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Relate of the significance of arts from the region

ANA • Significance of art forms in region

The importance of the arts in regional development should not be underestimated. Art can reflect, and
recreate, meanings and identities for regional communities. Artists can also communicate their region, their
community, and their culture to outsiders in ways that generate interest, respect, and even understanding.
MARIELLE • How can you relate the significance of art forms in community?
The arts have a long history of bringing people together across boundaries -- increasing understandings
across disparate and historically unequal groups, and supporting the agency of underrepresented communities to
create, maintain and share their own stories.
MARIELLE • What is the significance of the contemporary artworks from the different regions to the
society that we are currently living?
Contemporary art is important due to its historical value being a product and witness of a specific time
and era. It enables us to state, gain insight and question certain socio-cultural or ideological/political
developments, raising awareness, calling the world to a halt and encouraging debate.
ANA • What is the importance of contemporary arts from the region? Contemporary Art
It provides opportunities to reflect on society and the issues that are important to us and the world. It is
part of a cultural dialogue that concerns larger contextual frameworks such as identity, family, community, and
ANA Contemporary Art
Contemporary art is the art of today, produced by artists who are living in our time. It provides
opportunities to reflect on society and the issues that are important to us and the world. It is part of a cultural
dialogue that concerns larger contextual frameworks such as identity, family, community, and nationality.
Visiting contemporary art exhibitions and talking about living artists is an important aspect of our program.
ANA Critical Theory
Critical theory is an interdisciplinary field of study that explores ideas that shape cultural practices such
as visual art, media, advertising and entertainment. It critically examines the nature of representation, artistic
authority and voice. It provides a way of understanding institutions in terms of the ideas they produce and
reproduce in our society, which is characterized by the unequal distribution of power.
ANA Pedagogy
Pedagogy is the whole art of teaching—the how and why of teaching and learning with others. Our
program explores how pedagogy impacts decisions about curriculum, how and in whose interest knowledge is
produced and passed on, and what instructional methods best serve both the educator’s teaching philosophy and
the needs of diverse populations.

ANA Critical Pedagogy

Critical pedagogy addresses the issues of power in teaching and learning. Important contributors to these
perspectives include Paulo Freire, bell hooks, and Henry Giroux. The “critical” in critical pedagogy refers to the
ability to analyze, expose and challenge hidden social, cultural and political processes within knowledge
production. It seeks to provide education that is democratic, emancipatory, and empowering.
ANA Praxis
Praxis is practice, or action, with the thoughtfulness of reflection. Praxis emerged from the work of
Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, who described it as “reflection and action upon the world in order to transform
it.” (1990, Pedagogy of the Oppressed). Praxis embodies our belief that theory and practice are not binary
opposites but rather complements that work together to further one’s lifelong growth as an artist-educator.
ANA Social Activism
Social activism addresses social, political, cultural, and economic inequities by organizing community-
based movements in order to enact social change. While social services address the needs of individuals, social
action examines the root causes of injustice and tries to find ways to organize communities and collaborate
across expertise in an effort to address structural inequity and overcome those injustices.
DONNA • What is the significance of art?
In addition to providing commentary about the larger culture, art makes life more manageable, tolerable
and enjoyable. One may not think about more utilitarian items and places as “art,” but they do contribute to
one's aesthetic experience.
DONNA • What are the contemporary Philippine arts from the region all about?
The Philippine Contemporary Art can be classified into seven major art forms. These are painting,
sculpture, architecture, film, literature, music and theater, and dance. Knowing these classifications will guide
us in identifying and exploring different contemporary art forms from the regions of the Philippines.
DONNA • How does art affect the culture and tradition of a certain region?
It affects culture and society in a variety of ways, for better or for worse. Here are a few examples: Art
promotes communication between cultures — Art is a universal language that breaks cultural barriers and gives
people respect for the beliefs and traditions of others.
LAURA • How do arts contribute to the development of economy and in general to the country?
Arts and culture-related industries, also known as “creative industries,” provide direct economic benefits
to states and communities: They create jobs, attract investments, generate tax revenues, and stimulate local
economies through tourism and consumer purchases.
LAURA • What role does art play in our lives and its importance in our culture and society?
Art plays an important role in society, shapes cultures, and builds a better understanding of mankind. Art
can emphasize religion, and portrays history in a visual format. Art is incredibly important and its significance
can be measured in many ways.
LAURA • What is the purpose of art and how this applied in our modern society?Art is well known for its
amazing feature of educating people and creating that pleasant environment of a new world in a whole new
vision. A new way of translating thoughts, feelings, and emotions based on experiences are now presented with

the help of projectors, interactive screens or videos.

MELODY • What are the contemporary art forms and practices from the regions meaning?
Contemporary art is the art of today, produced in the second half of the 20th century or in the 21st
century. Contemporary artists work in a globally influenced, culturally diverse, and technologically advancing
MELODY • What are the contemporary art practices from various regions?
The different types of contemporary art are painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, collage, digital
art/collage, photography, video art, installation art, land art, (public) intervention art, and performance art.
MELODY • What was the importance and significance of art during the prehistoric period?
art played an important role in our life, prehistoric period may use art as a way of communication, at
least in what we believe. Prehistoric art shows us a brief picture on how early human beings live their everyday
lives. It was the basis and pattern of life during their ages.
ANGEL • What is the importance of arts in our cultural and heritage awareness?
Art documents events and experiences and allows us a richer understanding of history. Art reflects
cultural values, beliefs and identity and helps to preserve the many different communities that make up our
ANGEL • What is the most significant among the functions of contemporary art?
One of the biggest benefits of Contemporary Art is its aesthetic value. This means that the art possesses
some capacity to elicit a sense of pleasure in the viewer.
ANGEL • Why do we need to protect and preserve the traditional arts from different regions in our
It is important to preserve our cultural heritage, because it keeps our integrity as a people. The
importance of intangible cultural heritage is not the cultural manifestation itself but rather the wealth of
knowledge and skills that is transmitted through it from one generation to the next.
LEONARD • What are the 3 contemporary art forms from the different regions in the Philippines?
Contemporary art forms are the following:

Musical instrument.

