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Human Resource management

Submitted by:
Aditya Sharma
Roll no. PSY/21/60
B.A. Hons. Psychology

Dr. Aanchal Gupta
Department of commerce



I, Aditya Sharma, student of B.A. Hons. Psychology (1st semester), in Aryabhatta college,
University of Delhi, hereby declare that I have made this academic project titled ‘Human
resource management and organisational behavior’ as a part of my internal assessment for the
subject ‘Business Organisation and Management', for the academic year 2021-22. The project
submitted for the first and here only and the information submitted therein is true to the best of
my knowledge.

I sincerely thank Dr. Aanchal Gupta and my friends for the help for the extended by them for the
help extended by them for the successful completion of the project report.

Date- 7-2-2022

Aditya Sharma


S. No. Topics Pg. no.

1. Introduction 4-6

2. Objectives of the study 6

3. Case studies 6-16

4. Need for HRM 17

5. Functions of HRM 18-21

6. Conclusion 21

7. References

Human Resource Management is the process of recruiting, selecting, inducting employees,
providing orientation, imparting training and development, appraising the performance of
employees, deciding compensation and providing benefits, motivating employees, maintaining
proper relations with employees and their trade unions, ensuring employees safety, welfare and
health measures in compliance with labor laws and judgments of the court.

Human Resource Management deals with the management functions like planning, organizing,
directing and controlling
• It deals with procurement of human resource, training & development and
maintenance of human resource.
• It helps to achieve individual, organizational and social objectives

Human Resource Management is a multidisciplinary subject.

• It includes the study of management, psychology, communication, economics and
• It also deals with building team spirit and team work.
• It is a continuous process.

Human resource management as a department in an organisation handles all aspects of

employees and has various functions like human resource planning, Conducting Job analysis,
recruitment and conducting job interviews, selection of human resources, Orienting, training,
compensating, Providing benefits and incentives, appraising, retaining, Career planning, Quality
of Work Life, Employee Discipline, black out Sexual Harassments, human resource auditing,
maintenance of industrial relationship, looking after welfare of employees and safety issues,
communicating with all employees at all levels and maintaining awareness of and compliance
with local, state and federal labor laws.

Importance of Human Resource Management-

Behind production of every product or service there is a human mind, effort and man hours
(working hours). No product or service can be produced without help of human being. Human
being is fundamental resource for making or construction of anything. Every organisation desire
is to have skilled and competent people to make their organisation competent and best.

Among the five Ms of Management, i.e., men, money, machines, materials, and methods, HRM
deals about the first M, which is men. It is believed that in the five Ms, "men" is not so easy to
manage. "Every man is different from other" and they are totally different from the other Ms in

the sense that men possess the power to manipulate the other Ms. Whereas, the other Ms are
either lifeless or abstract and as such, do not have the power to think and decide what is good for

Therefore, human resource management is meant for proper utilization of available skilled
workforce and also to make efficient use of existing human resource in the organization. The best
example in present situation is, construction industry has been facing serious shortage of skilled
workforce. It is expected to triple in the next decade from the present 30 per cent, will negatively
impact the overall productivity of the sector, warn industry experts.

Today many experts claim that machines and technology are replacing human resource and
minimizing their role or effort. However, machines and technology are built by the humans only
and they need to be operated or at least monitored by humans and this is the reason why
companies are always in hunt for talented, skilled and qualified professionals for continuous
development of the organization.

The ten "Cs" of human resources management are: cost effectiveness, competitive, coherence,
credibility, communication, creativity, competitive advantage, competence, change, and
commitment. The ten "Cs" framework was developed by Alan Price in his book "Human
Resource Management in a Business Context".

Primary responsibilities of the Human resource manager:

1. To develop a thorough knowledge of corporate culture, plans and policies.

2 To act as an internal change agent and consultant.

3. To initiate change and act as an expert and facilitator.

4. To actively involve himself in company's strategy formulation.

5. To keep communication lines open between the HRD function and individuals and groups
both within and outside the organisation.

6. To identify and evolve HRD strategies in consonance with overall business strategy.

7. To facilitate the development of various organisational teams and their working relationship
with other teams and individuals.

8. To try and relate people and work so that the organisation objectives are achieved effectively
and efficiently.

9. To diagnose problems and to determine appropriate solution particularly in the human

resources areas.

10. To provide co-ordination and support services for the delivery of HRD programmes and

11. To evaluate the impact of an HRD intervention or to conduct research so as to identify,

develop or test how HRD in general has improved individual or organisational performance.

Core responsibilities of Human resource management-

1. Planning for staffing needs.

2. Employee recruitment and selection.

3. Employee compensation and benefits.

4. Employee training and evaluation.

Roles of Human Resources Manager-

He/she is responsible for formulating and designing of Human Resource policies in compliance
with labor laws and sees all HR related activities staring from hiring to firing of an employee in
an organisation.

The Human Resource Manager is responsible for overseeing human resources activities and
policies according to executive level direction. They supervise human resources staff as well as
see staffing, compensation, assessing and providing employee benefits, providing training &
development, safety & welfare of staff, maintaining healthy labor relations, providing employee
handbook and maintaining employment records as required by the employment laws.



