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Accepted by 2022 IEEE Globecom conference, ©2022 IEEE

Joint Sensing and Communications for Deep

Reinforcement Learning-based Beam Management
in 6G
Yujie Yao, Hao Zhou, and Melike Erol-Kantarci, Senior Member, IEEE
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Ottawa, Emails:{yyao016,hzhou098, melike.erolkantarci}
Abstract—User location is a piece of critical information for approaches [2]. For example, vision-aided sensing has been
network management and control. However, location uncertainty
arXiv:2208.01880v1 [eess.SY] 3 Aug 2022

successfully applied for robot localization and navigation in

is unavoidable in certain settings leading to localization errors. [3]. On the other hand, despite the improvements obtained
In this paper, we consider the user location uncertainty in the
mmWave networks, and investigate joint vision-aided sensing by advanced localization techniques, localization error is still
and communications using deep reinforcement learning-based unavoidable in practice, which may be caused by measurement
beam management for future 6G networks. In particular, we first accuracy, system performance fluctuation, and so on. Conse-
extract pixel characteristic-based features from satellite images quently, the user’s location errors may further affect the net-
to improve localization accuracy. Then we propose a UK-medoids work performance. For example, if the BS observes distorted
based method for user clustering with location uncertainty,
and the clustering results are consequently used for the beam locations of users, some users may not be covered by the
management. Finally, we apply the DRL algorithm for intra- highly directional beams from BS, which will result in packet
beam radio resource allocation. The simulations first show that loss or longer delay. Therefore, a clustering algorithm that can
our proposed vision-aided method can substantially reduce the handle location uncertainty is expected to mitigate the effect
localization error. The proposed UK-medoids and DRL based of user localization error [4]. Finally, network management
scheme (UKM-DRL) is compared with two other schemes: K-
means based clustering and DRL based resource allocation (K- becomes more and more complicated with evolving network
DRL) and UK-means based clustering and DRL based resource architecture, and machine learning, especially reinforcement
allocation (UK-DRL). The proposed method has 17.2% higher learning, becomes significant solutions for network optimiza-
throughput and 7.7% lower delay than UK-DRL, and more than tion and control [5].
doubled throughput and 55.8% lower delay than K-DRL.
Index Terms—Vision-aided, Localization Uncertainty, Beam
management, UK-medoids, Radio Resource Allocation, Deep To this end, we first introduce a vision-aided sensing-based
Reinforcement Learning localization method, which utilizes satellite images to predict
the user locations. Then we propose a UK-medoids based clus-
I. I NTRODUCTION tering technique for higher clustering accuracy for uncertain
Future 6G networks rely on millimeter wave (mmWave) objects. Afterwards, we apply deep reinforcement learning
bands to provide rich bandwidth, in which highly directional (DRL) algorithm for intra-beam radio resource allocation to
beams are designed to maintain connections between the base satisfy Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of users [6]. In
stations (BSs) and user equipment (UEs). However, to apply terms of localization performance, the simulations show that
the mmWave bands in future 6G networks, it requires intelli- our vision-aided method can significantly reduce the localiza-
gent beam management schemes to overcome the challenges tion error from 17.11 meters to 3.62 meters. For the network
in a dynamic environment such as inefficient beam sweeping, performance, we compare the proposed UK-medoids and DRL
user mobility and location uncertainty, and so on. In beam method (UKM-DRL) with the other two baseline algorithms,
management techniques, clustering is generally performed and our UKM-DRL method achieves higher throughput and
based on the location of users, and each cluster is served lower delay.
by a separate beam [1]. BSs need to keep track of the
user’s trajectory and dynamically adjust the direction of beams The main contributions of this work are two-fold: firstly,
to serve all UEs. Global Positioning System (GPS) is one we propose a novel vision-aided sensing-based localization
well-known technology for outdoor localization. However, the method, and secondly, we propose a UKM-DRL algorithm for
application of GPS is limited to line of sight (LOS) scenarios joint beam management and resource allocation of mmWave
where GPS becomes inefficient in urban canyons and certain networks with user location uncertainty. The remaining of this
other settings. On the other hand, the received signal-based paper is organized as follows. Section II presents related work,
outdoor localization schemes suffer from propagation loss in and Section III shows the network system model. Section IV
mmWave network. introduces the dataset and vision-aided technique. Section V
Recently, computer vision is introduced to augment lo- explains the UK-medoids based clustering methods and DRL
calization in wireless communications, and the visual infor- algorithm. Section VI gives simulation results, and Section VII
mation can address challenges in the traditional localization concludes this paper.

