Theology Answers

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Rowena Mamanao

Handout A


1. How should we approach prayer?

When we pray, we do not only close our eyes and recite what we remember. We approach prayer
by closing all our doors and only focusing on us and think of it as we are about to meet and
converse with God. We approach prayer with a humble and contrite heart and that means, we
should be admitting our sins, our wounds, the things we ask for in our most sincere way because
that way, we will be more appreciated by God.

2. What do you think it means to be "thirsty" when we are talking about prayer?

Thirsty in its general meaning is a strong desire for something. When we are talking about
prayer, thirsty means to yearn for the peace we can receive only through Christ. We are desiring
more of peace that we seek through prayer. Reflecting upon the things I pray for, whenever I
seek forgiveness and guidance through Christ, it reflects the peace I yearn and this is not the
peace we have known already, it is the peace that we are longing for and we cannot acquire it
easily by ourselves but only through prayer.

3. How is that our hearts are our inner sanctuary that encompasses our whole being?

Our heart is our inner sanctuary that encompasses our whole being. One may claim that they
know everything about us but they couldn’t read what is inside our hearts. It is where we are
alone with ourselves and only God knows what is truly in our hearts. Even though we try to
express it, we don’t intend to pour everything that lies within our hearts. So when we accept God
in our hearts, He comes to know what is inside it and how we are within.

4. How is Christian prayer a covenant relationship between God and man in Christ?

Christian prayer is a covenant relationship between God and man in Christ because God calls us
and we freely respond. When we are blessed by God, we pray for thanksgiving. When we are
experiencing hardships, we seek God’s guidance through our prayer. When we have sinned, we
confess and ask forgiveness to God. All of these things are a few of His calls where we truly
respond through prayer.
Rowena Mamanao

5. How is prayer communion?

Through our covenant relationship with God, we are also in communion with Christ and the
Holy Spirit. When we pray, we find ourselves wanting to be in His presence for a longer time.
His presence satisfies and fulfills us in the deepest of ways. So as we pray, we learn to walk with
God, opening up to him and communing with him because prayer is a communion where we
enter into the divine life of the Blessed Trinity.

Handout B

"For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward Heaven, it is a cry
of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy." - St. Therese of Liseux

1. Heart - I learned that through prayer, we speak to God and hear His voice deep in our
hearts. He knows what is in our hearts because it is our innermost sanctuary.
2. Heaven - I learned that prayer allows us to be in the presence of and be united with the
Blessed Trinity. Through this, we have a glimpse of Heaven where we are enjoying
God’s presence.
3. Recognition - As we are recognized by God through our Baptism as His children, we
form a covenant relationship with Him. Like any other calling, we respond to him in
4. Love - When we are first thought to pray, I have learned that God is love and He calls us
to prayer out of His unconditional love. Likewise, when we pray, we adore and worship
Him as we express our love in our deepest of ways.
5. Trial - We do not pray only when we have to thank God for His blessings. When we are
experiencing hardships and trials, we seek guidance from Him to help us. Most of the
time, trial itself is how and when we should be praying which should not be.
6. Joy - Like how we turn to God during trials, we also thank him for the joyous events that
we have enjoyed and like how we feel joy during these moments of our lives, we also feel
joy when we are praying.

Handout C
Rowena Mamanao

1. Matthew 6:9-13

In this verse, it expresses how God articulates the covenant relationship we have with him.
Through Jesus Christ, God has given us the gift of prayer by teaching us how to pray. We
learned how to express our love to God by worshipping and adoring Him. We learned to ask
forgiveness for the sins we have committed; we learned how to thank God for all the blessings
He had given us; and we learned how to ask for God’s blessings. With the gift of prayer, we
became closer to God thus why we have this covenant relationship with him.

