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The Ant And The Elephant There once lived an elephant in a jungle. He was very arrogant and short-tempered. He was very proud of his strength and huge body. The other animals in the jungle feared him a lot. He enjoyed doing things that showed off his strength and always troubled other small animals in the jungle. In that jungle, there also lived a family of ants in a tiny hole. The ant used to despise the elephant for his haughty nature. One day, when the ants were away to collect food, the elephant stopped them and sprayed a trunk full of water on them. The ants got angry and said,” You should not trouble others for your pleasure.'The elephant shouted angrily and said,” You tiny creatures, keep quiet, or | will crush you to death.” Now, the ants decided to reach the arrogant animal a lesson for life. They slowly crept under his trunk and spread to his ears and started biting him. The elephant became restless and started crying for help, None of the animals came forward to rescue him. They were happy to see him getting punished for his acts. He kept apologizing to the ants, but they continued to bite him. When they were sure that he has learned his lesson, they let him go and said, "This is how others feel when you hurt them." The ants marched off leaving a wailing elephant there. Then on, the elephant never troubled anyone in the jungle. Moral: Pride and arrogance never go unpunished. A Farmer And His Four Sons Once there lived an old farmer in a village. He had four sons. They were always quarreling with each other. The farmer tried hard to bring unity among them. He would request them to live with love and peace, but they would never listen to his advice. He was always worried about their future. One day, he fell sick. He thought that it was his chance to bring harmony among his sons. So, he called his sons and asked each of them to bring a few sticks. They brought the sticks to their father. The farmer asked one of them to tie the sticks in a bundle. He then asked each of them to try and break the sticks. One by one, all the four sons tried to break the bundle, but failed. Then, the farmer untied the bundle. He gave one stick to each of them and asked them to break it. This time they were able to do it easily. The farmer said, “I just wanted to show you that if you are united nobody can defeat you. But you keep quarreling among yourself, you will be easily broken by anyone."The sons learned their lesson and lived happily with their father thereafter. Moral: Unity is strength. The Fox And The Crane One day, a wicked fox invited a crane for dinner. The crane was very happy with the invitation. She reached the fox’s home on time and knocked at the door with her long beak. She has been excited the whole day and was extremely hungry. The fox soon served some soup in shallow bowls for both of them. The crane was surprised and angry too, as she couldn't have soup at all. Her long beak couldn't help her drink from the bowl. But, the fox licked up his soup quickly. Feeling cheated and humiliated, she decided to teach the fox a lesson soon. She didn’t show her anger and behaved politely with the fox. Before leaving she invited him for dinner the next day. She made rice porridge for the dinner and served it in two tall narrow vases. She happily drank her porridge from the vase. The fox tried hard but couldn't, as the neck of the vessel was narrow. The fox understood everything. He had learned his lesson and had to go home hungry. Moral: A selfish act backfires sooner or later. : The Eagle And The Woodcutter There lived a kind woodcutter in a village. He once freed an eagle from a trap. One day he went to the hills to cut trees for wood. The hill was steep, so the woodcutter could not come down and needed help. Upset, he sat down on the rock and waited for some help. Suddenly, an eagle flew down close to him and took away his hat. The woodcutter was angry and he started chasing the bird. After some time, he realized he has found the way down the hill. It then occurred to him that the bird was the same eagle he had once rescued. He now understood why the eagle flew away with his hat. He thanked the eagle for its brilliant idea and said,” You took away my hat so that | can follow you and reach here. You are my true friend. Thank you!" Moral: Kindness is always rewarded. We should always help others selflessly. The Fox And The Grapes Once a fox wandered across the jungle in order to get some food. It was very hot, and the fox was very hungry. He looked everywhere, but couldn't find anything that he could eat. His stomach was hurting by now, but he continued his search. Soon, he spotted a vineyard that was laden with big juicy grapes. He looked around and saw no one. He thought to himself that the grapes must be really sweet to eat. So he decided to steal some grapes. He jumped high, but he couldn’t reach the grapes. He tried again and again, but he could not catch a bunch of grapes. He went back and forth to build up speed but still, the grapes were beyond his reach. The