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Text for question 46 – 52.

Paying attention to the latest annual survey from Social Media Examiner, 3 out of 10 global
marketers say they plan to at least maintain their usage of TikTok in the next 12 months. The survey
of more than 4,300 marketers from around the world offers insights into which sodial media platforms
content marketers prefer. It is important to point out that the majority (64%) of respondents are
from small business (1-10 employees), so this report does not necessarily reflect the activities of
larger enterprise business.
Although US data shows that Facebook engagement among teens continues to decrease, it
remains popular with adults. It also continues to be popular with social media marketers. More than 9
in 10 (93%) reprt using the platform, making it the most used platform by marketers.
Instagram is the second-most used platform – used by 78% of respondents, up slightly from 76%
last year. A majority of marketers surveyed are also using Linkedin (61%) and YouTube (61%). And,
while Twitter has decreased in usage from 52% in 2020 to 48% this year. TikTok has increased (up
from 5% in 2020 to 9% in 2021).
Looking at how platform usage differs among Business to client (B2C) and Business to Business
(B2B) marketers, as expected Linkedin is more of a favourite with B2B marketers than B2C marketers
(81% vs. 53%). On the other hand, B2C marketers are more apt to use Facebook (96% vs. 89%)
and Instagram (83% vs. 72%).
These differences can also be seen in marketers’ most important platform. More than 6 in 10
(63%) B2C marketers consider Facebook to be their most important platform (of 6 options provided),
with Instagram in the 2 spot at 24%. Among B2B marketers, Facebook (40%) leads Linkedin (35%),
but the gap between the two is narrow.

46. The word “it” in the first sentence of paragraph 2 refers to…
A. big enterprise
B. Facebook use
C. the platform
D. this report
E. the record
47. How does the author organize the ideas in paragraphs 2 and 3?
A. Paragraph 3 exemplifies the trend discussed in paragraph 2
B. Paragraph 2 provides reasons behind the new trend described in paragraph 3
C. Paragraph 2 illustrates an idea stated in paragraph 3
D. Paragraph 3 continues the trend explanation mentioned in paragraph 2
E. Paragraph 3 contradicts the idea discussed in paragraph 2

48. Which of the following statements about Facebook is NOT CORRECT according to the passage?
A. Marketers use it the most as a marketing platform
B. It is more popular among adults than among teenagers
C. B2B marketers are more competent in using Facebook than B2C marketers
D. Less than 70% of B2C marketers think it is their most significant platform
E. Its importance is perceived higher than Instagram

49. It can be inferred from the passage that Instagram….

A. is most likely to overtake Facebook in social media marketing industry
B. should gain more popularity among older people and B2C marketers
C. is more powerful than YouTube as a social media marketing tool
D. has helped small industries tremendously during the pandemic
E. does not have the potential to be widely used by B2B marketers

50. What is the author’s attitude toward the survey?

A. Cynical
B. Doubtful
C. Objective
D. Sympathetic
E. Pessimistic

51. From the graph, we learned that as a social media marketing tool Twitter is….
A. as popular as YouTube
B. as popular as Facebook
C. more popular than Instagram
D. the most popular of all tools
E. more popular than TikTok

52. Based on the graph, we can predict that in 2022…

A. Facebook will no longer thrive as a social media marketing tool
B. Linkedin will be less preferred than TikTok by global marketers
C. Snapchat will hardly be used by content marketers
D. Instagram will not be as popular as YouTube for digital marketing
E. TikTok will outperform Twitter in terms of target market engagement
Text for question 53 – 57.

Whether it’s the melodic sound of an Eric Clapton solo or the growl of a heavy metal band, the
electric guitar has influenced popular music and culture more than any other instrument. Rock’s
greatest musicians have always been closely identified with their guitars. But instruments being
designed for tomorrow’s pop stars may look and sound rather different from today’s familiar electric
and acoustic guitars.
Since the time when the electric guitar was invented, there have been incredible changes to the
technical design of the instrument. From what was once a rounded wooden box with a hole in the
front, the guitar has evolved into
the smooth solid body of the rock guitarist’s ‘axe’. The most modern guitars are really computer-
controlled synthesizers.
Adolph Rickebacker’s Electro String Company produced the world’s first electric guitar. It was
made of wood and played on the user’s lap. The first real breakthrough in design came in 1950 when
Leo Fender, a Californian radio repairman, made the first solid-bodied electric guitar, the Fender
Telecaster. Soon after the inventor Les Paul made the famous Gibson Les Paul. Fender launched its
stylish Stratocaster two years later. The guitars became standard instruments against which newer
guitar designs are measured.
All sorts of different materials have been used to make guitars. Acoustic guitars are made from
wood, which gives a soft tone. Wood is also a popular material in electric guitar manufacture, but
more modern materials such as glass and carbon fiber are also used. There have also been guitars
with metal bodies and necks though these were never popular with players, who claim metal feels
cold in the hand. Plastics, on the other hand, have been more used in guitar bodies. A company that
makes parts for the aerospace industry has begun to use a kind of fiberglass that was originally used
in helicopter blades to make the bodies for its electric-acoustic instruments.