1. To know what is Human Resource Management.

2. To find out why Human Resource Management is needed in every sector.

3. To Learn about different strategies used for HRM in real life.

1. The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Job
Performances: A Case Study of Bank of Texas
Aim- The aim and goal of the study is to investigate and analyze the impact of human resource
management practices on Job Performances with job satisfaction, training and motivation,
performance appraisal.

Specific research goal of the study is to answer the following question: to what extent are various
models and diagram of HR development system and planning are closely related to overall job
satisfaction of the organisation.

HR practices- There are a number of HR practices than can be affect the employee
performance. Taseem & Soeters (2006) has studied about eight HRM practices and Policies and
their relationship with job satisfaction. These HR practices are Human Resource Management
Policy, Human Resource planning, Policy and Philosophy, recruitment and selection practices,
placement practices, training practices, compensation practices, employee performance
evaluation practices, Motivational forces and factors, Employee Grievances, promotion
practices, empowerment and Physical and social and safety security, self-esteem security and
self-actualization security or pension.
H01: Human Resource Management Practices have a great Impact on Job Satisfaction.
Performance Appraisal.

Performance appraisal- is nothing but it is the comparison present performance to the past
performance. Performance appraisal is the great tools of measuring the level of performance of
an employees with the given standard which is predetermined and it used in the all over the
world .Where it is ranked the level of performance of an employees and A performance appraisal
is a systematic and annual or periodic process and ways of assessing the value of an individual
employee's job performance, Job production, Job rotation and productivity in relation to certain
pre- established criteria and organizational objectives where it is pre-determined and pre-settled
goals Manasa, K. & Reddy, N. (2009).

H02: Performance appraisals have impacts on job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction- is a pre-requisite for employee performance in any company organization

and. It is really important for both the employee and the employer in an organization. Job
satisfaction provides them a sense of mental, physical, financial technical and human security. It
helps the employee to retain in the future in the organization where employee commitment and

work performance regarding the work environment will ensure and develop the quality
environment and quality product. More connection with the organization will help the employee
to retain in the future and develop a commitment to them. For the employer, employee job
satisfaction ensures committed staff and stable workforce which reduce cost of recruitment and
training. Job satisfaction refers to an individual’s general attitude toward his or her job.
According to Locke (2015), job satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting
from the appraisal of one’s job and job experiences.

H03: Job satisfactions have a correlation between Performance appraisal and employee
absenteeism and turnover.

Training and Motivation

There are various factors like training, Training and development, Leadership, motivation,
technology, management behavior, working environment, where each Organizational factor
contributes to overall employee performance and organizational development. Highly
contributing and measuring, analyzing and comparing factors are those having relative
importance given by employees and the sub-ordinates. This study concludes that training and
development contributes greatly to the employee’s performance in comparison with other factors
like motivation, technology, management, Organizational behavior, working environment. There
is positive relationship between the employee's performance recognize and evaluation and
training and motivation. Training is focusing on fixing a specific issue (Doyle, 2014). The study
shows that training and motivation has positive impact on performance of employees. All the
organization and the corporation who would like to maintain the quality that wants to enhance
their employee performance should focus on training as it also motivates employees to achieve
higher performance levels. Training is anything offering learning experience (Paul &
Anantharaman, 2003) Training is highly related with motivation and Motivation is highly related
with the production and productivity of the organization.

H04: Training and Development have impacts on Job Satisfaction.

H05: Motivation has a great impact and correlation between job satisfactions.

Research Methodology
The study of the research seeks to examine, Investigate and analyze the impact of human
resource management practices on Performance appraisal, Job Satisfaction, Absenteeism and
turnover, Training and Motivation. Team Work, Employee Participation. For the present study
Texas Bank a leading private Bank is taken as case study. The sample units include executives,
middle level managers and managers of Texas Bank. For the study 60 respondents were
contacted for getting the information and data regarding HRM practices and policies or the
organization. But due to busy time schedules of bank employee and the workers and their busy
schedule in various activities the numbers of respondents were restricted up to 52.

For the present study of the research two methodologies were followed. The first is Qureshi and
Ramay (2014) scale on HRM practices comprised of 40 statements on training, team work,
performance appraisal, compensation, and employee participation. The second is Singh (2018)
scale on job satisfaction and employee turnover comprises of 34 statements. The reality and
validity of the data is always showing the real impacts the Human Resource Management
Practices on Performance appraisal, Job Satisfaction, Absenteeism and turnover, Training and
Motivation. Team Work, Employee Participation etc.

Dependent and Independent Variables:

The Job Satisfaction (JS) of bank employees is taken as dependent variable in the regression
model. The independent variables used in model are Training (T), Performance Appraisal (P),
Team work (TW), Employee Participation (EP) and Compensation (C).

