EXPEPSY Reviewer Chapters 8 and 9

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Demand Characteristics
-aspects of the experimental
situation that demand that people
CHAPTER 8: Solving Problems: behave in a particular way
Controlling Extraneous Variables
Controlling Demand
Physical Variables Characteristics:
Single-Bind Experiments
-setting of the experiment (location
as well as the day it takes place) Single-Blind Experiment – it is an
experiment in which subjects do not
-noise and other distractions know which treatment they are
Three General Techniques for getting
Controlling Physical Variables e.g.: if we give them some
1. Elimination substance, the subject might react
based on what they expect the drug
2. Constancy of Conditions to do
3. Balancing Placebo effect – a subject receives
an inert treatment and improves
Elimination – to make sure that an
because of positive expectancies
extraneous variable does not affect
an experiment, sometimes we just Controlling Demand
take it out. If it cannot be eliminated, Characteristics:
use: Cover Stories
Constancy of Conditions – keep all Cover Story – plausible but false
aspects of the treatment conditions as explanation for the procedures used
nearly similar as possible. When in the study
neither can be used, resort to the 3rd
technique: 2. Experimenter Bias
-the experimenter does something that
Balancing – distributing the effects of
an extraneous variable across the creates confounding in the experiment
different treatment conditions of the Rosenthal effect or Pygmalion
experiment. effect – experimenters might treat
Note: More controlled extraneous subjects differently depending on
variables  increase in internal what they expect from them; they
validity, decrease in external validity might give more time to subjects
who have gone through a particular
Social Variables treatment
-qualities of the relationships *Experimenter bias can also occur
between subjects and when the experimenter makes error
experimenters that can influence in recording data from the
results experiment.
Two Principal Social Variables Controlling Experimenter Bias:
Double-Blind Experiments
1. Demand Characteristics
Double-Blind Experiment – one in
2. Experimenter Bias
which the subjects do not know which
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treatment they are receiving, and -researchers must keep the names
the experimenter does not know (titles) neutral to avoid getting a
either biased sample because it reduces the
ability to generalize findings (less
Personality Variables
external validity)
-personal characteristics the
-always keep a record of subjects
experimenter brings to the
who drop out for your research
experimental setting (nice, friendly
experimenter vs. cold, rude
experimenter) -keep in mind that some subjects who
volunteer probably will miss their
-important to maintain consistency
sessions for a variety of reasons
across subjects and treatments
2.When the Experimenter
* If you do not analyze for
Selects the Subjects
experimenter differences, you will
never know for certain if they were a -if you do not select your subjects
problem in your experiment or not. randomly, your sample will be biased

Volunteer Subjects -if you use a convenience sample,

your results might not be
-not as important as personality
generalizable beyond these subjects
variables associated with
experimenters -it is always best to use people you
do not know
-personality variables of
experimental subjects = -assigning subjects to conditions
characteristics shared by typical can have similar pitfalls
-best way to control for this possibility
Context Variables is to design an assignment procedure
and stick with it
-are those that come about from
procedures created by the Some Folklore About Subjects
environment, or context, of the
research setting -there is the notion that
sometimes, subjects contacted
-include subject recruitment, early in an experiment behave
selection, assignment procedures, differently from subjects
and typical problems encountered in contacted earlier
research on a university population
-experimenters need to be aware of
Two Basic Kinds of Context the possibility that they can show
Variables practice and fatigue effects over the
course of running the entire
1. When the Subjects Select
the Experiment
-best advice is to minimize face-to-
2. When the Experimenter Selects
face contact. This will have less
the Subjects
impact on how subjects behave
1.When the Subjects
Select the Experiment

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CHAPTER 9: Basic Between- Should have at least 10-20
Subjects Designs subjects in each treatment
condition to detect a strong
Design of an experiment – details treatment effect.
an experimenter’s plan for testing
a hypothesis *Fewer subjects in each condition =
not detecting the effect of the IV on
-the experiment’s structure or floor the DV
plan, but NOT the specific content
Effect size – is a statistical estimate
-we can use the same design of the size or magnitude of a
to investigate different treatment effect
*larger effect size = stronger
Experimental design – relationship between the IV & DV;
largely determined by the fewer subjects needed to detect a
experimental hypothesis treatment effect
Three aspects of experiment that One Independent Variable: Two-
play a big part in determining the Group Designs
Two-group design – involves
1. the number of independent the creation of two separate
groups of subjects
2. the number of treatment conditions
Two variations of the two-group
needed to fairly test the hypothesis design:
3. whether the same or different 1. Two-independent-groups design
subjects are used in each of the
treatment conditions 2. Two-matched-groups design

