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Instructions: Alright! You have already seen the diagram showing different tissues of animal.

I know it’s
look like heavy but don’t worry we are going to discuss each part in order for you to understand. For
today’s session we need a help of Biologist to explain our lesson, you will meet him soon. Have you ever
asked yourself how this cells formed tissues that work together to perform specific task in order for an
organism sustain life? Let us find out so what are we waiting for, are you ready on our exploration
today? If yes, let us begin. Enjoy!

Hi student, Prof. Kimwell is back. I’m here to discuss to you the different cell types of
animal as well as their function. But before that, can I ask you something, did you miss
me? If yes, kindly put a check on the box. Okay! I know you miss me, so what are
we waiting let’s start the exploration. Since we are talking about cell and tissues, I have
question what field in science is responsible in studying cell, do you have an idea?
______________________. You got it, the field of science that deals with cells is called
cytology and the person whom study cell is known as cytologist. How about the branch
of science that study the tissue, do you have also an idea?
_________________________. Yes, your right, the study of structures and arrangement
of tissues is called histology and the one who study this field is known histologist. Now
that you knew the person who are expert in cells and tissues, let’s start our discussion
and kindly answer some questions that I prepared for you.
Organism are classified as unicellular and multicellular. Unicellular organisms consist of one cell as in
lower forms of organisms, while multicellular organisms are demonstrated by higher forms. They are
made up of several cell of various sizes, shapes and arrangements. Higher forms of animals reach a
certain degree of complexity that their cells are organized into groups or layers to specify functions in
the body. These aggregates of similar cells that have definite functions in the body are called tissues. We
are going to study the animal tissues based on their structure and function. I have a question for you,
can you enumerate the five classification of animal tissues? 1.) __________,
2.) ____________________, 3.) __________________________, 4.) __________________, 5.)
Hooray! Your answer is correct; the five types of animal tissues are 1.
epithelial, 2. muscular, 3. connective, 4.) vascular and 5. nervous tissue.
One from five animal tissues is the epithelial tissues. What do you think
is the function of epithelial tissues in an organism?
________________________________________________. Correct! It
covers the body’s internal and external surfaces with one or more layers
of tightly packed cells. This tissues covers organ surfaces such as the
surface of the skin, the airways, the reproductive tracts and the inner
lining of digestive tract. The other functions of epithelial tissue include
protection, nutrient absorption (along the intestinal tract and gas
diffusion in lungs), and secretion (glandular secretion). Epithelial tissue
can be structurally divided into two groups depending on the number of
cell layers: simple epithelium is consisting of single layer of cell whereas
stratified epithelium are made of multiple cell layers. Regardless of the
type, any epithelium is separated from the underlying tissue by thin
sheet of connective tissue called basement membrane, it provides
structural and support for the epithelium and also bind it to neighboring
Wait, before we go deeper on the epithelial tissues, can you encircle the function of epithelial tissue on
the following (secretion, protection, absorption). Have you got the correct answer? I’m so glad that you
got it, all the givens are function of epithelial tissues. Epithelial tissues are classified partly by shapes of
their cells: squamous
(flattened), cuboidal (cube-shaped), or columnar (tall and thin/elongated).Simple epithelium can be
subdivided further according to the shape andfunction of cells. Let us discuss one by one, simple
squamous epithelium
is a single layer of flat cells with oval nuclei and arranged like tiles on the
floor. It is usually found in lining of the lungs, blood vessels and capillary
walls. Because of thin, it permits diffusion of substances from one side to
the other. For example, materials can diffuse out of the capillaries, in the
lungs oxygen can diffuse across the alveoli and into the blood. Another is
simple cuboidal epithelium, roughly cuboidal in shape and each cell has
spherical nucleus in the center. It is commonly found in secretive or absorp-
tive tissue such as kidney tubules, duct and mall glands and surface of
ovary. This epithelium is usually form in the lining of stomach and
intestine,known as simple columnar epithelium. They’re cell is elongated
and column-shaped with elongated nuclei. Some columnar cells are
specialized for sensory perception such as nose, ears and taste buds of the tongue. Lastly, is the ciliated
epithelium, made up of cell which can be either column or cuboidal, but in addition, they posses fine
hair- like outgrowths, cilia on their free surfaces. They are usually found in air passages like the nose,
alsp found in uterus and fallopian tubes. An example is movement of cilia in certain direction causes the
mucus, which is secreted by the goblet cells, to move (flow or stream) in that direction like propelling
the ovum to the uterus.
Hey! Are you still follow? If yes, kindly answer this: I have set of pictures here, you are going to identify
what type of epithelium is that organ has. Write your answer on the pin note.
1. ____________________
1. 2. 3. 4.
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
4. ____________________
5. ____________________
6. ____________________
7. ____________________
5. 6. 7.