grapes were too high, but he refused to give up. He tried a few more times, and jumped high in the air but couldn't reach the grapes. It was getting dark and the fox was getting angry. He finally gave up as his legs started to hurt. Walking away, he said, “I'm sure the grapes are sour. | am wasting my time and energy on them. Moral: We pretend to hate something when we can't have them. eRe The Clever Hare And The Foolish Lion Once, there lived a lion in a jungle. He was very cruel and greedy. He used to hunt and kill other animals even when wasn't hungry. All the animals were afraid of him. One day, they gathered together and went to the lion. They said,” Oh king of the jungle, if you hunt at this rate, we all will be killed soon, and you will soon run out of food. Every day, we will send yau one animal for food. This way you will have easy food and we will get a chance to survive. The lion agreed and from that day on he would get an animal as his meal at his home. This continued for several days. One day, it was the turn of a young hare. He was clever and did not want to be eaten away by the cruel lion. He thought of a plan to get rid of the lion altogether, The next day he got up late and walked very slowly towards the lion's den. He even slept on the way. Finally, he reached the lion after sunset. Seeing the hare, the lion roared fiercely as he was very hungry. The small hare was a litle food for him. But the hare did not get scared, Instead, he told the lion -" Oh mighty king! | was stopped by another lion. He said that he was the new king of the jungle, He even took the other two hares that, the animals had sent with me. He wanted to eat me too, but somehow | escaped and came to you.” Hearing this the hungry lion got angrier. He told the hare to take him to this new lion so that he could kill him, The hare readily agreed and led him to a well and said, " See, he is here, growling and staring at me.” The lion looked into the well. He saw his own reflection growling back and became furious. He quickly jumped into the well and died. The clever hare rejoiced and ran away to share this news with the other animals, Moral: We should keep calm in times of crisis. We should not believe whatever we hear. The Mongoose and the Snake Once there lived a farmer with his wife. They had an infant baby.One day, the farmer found an injured mongoose while returning home from the fields. He told his wife that he would nurse the mongoose to health and keep it as a pet. The wife didn't like the idea but agreed reluctantly. The mongoose recovered soon and played around in the house. The wife kept it away from her infant son. One day, the wife left the sleeping baby with her husband went out to fetch some groceries. She told him to keep the mongoose away from him. Meanwhile, The farmer got an urgent call from the fields, and he left the son with the mongoose. He trusted mongoose and was sure that his child was safe with him. After sometime the farmer's wife returned with a big grocery basket. She saw the mongoose standing outside the gate with blood on his mouth and paw. Without a second thought she yelled and smashed the poor animal with the basket full of groceries. She ran inside crying and wailing but was shocked to see her son sleeping peacefully near a dead snake. Now, the reality dawned upon her. She understood that a snake must have come to bite her son, but the mongoose killed the snake to save the baby. The blood stain was that of the snake's, She rushed out to check on the mongoose. The poor loyal Mongoose was dead. Moral:We should not take decision in a hurry. @ 2 din The Daydreamer Milkman Once upon a time, there lived a poor milkman. He was extremely lazy. He did not want to do any hard work. He was, always busy daydreaming about getting rich. One morning he milked his cows and set out to sell the milk in the market. While walking, he began to dream about becoming rich. He dreamt: “| will sell the milk in the market. With the money, | would bu a hen. The hen will lay eggs. Some will be sold in the market. Some will hatch and become chicks. These chicks will become cocks and hens, who, in turn, will lay hundreds of eggs. | would soon have his poultry farm." He kept on imagining: "Again, | will sell all the hens to buy some bull. And finally, sell the bulls to buy a small house." While thinking about all this, he overlooked a stone on the way. He fell over it and the milk Spilled on the ground. All his dreams were broken in a second, and he realized he was daydreaming. Moral: Work hard to fulfil your dreams. ps KUN The Boy Who Cried Wolf There was a shepherd boy who had to look after a flock of sheep. He was very lazy and always troubling others. One day, he took his flock to the hills to graze. He felt bored and decided to play a trick on the villagers for some fun. He shouted, "Help! Wolf! Wolf!” The villagers who were working on the farm heard his cries, They took some tools and rushed out of the village to help the shepherd boy. On reaching the hills, they were surprised to see that there was no wolf. The boy