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The project titled as ’Automatic Exam Paper Evaluation System’ is a web- b a s e d application. The system
will evaluate the students answers automatically using natural language processing [NLP]. Automatica l l y
d e c l a r i n g t h e r e s u l t s requires the adaption of the latest technologies. It is important when most
of the courses became online and it is further complicatedto instruct PCs to recognizing the range of the
handwriting of the students. Intended for image recognition difficulty such since handwritten
categorization, it is extremely significant to create away how informationor data are represent in images.
Since it [erforms the segmentation by viewing the answer scripts and performs the individual tasks to the
staff and gather the results of the students


Chapter 1


1.1 Project Description

1.1.1 Problem Statement
At the present time evaluating the answer scripts of each and every student and declaring end result in a
restricted period of time is a difficult task for educational schools, colleges So, manual exam paper
correction becomes more difficult task and many fraud activities are happened today.

1.1.2 Proposed Solution

Design a user friendly UI and where system will automatically using Natural Processing Language

1.1.3 Purpose
The aim of this project is to develop an automatic answer sheet evaluation to helps reducing time to
evaluation of answer sheet.

1.1.4 Scope and limitation

This study is a research geared towards exam paper evaluation. It can be currently used for examevaluation
in any institution. Automatic results is an approach that requires the adaption of the latest technologies and
it has become very necessary when it comes to the most of the courses became online courses now a days.
Chapter 2

Literature Survey

2.1 Domain Study

2.1.1 Existing Systems

– Kaldin is an open source online examination software for educational institutes and corporate
companies. It also makes the task of integrating with other software easy. The online exam
software offers a highly customizable interface for organizations to make changes such as adding
their personal logo, create customized question papers etc.


– Appium is one of the most popular open-source test automation frameworks. It can be utilized
with both native and hybrid mobile apps. Appium drives iOS, Android, and Windows apps
using the Selenium WebDriver protocol. Appium supports all programming languages like
Java, C, C++, Java and JS with node.js, PHP, Python, Angular


– Learnpod aims at creating interactive and engaging online software platforms for schools.
It is one of the best online exam software of 2021 that you can use for your educational institute.
Teachers can choose between available templates/options/forms of assessment, like:
1.Subjective or Essay Type Questions 2.Objective Questions 3.Fill in the blanks

2.1.2 Drawbacks of Existing Systems

• The Automatic Exam Paper Evaluation requires the l a t e s t automatic evaluation of student
answer scripts

• There are some applications like kaldin which is an open source which is highly customizable
interface for the organization and create some customized question paper

• Appium and Learnpod is the applications which has all the types answers which will be evaluated
by choosing template by the particular type forms
2.2 Tools and Technologies
Python 3.6
Python 3.6 is the utilities and different library functions . This Software Collection allows them to benefit
from various advantages and new features of this version. Python is the latest technology

SQLite is defined as a database which is very commonly used in the marketplace as is a free and
open-source.It is used for small and as well large data to store. The SQL helps the coders to cr eate,
edit, update and delete data as well.

HTML is an essential component of web development. It is a markup language; it stands for Hyper Text
Markup Language. Along with style sheets, we can make a beautiful web page out of HTML. In HTML
everything is considered as a document or part of the document. HTML5 is a current version of HTML
which is a standard version. It has a Document object model which represents all the nodes in the
Document which will help in the real-time rendering of elements.

CSS3 is Cascading Style Sheets. CSS3 defines how HTML elements are visible on screen. CSS3 is the
latest standard for CSS. It is the styles where we need to give the height, width, size of the web page..
2.3 Feasibility Study
Technical Feasibility
These are the technical resources needed for the project. It focuses on the availability of the hardware and
software to be used in the project. The technology needed for the implementation of this application are: i.
Programming devices ii. Programmers iii.Servers hosting spaces iv. Program- ming tools v. Additional APIs

Economic Feasibility
The data processing application software can be developed using the specified software on any common
desktop / laptop PC with Windows OS. The development effort of approximately 5 man months is small
compared to the valuable insights provided by the software. The project is econmomically feasible as
the hardware requirements and development efforts are frugal.