Accepted by 2022 IEEE Globecom conference, ©2022 IEEE

Fig. 1. Overall System Architecture


User location is one of the most important information for

network management [7]. Although the GPS technology has
been generally applied, it suffers from degradation caused
by none line of sight (NLOS) transmissions in dense urban
areas. Recently, vision-aided localization techniques have been
proposed as promising alternatives. For example, [8] proposed
an improved localization algorithm based on GPS, inertial
navigation system, and visual localization, where the visual
information is used to compensate for the instability of GPS.
In [9], 3D point cloud acquired from depth image is applied
to localize and navigate robots, and the authors proposed a Fig. 2. Wireless environment model of mmWave networks
fast sampling plane filtering algorithm to reduce the volume of
3D cloud. Meanwhile, [10] proposed two localization schemes B. Wireless Environment Model
based on deep learning and landmark detection to replace We consider a 5G-NodeB (gNB) serving a group of users
GPS. On the other hand, user clustering is an important with different QoS requirements. The UE set is denoted by
part of mmWave network for beamforming. A non-orthogonal U and each UE is represented by Ui . Based on observed
multiple access system is considered in [11], and the authors locations, gNB will produce a certain number of UE clusters,
optimized the sum rate with a K-means-based algorithm. [12] and each cluster will be served by one beam. Here the inter-
proposed a user clustering and power allocation algorithm beam interference can be neglected due to the Orthogonal
to maximize the sum capacity, and a hierarchical clustering Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) technique.
technique is proposed in [13] to obtain the optimal number of In each beam, radio resource is allocated to distribute the
clusters instead of having a deterministic number. Resource Block Groups (RBGs) to the attached users.
Different than the aforementioned works, we first define a As illustrated in Fig. 2, we assume two clusters are formed
computer vision-based localization method, then we propose a to cover 6 UEs. We assume the gNB receives distorted location
UK-medoids based clustering algorithm for beam management information of the red car U2 , and two beams are formed
that considers the location uncertainty, and a DRL based accordingly. Therefore, due to the wrong beam direction, U2
method for intra-beam resource management. Moreover, we is covered by neither beam b1 nor b2 , which results in packet
systematically investigate how these technique combinations loss and longer delay. This scenario explains how localization
can improve the mmWave network performance. error can decrease the network performance of beamforming
in mmWave networks. In this work, we mainly focus on the
localization and clustering techniques, and a more detailed
III. S YSTEM AND W IRELESS E NVIRONMENT M ODEL network and channel model can be found in [6].
The overall system model of this work is illustrated in M ETHOD
Fig. 1. First, given the original dataset, we extract the image In this section, we introduce our vision-aided localization
features of each episode in the dataset. Then, these features method. With the pixel characteristic-based features of satellite
are used as input for a feed-forward neural network, which images, we aim to improve localization accuracy.
predicts the user locations. Next, considering the localiza-
tion uncertainty, we propose a UK-medoids-based clustering A. Satellite Image Dataset
method to form cluster groups for beam management. Finally, The dataset used for localization is based on measurements
we apply DRL for the intra-beam resource allocation of each from a communications system located at the University of
beam. Denmark [14]. In this dataset, one mobile vehicle drives over