laughed loudly, “Ha, Ha, Ha! | fooled you all. | was only playing a trick on you.” The villagers were enraged, and they went back A few days later, the boy played this trick again. Again he cried, “Help! Help! Wolf! Wolf!” This time, too, the villagers rushed up the hills to help him. Again, they found that the boy had tricked them. They were very angry with him for being so naughty and reckless. But, the boy laughed at them. ‘Then one day, a wolf actually came to the hills where the sheep were grazing. The wolf attacked the sheep one by one, The boy cried out for help, He shouted, "Help! Help! Wolfl Help! Somebody)” The villagers heard his cries, but they thought the boy was tricking them again. They continued to work ignoring his cries, The boy somehow escaped from there, but his sheep were eaten by the wolf, He now learned his lesson for life. He promised himself to never lie again and trouble others. Moral: No one trusts a person who lies, even if he is telling the truth. other Teresa Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhio on the 27" of August 1910 in Skopje. Today Skopje is the capital of the independent Republic of Macedonia, Gonxha (which means a flower bud) grew up ina wealthy Catholic Albanian family. She was brought up very religiously by her parents. Her father died unexpectedly when she was ten. At the age of twelve, she strongly felt the call of God and decided that she wanted to spend her life as a nun. She was inspired to do so by the news of work done in India by a missionary. She followed her dream to become a nun passionately. At the age of 18 she was accepted into an Irish Catholic organization called the Loreto Order. Mother Teresa This organization and its members were especially devoted to education in India. Their mission was to pest nuns to help the poor. After two months, she was allowed to follow her dream and she joined the Loreto Order in Bengal. She took her first vow in Calcutta to devote her life to God. She spent the following 17 years in St. Mary’s School in Calcutta (now Kolkata). First she worked as a teacher. She was later promoted to governor. It was on one of her journeys through the vast city of Calcutta in 1946 that she felt God’s second calling to help the poor. She realized in order to help the poor she must live with them. She was given permission to leave the Loreto Order but still keep the status as a nun, Mother Teresa made the decision to live among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. She became known as the “Saint of the Gutters”. McDONALD'S y Question: How often do you eat at MeDonald’s? 9 ® Read the article below and then answer the questions. “an, tw McDonald’s Restaurant There are many restaurants in the world but probably the most famous is McDonald's. McDonald's has more than 34,000 restaurants around the world in 119 countries and they serve about 68 million customers every day. The story of McDonald's began in 1940 when two brothers, Richard and Maurice (Mac) McDonald, opened a new restaurant called ‘McDonald's Famous Barbeque’ ® It was a successful business but the brothers wanted to sell more food and make more money, so in 1948 they made some changes. For example, they tried a new way to cook and serve food faster — and McDonald's became one of the first fast food restaurants in the world. In addition, they made the menu more simple: hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sodas and milkshakes. There were no longer any waitresses to serve food, so customers ordered food by themselves at a counter. In 1954, a man called Ray Kroc joined the company and later bought it for 2.7 million dollars. The company is now worth many billions of dollars. There is a McDonald's museum that is located in San Bernardino, California where the first McDonald's was built. It's open daily fram 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ‘Permission granted to veproico for classroom use. © waw.alihingstiescom COMPUTERS Question: What da you already know about Steve jabs? ® Read the article below and then answer the questions. Who was Steve Jobs? Do you have an iPad, iPod, iPhone, a smartwatch or a Mac computer? if you don't, you probably know someone who has one (or wants one}! Steve Jobs made the company - Apple — that created these things that are now such an important part of the lives of millions of people. He was bom on February 24, 1986, in San Francisco, Califomia. When he was a boy, he had a special hobby: he liked to take apart televisions and put them Photo: Aber Won back together again. He was a very good student in school and even skipped a grade. After he finished grade four, he went into grade six, and in 1972, when he was seventeen, he graduated from high school. He then began his studies in Reed College, in Portland, Oregon, but dropped out after six months. Deciding to quit was not at all easy. It was difficult, but as Jobs later said, “I had no idea what | wanted to do with my life.” Two years later in 1974, he travelled to India, and while there he leamed about Buddhism. After Steve Jobs retumed