Operational Feasibility
Operational Feasibility deals with how the implementation of the project fits the organizational or business
needs and providing the solution to the problem. Here the users can secure their chat application with face
authentication system. User can just provide their user name,password and email for registering
.After they just add their photos and log in with user name and password considering this project is feasible.
Chapter 3

Hardware and Software Requirements

3.1 Hardware Specifications

Hardware Specifications
Specification Desired Value
System Intel I3.
Hard Disk 50 GB.
Memory (RAM) 8 GB
Input Devices Keyboard, Mouse

Table 3.1: Hardware Specifications

3.2 Software Sp ecifications

Software Requirements
Specification Desired Value
Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Coding Language PYTHON 3.6
Database SQLLite3
Frontend HTML, CSS
Webserver Flask

Table 3.2: Software Specifications

Chapter 4

Software Requirements Specification

4.1 Users

Student should register to the application, Once if they register they can login to the application,
Student need to upload his answer sheet to the system and it stores his or her answers based on
their respective question ID

Staff can login to the application, Staff uploads the question and relevant marks , once they student
upload answer the system will evaluate the answer image and extract text from image based on
that system will assign the score to the student, Then the application will efficiently calculate the score
for their answers and display the marks to the students

4.2 Functional Requirements

In this module we are passing the cropped image as input, System will apply the OCR technique and
extract the text from the image.
Algorithm: Extraction of text:
1. Select an image.
2. Read selected image
3. Apply the OCR- Text retrieval library pytesseract.
4. Extract the text from the image.
5. Display the text.
Upload Photos:
Uploading the pictures to Respective Questions. Students needs to Upload photos by ‘Add Photos’,.
Students can upload the pictures by their respective question ID .
Natural Processing Language:
Need to Install the NLTK which helps to evaluate, Tokenizing by words and sentences and to extract the
text OCR is been used. To Evaluate tf-idf vector model is been used, Filtering stop words like ‘in’,’is’
in NLP (Text Pre-processing)
OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition. It is commonly used to identify the text in scanned pictures
and the pdf files. Optical Character Recognition is used to convert a physical paper document, or an image
into an accessible electronic version with text. It is a technology that recognises text within a electronic

4.3 Non-Functional Requirements

• Availability.
Anyone with internet connectivity will be able to access this application and use it without any
interruptions. .
• Reliability.
Probability that a system will produce correct outputs by the restricted period of time.

• Usability.
It is a User Friendly web application , with a very interactive UI.

• Security.
Only the specified Students can access it.

Chapter 5

System Design

5.1 Architecture Diagram

Figure 5.1: Architecture Diagram

There are two types of users in this Automatic Exam Paper Evaluation System application 1)Student
2)Staff . Staff will add the questions and its respective ID’s and Student will be receiving questions and
uploading the answer scripts by their respective Question ID.
Chapter 6

Detailed Design

6.1 Use Case Diagram

Figure 6.1: Use Case Diagram

Use case diagram has two actors student and staff.Use case diagram specify the functional structure of
the Automatic exam paper evaluation system application. The use cases and actors in use-case diagrams
describe what job does the system perform and how the system works accordingly
6.2 Activity Diagram

Figure 6.2: Activity Diagram(student)

This diagram represents a series of action or flow of control in a system . First Student needs to be register
,and then student can log in with Register Number and password .If authentication is successful then will
be able to attend the exam.
6.3 Activity Diagram

Figure 6.3: Activity Diagram(staff)

This diagram work is to upload the questions and answers to be automatically evaluated and view the
marksof the student.
6.4 Database Design
6.4.1 Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 6.4: Entity Relationship Diagram

ER diagram represents the entities and the relationship between the entities. In the above er diagram self-
referential relationship between the Student and the Staff.
6.4.2 Schema Diagram

