My Bi 1640705934 Verbs Worksheet - Ver - 1

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Write down the correct answers in the blank spaces.

sells sweeps hugs knocks sleeps

swim runs wipes cries throws

1. Ayesha at 9:00pm everyday.

2. Adam always his mum before going to school.

3. Aliya rubbish into the dustbin.

4. Every evening, Najwa with her sister at the park .

5. Puan Sariful on the door before coming inside.

6. Puan Halimah the table with a cloth.

7. Younger brother because he has a headache.

8. Pak Cik Jamil fruits at the market.

9. Kak Long up the leaves in the yard.

10. Isaac and Isabel at the swimming

pool every weekend.

1 visit

Match the words with the pictures.

1. sing

2. shower

3. teach

4. brush

5. crawl

6. kick

7. fly

8. jump

9. climb

2 visit
1. Ayesha sleeps at 9:00pm everyday.

2. Adam always hugs his mum before going to school.

3. Aliya throws rubbish into the dustbin.

4. Every evening, Najwa runs with her sister at the park.

5. Puan Sariful knocks on the door before coming inside.

6. Puan Halimah wipes the table with a cloth.

7. Younger brother cries because he has a headache.

8. Pak Cik Jamil sells fruits at the market.

9. Kak Long sweeps up the leaves in the yard.

10. Isaac and Isabel swim at the swimming

pool every weekend.

1 visit

Match the words with the pictures.

1. sing

2. shower

3. teach

4. brush

5. crawl

6. kick

7. fly

8. jump

9. climb

2 visit

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