to the United States, he found a job as a video game designer at 4 company called Atari, and two years after that, in 1978, when he was only twenty-one years old, he created his own company ] —Apple Computer — with his friend, Steve Wozniak. Steve Jobs later got maried in 1991 and had four children. Unfortunately, doctors discovered that he had cancer in 2003 and in 2011 he died at the age of only 58. ®) Ro Proud Once upon a time, in a desert far away, there was a rose who was so proud of her beautiful looks. Her only complaint was growing next to an ugly cactus. Every day, the beautiful rose would insult and mock the cactus on his looks, all while the cactus remained quiet. All the other plants nearby tried to make the rose see sense, but she was too swayed by her own looks. One scorching summer, the desert became dry, and there was no water left for the plants. The rose quickly began to wilt. Her beautjiful petals dried up, losing their lush color. Looking to the cactus, she saw a sparrow dip his beak into the cactus to drink some water. Though ashamed, the rose asked the cactus if she could have some water. The kind cactus readily agreed, helping them both through the tough summer, as friends. The Moral Never judge anyone by the way they look. © English Created Resources 2027 @® ee a a TP The real wealth I I l l One day, a rich man decided to take his son on I a trip to the country. The wealthy man wanted to | show his son how the poor people live so he could | be thankful for his wealth. They spent two days on a farm of a very poor family. On their way home,the rich man asked his son, "How was our trip with this poor family and what did you learn 2?" The son answered, "| saw that we have servants to serve us, but they serve others. We have one dog and they have four. We have imported lanterns in our gardens and they have stars at night. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have a big pool in our garden, but they a creek that has no end. We have large walls to protect us and they have friends to protect them " Finally, the son added, "Thanks dad for showing me how poor we are." ee ee ee eee _——— A Glass of Milk There once was a poor boy who spent his days going door-to-door selling newspapers to pay for school. One day, as he was walking his route, he started feeling low and weak. The poor boy was starving, so he decided to ask for food when he came to the next door. The poor boy asked for food but was denied every time, until he reached the door of a girl. He asked fora glass of water, but seeing his poor state, the girl came back with a glass of milk. The boy asked how much he owed her for the milk, but she refused payment. Years later, the girl, who was now a grown woman, fell sick. She went from doctor to doctor, but no one was able to cure her. Finally, she went to the best doctor in town. The doctor spent months treating her until she was finally cured. Despite her happiness, she was afraid she couldn’t afford to pay the bill. But, when the hospital handed her the bill, it read, ‘Paid in full, with a glass of milk.’ The Moral No good deed goes unrewarded. i a 4 i i i i a i i i i i i r i i fi i i i a u i i i i i 4 i i i i fi a i i i i i i 4 i 4 a q i i i fi i i i 5 4 a i i i i i GO GRGRODORDH ERR ORAM DA RRD GOO RUDR ROD RDGRURRRODOROGGRRRODOS The History Of Television Wo invented the TV? \Unitke many other inventions tiroughout history. the histery of the TV credits Many inventors instead of just one. in tis case, tere were many inventors ‘Working on the idea of watching pictures.on a screen. inventors from ail over tne ‘world had been working on transmitting pictures or objects onto a screen since ‘the 1830's, but the first physical television din evolve unt the 1800'S Five men becarie the mast popular and prestigious inventors of what we know today as television, giving the history of TV a rich beginning, A.German invertor named Paul Nickow inverted the first rotating dick that woud! Sow pictures to Mransink over wire In 1884, Ms discovery was the: fret electramechanical television seanning system in the world. This rotating disk (woul rotate at a fast pace, while ight passed through the Noles to create a picute-on a screen John Baiid became famous in ihe history of TV when he invented the first pictures in motion that werk televised {in Europe in 1924. He later transmitted the human face onto a screen. and duning Word War It invented the fist ‘colar picture tube. Wile it would be same time before color TV became a staple in American and other households, his ‘contribution ta the history of TW was enormous. CCharies Jenkins invented a mechanical television that he cated “rediovsion,” which was said 10 nave Aransmitied one of the first moving images in 1923, This American inventor went on ta promote his theories in the lechnalogy of he tlevsinn along with ether invertors when they fansite the fet ve pletures. onto & screen ‘This pilgrim i the history ofthe Tv is also tamous for creating the fest {elevison station in Noth America, Vladimir 2worykin inverted the CCathade Ray tube. which