

Site series (SS) − 0.83 − 0.07 0.01 − 0.08 0.62 − 1.01

Elevation (Elv) 0.65 0.48 0.03 0.21* 1.09 2.32
Slope position (SP) − 0.01 0.08 − 0.01 − 0.06 − 0.59 − 1.16
Aspect (As) 0.28 0.18 0.02 − 0.04 1.85 − 1.14
Moisture regime (Hyg) − 0.46 − 0.08 0.01 0.01* 0.21 2.34
Rock cover (RC) 0.03 − 0.15 0.02 0.05* 1.21 2.44
Rock acidity (RA) 0.32 − 0.22 0.03* − 0.15* 3.11 − 3.79
Soil texture (ST) − 0.02 0.27 0.01 0.06 1.67 1.83
Canopy height (CH) − 0.35 − 0.58 − 0.02 − 0.08 − 1.79 − 1.58
Tree density (DT) 0.37 0.42 0.04* 0.09* 2.77 2.02
Tree basal area (BT) − 0.09 − 0.42 − 0.01 0.06 − 0.75 − 1.64
Snag density (DS) 0.22 0.09 0.02 0.11* 1.72 3.10
Snag basal area (BS) − 0.44 − 0.44 − 0.01 − 0.03 − 0.34 − 0.74
Log density (DL) − 0.46 − 0.61 − 0.04 − 0.19 − 1.65 − 1.89
Log basal area (BL) − 0.49 − 0.57 − 0.05 − 0.24* − 1.99 − 2.91
Shrub cover (SC) − 0.45 − 0.52 0.02 − 0.09 1.09 − 1.74
Herb cover (HC) 0.08 − 0.33 0.01 0.11* 0.66 2.29
Disturbance (Ds) − 0.21 − 0.67 − 0.03* − 0.41* − 2.35 − 7.84
Mean annual temperature (AT) − 0.98 0.10 − 2.29* − 1.06 − 16.34 1.98
Rainfall (Rn) − 0.96 0.10 1.06* − 0.76 4.73 − 0.89
Degree days > 0 °C (Dd) − 0.97 0.10 1.55* − 0.37 − 2.46 0.94
6 month mean temperature (6T) − 0.94 0.11 0.33* 0.26 − 2.57 0.55

compared within the dominant forest mesohabitat are much (including all mesohabitats) show significant differences. Total
greater (i.e. species richness is 50% higher) when using FHS as species richness is 110% higher when using FHS methodology, a
compared to PS. We have also shown that PS within a mesohab- difference that results because FHS focuses on the entire meso-
itat will exclude important microhabitats and their respective habitat as a sampling unit, including the variety of microhabitats
bryophyte communities even after sampling unconventionally within each type of mesohabitat, and includes also a complete
large sample areas. Intensifying PS or simply sampling large areas floristic survey of the species within each mesohabitat. PS and
using randomly placed plots will not necessarily include the nat- FHS require the same amount of sampling time to achieve an
ural variety in microhabitats. Even PS plots as large as 5000 m2 estimate of richness, albeit PS underestimates richness by 50%.
are not as efficient sampling units as FHS. Plot sampling was The Chao index in combination with FHS produces accurate
designed to give a quantitative ‘snap shot’ of a plant community estimates of species richness in less than half the sampling time.
in time and space, not a comprehensive sample of the species The most efficient sampling method that captures greatest
within the community. PS focuses on bounded plots as sampling diversity in stands should consider all the different types of meso-
units but these plots are too small and restrictive to consider the habitats within a stand, and yield the highest species richness
total variety of microhabitats in a mesohabitat. values. PS and FHS were compared in their ability to capture bryo-
The forest landscape consists of a complex of mesohabitats phyte diversity in stands. Typically, PS samples only the domin-
and microhabitats, and efficient sampling of species diversity ant forest mesohabitat and other mesohabitats such as streams,
must reflect the natural variation and hierarchy of these habitat seeps and cliffs are excluded resulting in decreased diversity estim-
types. In cedar hemlock forests, bryophyte diversity can be parti- ates. FHS included sampling in the dominant forest mesohabitat
tioned within a hierarchy of stands, which contain mesohabitats, and restricted mesohabitats (i.e. streams, cliffs and seeps must be
and these latter consist of microhabitats. PS is usually confined to included); all of these offer considerable diversity. Streams and
the dominant forest mesohabitat in studies concerning biodivers- cliffs contain unique microhabitats that support communities of
ity and the impacts of silvicultural disturbance (Bell & Newmaster, species that are only found in those specific microhabitats. Streams
1998). Our study has shown that species diversity will be under- and cliffs have more unique species (70 and 26 species, respectively)
estimated if the sampling method does not sample the diversity than the dominant forest mesohabitat (13 species). Floristic
of mesohabitats on the landscape and their component micro- habitat sampling captures the species diversity associated with the
habitats. Comparisons of diversity estimates using PS and FHS variability of mesohabitat types in the cedar-hemlock forests.

