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: Ihave a Dream Unison? Part with Piano Words and Music by MARY DONNELLY ‘Arranged by GEORGE L. 0. STRID os “ Jrspirationalty (d=92) s 1 =: wwe - === + t aj ol Ar bre ‘ Pent U1 vou aptgre! " Ddg 5 - Inave a dream for all hu-mar-i-ty,—__ that we may know truth and = > 7 ob gem mfes ad ta SSS SS : mig kK tL ss oo pee ce te ath ike SSS SSS > FF F re fe Ss Li ho h - oo ee 3 = © Copyright MCMLXXXIX by Alfied Publishing Co. lec Scanned with CamScanner os a. one day we'llstandarm in arm.hand in hand. Ye 1 have i —p_ eke fs £ a 7 ———— > SSS ee ~—- one day we'listand arm in arm.hand in band. ' have mn) df Gf Pmdder 1 degam for lt the paowole ip thy re a ———— a dream for all the peo-ple in the world: s medkard ¢ or dtd SS SS hoy and. freedom shall ring. Yes. t have = a dream. tse oh Sd — SSS SS = peace, hope and freedom shall ring. ) havea dream Scanned with CamScanner dream for allman-kind.___ that we may ‘come = _ = - = When we will know that true peace of ming that gs aad £ Ss — we place in time, We will know that true peace qf mind that £ % FS SS eS Scanned with CamScanner fs @ learmhow to care. Yes. comes when we share, when we es oI . eS cinerea we aewhenwe lewnbow waa the 3: — o = ¥ e # set nc dthyd coy ak free-domn shall ring, Yes. - free-dom shall ring. —_- Scanned with CamScanner Oe P| SSS —— 1 dream that all nations shall cel- e-brate, that ev-"ty = eee m 2s ——= SSS SSSa4 Leéream that all racions shall celebrate, that every debe c * a ——— i debs Jot a a lm - = * = é + 7 = eS aS vrace of feat willbe gone Thatwe will join. our voices in 4 ety £ if ee —— = === oe SESS —e > a trace of fear wil be gone Thatwe will join our voices in +. 7 . e vw Ss ¢ ey FF ~~ - £¢ Ft \, abyol b 4 h. Et pte sees Se a Sao Scanned with CamScanner fo) mf a a-ke mg dt a sb Thavea dream. adream for ev-"ry-one. that hope will = = fmr nt fim 6 ee m fs re Ts © — — — t > _———— shine like the morning star . Ard with the 7s ¢ FF see. pe 1 ky A S_dd A pkAtadr deme ye we may come to embrace the en - tire hu-man race! fom < wee = day, we may come to em-brace the en - tire bu-man race! Scanned with CamScanner Fett 5 reams for all dream for all the peo-ple in ss [——— - g we dhe 4 hope and. freedom shailring, Yes. # peace, hope and {uce-dom shall ring. — Scanned with CamScanner

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