Accepted by 2022 IEEE Globecom conference, ©2022 IEEE

To distinguish three objects, we adopted the method from

[16]. We selected four color-based characteristics to observe
their mean values, where the color characteristics are opera-
tions between three basic color values. As shown in Table I,
the mean values of |G − B| for the three categories are quite
different. Moreover, the mean values of |2G − R − B| are
significantly different from the other two categories. After ob-
serving the histogram of these two values for three categories,
we decide the value range for three categories as shown in
Table II.
Finally, we deploy 7 features as input of feed forward neural
networks (FFNN), including SINR, RSRP, RSRQ, RSSI, the
number of pixels representing grass, gray building, and road.
Then the FFNN will be trained to predict the user locations
Fig. 3. Selected objects in the image of the dataset based on the input features [15].
Grass Building Road
|R − G| 12.14 5.41 15.43
|R − B| 21.77 8.74 27.31 To handle localization uncertainty, we first deploy the UK-
|G − B| 31.30 3.39 11.87 medoids method for clustering, in which each cluster will be
|2G − R − B| 42.13 3.01 4.38 covered by one beam [6]. Then, DRL is applied to distribute
TABLE II physical resource blocks within each beam.
A. UK-medoids
Grass Building Road
UK-medoids is an advanced K-medoids based clustering
|G − B| [0,80] [0,6] (6,20]
|2G − R − B| [12,85] [1,8] [0,12] technique [17]. It selects actual data points as cluster centers
instead of computing the mean value of clusters. Meanwhile,
a region of 2.4 km by 1.25 km and provides measurements, the UK-medoids algorithm applies uncertain distance func-
including Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (SINR), tions that are designed to better estimate the real distance
Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP), Reference Signal between two uncertain objects.
Received Quality (RSRQ), and Received signal strength indi- It is presumed that there are M positions to form N clusters,
cation (RSSI). Each sample contains one satellite image that and the j th cluster is denoted by Cj . The center of each cluster
shows the environment around the vehicle. is denoted by cj . For each user position p, the uncertainty is
represented by a known probability distribution function (PDF)
B. Pixel Characteristic-based Feature f (pm ). We assume there are two uncertain objects pm and
In digital imaging, the domain of the image is partitioned pn , and the uncertain region is Rm and Rn , respectively. Then
into X rows and Y columns during the sampling process. A the uncertain distance δ(pm , pn ) is computed by:
pixel represents the area of intersection of one row and one
column, which is considered as the smallest element in one δ(pm , pn ) =
dist(pm , pn )f (pm )f (pn )dpm dpn , (1)
picture, then the resolution of the image is X × Y . In RGB pm ∈Rm pn ∈Rn

color model, each pixel is defined by three values representing where dist(pm , pn ) is a distance measure between pm and
red, green, and blue ranging from 0 to 255. pn . The uncertain distance is the expected value of the
The satellite images used in the localization process are distance measurement between two uncertain objects.
RGB images with the same resolution of 256 × 256, and Then, the medoid of a cluster is computed as the data point
each image is paired with a location sample. Therefore, we in the cluster with the least average dissimilarity to all other
count the number of pixels that represent one specific object points in the cluster. The update method of a cluster center is:
to compute the proportion of this object in the image. Since
there are some common objects in the satellite images such
cj = arg min 0
δ(p, p0 ) (2)
as grass and buildings. We can use this pixel characteristic- p∈Cj p ∈Cj

based feature to characterize one image. In this work, we In this paper, we assume the uncertainty region of all
selected three objects. As shown in Fig. 3, the three selected locations is specified as a uniform circle with center p and
objects are grass, gray building, and road. Then we counted the radius R. Then the PDF for a uniformly distributed circle is
total number of pixels representing three objects respectively shown as below in the polar coordinate system:
as three new features, which will be used to improve the r
localization accuracy. f (r, θ) = (3)

