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Journal of Educational Social Studies

JESS 10 (1) (2021) : 9-18

The Implementation of Blended Learning in Social Studies

Learning for 21st Century Skills Enhancement

Siswo Dwi Martanto1, Suwito Eko Pramono2, Tjaturrahono Budi Sanjoto3

Sekolah Menengah Atas Semesta Semarang, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

___________________ ____________________________________________________________
History Articles Face-to-face conventional learning is less attractive, while online
Received: learning is also less effective. In the digital era of the 21st century,
21 February 2021
learning methods must follow the development of information
technology under students' experiences, needs, interests, and learning
12 March 2021
Published : styles. This study aimed to determine the implementation and
30 June 2021 effectiveness of blended learning in social studies learning to improve
__________________ 21st-century skills. This study used a qualitative approach with a
Keywords: phenomenological design. Data collection techniques using
Blended learning ; observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results
Social studies learning showed that the implementation of blended learning in SMP Semesta
21st-century creativity
Bilingual Boarding School Semarang was based on Google Classroom
and Edunav with Chromebook, Microsoft Surface, and interactive
digital smartboard. Implementing blended learning is effective for
improving 21st-century skills because it follows today's students'
characteristics, learning styles, and learning needs. Blended learning is
the best solution for 21st-century social studies learning. Blended
learning in social studies learning at SMP Semesta Bilingual Boarding
School Semarang is a perfect blend of teachers, students, and 21st-
century technology called Technology Integrated Classroom.

Correspondence address: p-ISSN 2252-6390
Jl. Raya Semarang-Gunungpati km. 15, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah
e-ISSN 2502-4442

Siswo Dwi Martanto, et al./ JESS 10 (1) (2021) : 9-18

INTRODUCTION characteristics of learning technology and

information communication (ICT) in the
The development of technology and classroom (Dziuban et al., 2018).
information that is developing so fast affects all To face the industrial revolution 4.0 and
life areas, including education. This the challenges of 21st-century learning, it is
phenomenon can be seen from the shift in necessary to prepare a learning system in line
learning patterns from conventional face-to-face with 21st-century technology and information
to online learning (Prayitno, 2015). The rapid development. Also, students must have 4C soft
development of ICT and the demands of 21st- skills, namely communicating, collaborating,
century competencies have caused face-to-face thinking critically and solving problems, and
learning in the classroom to begin to lose its thinking creatively and innovatively (Zubaidah,
appeal. Conventional learning is already 2018; Ayu, 2019). Therefore, learning objectives
considered an old thing and we need internet- must be directed at efforts to improve 21st-
based online learning. However, online-based century skills. These skills are the provisions of
learning is also not fully effective for learning students in facing the challenges of the 21st-
because of students' different characteristics and century.
learning styles. Some students like to do face-to- SMP Semesta Bilingual Boarding School
face learning, but others like online-based Semarang is a boarding school for Cooperation
learning (Wardani et al., 2018). Besides, online Education Unit using the Cambridge curriculum
learning is also constrained by slow internet and the 2013 curriculum. One of the educational
networks and limited quotas (Rachmat & programs at Semesta is implementing a
Krisnadi, 2020). For this reason, the learning paperless education learning system. To realize
method should follow the development of this goal, blended learning is applied to make the
information technology following the learning become more optimal, effective, and
experiences, needs, interests, and learning styles efficient.
of students in everyday learning. Based on the results of observations, it can
The method that is very suitable for the be seen that the mastery of 21st-century skills of
development of the 21st century is mixed students at SMP Semesta Bilingual Boarding
learning or better known as blended learning. School Semarang is still low. Students have high
Blended learning combines conventional face-to- academic abilities but low in the mastery of
face learning in class with internet-based online communication skills during learning. Besides,
learning for learning efficiency and effectiveness students are less willing to collaborate with
(Wu & Liu, 2013; Aeni et al., 2017). Blended classmates to complete learning tasks, especially
learning combines direct learning, indirect with friends whose competencies are lower. In
learning, collaborative learning, and computer online-based social studies learning in the
technology-assisted learning (Lalima & classroom, teachers find it challenging to control
Dangwal, 2017). The purpose of blended internet access one by one. Students ignore
learning is to combine the advantages of face-to- learning, play games, even open applications,
face learning and online learning so that learning and do not support the learning process. There
is more effective, efficient, practical, and are still students who do not do and collect
engaging (Latifah & Susilowati, 2015). Blended assignments on time. Not to mention if there is a
learning is intended to improve analytical skills, damaged laptop, it is very influential because
assess and critically evaluate sources of students cannot participate in online learning.
knowledge. It can help produce skilled and For online assessments, sometimes it is
innovative students to meet the demands of the disturbed by less smooth internet access, mostly
21st century through creativity and innovation when it is done simultaneously in one class.
(Kintu et al., 2017). In optimizing blended Referring to the background of the
learning, it is necessary to consider the problem, it is necessary to research blended
Siswo Dwi Martanto, et al./ JESS 10 (1) (2021) : 9-18

