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MBA21056 Shubham Aggarwal

Q1. What attributes were most important to the fans?

Number of Games

Max utility score = 0.24383

Min utility score = -0.2764

Range = (Maximum utility score) – (Minimum utility score)

= 0.24383 – (-0.2764)

Attribute score = 0.52023

Ticket Price

Max utility score = 0.65646

Min utility score = -1.00257

Attribute score = 1.65903

Ticket Location

Max utility score = 1.01148

Min utility score = -0.73169

Attribute score = 1.74317

Promotional Item

Max utility score = 0.17428

Min utility score = -0.31786

Attribute score = 0.49214

Total Attribute score = 0.52023 + 1.65903 + 1.74317 + 0.49214 = 4.41457

Relative Importance Index for Number of Games = (Attribute score) / (Total Attribute score)

= (0.52023) / (4.41457)

= 0.11784
Utility RII
Number of Games 0.11784
Ticket Price 0.37580
Ticket Location 0.39486
Promotional Item 0.11148

Most Important attribute is Ticket Location

Least Important attribute is Promotional Item

Q2. What should the Blazer’s multigame package include?

The multigame package should include 6 games with 2 elite teams and 4 very good teams at a price
of $25 at 300 level (midcourt). It should include hotdog and soda as promotion item.

Q3. Profitability of package

Selling price of seat = $25

Cost price of seat = $18

Price of Hotdog and soda = $3.25

Profit per seat = SP of Seat – (CP of seat + CP of Hotdog and soda)

Profit per seat = ($25) – ($18 + $3.25)

Profit per seat = $3.75

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