he named the Kinescope and started 8 new ‘rain the history of TV. Belore the Kinescope, televisions in the 1920's were mechanical. The Cathode Ray tube was not anly needed for transmission: shis device transformed the televisin into an electronic device, Finally, an “American farmer named Philo Farnsworth made a breakihvough in the history of TV at the age of 13, when he discovered a way to transmit images onto. 8 screen by the Use of 60 horizontal nes, which made the piclute clearer. Famswortn also invented over 165 devices, including the dissector tube, which became the groundwork for televisions we use today. First Commercial Televisions Peaple were very curious and éxcted about televisions coming to the public. However, some feared the new technology, thinking that televisions could transmit personal conversations nto the TV. The #926 Balad model mechanical television sets were Introduced to the pubic atthe “Olympia” Radio Exhibition in 1829. ‘These mechanical TV sets projected orange-red blunry images on a soreen about the size of ‘a dollar coin. The first televisions sold for about fity-five dollars, which oniy people cf wealth ould afford, Electronic televisions ware introduced tothe United States af the 1998 Word's Fair. The first electronic television set was the 1938 DuMant Mace 189 and cost around one hundred twenty-five dota, Modem TV's ‘The first milestone in making TV more modeen was nothing to da with the TV Hise, but in ove ofits accessovies, the VCR. Now, people did not need to be ‘actually watching their television sets when the program they wanted 10 see came on, They could setup a video cassetie recorder to record the show for playback later when itwas more convenient for ther. mies ae mime eancoamis. Al Teer nam mmo tant es serene ce tet ‘This was an optical media that had! much higher resolution and a cleaner picture than VCR's could attain duc to 1S all igital nature. This milestone whel peoples appetites for increasing picture quality an every led lo ‘)) Read and learn. Global warming Do you feel the weather is being hotter than in the previous years? Have you heard people talking about less amount of snow in the Himalayas? Have you heard people talking about climate change and temperature rise? Scientists say the temperature of the world is increasing day by day. This rise in the temperature is called global warming. What will happen to the world if temperature keeps on rising? Have you ever thought about it? Can you do something to stop it? What will you do to check it? We have to be very serious about it right now. Otherwise it will be too late to do anything, Itis always better to be safe than sorry. One of the best ways to decrease it is to check the release of carbon dioxide, Do you know 76 percent of the global warming is caused by carbon dioxide? Then what is the solution? What can you do? The obvious answer is to stop using petroleum. The burning of the fossil fuels like petrol, diesel and kerosene produces large amounts of carbon dioxide. The vehicles running with these fuels are harmful. Electric vehicles or solar vehicles can be a better choice because they don’t produce carbon dioxide. Rather than cooking in your gas or kerosene stove, itis good idea to cook in an electric cooker. Similarly, we have to stop using plastic bags. They are harmful for the environment. They don't decay. If we burn them, they produce very harmful gases, To reduce that, you can take your cotton bags while shopping. Likewise, we should find some other way to cool the things. Our fridges may produce harmful gases. If we don’t start thinking about our current activities, it might affect not only people today, but also our own future and our planet's future. We The Bully Story By: Judie Eberhardt Carson was going back to school after ‘Spring Break. He had heard that. a new boy would be starting at his school. Carson was anxious to meet him and make a new friend. That day at lunch, the new boy came and sat across from Carson, Carson said hi and asked him his name. The boy answered, “None af your business.” Carson was surprised that the boy ‘would be so mean, Carson ate his lunch in silence, School let out, and on the walk home the new boy came up behind Carson and said, “Let me have your homework sol can copy it.” “I know you finished it at school,” "I'm not giving you my homework,” said Carson, "That would be cheating.” As Carson started to walk away, the boy tripped Carson. Carson fell, ripped his pants, and got a big scrape on his knee. The boy Started laughing and ran away. Carson got up and headed home, "What happened?” asked mom when Carson came into the kitchen. The new boy at school tripped me because | wouldn't let him copy my homework,” said Carson. “Who is this new boy?" mom asked. “His name is Jack, and | only know that because | heard the teacher call him that.” “He was mean to meat lunch when | asked him his name,” said Carson. The next day Carson's mom went to the school and told the principal what had happened. Jack was called to the office and admitted he tripped Carson. “Why?” asked