learning in social studies learning to improve selection process, focusing on the implications,
21st-century skills. This study aims to determine abstraction, and transformation of data sourced
the implementation, effectiveness of blended from written notes in the field. Then, presenting
learning, and improvement of 21st-century skills the data by drawing temporary conclusions from
in social studies learning at SMP Semesta the data obtained. The last is drawing
Bilingual Boarding School Semarang. conclusions and verification by describing the
study results in the form of words or sentences
METHOD so that they can describe the results of the
research in depth according to the conditions
This study uses a qualitative approach that occur in the field. In addition, as a tool of
with a phenomenological design. The study's analysis in this study, Vygotsky's social
location is in SMP Semesta Bilingual Boarding constructivism theory is used to analyze and
School Semarang which is located on Jalan answer problems related to the implementation
Raya Semarang-Gunungpati Km. 15 Semarang of blended learning in social studies learning to
City. This research focuses on the improve 21st-century skills.
implementation of blended learning, the
effectiveness of blended learning, and the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
improvement of 21st-century skills in social
studies learning. Implementation of Blended Learning in Social
The data collection techniques in this Studies Learning
study were observation, in-depth interviews, and Blended learning is a combination of face-
document study. Observations were made by to-face learning in class with online learning to
observing the implementation of blended achieve optimal learning effectiveness.
learning in social studies learning. Interviews
were conducted with 24 informants, consisting
of the principal, deputy principal, social studies
teacher, learning technology coordinator, and
students in grades VII, VIII, IX of SMP Semesta
Bilingual Boarding School Semarang.
Document studies were carried out by analyzing Figure 1. Blended learning in social studies
teacher learning media and school curriculum learning.
Blended Learning Platform
The data validity technique used technical
Based on the research results, blended
triangulation and source triangulation.
learning in social studies learning at Semesta
Technical triangulation is done by comparing
Junior High School initially used the Google
the information obtained from observations,
Classroom platform. It then developed a school
interviews, and documentation studies. Source
LMS, namely Google
triangulation was carried out by comparing the
Classroom is a virtual classroom that can be
consistency of information from interviews with
used in blended learning with many facilities
social studies teachers, students, school
and conveniences for today's learning. As the
principals, deputy principals, and school
ease of creating virtual classes without installing
learning technology coordinators.
an LMS, providing class management, available
The data analysis technique is carried out
mobile applications. It is easier and faster to
with an interactive model analysis consisting of
access, safe from advertising, easy to learn, free,
a flow of activities simultaneously, namely data
integrated, and supports Chromebook. As the
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion
central blended learning platform, Google
drawing. A reduction process then carries out
Classroom makes it easy for classroom
the data obtained from various sources, a
Siswo Dwi Martanto, et al./ JESS 10 (1) (2021) : 9-18

