Uts Inggris Agus Salim (201010250494)

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Nama : Agus Salim

NIM : 201010250494
Kelas : 03Hukm001
Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris III


I. 1. We did uts in the room 236

2. Uts in the room 236 were done by we
3. Uts in the room 236 have been being done by we
4. We have been doing uts in the room 236
5. We will do uts in the room 236

II. 3. £10.000 was stolen from a bank in the High Street

9. The police questioned a number of people about the crime
7. And they finally arrested two men
8. They questioned them at the police station
2. and charged them with the robbery
6. The trial took place two months later
4. After the jury had listened to all the evidence.
1. they found both men guilty
5. They were sent to prison for seven years

III. Case 1 : The accuse is a driver who drive careless caused two passengers dead We
assume that the driver of the public transportation vehicle is a worker who works in a
transportation company. In the provisions of Law no. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic
and Transportation ("Law LLAJ"), this transportation company is called a Public Transport
Company, namely a legal entity that provides transportation of people and/or goods using
Public Motorized Vehicles.
Case 2 : The accused is a customer who kill moneylender for verbal violence According to
the perpetrator's statement, he was annoyed with the loan sharks because they had done
violence to him first. "There is no money yet, and there is violence from the victim. Instead,
the provocateur (the victim). The moneylenders usually use verbal violence. But if the
perpetrator says, the victim hits his head first, then a fight ensues," said Mustofa when
contacted by Kompas.com, Tuesday (18/1/2022). Because they charged him with verbal
violence and physical violence, according to Mostofa, the perpetrator became so angry that
he couldn't control himself. "So, because he was angry, his emotions had exceeded the
limits of his ability to control himself. Then the perpetrator took the fight as a form of peak

IV. Indonesia’s not just about Muslims. Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and so many more
[followers of different faiths] are part of our society, and we have to find ways to respect
and support each other, even in our spiritual activities. I think our beliefs are something we
inherit from our ancestors and it’s the one we have to keep. But also, it’s important to not
look at different beliefs and think, “Oh, that’s wrong.”
As a Muslim, it’s my duty to fast regardless of what’s going on around me. I don’t want
to “blame” anyone for not fasting or for seeming to not respect my fast. What’s the point of
fasting if there’s no temptation around you?
However, so far I found that people respect [my fast]. My friend, who’s not Muslim, had
a unique way of doing this: During Ramadan, she would deliberately wear more modest
clothing, supposedly to not arouse me. I never asked her to do that [laughs]!

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