Data Analysis & Interpretation

The training practices provide satisfaction to all the respondents between “Agree” to “Strongly
Agree”. On an average the respondents are satisfied to a Strongly Agree from the training
practices provided by the organization. The performance appraisal system provides satisfaction
to all the respondents between “moderately Agree” to strongly agree”. On an average the
respondents are satisfied to a Strongly Agree from the performance appraisal system provided by
the organization. Respondents are satisfied to a small extent with the training practices and
Employee participation practices offered by the Bank. The most important factor compensation
showed that respondents are satisfied “to a large extent” with the salary packages and other
remunerations benefits. The average value (3.55) showed that the employees are satisfied to large
extent with the HRM practices offered by the Bank. The mean value of Job satisfaction showed
that the employees are satisfied to a largely.

The findings from correlation analysis indicate that job satisfaction of employees is negatively
correlated with employee participation and cooperation in management and other HRM practices
like training, performance appraisal, team work and compensation, Employee Participation are
positively correlated with job satisfaction.

Based on the analysis of the regression model it was concluded that performance appraisal has a
negative impact on the job satisfaction, whereas the training and development has a positive
impact on the job performance, Employee participation and compensation and employee absence
are closely related with performance of the organization.

This study is an attempt to examine and analyze the impact of human resource management
practices on job satisfaction of private sector banking industry in Texas. In the present study, the
estimated regression model identified that the HRM practices like Training, Performance
Appraisal, Team Work, Absenteeism and turnover and Compensation has significant impact on


job satisfaction and job performances of the organization. The study also recommends that
employee active participation is essential for maintaining the healthy environments of the
organization. Performance appraisal, motivation and training, compensation should be treated
fairly in the organization and co-relation should be developed in order to maintain the balance of
authority and production in the organization.

2. Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on the Working Life of

Tannery Workers in Bangladesh.
Overview of Tannery Sector in Bangladesh
The first tannery in Bangladesh was established in Narayanganj by Ranoda Prasad Saha (RP
Sahu in the 1940s (Biswas and Rahman, 2013) Before the independence of Bangladesh
Narayanganj was the center of tannery business After liberation, it was shifted to the Hazaribagh
area of Dhaks, which turned into a location that now accommodates a large number of tannery
units in Bangladesh Sarkar, 2014 However, the Bangladesh Government has already started to
shift the tannery factories from Hazaribagh to Savar in Dhaka Leather industry developed in
Bangladesh on a large-scale basis since the 1970. According to Bangladesh Export Promotion
Bureau EPB), about 95% of leather and leather products of Bangladesh are marked abroad,
mostly in the form of crushed leather, finished leather, leather garments, and footwear (EPB,
2011 The main export hubs of this produced leather, leather goods and footwear are in Germany,
Italy, France, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Brazil, Japan, China, Singapore and Taiwan (EPB,
2011) Value addition in these exports averages 85% local and 15% (EPB, 2011) More than 100
modern tanneries units are now in operation in the industry These are located mostly in the
Hazaribagh area of Dhaka city. In 1998, the sector exported 17 million sq.ft of leather and earned
$160 million TA, 2010 The country is endowed with luxurious vegetation encouraging a large
livestock population. The quality of the rawhide and skin is relatively good, as barbed wire
fencing that damage the skin of animals is not and in the natural farms and fields (GTZ, 2010).

The tanning industry got a big boost following the government decision to promote more value
addition in sports. The installed capacity for crust leather production than increased at present,
crust loather production is double the domestic supply of maw hide and skin sacker, 2014).
Investments are also made in installing new finishing capacity. The trends encourage more
tanneries to produce finished leather on a commercial basis. The export target for the fiscal year
of 2015-2016 was USD 400.00 million, but still their export performance for the fiscal year up to
September, 2016 was USD 277.90 million (LFMEA, 2016). This is alarmingly low of 30.53%
change of export performance over the export target. There are so many reasons behind this
situation. Mainly shifting, low price of finished leather, scarcity of workers, hide and skin
smuggling etc. are core responsible for decreasing export.

Importance of HRM Practice in Tannery


Currently, most of the effective organizations consider Human Resource Management as the
systematizing, policing and traumatizing arm of executive management. An employee-oriented
and productive workplace requires a good HR department where the employees can be engaged
and energized (Boyd, 2000). Unfortunately, the tannery industry of Bangladesh lacks
professional HR management primarily due to lack of corporatization, unplanned and
unsupportive infrastructure facilities, and owner's feudal attitudes. However, the recent
government decision to move the whole tannery operation to a new location (20 km from Dhaka
city, Savar), which provides appropriate infrastructure for cost effective and efficient treatment of
solid and liquid wastes (BTA, 2010), creates an opportunity for attracting fresh investment from
within and outside the country and also for a developing corporate culture which includes
modern HRM practices focusing on health and safety issues of the tannery workers. Rees (1996)
argued that an effective Human Recourse Department considers their employees as a strategic
business partner, not as cost to be minimized. Labor has been viewed as the human factor with a
lot of positive potentials (Hossan, et al., 2012). So, welfare of labor should be a priority of any
organization, especially in the industry like tannery which has a high level of occupational
hazards. Hence, a well-planned and well-executed training program for employees can ensure
workplace hygiene, engineering, safety and physical security (Boyd, 2001). Modern HRM
practice also calls for the elimination of discrimination and abuse from the industry, which is
very common in this sector due to informal work practice and unstructured pay policy (HRW,
2012). HR procedure and practice are expected to provide a clear framework within which issue
like unfairness, discrimination, injustice can be resolved (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2009).
Therefore, formal HRM practices at the tannery in Bangladesh are highly recommended.

