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Pandeansari IV/8, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman

Mata Kuliah : Phonology

Dosen : Nugraha Krisdiyanta, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Ujian : Tengah Semester
Sifat : Open Book Test
Dikumpulkan : Rabu, 9 November 2022
Waktu : 14.30 – 16.10 WIB

I. Choose the best answer for the questions below.

1. To pronounce [θ] and [ð] you should insert the tip of your tongue between the upper
and lower teeth. Therefore, they are called
a. Bilabials
b. Palatals
c. Interdentals
d. Alveolars

2. When you whisper, you try to make all sounds

a. Aspirated
b. Voiced
c. Voiceless
d. Nasalized

3. The description of voiced palatal glide refers to the sound….

a. [k]
b. [w]
c. [j]
d. [l]

4. The mid back tense rounded refers to the sound…

a. [u:]
b. [i:]
c. [Λ]
d. [o]

5. Which of the following does not end with a nasal?

a. Comb
b. Bank
c. Mean
d. Sang

6. The following are examples of minimal pairs except….

a. Father-farther
b. Fish-wish
c. Care-hair
d. Claim-climb
7. Which of the following is an example of minimal pairs?
a. Poor-door
b. Ladder-later
c. When-wine
d. Debt-doubt

8. The phonotactic of the following words are CCCVC, except…..

a. Straight
b. Scratch
c. Strange
d. Splash

9. Each of the following words consists of six segments, except….

a. Contact
b. Windows
c. Changes
d. Expose

10. How many sound segments are there in the word ‘finite’?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7

II. Investigate and formulate the rule of allophones /d/ in the past verb forms. You should
try to find as many examples as you can of the past verbs ended with /d/. Then,
investigate when the sound [d] is voiceless and when it is voiced. When you state the
formula, include 5 (eight) different examples of the word after the statement of the

1. Sound [d] becomes [d]

- Jumped
- Begged
- Loved
- Rolled
- Breathed

2. Sound [d] becomes [id]

- Visited
- Ended
- Edited
- Helped
- Exported

3. Sound [d] becomes [t]

- Talked
- Kissed
- Laughed
- Brushed
- Reached


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