management teachers, such as sharing material, learning at SMP Semesta by using an email
assignments, learning assessments, and two-way account from the school, and each student logs
communication. For students, Google in with their respective account. The school fully
Classroom makes it easy to download material controls the use of chrome books in learning for
from the teacher, discuss, do assignments, and learning purposes. So, all Chromebook facilities
do assessments. with full online approval and control from the
school cannot be used other than school learning
activities. Microsoft Surface tablets are only used
by class IX. However, some students switch to
using Chromebooks because they are more
effective for learning activities. The
implementation of blended learning can improve
Figure 2. Google Classroom LMS platform
the quality of learning, develop cognitive and
social skills and provide collaborative learning
The second platform used in social studies
experiences (Okaz, 2015).
learning is LMS Edunav. Initially, this LMS was
only used for databases of teacher learning tools
Social Studies Learning Method
such as lesson plans, lesson schedules, class
Based on the study results, the methods
attendance lists, and student learning outcomes.
often used by teachers in social studies learning
However, along with the development of
at SMP Semesta Bilingual Boarding School
learning needs, LMS Edunav was then
Semarang are collaborative methods such as
developed with features that support blended
discussions, presentations, making videos,
learning. Such as lesson menus, assessments,
inquiries, and outdoor studies. Collaborative
syllabus, attendance lists, value books, and
learning is a learning method that is carried out
learning journals.
in groups to study subject matter (Slavin, 2015).
The social studies learning method at
SMP Semesta with discussions and
presentations is a method that is often carried
out every semester. In blended learning,
discussion activities are carried out
independently through assignments in the
Google Classroom to be presented in front of the
class. Extensive discussions between groups are
carried out during face-to-face learning in class.
Social studies learning at SMP Semesta
also uses the outdoor study method,
Figure 3. Edunav LMS display collaborative learning by conducting simple
research in Gunungpati traditional markets. The
In supporting the blended learning material provided is about market economic
program and technology-based learning in each activities. Students then make observations,
classroom, an interactive digital smartboard with interviews and make reports on the results of
a large size of 75 inches has been provided. field studies in the market. The results of this
Supporting facilities in the implementation of activity are then presented to the class. The
blended learning for students are Chromebook outdoor study method in social studies learning
laptops and Microsoft Surface tablets. can train communication skills by providing a
Chromebook is a laptop that is already learning environment experience. In the long
integrated with Google services for school term, it helps students understand learning
education. Students use Chromebooks in material (Suprihatinigsih et al., 2016; Fatmawati
Siswo Dwi Martanto, et al./ JESS 10 (1) (2021) : 9-18

et al., 2018; Leveaux et al., 2019). Blended Conventional and online assessments are
learning is effectively used in problem-based selected by the teacher based on the
learning (Aeni et al., 2017). characteristics of the material and the form of
Blended learning in social studies learning the questions being tested. Multiple choice
is carried out using collaborative learning questions use online applications because they
methods. It aims to train and improve the skills are more practical and efficient. Teachers do not
of 21st-century students, namely, need to prepare a lot of time to correct questions
communicating, collaborating, thinking because the marks will automatically come out
critically, solving problems, and innovative right away. For assessment with description
creative thinking. The blended learning method questions, the teacher usually uses paper because
of learning can increase students' activeness in of the ease of supervising and correcting
learning by providing new experiences of online students' work. The summative assessment uses
and offline learning in the classroom (Dogra, the Examview application because of its ease,
2016). The application of blended learning in efficiency, and effectiveness in its
social studies learning at Semesta Junior High is implementation. The Examview application also
in accordance with the characteristics, learning integrates easily with Chromebooks and reduces
styles, and experiences of today's 21st-century cheating on online assessments both at school
technology. and from home during the COVID-19
Media and Social Studies Learning Assessment
Based on the results of the research, it Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Social
shows that the media used is media that is Studies Learning
integrated in the classroom interactive digital Effective learning is a process of changing
smartboard and is available on the students' knowledge, attitudes and skills to provide
Chromebook, while the online applications used influence, meaning, and benefits (Yusuf, 2017).
in social studies learning are Quizziz, Quizlet, Learning is said to be effective if students can
Edpuzzle, Google Form, Examview, and Zoom master the subject matter well (Ramang, 2018).
(during the pandemic). which is integrated with Effective learning can be measured from the
the Google Classroom platform. level of achievement of learning objectives by
The blended learning assessment system most students. The achievement of learning
used in social studies learning is to use the objectives shows that students can accept
online quizzes application, edpuzzle, Quizlet, internal experiences (Setyosari, 2017). For
google form, google doc, and exam view. For effectiveness in learning to be achieved, students
conventional assessment using paper during must be involved in every learning activity.
daily assessments with description questions. Also, it must pay attention to the condition of
Assessment by utilizing online applications is the school, facilities, and infrastructure and the
more attractive to students because it strongly availability of adequate learning media to
supports the characteristics of different learners achieve the maximum development of students
in their learning styles in terms of appearance (Rohmawati, 2015). In this study, effectiveness
and design. The use of collaborative learning is based on the objectives, planning,
applications in blended learning can be used to implementation, motivation, and students
design and support assessment activities to learning outcomes.
increase students' active participation in learning
(Vaughan, 2014).