Literary and music composition.

Visual design.

LEONARD • What do you think are the most important contributions of the contemporary art as a
period and the numerous movements under it in the lives of men today?
The most important contributions of contemporary art for me is how it showed the world of art is
limitless, everyone can explore different styles or even create one.
LEONARD • How do the arts reflect values in a culture?
It reflects our changing culture and has the ability to alter society's values. Moreover, art brings meaning into
people's lives and helps preserve the world's culture and societies. It is a manifestation of society and a
reflection of people's intricate identities.

Promote arts from the region

MIGUEL • How can we promote arts from the region?
1. Set up an art website or blog
An online presence for prospective students, local feeder schools and local community. Websites are a brilliant
platform for outstanding work and kids love to be published on it.

2. Gallery and Display Spaces

Develop a permanent gallery space in school where artwork can be showcased and changed regularly. Our
gallery the ‘Oriel STP’ is also used for important meetings so lots of people get to see the work.
3. Study Trips
Have annual visits to cultural centres. Large galleries in large cities are exciting and worth while if you can
secure the time but it’s very important to support local institutions and small local galleries. Galleries can only
benefit from good connections with local art departments and visa versa.

4. Visiting Artists
Invite artists in the school to speak to students and demonstrate their practice. Workshops are a brilliant on lots
of levels and feed into students understanding of how an artist can make a living and operate in the community.

5. Local Business
Establish relationships with printers, galleries and framers. Advertising in school publications can be a good
exchange for any discounts or freebies.

6. Exhibitions
Organize shows with local art galleries and, where you can, offer prize money as an incentive. We managed to
buy etching press last year through fund raising.

7. Art kits
Sell ‘Art kits’ to your groups. Try to use the best art resources when money allows. We use Turners in Matlock
for really good stuff and deals. This can be a small part of raising student profile and approach to their work, in
turn may feed into retention and success rates.

8. Sketchbooks
Train students to use sketchbooks from the moment they step into the department. Try to convey the department
ethos and demands before the AS year starts through letters, emails or open days.

9. Team
If you are part of a creative department, develop a confident team with a positive group ethos. This can be
infectious and help raise your department’s game!
MIGUEL • Why arts from the region should be promoted? Arts promote true prosperity.
They ennoble and inspire us—fostering creativity, goodness, and beauty. The arts help us express our
values, build bridges between cultures, and bring us together regardless of ethnicity, religion, or age. When
times are tough, art is salve for the ache.
MIGUEL • Which of the following expresses promotion and preservation of arts from the region of the
The National Commission for Culture and the Arts is the overall policy making body, coordinating and
grants giving agency for the preservation, development and promotion of Philippine Arts and Culture.
JUSTIN • Why is it important to promote and preserve art in our country?
Preserving art forms are the major responsibility of a ruling authority because it shows the past history of
the society as well as nation. The Government should encourage upcoming generation to attract various art
forms by giving them physical, mental as well as financial support.

JUSTIN • How can you help in promoting arts in your town?

Host art exhibitions in public spaces like parks, libraries, and museums. Host art exhibitions in public
spaces like parks, libraries, and museums. Invite local artists to share their talents on the streets of your city
during special events such as farmers' markets or festivals.
JUSTIN • How will you promote and preserve arts in the Philippines?
There are many different ways we can show our country's art importance—visiting museums, learning
about Filipino artists and promoting locally made artworks. A unique and special way to do it is through stamps.
After all, stamps are used to promote and preserve history, culture and arts.
JUSTIN • 4 Ways You Can Advocate for the Arts
• Get art into your local community. Sharing your students' work is a great way to highlight the role art
plays in your student's lives. ...
• Highlight your students' art within the school. ...
• Be aware of legislative polices. ...
• Reach out to your representatives and stakeholders.
ANA & MARIELLE • How can you promote contemporary arts in your school and in your community?
5 creative ways to promote the arts in your school
• Start with consultations. ...
• Plan activities to promote awareness in class. ...
• Include the whole school and wider community. ...
• Create a student arts council. ...
• Ask the right questions.
ALL OF US SHOULD PARTICIPATE IN THIS TOPIC • What are the way you can suggest to preserve
local arts?
8 Ways You Can Support Your Local Arts Community
• Donate to a Local Arts Charity. ...
• Attend Exhibitions and Openings Online. ...
• #ArtInMyCity Initiative. ...
• Virtual Support. ...
• Attend Virtual Artist Talks and Performances. ...
• Commission an Artwork Locally. ...
• Take an Online Art Class. ...
• Buy a museum or Arts Institution Membership.
ANA • How does art help in promoting one's culture?
Art promotes communication between cultures — Art is a universal language that breaks cultural
barriers and gives people respect for the beliefs and traditions of others.

Leader: Maria Ana S. Salvador
Members: Angel L. Tayag
Donna Valentin
Laura G. Tominaman
Marielle Sabado
Melody Quinto
Justin Vergara
Miguel Mariano

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