2. Philippians 4:6-7

In this verse, gift, communion, and covenant were all illustrated. First, God asks us to not have
anxiety at all but should we have our requests be known to God through our prayers and
petitions. By this, we are offered the communion of peace which we only receive through Christ.
This verse shows how we are loved by God, He asks us to pray and He brings us peace through
His Son, thus articulating the very covenant relationship we have with Him. Another, by praying
He offers us peace through Jesus Christ - which shows communing with Him and the Blessed
Trinity. And lastly, with the communion of Christ’s peace, we’ll come to realize that it is itself a
gift from God.

3. Psalm 107:28-30

Gift, covenant, and communion were also illustrated in this verse. Firstly, God has offered us the
gift of grace by hushing the storm and stilling the sea waves for us. By saving us to any distress,
He has gifted us His grace. This grace in addition shows how He unconditionally loves us, that
He does everything for us - that we should also do the same by becoming righteous. And this
love reflects His covenant relationship with us. With this love, we communed to him and peace
was brought to us. With these things that God had done for us, we again receive Heaven and the
gift of eternal life.

4. John 14:13-14

While this verse articulates the covenant promises God had made to us. He had assured us to do
what we asked of Him. When we ask for forgiveness, He forgives us; When we ask for
thanksgiving, He glorifies us; and when we ask to be saved from Sin; He saves us through Jesus
Rowena Mamanao

Christ. This simply means that God keeps His word because that’s how deep our relationship is,
that is how unconditional His love is. Whenever we pray, we ask things for Him to answer and
do. We do not have to rush those things we ask because when God keeps His word, it doesn’t
mean instant. We have to wait because He knows when will be the right time to answer our
prayers. Thus, we can rely on God, we can rely on this covenant promises because God had
never failed us.

Handout D

Part I

What are five attributes of the Holy Spirit you can glean from Catechism no. 687?

1. One of the attributes of the Holy Spirit is it is by His gifts that makes us hear the Word of
2. Secondly, the Holy Spirit reveals the Word and disposes us to welcome God into our
lives and in faith.
3. Third, the Holy Spirit as it does not speak of himself, the Holy Spirit has the attribute to
speak through the prophets especially in spreading God’s Word.
4. Fourth, the Holy Spirit reveals God the Father and God the Son to us.
5. “No one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. This means that one
of the attributes of the Holy Spirit is that it comprehends God.

Part II

1. How can you cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures?

Each book in the Scriptures is written by a human author. The connection of this on how we
could cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures is inspiration. The Holy Spirit
has inspired the human authors in writing the books in the Scriptures. It cannot be said that they
have written such because of interest but because the Holy Spirit has acted within them. Hence,
through the Scriptures - the Holy Spirit can use us as instruments of evangelizing the Word of
God and be used for divine work. Nonetheless, we are led to the Kingdom of God through the
Holy Spirit by means of reading the Scriptures which were written through the former’s
Rowena Mamanao

2. How can you cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit through Tradition?

I can cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit through Tradition not the way we used to appreciate
and preserve our customs and beliefs but on how we speak on the work to the Holy Spirit and
how it continuously teaches and guides each one of us through the successors of the Apostles.
Through the Holy Spirit, we are bound to know the truth and be led to the truth.

3. How can you cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit through the Church's Magisterium?

In the Church’s Magisterium, we cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit when it is bestowed upon
the Apostles who became Jesus’ first bishops in what He established. Jesus Christ referred to the
Church as something not a place but us, God’s people. In our chosen vocation or ministry, we are
also bound to receive the Holy Spirit.

4. How can you cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit through the liturgy?

While, I can cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit through the liturgy by means of being true and
participative during the mass. By meditating during a liturgical mass, I can show how I
appreciate and open myself to God’s blessings. I know that the liturgy is a work of the Holy
Spirit. Through its words and symbols, I can feel God’s presence.