Research methodology
Focus group discussion (FDG) has been chosen for this study to Collect data and to do the
analysis. FDG is a quantitative method where data are Collected through the discussion of the
participants and it is moderated by the researcher (Morgan and Spanish, 1984. Rabies, 2004).
The sample respondents include machine operators, leather cutting worker. tanning worker,
administrative officer, general manager of tannery plant, hydraulic machine operator, buffing and
finishing worker, leather ironic worker, supervisor. production manager, technical manager,
leather engineer and leather preserving works: While selecting sample size of the respondents,
convenience sampling method is applied FGDs are used to collect primary data, and secondary
data are collected from journal articles and reports. During the study, several tannery plants have
been visited in Dhaka and Narayanganj districts of Bangladesh. Experiences from tannery plant
visits are also included in finding parts to support the analysis result.

Organizational Structure, Work Culture and Policy

The large size of tannery companies (who produce branded shoes) and other small tanneries do
not have any HR specialists. So, the employees from the administrative department perform
human resource activities. But those employees have lack of HR knowledge. That is why; they


do not follow any formal rules for staffing process. compensation, training and development of
the workers. Most of the tannery workers are male with very few numbers of female workers.
Some of the tanneries do not have any female workers. Large tanneries normally follow two
work shifts for production. The small tanneries usually have almost 40 workers. Tannery workers
are also involved in trade union activities to protect their rights and raise CE against any unfair
means. Hazaribagh Leather Labor Union is one of the trade unions Dhaka city which has a
representative in every organization. The representatives of the labor union are selected from the
workers of every tannery which has minimum of 50 workers. Employee's participation is not
encouraged; rather the chain of command is highly maintained. However, workers can negotiate
with a supervisor with regarding work related issues. Supervisors closely monitor the workers.
The innovative knowledge of the workers is not considered all the time.

The companies do not follow formal dress codes and do not have any safely wear for production
workers. The average age of the workers is 35, and some of the tanneries employ workers below
18 years, which is against ILO convention. In case study organizations, employees get one day as
a weekend, and they also get earn and casual leave. But most of the small tanneries (who have
workers below 50) do not offer earn and casual leave. In case study organizations, unitarism and
hard HRM practices are followed It is the traditional way of management. Here, the decision is
taken by the managers and all the employees follow the decision. Supervisor closely monitors
the workers, and they get less flexibility. The female workers get maternity leave in few
organizations. There is no daycare center for working mothers in tanneries.

Working Environment
Workers in many tanneries become ill because of hazardous chemicals exposure and injury by
horrific workplace accidents. Occupational health and safety crisis exist in most of the tanneries.
Skin diseases and respiratory illnesses caused by exposure to tanning chemicals, and limb
damages caused by accidents in dangerous tannery machinery are a very common phenomenon.
Many tanneries do not get an adequate supply of protective equipment and safety wear.

The most of the tanneries follow numerical flexibility. They appoint employees based on the
different time schedule. When production is high, tanneries recruit more workers. They can get
rid of the contingent workers when they do not have a business. It depends on work demand.
During Eid-Ul-Azha, the tanneries need more workers. So, the workers do overtime when
seasonal workers are less in supply. The companies also pay for the overtime. Usually, the large
tanneries provide pay flexibility.

Staffing Process
The recruitment process in the tannery is informal. The owner of the company usually appoints
the workers in the tannery. Sometimes the tannery owner recruit workers based on current


worker's reference. Many jobs in tanneries have no specific education requirements. The general
managers, administrative officers and machine operators are usually permanent employees and
they are hired through formal job advertisement and selection interview. . For succession
planning and promotion process of the workers, the companies follow internal recruitment. Some
workers who were assigned to work in tanning and cutting the leather at the entry level of their
job; they are now machine operators. To do the machine operator tasks, the companies assess the
educational ability and skill of the workers.

Salary and Benefits

The tanneries follow the job-based employment model. They do not need any specialized
knowledge to perform their job. Whatever the workers will do on the basis of the work, they will
get payment like piecework, daily incentive, and performance bonus. The workers get per day
salary. Based on workload, work type and experience of the workers, the companies determine
salary, incentive etc. Most of the tannery workers do not get insurance and medical allowance,
and their work-related accident is not compensated by the employers.