Between-Subject Designs -both use two treatment conditions,

but they differ dramatically in how
-different subjects take part in the researcher decides which subjects
each condition of the experiment will take part in each treatment
-draw conclusions by making condition
comparisons between the behaviors Two Independent Groups
of different group subjects
-more than 1 or 2 subjects
necessary Selecting and
-a design where there is one IV with
Recruiting Subjects two levels and subjects are randomly
The representativeness of our assigned to one of the two conditions
sample determines whether we can -this design includes the
generalize our results to the entire Experimental Group-Control
population from which the sample Group design and Two-
was drawn. Experimental Groups
Random sampling – increases design Random
an experimenter’s external
validity Assignment
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How Many Subjects?
-involves assigning subjects to
conditions so each subject has an equal
chance of participating in each condition

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-used to equally distribute subject Two-factorial design – simplest
variables between the treatment factorial design with only two factors
groups to prevent them from
e.g.: The effect of psychotherapy
confounding an experiment
(IV1) and antidepressant drugs (IV2)
Experimental Group-Control on depression (DV).
Group Design
Factor – the independent variable
Experimental condition –
presents a value of the
*each factor will have two or
more values or levels
independent variable
Looking for Main Effects
Experimental group - receives a
level of the IV Main effect – is the action of a
single independent variable on the
Control condition – presents a zero
dependent variable
level of the independent variable
Control group – receives the same *There can be as many main effects
as independent variables.
procedures, but receives no treatment

Two-Experimental-Groups Design e.g.: An experimenter studies the

effects of exercise intensity (IV1) and
-we assign subjects to one of two duration (IV2) on depression (DV).
levels of the independent variable
*If exercise intensity or duration
-appropriate if there is one separately reduced depression,
independent variable with two levels these would constitute main effects.
and if we can assume that
Q: How do we determine
randomization will control extraneous
whether we have main effects in
our experiment?
Two Matched Group Design
*Perform an appropriate statistical
In two-matched-groups design, we:
test. Looking for Interactions
1. match participants on a subject
Interaction – the joint effect of
variable correlated with the DV, and
two or more IVs on the DV.
2. randomly assign them to one of
*When there is an interaction, the
two treatment conditions
effect of one IV is different across
CHAPTER 10: Between-Subjects levels of the other independent
Factorial Designs variable.

More Than One Independent Higher-order interactions – an

Variable interaction among three or more IVs

Factorial design – contains two or *Interpretation can be difficult

more independent variables at the when more than three IVs interact
same time in an experiment

-can provide information about both

treatment and interaction effects

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e.g.: A previous hypothetical study recreate the complexity of
examined the effect of a perpetrator’s the multivariate
gender (male or female), relationship environment.
to the child (parent, step-parent, or
parent’s partner), and severity of the
abuse (neurological damage, broken (Mula sa book and sa PPT ni Sir
bones, or bruising) on sentencing. ‘yung mga information.)
*There would be a higher-order
interaction if the perpetrator’s
gender, relationship to the child, and GOOD LUCK 
severity of the abuse jointly
determined sentence length.

Q: How many interactions are

possible in a study with three

*Assign letters (A, B, C) to the

independent variables. Identify
all unique two- and three-
treatment combinations.

*For three independent variables,

these include AB, AC, BC, and ABC.
ABC is the higher-order

Q: How does an interaction

affect the interpretation of our

*An interaction qualifies a main

effect, warning us that there may be
limits or expectations to the effect of
an IV on the DV.

*When there is an interaction, we

must consider both IVs, because the
effects of one factor will depend on
the levels of the other factor

Q: Why use a factorial design

instead of two separate
univariate experiments?

*A factorial design is more efficient

since it combines several one-factor
experiments and allows us to study
*A factorial design can achieve greater
external validity since it can better
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