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4.1 The Sonoran Desert.


Deserts are difficult for organisms, because there is little water, it’s very hot, some of them are cold
deserts (Gobi desert), very cold during the nights.

Cacti are plants that have reduced leaves in many species .The leaves have become spines .Instead
of leaves, they use their green, thick stems for photosynthesis. This reduces the surface are of leaves
that is exposed to the air, which reduces the loss of water vapour from the leaves. The spines also
protect the plant from grazing animals, which would otherwise eat the plant to obtain water as well
as food. The stems store water. Roots of cacti spread very wide, just below the surface to catch
rainwater .Roots also go very deep into the ground .Some species have both type of roots.
4.3 Intruders in an Ecosystem .



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