Performance Appraisal
The performance appraisal of workers is usually done by the immediate supervisor. So, feedback
comes from the trustworthy and credible source. The supervisors follow behavior-based measure.
They try to find out whether the workers are following the guideline or not. The tanneries
partially follow traits measure. Here the supervisors find out whether the workers are successful
to finish the tasks given by the line manager. The supervisors focus on the accomplishment of
final tasks. Every day, the workers have some activities to perform and the supervisor monitor
whether workers finish the tasks that are assigned to them. To evaluate the performance of the
workers, the companies follow absolute measurement. They compare the performance of the
workers against the benchmark. When they evaluate employee performance, they compare the
actual job performance with the benchmark. The task of the workers is specific. So, every worker
has to finish the tasks that are assigned to him

Training and Development

More than half of the employees in leather industry are production workers. An increasing
amount of the work in these industries is done by machines. Workers with various levels of skill
and training are needed to operate these machines. This industry profile covers all processes of
shoe manufacturing, from treating the skins to final polishing. They learn from actual work
practices and experiences. An experienced employee or the supervisor teaches the newly joined
workers. Workers learn by doing the job. The workers first join as an assistant then through the
on-the-job training process, they become efficient and promoted at the upper level.

Findings from FGDs on Existing Work Problems-


1.Informal recruitment system- job vacancies are created any rime by the owner and the hiring is
done without a formal process.

2. Inefficient Production-As workers are not trained enough before they are assigned task, default
and wastage rate is higher. Workers are not monitored properly and they do not have a specific
job description. As they do multiple tasks, their service quality is always questionable.

3.Payment- Workers are not paid on time and they often do not get salaries in advance before
any religious festival which is the reason for sudden unrest. Tannery workers usually do not get
any non-financial benefits, but it is an important tool for job satisfaction.

4. Worker Unrest- Unrest in tannery sector is not common. If their wants are not observed
properly, there is a high possibility of occurring employee unrest.

5. Job Turnover and Absenteeism- When workers are late for the work, then production
managers have to do some adjustment considering which work has to be done with priority.
Production managers cannot keep a machine without an operator. They find an alternative by
looking for a back-up worker who has proper knowledge about that machine, so that the machine
stays on the run. It is very common that some workers remain absent for few days after the salary
is paid.

6.Lack of Knowledge- Most of the tannery workers do not have adequate knowledge about the
machine that they are using. But the works are done with perfection; because of the experience
they gather. So, it is difficult to get the job done if the workers are new or the experienced
workers are absent.

7.Lack of Work Motivation- Machine and production mangers expressed their feelings about the
effect of motivation on the workers. They completely agree that motivation plays an important
role but there is not enough scope for them to motivate the workers as there is a lack of budget.
Except for monthly salary, no other payment or benefit is given to the workers in most of the

8. Lack of Efficiency- The production manager also thinks that there is a lack of efficiency in the
workforce. The workers just have the work done ignoring the "efficiency' factor.

9.Gender Discrimination- Most of the female workers in tanneries are employed on a part time
basis and their salaries are comparatively less, and they are given less priority to offer permanent
job offer.

10.Unfavorable Working Environment- Workers in all the case study organizations, complain of
illnesses such as fevers, skin diseases, respiratory problems, and diarrhea caused by the extreme
tannery pollution of air, water, and soil. Due to the exposure to the hazardous chemicals, workers
are becoming ill, and it creates occupational health and safety crisis in tanneries.



It is true that every tannery cannot afford to have a separate HR department as the organization
size is small in many cases. But all of them should consciously and sensibly practice the basic
HRM functions for smooth operation. In reality, it is seen that the most profitable tannery does
not have any kind of recruitment procedure. This insane practice should be changed in order to
be productive and sustainable. Research findings show that there are problems in productivity
and employee's willingness to work up to the potential. In order to overcome this problem,
tanneries need to involve the employees more in the organization's decision making. They need
to focus on rewarding best performers, which will motivate others to follow his or her footstep.
On the other hand, taking more steps for employee motivation such as profit sharing can have
more influence on employee performance. Non-monitory motivational tools like praise for a
good performance can be a huge inspiration for the organization.

Employee turnover in tanneries is a burning issue as there are no formal employee recruitment,
placement and succession policies. By recruiting more dedicated and more potentially favorable
employee, this situation can be improved. Also, by motivation, increment and by keeping better
relation with an employee, this problem can be handled which is really important for the better
productivity of the tanneries. Job rotation is not practiced in tanneries for multi-skilling, and
flexibility at work is very little. Therefore, workers get bored by doing repeated tasks, and it
often has a negative impact on quality. Temporary workers face many problems. They do not get
overtime and any other benefits that being given to permanent workers. Therefore, commitment
and loyalty of the seasonal and temporary workers are comparatively lower that have a huge
impact on service quality. Tanneries often pay lower than the minimum wage, and their overtime
pay is not given rationally, which goes beyond the national labor law in Bangladesh. Research
findings show that employee's payment in tanneries does not reflect their work experience. It is
found that the workers get the same salaries for years and it is not adjusted with the changes of
the standard of living. Besides that, job security in tanneries is too volatile. There is a practice of
accommodation, transportation allowance but they are not realistic. These insufficient
allowances do not really help the employee. Gender discrimination with pay, promotion, job
security and flexibility exist in tanneries where women are deprived. Therefore, both the tannery
management and government should take care of this issue on humanitarian ground. Corruption
is another problem in tannery management. An organization should understand that employee's
productivity is more dependent on how they are treated. Employee might not leave the
organization because of biasness, but surely employee will not deliver their full potential. In the
naked eye, it might not be much but the accumulation is devastating. In most of the organization,
there are some dominating characters and the presence of it found during the focused group
discussions. During the plant visit in various tanneries, it is found that only a few factories follow
health and safety provision. Safety equipment like helmet to protect the head, gloves for hand,
mask for chemical mixture etc. are not provided adequately. Therefore, it is a crisis of health and
safety issue in tanneries. Safety measures must be taken to avoid legal obligations and health