Siswo Dwi Martanto, et al./ JESS 10 (1) (2021) : 9-18

Aspect Implementations Results

Purpose Paperless education system. Have implemented a paperless
education system in social studies
21st-century technology-based learning. learning

Mastery of 21st-century skills. Students mastered 21st-century skills


Planning Training locally, national, and Teachers attend training every

internationally by school and PT Edukasi semester
Universal Indonesia.
ICT-based tools are used well by
Provision of Technology Integrated Classroom. teachers and students in learning
(Chromebook, Microsoft Surface, Interactive process.
Digital Smartboard).
Implementation Blended learning face-to-face combination The blended learning is well done,
using LMS Google Classroom dan Edunav. teachers and students are skilled in
using Google Classroom and
Edunav based learning media Edunav.

Blended learning assisted by Chromebook The use of Chromebook is more

and Microsoft Surface. effective than Microsoft Surface.

Assesment done by offline and online based Teachers only use Edunav to save
on the learning needs. learning media, haven’t use it as

Online-based assessment with

quizziz, examview, google form, google
Learning Technology-based learning in accordance Students mostly like technology and
Motivation with characteristics, study needs, and internet-based learning.
information technology development of 21st-
century. Students become more active in
technology and internet-based
Learning Combination of conventional and online Blended learning has an effect on
Outcomes assessment. student learning outcomes but not
so high.
Internet-based learning outcomes report.
The mean score of students and the
class average has exceeded 75
Table 1. The effectiveness of blended learning in social studies learning

Purpose of Blended Learning Implementation education by applying modern technology

Implementing blended learning aims to wisely. It is implemented with the concept of a
achieve the school's vision and mission, namely paperless education system, where this concept
to provide creative, innovative, and efficient aims to reduce paper use in every lesson.
Siswo Dwi Martanto, et al./ JESS 10 (1) (2021) : 9-18

Therefore, blended learning is applied in every technology and 21st-century skills at the
lesson. The implementation of blended learning beginning of the semester. In particular,
in social studies learning also aims to improve planning in social studies learning is carried out
the 21st-century skills of students, namely skills by the teacher at the beginning of the semester
in communicating, collaborating, thinking and every week. Every week the teacher uploads
critically, solving problems, and innovative lesson plan files through
creatives. With blended learning, it is expected Learning material is uploaded through Google
that practical, efficient, engaging, interactive Classroom and at the end of the lesson, online
learning objectives can be achieved and improve reflection and evaluation are carried out with a
student learning achievement. Quizziz.
The facilities provided by the school to
Planning and Implementation of Blended support blended learning and the realization of
Learning the paperless education system program are used
In implementing blended learning in the well in social studies learning. Students are
classroom, SMP Semesta is very well prepared skilled in using interactive digital smartboards,
for planning and implementation. It can be seen Chromebooks, and Microsoft Surface. The use
from the readiness of schools to regularly design, of Chromebooks is effective for social studies
manage and evaluate technology-based learning. learning because the designs and applications
Blended learning planning requires more time, used are already integrated with the Google
effort, and cost to achieve the school's desired Education service. Meanwhile, the use of
goals. Planning plays a key role in enhancing Microsoft Surface in class IX is less effective if it
mixed learning integration into conventional is used for learning because access to
learning methods (Ukaigwe & Igbozuruike, information and control of usage is difficult for
2020). teachers and schools to control. Microsoft
For the smooth running of the blended Surface is widely used for watching movies and
learning program, the school collaborates with playing games by students rather than for
the education consultant PT Ed Pendidikan learning activities in class. Not to mention if
Universal Indonesia and parents so that the something is damaged, it will take a long time to
blended learning program runs effectively and repair it because it has to be repaired overseas. It
efficiently. In supporting the blended learning disrupts learning because students cannot use
program and meeting the needs of today's their equipment, especially Olympic scholarship
education, schools provide internet facilities, students who rarely attend classes and come
interactive digital smartboards, Chromebooks, from economically disadvantaged families.
and Microsoft Surface that is integrated in every The implementation of blended learning
classroom. (Technology Integrated Classroom). in social studies learning can be very effective
The school also provides training to every new when teachers and students are unable to attend,
class VII student on the use of technology in for example when teachers leave class because of
learning before learning activities take place so school assignments, students cannot attend class
that this training makes it easier for teachers to because they participate in Olympiad, inter-
implement blended learning in the classroom. At school competitions, and other activities outside
the beginning of each semester at SMP Semesta, of lessons. For reasons like this, teachers and
training and seminars at the local, national, and students are not worried about being left behind
international levels are also carried out to in class material. Teachers and students can
improve teacher professional skills in the use of access online the course materials anytime,
21st century ICT. anywhere without the limitation of place and
Based on the research results, it can be time. Students can also do online questions and
seen that training is always carried out for exams effectively and efficiently.
teachers and students on the mastery of learning
Siswo Dwi Martanto, et al./ JESS 10 (1) (2021) : 9-18