Diversity and Distributions, 11, 57–72, © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 67

S. G. Newmaster et al.

Estimating diversity for conservation purposes is difficult for species as these always comprise a large proportion of the flora
taxonomically challenging groups such as bryophytes (Gotelli & being considered. Recent bryophyte studies underscore this
Cowell, 2001; Vanderpoorten & Engels, 2002). Our estimates of point (Vitt, 1991; Vitt & Belland, 1997; Newmaster et al., 1999).
species richness indicate that PS underestimates richness by Stratification of habitats, as in FHS, provides a complete suite of
50% when considering equal sample sizes for each methodology rare and common species. Species richness is the most appropri-
including all mesohabitat types. PS wastes an incredible amount ate diversity measure, because indices based on higher moments
of time randomly sampling space that adds no new species to the (Brillouin, Shannon, Simpson) include frequency values and
pool. PS sampling effort was 20 times greater than FHS and therefore ‘weight’ common species more heavily. A complete
resulted in an estimate less than half of the species pool. Further- sample of species requires only a simple measure of the number
more, the Chao index accurately estimated richness for FHS of species (richness) to reveal the patterning of diversity in rela-
using 30% of the total area sampled. FHS is a more accurate and tion to habitats at fine scales.
efficient sampling methodology for diversity, and when com- The importance of using a technique that samples rare species
bined with the Chao estimate of richness it becomes an expedited in diversity studies is highlighted in the analyses presented in this
method for estimating richness for conservation purposes. study. At large scales (Regional/Provincial), PS ordinations of
Increasing sampling intensity of PS did not capture any more common species accurately captures course floristic differences
rare species and certainly under sampled the rare flora. In fact the based on strong climatic gradients. At a finer scale young and old
only time our species area curves levelled off was when we used cedar hemlock forests stands were not distinguished in PS ordi-
only the common flora or the entire PS data file. We examined nations because the sampling method records only the species
the literature including several basic ecology texts (Gilbertson that are common and present to both young and old stands.
et al., 1985; Barbour et al., 1987), and some of our own data files Ordinations of the rare PS data are not interpretable because they
from other projects and discovered that PS data typically produces reflect a fragmented or incomplete sample of the rare flora. In the
species area curves that level off, whereas FHS or Relevé (Gradstein rare FHS ordinations, young and old cedar hemlock stands are
et al., 1996) data produce curves that never level off. Species area separated in ordination space because the presence of rare
curves are commonly used to determine the proper sample size. species in old stands is recorded by FHS. Thus, rare species are
Our results suggest that this may not be appropriate because FHS shown to contribute significantly to the patterning of diversity in
species area curves do not level off and PS curves level prema- cedar hemlock forests. They are crucial in distinguishing differ-
turely, underestimating richness. Further research is needed to ences between young and old stands, and to understanding the
investigate alternative methods to determine sampling size. patterning of diversity within them. Conversely, an ordination of
FHS is ideal for biodiversity research because it focuses on the common species FHS flora is not interpretable because all of
entire mesohabitat as the basic sampling unit and is flexible these species are present in young and old stands, and different
enough to include the diversity of microhabitats in a mesohab- biogeoclimatic zones. FHS failed to distinguish the biogeo-
itat. Stream mesohabitats provide a particularly good example. climatic gradients at the large scale using the common species
The concept of a stream mesohabitat must include the stream because it does not provide an accurate estimate of species abund-
gully, which includes the stream itself and its banks. The banks ance. The isobryalian mosses found in both the ICH and CWH
include microhabitats common to other mesohabitats, but they are much more common in the CWH, which was accurately dis-
also contain microhabitats unique to the stream. Rich communities played in the PS ordination of the common flora. McCune &
of bryophytes can be found on these unique bank microhabitats Lesica (1992) identified the trade off between species capture and
because of the moist humid stream environment, particularly in accuracy of cover estimates and concluded that sampling large
splash zones. It is common practice to sample only within the areas (similar to FHS) resulted in high species capture, but low
stream itself and not the stream gully. A study of the bryophyte accuracy of cover estimates; sampling many small plots (PS)
flora of Bridal Veil Falls in the CWH recorded stream species results in low species capture and higher abundance estimates for
richness (35 species) from within the stream itself (Djan-Chekar, the common species. Further research is needed to see if modify-
1993). In our study of the CWH, mean species richness within ing FHS can provide an accurate measure of abundance at the
the stream itself (40 species) was comparable to Djan-Chekar’s stand scale.
study, but much higher (103 species) when we considered the All sampling techniques have their disadvantages and ad-
entire stream gully. Intensive sampling that focuses only on vantages (Tilman, 1996). The sampling methodology must be
the stream itself misses the unique microhabitats that exist on appropriate for the question being asked. The use of plot sam-
the immediate stream bank and underestimates biodiversity in pling to address diversity questions is inappropriate for the rea-
stream mesohabitats. Excluding these microhabitats from divers- sons previously discussed. Plot sampling method, on the other
ity studies could result in a misinterpretation of the value of hand, is appropriate for answering questions that require a fixed
streams in an ecosystem management plan. reference to the area being sampled (i.e. for biomass or abund-
The species we leave behind in plot sampling are predomin- ance measures), or if you are focusing your question on a spe-
ately the rare ones because PS misses habitats containing cific habitat type. These questions are generally investigated at
substantial bryophyte diversity. While a community analysis that smaller landscape scales and include aspects of community
needs species abundance within fixed areas only considers the dynamics, plant sociology, physiological ecology, and population
common species, diversity studies should always include rare ecology.