Mrs. ‘Rogers the principal. Carson was only trying to be nice to you in the cafeteria yesterday when he asked you your name.” “This is the third school I've been in since school started,” said Jack. “| guess | was trying to be a tough guy $0 no one would mess with me." "Well, did itever cross ‘your mind that if you would just be yourself and be kind, the kids would be your friend?” asked Mrs. Rogers. Jack said he was very sorry. Mrs. Rogers said that Jack needed to talk to Carson and tell him he was sorry. Jack did apologize ta Carson and his mom. Carson's mom invited Jack to the house for dinner. Carson told his mom that Jack is really nice but just hada hard time fitting in. “I'm glad you have a new friend,” said Carson's mam. Faking Sick Story By: Andrew Frinkle Mary really didn’t want to go to school on Monday. She hadn't studied all weekend, because she'd been at her cousin's house. So, rather than fail the test, she decided she'd fake being sick, study a little bit, watch some TV, catch up her sleep, and then go on Tuesday. When mom tried to wake her Monday merning, she groaned, rolled over, and coughed a couple times. “I feel sick.” She whined Mom checked her head, and declared her fine. “No fever. Sorry.” "My throat is sore.” Mom checked her throat, feeling for lumps and swallen glands, “You still seem fine. Get ready for school, Breakfast is in ten minutes,” Mary dragged herself from bed, staggered a bit to add to the show, and made for the bathroom. While she was in there, she ran hot water over a towel and pressed it on her face. Then she ran in place a few steps to get sweaty. A bit of water up the nose helped to fake the snot that might go with a cold. With a few more coughs, she joined the family for breakfast. Dad regarded her with alarm. “What's wrong with you?” “She's nat sick.” Mom declared, still samehow seeing through it all as she served pancakes. Dad wasn’t so sure. He checked her forehead. “She does feel warm.” Mary nodded and shot dad her best pleading, heartbreaking look, along with a cough. “1 would too, if | had put a hot towel on my face.” Mom winked at Mary. Dad frowned at his toast and at Mary, “Is there a test today?" “GAHHI” Mary shouted, giving up on the charade. “How does everyone know?” “It’s better to face the music now.” Dad insisted. Mary decided to try a different tactic, because she knew how important grades were, "What if could pass a makeup tomorrow, but would fail today?" Dad looked torn, because the argument made sense. “How about | take you to school, and we study all the way there. I'll get you there barely in time for the bell, and you can beat it fair and square.” Mary sighed, "Fine." It was clearly a final offer, and she'd take it. At least she wouldn't have to ride the bus, and her father was actually pretty good at helping her study. “Have a good day at school, dear.” Mom added sweetly as they finally made their way out the door. Read the following article and then answer the questions that follow. Ocean Pollution As years tick by, the world’s oceans are becoming more and more polluted. | have been a marine biologist for fifteen years, and it is my belief that humans are responsible for this pollution. Therefore, it is our duty to clean up the oceans around the world for future generations. 5 — To begin, most of the pollution in our oceans start on the land. People throw trash into the nearest body of water, and it eventually ends up in the acean. Also, factories and nuclear plants dump waste into the water. In addition, accidental oil spills occur on the ocean if an oil rig is damaged while out at sea. Many people and animals are affected by ocean pollution. In fact, more than 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with ocean water, so it would be hard not to be affected by this pollution. For example, animals may get wrapped in plastic in the water. Also, animals eat the debris that is floating in the water or washes on shore which damages their digestive system. Similarly, thousands of ocean animals are killed each year by toxins in the water. Not only animals are victims of the pollution, humans are also affected by ocean pollution. Marine life is the main food source for many cultures around the world. Seafood may contain heavy metals and other containments. Also, many people enjoy beach and water activities, but who would want to be in the water with trash and chemicals? What can we do about this worldwide problem? First of all, everyone needs to make an effort to dispose of their trash properly. Many people organize clean up crews who walk the beaches and pick up trash before it makes it to the ocean. Conservation organizations work hard to clean up chemical and oil spills that happen in the ocean before they spread. In addition, billions of dollars are spent to save endangered ocean animals and to conserve the world’s coral reefs. As you can see, it is important to recognize ocean pollution as a worldwide problem and contribute to the solution by donating time or money to the cause.

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