Accepted by 2022 IEEE Globecom conference, ©2022 IEEE

where r ∈ [0, R] and π ∈ [0, 2π]. into account. URLLC users need minimal latency and high
In this way, equation (1) can be rewritten as: reliability, whereas eMBB users require a higher data rate. As
Z R Z 2π Z R Z 2π such, the reward function has to consider the requirements of
δ(pm , pn ) = dist(pm , pn ) different types of users. The reward function is given by:
0 0 0 0 (4) (
2 2 s
f (r, θ) r dr1 dθ1 dr2 dθ2 , sigm( sTi,b
ar ), eMBB user
r= si,b τ T ar (5)
which is the expansion of the previous equation (1) from sigm( sT ar τ q ), URLLC user
the rectangular coordinate system to the polar coordinate
system. In our work, we use Euclidean distance as our distance where si,b is the SINR of the transmission link between ith
measurement. RBG to a user in the bth beam, sT ar is the target SINR
The UK-medoids algorithm is summarized by Algorithm 1. of eMBB users, τ T ar is the target latency of URLLC users,
First, all the uncertain distances between every two objects and τ q is the queuing delay. Here we use a target SINR to
are computed. Note that these distances only need to be represent the high-reliability requirements of URLLC users.
computed once during the whole algorithm, which will reduce sigm denotes the sigmoid function, which will normalize the
the computation complexity. Then, the initial cluster centers reward:
are chosen, and it comes to the main loop. The main loop of sigm(x) = (6)
1 + e−x
UK-medoids contains two phases: the first phase is to allocate
objects to a cluster, the second phase is to recompute cluster Finally, we deploy Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
centers according to equation (2). The loop continues until network for Q-value prediction in DRL. As a special recurrent
there is no change in the cluster centers. neural network, the LSTM network can better capture the long-
term data dependency, which makes it an ideal application for
Algorithm 1 UK-Medoids complicated wireless environment.
Input: A set of uncertain location P = {p1 , ..., pM }.
Output: A set of clusters C = {C1 , ..., CN }. VI. S IMULATION
1: Computing uncertain distance δ(pm , pn ), ∀pm , pn ∈ P A. Simulation Settings
2: Selecting initial cluster centers c = {c1 , ..., cN }.
1) Localization settings and dataset: We divide the dataset
3: while c 6= c0 do
into 4 regions and each region has its own FFNN to predict the
4: c0 ← c
UE locations. The FFNN architecture is 128×64×32×16×2.
5: c←∅
Sigmoid activation functions are employed for hidden layers,
6: C = {C1 , ..., Cn } ← {∅, ..., ∅}.
whereas linear activation functions are used for output layers.
7: for Each object p ∈ P do
2) Resource Allocation Settings: We perform the simula-
8: Allocating each object to the nearest cluster center
tion on MATLAB 5G Toolbox. The mmWave network consists
according to the uncertain distance.
of 1 gNB, and the clustering is implemented every 10 TTIs
9: end for
based on the UE trajectories. The traffic of users follows
10: for Each cluster Cj ∈ C do
Poisson distribution and the packet size is 32 bytes. Three
11: Recomputing the cluster center cj .
beams with 60◦ angle are predefined. The total simulation
12: c ← c ∪ cj
time is 1400 TTIs, and each TTI is 1/7 ms. The simulation is
13: end for
repeated 5 times, and the confidence interval is 95%.
14: end while
For UEs’ positions, the location provided by the dataset is
considered as exact location, while the localization results are
B. Deep Reinforcement Learning considered as location with error for comparison. We include
UK-Medoids will return a set of clusters, and we assume four scenarios:
each cluster will be served by one beam [6]. Then DRL • Scenario 1: We applied K-means for clustering and DRL
is performed for intra-beam radio resource allocation, which for resource allocation. The scenario is summarized by
aims to offer high QoS requirements for both ultra-reliable K-DRL+Location with Error.
low latency communications (URLLC) and enhanced mobile • Scenario 2: Compared with scenario 1, the only difference
broadband (eMBB) users. The Markov decision process of is that we use UK-means for clustering. UK-means is
DRL is defined as follows: another uncertain clustering method that is developed
1) Actions: In each beam, the action is to allocate ith RBG from K-means [18]. It updates centers as the expected
to j th user. value over PDF and the distance between objects are also
2) States: The UE’s channel quality indicator (CQI) feed- the expected distance. The scenario is named by UK-
back is defined as states, which represents the channel condi- DRL+Location with Error.
tion between UEs and the BS. • Scenario 3: We deploy our proposed UK-medoids based
3) Reward: URLLC and eMBB users have different QoS clustering method and DRL for resource allocation. The
requirements, the reward function must take both requirements scenario is named by UKM-DRL+Location with Error.