Hooray! All your answers are correct. 1. Cuboidal, 2. Squamous, 3. Columnar, 4. Ciliated 5. Squamous,
6. columnar and 7. Cuboidal. I’m glad you remember some important notes in epithelium, we can now
move to next tissues which is muscular tissue. When do heard the word muscle, what come first to your
mind? __________.
Most of your answer is movement, which is correct. Do you have an idea what is main function of
muscular tissue in our body? __________________________________________. You got it right, these
specialized cells have a primary function of contraction and their cells is called muscle fibers which is
elongated and arranged in parallel arrays. Their coordinated contraction results in movement.
A muscle fiber is composed of cytoplasm, the sarcoplasm and its
membrane called sarcolemma. Embedded in the sarcoplasm are many
myofibril and mitochondria. Each myofibril in turn is composed of two
kinds if contractile proteins, actin and myosin. Do you know that
muscles are classified according to location, appearance and neural
control? Yes, you read it right, to prove that, let us tackle each
classification. Based on location, muscle maybe skeletal, if attached to
the bone like biceps, triceps, pectoralis; visceral or smooth, if located in
the wall of the hollow internal structures like the stomach, intestines
and blood vessels; and cardiac if they make up the heart (look at the
picture A).
Based on appearance, muscles may be striated, if cross striation are observed or unstriated or smooth if
cross striations are not noticeable (look at the picture B). And based on neural control, muscle can be
either be voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary muscles are outside of the skeleton, and are under the
control of the will. Involuntary muscle produce movements over which have no control, such motion of
the stomach and other hollow organs

A. B.

We already tackled the characteristics of muscle, to add more on this topic, we are going study the three
tissues involved: one of the three muscular tissue is striated muscle which is made up of long
filamentous fibers with many elongated nuclei in the sarcolemma and the presence of many striations of
the dark and light cross bands. Another is smooth or visceral muscle made up of spindle-shaped cells
and it is found in the walls of visceral organs. It is non-striated or smooth appearance of the muscle cells.
And the last muscular tissue is cardiac muscle, a very specialized type of muscle, which striated and
involuntary. It has many nuclei of each located more internally, the fibers are characterized by branch
with cross striations and unique dark bands called intercalated disk, where two cell membranes adjacent
to each other. Still there? Yes, I know you want to learn more that’s why you still there, so here’s for
you. Complete the following table.
Organ Based on location Based on appearance Based on neural control

1. Heart

2. Stomach

3. Biceps

4. Blood vessels

5. Triceps
Alright! All your answers are correct. The third tissue that found in animal is connective tissues. What do
you think is the function of connective tissues?
You are right, the function of connective tissue is to bind together
various parts of the body, give form and support to the body and form
rigid structures capable of resisting pressure and shocks. Connective
tissues are characterized by the presence of extracellular matrix, this is
a non-living material composed of protein fibers and ground substance.
The protein fibers are composed of collagen which gives strength or
elastin which gives flexibility (look at picture). While the ground
substance supports the cells and fibers. When you hear the word
connective tissues what part of body do you think is involved?
You are again correct, the part of the body involve in connective tissues are cartilage, bone tendon,
ligament and adipose. Are you familiar with these parts? Kindly box your answer YES or NO. If no, don’t
be sad because we are going to explain each part, so what are we waiting for, let’s continue the
exploration. Again, what are the protein f fibers that found in bone? ________________ and
_____________. Correct! The protein fibers are the elastin and collagen. As I promised, we will discuss
tissues under connective, here we go. Loose or Areolar connective tissue is loosely arranged fibroelastic
tissue, it consist of a clear amorphous ground substance which holds together coagulable tissue fluid,
various cells and all fibers. This tissue fastens down the skin and various membranes, bind muscle
together, blood vessels and nerves and it fill spaces between organs. If there is loose, there is also dense
connective tissue which contains tightly packed collagen fibers, making it stronger than loose
connective tissue. This connective tissue is found in tendons which muscle bind into bone, and
ligaments, which bind bone to bone and produces tough coverings that package organs, such as the
capsule of the kidneys and adrenal glands. It is also covers muscle, nerves and bone. Can you
differentiate tendons from ligament?
Yipee! You got the right answer, the difference is tendon, which muscle bind into bone whereas
ligament bind bone to bone. Do you believe that fat in your body has important function? Encircle your
answer. YES or NO. What do you think is the function of
The answer is yes, have you got the same answer? Adipose or fats tissue has clear oval fat cells, its
cytoplasm and nucleus are pushed to the side of each cell by a globule if fat. This tissue function for the
nutrient and fat storage. See the function, so don’t underestimate your fats. Be proud of your fats.
Another tissue is hyaline cartilage which can be found in the particular ends of long bones, the ventral
ends of the ribs, the nose, the larynx the trachea and the bronchi. Hyaline cartilage is more common
than fibrous and elastic cartilages. It is bluish-white translucent and quite homogenous. The cartilage
cells called chondrocytes are found in the small cavities called lacunae which are scattered through the
chondrin matrix. We are done on hyaline cartilage, now can you identify what parts of the body
specifically located the cartilage, underline your answer (nose, trachea, tongue, larynx, pharynx,
bronchioles). Your answer is correct, hyaline cartilage is located in nose, larynx, trachea, and
bronchioles. The last type of connective tissue is the bone or osseous tissue. What comes to your mind
when you heard the word bone? _________________________________________. Some of you will
answer hard or dense. Actually, bone or osseous tissue has a dense organic matrix chiefly of collagen
with mineral deposits of calcium carbonate and tricalcium phosphate. It is the most specialized and
differentiated connective tissue. Bone is a living tissue, which represents in the skeleton of bony fishes
and terrestrial vertebrates. Bones are classified into compact bone, which is more solid and found
externally and the spongy or calcareous bones, which are composed of latticework of short bars and
plates and it is found more internal position. There are parts of bone: lamella, a thin layer where other
non-living mineral substances are deposited; periosteum, outermost covering to which the muscles and
tendons are attached; and Haversian system, runs mainly longitudinally, providing channels for blood
vessels and nerve to pass from the outermost periosteum to the inner narrow cavity. The lacunae are
small spaces where the bone cells are found and the canaliculi are fine radiating canals that connect the
bone cells with adjacent cell and the Haversian canal. Now, can you give the difference between
compact and spongy bone?
__________. Your answer is correct. The difference between the two, compact bone is more solid and
found externally while spongy bone is composed of latticework and found internally. Are your teeth a
bone? ________. Why? ____________________________________________________.
Yes, your teeth are bone because more than 90% of your teeth is made up of calcium and it is more hard
than your bone. Look at picture below to appreciate more about the connective tissue.