Health, safety and environmental issue are a major concern in the tannery industry of
Bangladesh. The paper also found that employees do predominantly express their concern about
these issues and also consent about the informal recruitment system, inefficient production,
gender discrimination, unequal pay system, child labor etc. in this industry. The findings of focus
discussions strongly suggest that the practice of HRM in the tannery industry of Bangladesh can
have a degenerated effect on standard recruitment. training, pay, favorable working standard and
gender issue. The major stakeholders of the industry including the government, NGO's and
owners' association should play their respective roles in protecting the interest of the workers.
The working conditions of the tannery are much neglected issue where child labor is also
present, the rights of the workers are compromised and job security is not protected. The paper
also recommends that worker's opinion should be taken care of, worker's councils should be
formed and external monitoring should be strengthened to create a good work environment in the
tanneries. It is expected that in the process of the relocation of the tanneries to the new place will
create opportunities for redesigning the workplace and eliminate the present problems.

3. 3 Examples of strategic Human Resource management from top companies-

Google being Google, it’s no surprise that their approach to HR broke away from tradition. It is
well known about the tons of employee perks and amazing “Googlified” facilities that set a new
trend in office design. But Google’s strategic approach to human resources goes beyond that.
Like with most tech companies they’re obsessed with data, and the HR function is no exception.

In 2006, co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page decided to take an empirical approach to HR
founded on feedback and employee data. A manifestation of this is Project Oxygen, an ongoing
study into management practices that identifies and measures key management behaviors and
helps nurture them.

It all gets quite technical, but essentially Google hired some smart people to undertake in-depth
statistical analysis into what their employees consider to be good managers. They discovered
eight common behaviors exhibited by the top-performing managers and then trained the rest in
them. As a result, Google saw an overall improvement in people management and team metrics
such as turnover, satisfaction, and performance over time.

Collecting data from your employees and using it to improve the employee experience does
work. It’s no accident that Google employees are some of the most productive in the world.

True to their industry, CISCO developed their own HRM technology to guide strategy and better
serve the needs of the business.


The CISCO Talent Cloud is essentially an internal CRM that gives managers transparency into
the skills and experiences of the company’s 70,000+ employees. Further, it gives employees
themselves the tools and insights they need to take the initiative and advance their careers (like
an internal LinkedIn!).

This approach allows managers to put together the best team needed to complete a particular
project, and employees the opportunity to learn by working on a project that helps them meet a
particular goal. Senior managers can also access real-time intelligence on team performance,
how they produce results, execute priorities, and levels of engagement.

Cisco calls this a ‘one-size-fits-one’ employee experience and it seems to be working. CISCO is
ranked number one in Fortune’s Best 100 Companies To Work For and is able to attract top talent
to help meet business goals.

Hilton Worldwide Holdings

Anyone who’s stayed at a Hilton Hotel will likely have enjoyed the experience. Of course, their
standards are no fluke and require a large and diverse workforce to maintain. Hilton is regularly
recognized as one of the best global companies to work for—quite a feat for a service industry

The secret to Hilton’s success, on both fronts, is in no small part down to a highly strategic
approach to managing their company culture. Culture is important because it represents how
people work together in the day-to-day and on projects.

Knowing this, Hilton’s approach was to introduce a method of quantitative analysis to

maintaining its culture. One is ‘the balanced scorecard’ and the other is ‘the team member

The balanced scorecard seeks to closely intertwine corporate vision, strategy, and goals with
team member performance. It constantly tracks KPIs such as revenue maximization, customer
loyalty, employee satisfaction, skills training, and diversity. Employees and teams are able to see
how their roles and performance impacts the company, and findings and best practices are
regularly shared across the company.

The team member survey compliments the balanced scorecard. It’s conducted globally once a
year and measures factors such as morale, leadership effectiveness, pride, and development.

By carefully managing culture in such a way, Hilton employees at all levels are highly engaged
motivated to contribute to the company’s mission.