53. An appropriate title for the text is….

A. The making of electric guitars
B. Materials guitars are made of
C. The guitar legends
D. Guitars as electric-acoustic instruments
E. Guitars standards: how to comply with

54. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the guitar that were designed in the fifties?
A. They were not commercially successful
B. They were made of metal
C. They were often used as a standard to design new models
D. They were played sitting down
E. They were computer-assisted

55. Despite the materials used, the guitar’s…..

A. quality of sound has not improved
B. capability to produce good music depends on the musicians
C. performance is not what musicians have hoped for
D. potential has been ignored by musicians
E. popularity is based on its previous success

56. From the text we may conclude that….

A. wood remain the best material for making guitars
B. guitar materials control the type of music the musicians play
C. technology has played a significant role in the design and development of guitars
D. today’s designs are not very much different from those of the past
E. the use of fiberglass in aeroplane was inspired by guitar makers
57. The text is most probably found in….
A. a brochure of a guitar shop
B. an article in science journal
C. a guitar review in a newspaper
D. a manual for an electric guitar instrument
E. an article in a music magazine

Text for question 58 – 60.

There is a new cell-phone ring tone that can’t be heard by most people over the age of twenty,
according to an NPR report. The tone is derived from something called the Mosquito, a device
invented by a Welsh security firm for the noble purpose of dribing hooligans, yobs, scamps, ne’er-do-
wells, scapegraces, ruffians, tosspots, and bravos away from places where grownups are attempting
to ploy an honest trade. The device emits a seventeen-kilohertz buzz, a pitch that is too high for older
ears to register but, as we learn from additional reporting by the Times, is “ear-splitting” for younger
people. A person or persons unknown have produced a copy of the Mosquito buzz for use a cell-hone
ring tone, evidently with the idea that it will enable students to receive notification of new text
messages while sitting in class, without the knowledge of the teacher.
The Times, in a welcome but highly uncharacteristic embrace of anarchy, celebrated this
development as an ingenious guerilla tactic in youth’s eternal war against adult authority – “a bit of
techno-jiujitsu,” as the paper put it. But it’s not entirely clear which side is the winner here. When you
hear the tone, it apparently sets your teeth on edge, which means that, if the entire class suddenly
grimaces, it’s good bet that one of the students just got a text message. (Which probably says “sup”.
Youth, as George Bernard Shaw correctly observed, is wasted on the young). Anyway, what was
wrong with “vibrate only”?

58. The primary purpose of the text is to…

A. Criticize the obsession of today’s youth with technology
B. Encourage media outlets to support this new cell phone ring tone
C. Describe the technical specs of this new ring tone
D. Encourage further rebellion amongst today’s youth
E. Introduce a new ilk of technology and initiate a discussion of its true efficacy

59. Why is it important to note the “highly uncharacteristic embrace of anarchy” by the Times?
A. The definition from the norm of the publication calls even more attention to the new
technology by piquing reader’s attention
B. Such a prevalent publication’s encouragement of anarchy could be perceived by the
government as a serious threat
C. It suggests that it is being used ironically by the Times to actually express disapproval
D. It is likely an advertising ploy by the maker of the ring tone to gain sales
E. Older adults need to be worried about the increasingly aggressive tactics of youth
60. What is the author trying to convey by describing young people as “hooligans, yobs, scamps,
ne’er-do-wells, scapegraces, ruffians, tosspots, and bravos?
A. The opinion that, whatever name you call them by, young people will continue to disturb
business transactions.
B. An insulting tone implying the ignorance of youth
C. That all young people can be generalized into one of these descriptive groups
D. A sense of criticism on the part of older adults who feel patronizing toward young people
E. Support for embracing jargon when communicating between people of different generations

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