Loose connective
Tissue Adipose Tissue Bone tissue
Hyaline cartilage

When your body get wounded, what fluid spilled out from the wound?
___________________________. Yes, your right, its blood. Can you
describe blood? _________________________. Most of you will
answer, it’s a liquid that has color red, somehow you are correct.
Another tissue is related on this, the vascular tissue which is blood. It
can be classified as special connective tissue because it is composed of
cell and extracellular matrix. The fluid substance of blood is the plasma
in which specialized cells are embedded. There are three types of blood
Blood cells cells, the erythrocytes, the leukocytes and thrombocytes, The tissue
transport nutritive substances as well as oxygen, carbon dioxide,
hormones and other waste materials.
The red blood cell or erythrocytes are numerous disk shaped cells without nuclei. They are red in color
because of the presence of the pigment. RBC is responsible in transporting oxygen and carry waste
materials within organism body. What do you think is reason why RBC don’t have nucleus?
You are correct, RBC don’t have nucleus because it carries oxygen which supply the body’s organism.
The white blood cell or leukocytes are lesser in number and are bigger size compared to RBC. They vary
in size, shape of the nuclei and the presence of granules in the cytoplasm. WBC is responsible for
immune system. The lymphocytes are the smallest of the leukocytes with large and rounded nuclei that
practically fills the cell. The monocytes are the largest WBC with a centrally placed nucleus shaped like a
kidney or basophil. Granulocytes are cell with granules in the cytoplasm and maybe classified as
neutrophil which is most numerous of all WBC with 3 or more lobes, eosinophil with 2 oval lobes
connected by thin chromatin thread and basophil that has elongated nucleus often bent in the form of
an S with constrictions. The last type of blood cell is thrombocytes which play a key role in blood
clotting. In mammals, thrombocytes are anucleated cell fragments called platelets. Now can give the
function of RBC, WBC and platelets, write your answer on sheet bellow.

________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
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________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
All your answers are correct, RBC transport oxygen within animals body, WBC for immune system and
platelets for blood clotting.

Have you ever asked yourself, what do you think would happen if
human don’t have brain?
_______________________________________________________. I
think human cannot survive without brain, because it is the central
command of any organism, it control every organ and all chemical
process happen inside the human body. I asked this, because it is
related to the nervous tissue. Nervous tissues exhibit irritability. It
receives and transmit stimuli in the form of nerve impulse to various
effectors, such as muscle and glands. The basic structural and functional
component of the nervous tissues are the nerve cell or neuron and
neuroglia. The neuron is made up of the cell body containing the
nucleus and cytoplasmic extensions-the dendrite, which carry impulses
towards the cell body and it is usually short and unbranched and the
axon that carries the impulse away from the cell body and usually long
and unbranched.
The myelin sheath in a nucleated cell membrane covers he axon cylinder. The other structural of
nervous tissues is neuroglia or nerve glue do not conduct nerve impulses, but instead, they support,
nourish, and protect the neurons. They are far more numerous than neurons and, unlike neurons, are
capable of mitosis. Now, can differentiate axon from dendrite?
You are absolutely correct. The difference is axon carries impulse away from the cell body while
dendrite carries impulse towards the cell body.

Thank you for reading. I hope you gain new knowledge’s during our exploration of animal tissues. I just
want to remind you; a lot of activities are waiting. KEEP CALM and HAVE FUN!

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