68 Diversity and Distributions, 11, 57–72, © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Estimating bryophyte diversity

Floristic habitat sampling may be limited to questions con-

cerning biodiversity at large scales on the landscape. It would be
inappropriate to use this methodology to answer questions Anderson, L.E., Crum, H.A. & Buck, W.R. (1990) List of the
regarding treatment impacts on diversity within small research mosses of North America North of Mexico. The Bryologist, 93,
areas. The unbounded nature of this methodology limits its use 448–499.
to research blocks that are large enough to capture the natural Arsenault, A. (1995) Pattern and process in old-growth temperate
variation in habitats. Vitt et al. (1995) successfully used a similar rainforest of southern British Columbia. PhD Dissertation.
habitat sampling method on bounded research blocks in peat- Department of Botany, University of British Columbia,
lands where the microhabitat diversity is relatively homogene- Vancouver, B.C.
ous. Floristic habitat sampling methodology can be modified to Arsenault, A. & Goward, T. (2000) Ecological characteristics of
measure species diversity for different silvicultural treatments inland rainforests. In: Proceedings of a conference on the biology
within large bounded treatment blocks (experimental disturbances and management of species and habitats at risk (ed. by L. Darling),
in forests) with moderate habitat heterogeneity (Newmaster & pp. 437–439. B.C. Forest Service, Kamloops, BC.
Bell, 2002), although a disadvantage of this approach is that Barbour, M.G., Burk, J.H. & Pitts, W.D. (1987) Terrestrial plant
many large treatment areas are needed for a balanced biometric ecology. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, New York,
analysis, and often this is not feasible or economical. Floristic NY.
habitat sampling is an effective method for answering questions Bell, F.W. & Newmaster, S.G. (1998) Falling snow Ecosystem
about bryophyte diversity within and between stands, especially Project: floral richness, abundance and diversity. In: Third
those with different disturbance histories. Gilbertson et al. (1985) international forest vegetation management conference: forest
stated that a detailed appreciation of plant-environmental rela- vegetation management and ecosystem sustainability-popular
tionships and the effects of management of vegetation by man can summaries (ed. by R.G. Wagner and D.G. Thompson). Forest
often only be fully understood by a floristic sampling method. Research Information Paper no. 141, pp. 45 –47. Queen’s
Floristic habitat sampling provides results that provide insight Printer, Toronto, ON.
into the preparation of ecosystem management plans that Belland, R.J. (1989) Floristic boundaries in the Gulf of St. Law-
attempt to preserve ‘rare species and habitats’. As FHS records rence region: a numerical approach based on the moss flora.
both rare and common species and their frequency in microhab- Canadian Journal of Botany, 67, 1633–1644.
itats and mesohabitats, the method can aid in identification of Belland, R.J. (1995) The bryophytes of Prince Edward Island
crucial habitats for rare species that need protection and man- National Park, Canada: Affinities, habitats, and diversity. Frag-
agement. FHS can also be used to identify larger areas such as menta Floristica et Geobotanica, 40, 349–364.
watersheds that have significantly high diversity and that may Belland, R.J. & Brassard, G.R. (1988) The bryophytes of Gros
warrant special preservation. Morne National Park, Newfoundland Canada: Ecology and
phytogeography. Lindbergia, 14, 97–118.
Belland, R.J. & Schofield, W.B. (1994) The ecology and phyto-
geography of the bryophytes of Cape Breton Highlands Park,
This research was supported by Forest Renewal British Columbia Canada. Nova Hedwigia, 59, 275–309.
and the British Columbia Forest Service. A special thank you for Belland, R.J. & Vitt, D.H. (1995) Bryophyte vegetation patterns
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communities. McGraw-Hill, Toronto, ON.
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585 –594.
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