5. How can you cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit through prayer?

I can cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit through prayer. Whenever I feel like I need to speak to
God, the Holy Spirit is there to invite me. The Holy Spirit intercedes for me as it acts within us.
Through a true prayer that responds to God’s call, we also start transforming ourselves like Jesus
Christ and as we take that same path, we can be able to present ourselves to God in His

6. How can you cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit through the ministries of the Church?

Charisms are given by the Holy Spirit. By these ministries of the Church, I can cultivate
openness to the Holy Spirit when I participate and join in the activities of the Church. By
becoming a good Josephian that upholds the mission and vision of my school, I can also show
how Church activities can strengthen our faith in God. With the Holy Spirit using us as
instruments to invite people to become closer to God, we also come to know the sole purpose
why we are in this world.
Rowena Mamanao

7. How can you cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit through the signs of apostolic and
missionary life?

Through the signs of apostolic and missionary life, I can cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit
when I use my ability to evangelize my classmates, families, and friends about God’s word. The
Holy Spirit bestowing me these gifts will help me succeed in my own apostolic and missionary
life. As this world has already started to tumble because of lies around us, I will stand up and
spread the truth and the Good news for people to ponder on and turn to God, who is the Truth.

8. How can you cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit through the witness of saints?

The Holy Spirit acts within us and uses us as instruments for divine work. This is also how the
Holy Spirit enables the saints to become examples of God’s love for us. The saints are the great
witnesses of God and as they do things that are for God and His people, they are also showing
how God acts for us. Some of the saints I know are martyrs, some are ordinary people who have
chosen to evangelize the Word of God, some put the sake of the common good more than
themselves, and many attributes that were recognized from these saints. And reflecting upon
these, we could also feel how God unconditionally love us and that we should also live the same
life these saints had to live. Not that we also have to die to become a saint, but we should live
righteously to be with God in His Kingdom.

Handout E


1. In the midst of trials and tribulations, turn to God.

In order for us to cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit, we should turn to God in the midst of
trials and tribulations. First, we should reflect on the purpose why we have to go through such
sufferings in our lives. Then, we should realize that God allows these trials and tribulations in
our life because we can trust Him for these. And lastly, we should know that through these trials
and tribulations, we could be able receive our victory as it comes with them. Through Jesus
Christ, when we put our faith in Him, we receive the peace we need over these trials and
Rowena Mamanao

2. Pray.

In order for us to cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit, we should pray. When we pray, we
should be of contrite and humble heart. We should recognize our own sinfulness as humility is
an essential element of a true prayer. When we realize that we have sinned, we receive
everything good from Him. Thus, we should pray with a contrite and humble heart as it shows
God’s love for us and makes our prayer fruitful.

3. Meditate on the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

In order for us to cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit, we should meditate on the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. First, we should align our understanding with His word alone. The reasons why we
have to receive such gifts and our purpose in receiving those gifts. Then, we could ask the Holy
Spirit to reveal the gift we shall receive and that we should allow ourselves to be used for the
glory of God. As we are empowered and purposed with such gifts, we’ll gladly be instruments of

4. Turn to Holy Mother Mary to intercede.

In order for us to cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit, we should turn to the Holy Mother to
intercede. We should realize that we are not praying the same as praying to God but we are only
asking for her intercession. To do that, we should know the reason why we should do this. We
should reflect on the reason why we should have a relationship with the Holy Mother. More so,
we should know that we ask for intercession from the Holy Mother to be distracted with our faith
in God but She is there to intercede for us to be led to Him. Then, we should reflect on the roles
the Holy Mother has in God’s plans for us that are related to our roles in God’s plans. As we turn
to her for prayers, we do not forget God but we are accompanied by the Holy Mother herself.

5. Do spiritual reading, starting with the Acts of the Apostles.

In order for us to cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit, we should do spiritual reading starting
with the Acts of the Apostles. We should learn that doing spiritual reading would make us be
transformed by the Holy Spirit. It will enlighten and renew us as we first study and discern as to
how God’s word speaks to our own lives. So, when we do spiritual reading, we start with the
Acts of the Apostles because it will teach us how the power of the Gospel spread throughout the
Rowena Mamanao

world and transformed lives. We should be equipped to the history of the early church and the
book of Acts can tell us that as it sheds light on the gift of the Holy Spirit. When we fulfill this
act, we will be enlightened and encouraged to do the same - as God’s witnesses.

