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EEC – Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 7.

0+ 0919 340 949

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains the world peace. Nuclear power provides
cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far out-weight the
Do you agree or disagree?

- Cheap = relatively low costs = cost – competitive
- Clean energy = low pollution = environmental effects are light
The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, with the consent of the United
Kingdom, as required by the Quebec Agreement. The two bombings killed between
129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the first and
only uses of nuclear weapons in armed conflict.


The radioactive waste can possess a threat to the environment and is dangerous for
humans. We all remember the Chernobyl accident, where the harmful effects of nuclear
radiation on humans can even be witnessed today. Estimates conclude that somewhere
between 15 000 and 30 000 people lost their lives in the Chernobyl aftermath and more
than 2.5 million Ukrainians are still struggling with health problems related to nuclear

- Become a serious threat to
- It is undeniable that
- Offers low-cost energy source
- Alternative source of energy
- Used as propaganda

Tân Bình: 16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận Quận 11: 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân huynhlien811

EEC – Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 7.0+ 0919 340 949

- For power generation purposes

- What lies behind their plants
- Developing an advanced and sophisticated nuclear weapon
- Detonated two nuclear weapons
- With the consent of the UK
- Two bombings
- Uses of nuclear weapons in armed conflict
- Threat to the surrounding areas
- Manage their nuclear power plants cautiously
- Cause a serious effect on the surrounding areas
- Harmful effects of nuclear radiation on humans
- Lost their lives
- Struggling with health problems
- Destroyed millions of lives
- Caused severe damage to our environment
- Strict monitoring

Tân Bình: 16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận Quận 11: 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân huynhlien811

EEC – Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 7.0+ 0919 340 949


Disadvantage – 1st reason Disadvantage – 2nd reason

Misuse nuclear power Unexpected events

- Nuclear power plants used as - Although low-cost and safe to
propaganda -> tell public the environment -> threat to
only use for power generation the surrounding areas ->
purposes -> lies behind the sometimes unexpected events
plants -> developed -> serious effect ->
sophisticated nuclear weapon Chernobyl accident in
-> example, USA detonated Ukraine -> 15,000 and 30,
two nuclear weapons over 000 people lost their lives ->
Japanese sites (Hiroshima struggling with health
and Nagasaki) -> 129,000 problems
and 226,000 people killed ->
nuclear weapons used in
armed conflict.

- Such weapon of much destruction -> threat to the world -> hard to
maintain world peace -> history tells weapons destroyed millions of
lives -> caused severe damage to our environment

Tân Bình: 16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận Quận 11: 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân huynhlien811

EEC – Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 7.0+ 0919 340 949

- The nuclear power debate is a long-running controversy about its risks and
- With a combination of industrialization, economic development, and a projected
doubling of the world’s population in the 21st century, global energy consumption
will surely continue to increase.

Some countries are developing _________________, and it becomes a serious threat to

________________. But it is undeniable that nuclear technology is
Therefore, a lot of people believe that nuclear technology
__________________________________. I personally disagree with the statement and
the following essay will discuss in details about it.

To begin with, even though nuclear power could be used as an alternative source of
energy, but some parties could misuse the technology.
As an example, The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese
cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively,

Tân Bình: 16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận Quận 11: 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân huynhlien811

EEC – Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 7.0+ 0919 340 949

____________________________________________________________ and only

uses of nuclear weapons in armed conflict.

And then, although nuclear power plants are safe to the environment and cheaper in
For example, we all remember the Chernobyl accident, where the harmful effects of
nuclear radiation on humans

I believe that that weapon of much destruction is always a threat to the world

In conclusion, although nuclear technology could be used as a clean and cheap source
of energy, I strongly disagree with it. Even though

Tân Bình: 16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận Quận 11: 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân huynhlien811

EEC – Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 7.0+ 0919 340 949

Tân Bình: 16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận Quận 11: 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân huynhlien811

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