Students' Learning Motivation Social studies learning outcomes show

One of the goals of blended learning is that students' average score and class scores have
to increase student interest and motivation. exceeded the KKM 75. It shows that the
Blended learning, supported by sophisticated implementation of blended learning in social
facilities, is expected to be able to motivate studies learning is effective and positively
students to learn and achieve. impacts learning outcomes (Alsalhi et al., 2019;
In social studies learning, students look Niasri & Cahyono, 2019). Besides, effective
very enthusiastic, active in learning, and very blended learning in social studies learning can
comfortable learning technology-based. increase the self-confidence and learning
Participants are very motivated to learn social independence of students. It can be seen in the
studies due to blended learning, which is teacher's giving of assignments that students can
integrated with class technology. Students learn complete properly through google classroom.
according to their psychological, cognitive
development level and follow their current 21st-Century Skills Enhancement
world, which is all internet. Students can find 21st-century skills that are focused on in
various information from books, the internet, this study are 4C skills, namely Communication
play interesting and challenging quizzes. and Collaboration, Critical Thinking and
Students can complete assignments well Problem Solving, Creativity, and Innovation.
independently, even though some are late in Learning strategies to improve 4C skills
submitting assignments due to interference on are (a) mastery of technology for students; (b)
the Chromebook. Blended learning offers provide assignments that occur in the real world
meaningful and effective learning to improve to be completed using technology; (c) provide
student performance and motivation (Ghazali et collaborative problem-based learning
al., 2018). experiences using internet data sources
(Zubaidah, 2018). This strategy is very
Social Studies Learning Outcomes important in 21st century social studies learning.
The implementation and effectiveness The results showed that social studies
of blended learning in social studies learning can learning at Semesta Semarang used an
be measured by looking at the learning outcomes innovative and fun active learning method that
of students. If the learning outcomes are good or required an active and challenging role for
increase according to the learning objectives, students. Face-to-face learning involves many
blended learning is said to be effective. students in various learning activities, both
The results of the research findings inside and outside the classroom. Online
indicate that the learning outcomes of students learning with LMS Google Classroom also
with blended learning have so far increased, involves students actively communicating online
although not so high. This is because since the by utilizing the school's facilities. Learning
beginning of grade VII students directly use activities to improve 21st-century skills are also
blended learning with the support of technology carried out using the outdoor study method.
in every lesson; it is different if blended learning This method aims to improve students' skills in
is only used for a short period. Students who are communicating, collaborating, thinking critically
not familiar with blended learning are more and solving problems, and making decisions in
motivated to learn to follow friends who already their daily lives (Handayani et al., 2015).
understand technology, while students who are The results showed that the
familiar with blended learning and technology implementation of blended learning in social
have better grades. Blended learning can studies learning saw an increase in the 21st-
increase students' interest, experience, and century skills of students, namely students were
learning outcomes (Maharani et al., 2020; Wai able to communicate well in learning, both face-
& Seng, 2014). to-face and online. Students are able and skilled
Siswo Dwi Martanto, et al./ JESS 10 (1) (2021) : 9-18

in verbal and written discussions through school. Blended learning in social studies
Google Classroom and Zoom media by utilizing learning can improve the 21st-century skills of
the chat menu to ask each other, comment, and students, namely communication, collaboration,
discuss during learning and outside learning. critical thinking, and problem-solving, as well as
Students can collaborate well with classmates the ability to create and innovate. Blended
through group assignments given by the teacher. learning in social studies learning at SMP
This can be seen when students work on group Semesta Bilingual Boarding School Semarang
discussion and presentation assignments and combines the abilities of 21st-century teachers,
outdoor study assignments outside the 21st-century students, and 21st-century
classroom. Students also appear to be able to technology called Technology Integrated
think critically during classroom learning Classroom.
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