Accepted by 2022 IEEE Globecom conference, ©2022 IEEE


Method in [15] Proposed method

Region 1 11.68 6.03 3.82 1.78
Region 2 23.11 10.68 3.52 1.21
Region 3 13.68 8.85 1.38 0.97
Region 4 16.72 6.12 3.75 1.54
Total 17.11 7.83 3.62 1.51

(a) Sum rate comparison when error is 17.11m

(a) Coverage rate under varying number of beams

(b) Sum rate comparison when error is 3.62m

Fig. 5. Sum rate comparison under various traffic loads

beam. Then coverage rate is computed by dividing the number

of covered UEs by the total number of UEs. Fig. 4(a) shows
the coverage rate with different number of beams when beam
angle is set to 60◦ . Scenario 3 and 4 need 5 beams to achieve
full coverage while scenario 1 and scenario 2 need 6 beams.
Since exact location is applied, the coverage rate of scenario 4
(b) Coverage rate under varying beam angle
is the highest. With the distorted location, UK-medoids shows
Fig. 4. Coverage rate results comparison its strength when compared with UK-means. Meanwhile, K-
means has the lowest coverage rate. Fig. 4(b) presents the
• Scenario 4: In scenario 4, we use the exact location and
average coverage rate under different beam angles when the
K-means for clustering, which is considered as an opti-
number of beams is 5. It reveals the same conclusion as Fig.
mal baseline. This scenario is named by K-DRL+Exact
4(a). One can observe that when beam angle is 20◦ , UK-
medoids has an improvement of 7.7% than UK-means.
Following we first present the localization and coverage re-
2) Resource Allocation: In this section, we compare the
sults, then we show the network performance in terms of delay
network performance under different traffic loads and algo-
and throughput.
rithms. As aforementioned, the error is 17.11 meters by using
B. Simulation Results the localization method from [15], and the 3.62 meters error
1) Localization and coverage results: The localization ac- is achieved by our proposed method. We present the results
curacy is measured by root mean squared error (RMSE) under both types of errors to better illustrate the advantage of
and mean absolute error (MAE). The results of the two our proposed UKM-DRL method.
measurements are shown in Table III. With the added new Fig. 5 shows the total data rate of different scenarios under
features, our proposed method reduces the RMSE to less than various traffic loads when localization error is 17.11 meters
4 meters in each region. For the total localization results, and 3.62 meters. As our optimal baseline, scenario 4 achieves
RMSE is reduced from 17.11 meters to 3.62 meters, MAE the highest throughput, and the reason is that exact locations
is reduced from 7.83 meters to 1.51 meters. The main reason allow beams to cover most UEs without any uncertainty. Under
is that our vision-aided new features lead to higher accuracy both localization errors, UK-medoids outperforms UK-means.
in prediction results. K-means produces the worst outcome due to the lack of ability
After clustering, we employ one beam to serve each cluster, to deal with uncertainty. Moreover, scenarios 1 to 3 can all
then it can be easily found whether one UE is covered by a benefit from reducing the localization error, which is indicated

Accepted by 2022 IEEE Globecom conference, ©2022 IEEE

This work is supported by Ontario Centers of Excel-
lence(OCE) 5G ENCQOR program and Ciena, the NSERC
Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program
(CREATE) under Grant 497981, and Canada Research Chairs
Program. We would like to thank Medhat Elsayed and Hind
Mukhtar for their help in the earlier versions.
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