1.For Good Industrial Relations: There is large spread unrest, labor- management disputes,
lack of trust in each other, increasing expectations of workers, growing of militancy in trade
unions etc. These factors have generated a gap among workers and managements. Both sides are
blaming of exploitation by the other side. In the absence of cordiality in an organisation, the
performance of workers is adversely affected. HRM approach is needed to bring proper
understanding among workers and management. The workers are trained and developed to meet
their individual and organisational objectives. The workers are made to understand that various
managerial actions will assist them in achieving their aspirations and organization's goal.
2. Create Organisational Commitment: There is a humanization of work environment in
industrially advanced countries like Japan, U.S.A., and Germany etc. Globalization of economy
has exposed Indian industries to international competition. An improvement in efficiency and
quality of work can come only when workers develop organisational commitment. HRM
approach helps in creating a sense of pride for the organisation among the employees.
3. Meeting with Changing Environment: The business environment is changing rapidly.
Technological improvements have revolutionized production processes. Automation has been
introduced in office operations. Good communication methods have revolutionized important
areas of business. Therefore, there is a need to cope with new and changing situation. The
operational efficiency of workers must cope up with a revolutionary change in the technology
which necessitates a new approach to manpower.

4. Change in Political Philosophy: Political philosophy has also undergone a substantial

change all over the world. The new approach is to develop human resources properly for making
their better use. In India, Central Government has created a separate ministry as Human
Resource Development and put it under a Senior Cabinet Minister. This shows the importance
given to human resources in India, which opened up a door for a fresh approach to human
resource development in the industrial sector too.

5. Enhanced Pressure on Employees: The technological innovations have made possible

the use of sophisticated machines. The installation, monitoring of machines, maintenance and
controlling of operations etc., require large number of trained and skillful personnel.

Technicians, repairers and service people are also necessary. The more the technical development
and automation, the more would be the dependence on human beings. There should, therefore, be
greater need for humane approach to manpower. Similarly, use of more capital-intensive methods
would result in greater productivity of men necessitating greater motivating and greater human
resources approach to management.


6. Meeting Research and Development Requirements: Fresh initiatives and emphasis on

research and development in the realm of industry also led to a new policy of human resource
development to cope with the increasing demand for technically capable people. As a result of
this, a need arose for a new approach to human resources.

The role of human resource management is to plan, develop, and administer policies and
programs designed to make expeditious use of an organization's human resources. It is that part
of management which is concerned with the people at work and with their relationship within an
enterprise. Its objectives are:
• Effective utilization of human resources;
• Desirable working relationships among all members of the organisation; and
• Maximize individual development.

Major functions of human resource management are:

Recruitment and Selection (Staffing)

Staffing emphasizes the recruitment and selection of the human resources for an organization.
Since staffing is a major and primary function of HR department, HR managers and hiring
managers should ensure equal employment opportunities Without any discrimination based on
caste, creed, race, sex and religion in staffing process, since it is constitutional and mandatory in
some countries like the USA, UK and India. It's failure or contravenes shall invite legal action
against such organization which shall sometimes leads to huge finality or closure depending
upon the gravity of such contravenes. Equal employment opportunity principle is not applicable
where rule of reservation is applicable.

Human resources planning and recruiting precede the actual selection of people for positions in
an organisation. Recruitment is the process of inviting qualified applicants by way of issuing
notification in the newspapers, television media, online and on social networking media so as to
fill up job vacancies.

After the recruitment, employee selection process begins for identifying right person by using
written test on relevant subjects, oral tests, group discussions, gamifications, final job interview
and background verification for checking the genuinity and credentials of the candidates for
filling up of the job which is lying vacant in an organization.

Human Resource Planning


Human resource planning as a function of human resource management, it determines the

number and type of employees needed to accomplish organizational goals. Research is an
important part of this function because planning requires the collection and analysis of
information in order to forecast human resources supplies and to predict future human resources
needs. The basic human resource planning strategy is staffing and employee development.

Human Resource Auditing

Human resource auditing (HRA) is a process of systematic verification of job analysis and
design, recruitment and selection, orientation and placement, training and development,
performance appraisal and job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration, motivation and
morale, participative management, communication, welfare and social security, safety and
health, industrial relations, trade unionism, and disputes and their resolution. HR audit is very
much useful to achieve the organizational goal and also is a vital tool which helps to assess the
effectiveness of HR functions of an organization.

The primary objective of HR audit is to annihilate management risk of contravention with the
laws, liability exposure, identifying and correcting risk gaps, litigation avoidance, cost avoidance
and enhancement of human resource best practices.

Job Analysis
Job analysis is the process of describing the nature of a job and specifying the human
requirements, such as skills, and experience needed to perform it. The end product of the job
analysis process is the job description. A job description spells out work duties and activities of
employees. Job descriptions are a vital source of information to employees, managers, and
personnel people because job content has a great influence on personnel programs and practices.

Orientation is the first step toward helping a new employee adjust himself to the new job and the
employer. It is a method to acquaint new employees with particular aspects of their new job,
including pay and benefit programmes, working hours, and company rules and expectations.

Training and Development

The training and development are one of the core functions of the human resource management.
As it the core function of HR trainer, gives and imparts employees the skills and knowledge to
perform their jobs effectively. In addition to providing training for new or inexperienced
employees, organizations often provide training programs for experienced employees whose jobs
are undergoing change. Large organizations often have development programs which prepare
employees for higher level responsibilities within the organization. Training and development
programs provide useful means of assuring that employees are capable of performing their jobs
at acceptable levels.


Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal function monitors employee performance to ensure that it is at acceptable
levels. Human resource managers are usually responsible for developing and administering
performance appraisal systems, although the actual appraisal of employee performance is the
responsibility of supervisors and managers. Besides providing a basis for pay, promotion, and
disciplinary action, performance appraisal information is essential for employee development
since knowledge of results (feedback) is necessary to motivate and guide performance

Career Planning & career development

The Concept and idea for Career planning has been developed partly as a result of the desire of
many employees to grow in their jobs and to advance in their career. Career planning activities
include assessing an individual employee’s potential for growth and advancement in the
organization. Career planning is the process of establishing personal career objectives by
employees and acting in a manner intended to fulfil their career objectives. HR managers should
help employees in knowing their strengths and core competence for placing them in suitable job,
guide employees what skills and knowledge should be acquired for attaining higher positions,
planning for suitable training in order to polish employees existing skill set and providing good
work-life-balance to make right balance between career and personal life, after all, every one
work for their personal and happy life.

Alternative names for compensation are payment, salary, wage or remuneration. But
grammatically there is difference between those nomenclature like compensation nomenclature
is used for payment of amount in case of accident or death of an employee during the course of
employment and such employee should not be under the influence of alcohol at the time of
accident or death. Remuneration and salary can be used interchangeably when period of payment
is monthly to an employee, whereas wage nomenclature is used when period of payment is daily
to an employee.

Employee Benefits
One of the core functions of the human resource management is administration and management
of benefits of employees. Employee Benefits are another form of compensation to employees
other than direct pay for work performed. As such, the human resource function of administering
employee benefits shares many characteristics of the compensation function. Benefits include
both the legally required items and those offered at employer’s discretion. The cost of benefits
has risen to such a point that they have become a major consideration in human resources


Motivating employee
Employee motivation is the basic feature of the human resource management, as it is one of the
functions, HR managers should identify the factors which causing demotivation of employees
and convert them into factors which motivates employees. According to a study, employees who
are motivated or feel motivated are tend to work more when compared to unmotivated to
employees. We have listed major factors that motivates employees.

Welfare, health and safety measures

Maintaining welfare, health and safety measures of employees is not just function but they are
mandatory to maintain by the human resource management department. Failure of performing
said functions or failure of maintaining said measures, organization shall be liable for penal
action by the law.

Labour Relations
Maintaining labor relation is an art and one of the most important functions of human resource
management in order to maintain peace and harmony in an organization for avoiding conflicts
and smooth running of an organization. There are no hard and fast rules for maintaining labour
relations since it is an art and should be managed according to the situations and circumstances.
Without maintaining proper labor relationships there was no organization that did its business

The oldest and most basic human resource management function is employee record-keeping.
This function involves recording, maintaining, and retrieving employee related information for a
variety of purposes. Records which must be maintained include application forms, health and
medical records, employment history (jobs held, promotions, transfers, lay-offs), seniority lists,
earnings and hours of work, absences, turnover, tardiness, and other employee data.

Human resource management is always needed to make the job and deal with the job holder
(employee). So as to perform a job in an organisation, one needs to be identified. In order to
identify right person for a particular job, notification should be issued which contains job
description (duties and responsibilities) and specifications (academic qualifications and physical
qualifications). So as to verify the correctness of the candidates invited, they should be tested by
the suitable selection methods for picking-up right person. Subsequently selected candidates
should be provided with the proper training for performing his duties & responsibilities
mentioned in the notification. Later, assessment of employees' performance should be done to
know whether employees are performing to the desired standards set by the management.
Accordingly, employees should be rewarded or paid for the job they did in the organisation and


their safety in the job is the responsibility of HR manager or safety officer who should instruct
safety measures for the employees and see that they are scrupulously followed. Healthy and
welfare measures are so-so important to keep employees happy and motivated which has direct
impact on their productivity. Doing so all, maintaining proper and healthy relationships between
employees and management avoids conflicts which will affect the overall performance of the
organisation. Most important thing is adherence and not to ignore employment and labor laws
which govern all the above said activities for a job. Contravenes of employment laws will cost to
the organisation and its branding. Hence the Human resource management is like a guardian
angel for the organisation to sail smoothly and long-live.

1. (As accessed on

2 . h t t p s : / / w w w. r e s e a r c h g a t e . n e t / p r o f i l e / A m e r - A b u h a n t a s h / p u b l i c a t i o n /
Resource-Management-Practices-on-Job-Performances-A-Case-Study-of-Bank-of-Texas.pdf (As
accessed on 21/1/2022).

3 . h t t p s : / / w w w. r e s e a r c h g a t e . n e t / p r o f i l e / M d - A t i q u r - S a r k e r / p u b l i c a t i o n /
Management-Practices-on-the-Working-Life-of-Tannery-Workers-in-Bangladesh.pdf (As
accessed on 3/2/2022).


(As accessed on 3/2/2022).


(As accessed on 5/2/2022).



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