6. Spend some time in silence.

In order for us to cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit, we should spend time in silence. When
there are a lot of things that are in our minds, they often distract us especially when we tend to
pray. But if we focus on being with God, these noises will be silenced. To be able to spend time
in silence with God, we should at least be in a place where we won’t be interrupted. Then keep
ourselves away from our phones because sometimes it distracts us from being alone. We could
consider reading the scriptures to focus our mind and be aware of God’s presence. As we spend
time in silence, we come to know what we truly want and we are also given time to reflect upon
our actions and our time with God per se.

7. Cultivate a habit of docility.

In order for us to cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit, we should cultivate a habit of docility. To
do that, we should realize that God has plans for us that we might find to be complex. There are
times that He won’t answer our prayers as we want to but He assures us that He has heard us and
He’ll respond to us when it is right. To cultivate a habit of docility, we should let God lead us in
everything by following His prompts with a humble and obedient heart. The Holy Spirit will free
us and lead us where Christ leads for God’s greater glory.

8. Cultivate habits of attentiveness and alertness to spiritual realities.

In order for us to cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit, we should also cultivate habits of
attentiveness and alertness to spiritual realities. When interpreting God’s will for us, some people
may tend to have false representations. When we believe in these kinds of things, we either deny
God or insult Him. Hence, we should pay attention and be alert on strengthening our faith
because we may be led to a false truth. We should realize that as true spiritual realities are, only
God can know the truth because He is the truth. Thus, to strengthen our faith, we should always
be certain in believing and putting our trust in God and believe in the Holy Spirit that acts within
Rowena Mamanao

Handout F

1. Prayer is just reciting words.

Prayer is not only about reciting words that we had memorized. When we pray, we engage our
whole selves where we dwell in the deepest corner within ourselves. In this, we then speak to
God not by our intellect but by our hearts. There are instances that we pray by reciting the same
words, but through prayer is cultivated when we meditate on God and be sincere whenever we
pray through reciting.

2. Prayer is a waste of time because it doesn't bring in income or make others respect us.

Instead of referring to prayer as a waste of time, I want to correct it because prayer is a

fundamental part of our Christian life and is not or will never be comparable to money and fame
because the latter are only worldly treasures. While a prayer illustrates what Jesus Christ wants
to tell us - that where our treasure is, there will our heart be. This treasure can be found in
Heaven, hence we should point our hearts and minds toward God. Just like how we expect on
worldly treasures, we should spend our precious time on God and the treasures He had prepared
for us in His Kingdom.

3. It doesn't do any good to pray because bad things still happen.

Like in the story of Job, God let bad things happen because He wants us to turn to Him and that
we can trust Him even during these moments of our lives. There is good in praying even though
bad things happen - that is, we can put our faith in God. When we are not sure if there is
someone who can bet on us even when we are falling down, there is God who will make good
things come from bad. We can assure that He will always be there by our side to be with us
through our ups and downs. Prayer does good - that is we can trust God with our struggles and

4. It's too hard to pray because there is so much going on to distract us.
Rowena Mamanao

When there is much going on to distract us from praying, we must bear in mind the love we have
for God. If we have chosen to constantly love God and give our hearts back to Him, nothing can
distract us from praying. By creating prayerful spaces, by meditating, or having ourselves focus
on what we are about to do, we can minimize distractions. Though there will always be potential
disruptions, we can also find a way to not be distracted by them.

5. It can be hard to pray because we are worried that we don't fully believe in God.

It is never hard to pray because of our worry that we do not fully believe in God. He will be there
to help us. We can always strengthen our faith in God through prayer. By seeking the sole
purpose why we believe in God. He assures us that we don’t have to worry if we do not fully
believe in Him because He’ll make a way to fill what is missing from these worries, what
answers and calms these worries.

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