Figure 6.5: Schema Diagram

Schema diagram contains entities and the attributes that will define the schema.Student uploading their
answer with their respective Question ID and view their result, these are the main table in the schema

Chapter 7


7.1 Sample Code / Pseudo Code

Student home page

Figure 7.1: , This is the student home page where student will be logging into the account and
upload their respective Question ID and View their Results

Figure 7.2:, This Technique is used to extract the text of the students answer script

Testing Tuples

Figure 7.3: is used for the evaluation process

7.2 Screenshots

Figure 7.4: Login page, this page is used by the two users to login by their respective ID and pass-

Upload Photos

Figure 7.5: Upload Photos, this is used to upload the student answer scripts
Staff Home Page

Figure 7.6: Staff Home Page, this page is used by the staff to add the question and answer for the
students so by this students will be able to give the respective answers, on the other side staff can be
able to view the results of the each students


Figure 7.7: Evaluate answer scripts by using tf-idf vector models which is used for the evaluating the
answer scripts
Chapter 8


8.0.1 Student Registration

Test case Test Scenario Test Descrip- Expected Re- Actual Result Outcome
tion sult
TC01 Enter valid Stu- Test the Stu- Valid Student Valid Number Pass
dent ID Number dent ID no If it ID number
is valid for- should be ac-
mat allowed to cepted
register Student
TC02 Enter Student Student name Student full Student name Pass
Full Name should be valid name should accepted
be accepted
TC03 Enter Student Student Address Student address Student address Pass
Address should be valid should be ac- accepted
TC04 Enter Student Test the Stu- Student Gen- Student Gender Pass
Gender dent Gender it der should be accepted
should be male accepted
or female

TC05 Enter Student Valid mobile valid mobile Student valid Pass
Mobile number number need to number should Mobile number
be entered be accepted accepted

TC06 Enter Email Valid email Valid email Valid email ac- Pass
needs to be en- should be ac- cepted
tered cepted

TC07 Enter Password Valid Password valid Password Valid Password Pass
needs to be en- should be ac- accepted
tered cepted Password
should be min-
imum 6 charac-
8.0.2 Login
Test case Test Scenario Test Descrip- Expected Re- Actual Result Outcome
tion sult
TC01 Valid login cre- Test login func- Login should be Login success Pass
dentials tionality of the success
web application
to ensure that
the registered
Student is al-
lowed to login
with email and
TC02 Registration Student entered Successfully reg- Successfully reg- Pass
functionality valid email and istered istered
Password and

8.0.3 Admin
Test case Test Scenario Test Descrip- Expected Re- Actual Result Outcome
tion sult
TC01 Enter admin The Valid name Valid name Valid name ac- Pass
name to be entered should be ac- cepted
TC02 Enter the Pass- Valid Password The valid Pass- Valid Password Pass
word to be entered word should be accepted

8.0.4 Upload Question

Test case Test Scenario Test Descrip- Expected Re- Actual Result Outcome
tion sult
TC01 Enter Question Valid Question Valid Question Valid Question Pass
Number id to be entered id should be id accepted
TC02 Enter Question Enter the Ques- Question ac- Question ac- Pass
tion cepted cepted

TC03 Enter Answer Enter the an- Answer ac- Valid answer Pass
swer cepted accepted

TC04 Enter Marks Enter the marks Marks allotted Marks allotted Pass
for the specific according to the
question question given
8.0.5 Upload Answers
Test case Test Scenario Test Descrip- Expected Re- Actual Result Outcome
tion sult
TC01 Enter Question Valid Question Valid Question Valid Question Pass
Number id to be entered id should be id accepted
TC02 Upload Answer Upload the The valid Photo Valid Photo ac- Pass
valid photo should be ac- cepted
TC03 View Marks Marks allotted Displays the Displays Marks Pass
according to marks of each
each answer question
Chapter 9


This project is done with the purpose to study and understand the different methodologies that can be used
for automatic evaluation of computer programs. This system is used to reduce the time of the staff who correct
the answer scripts by this it will be easy for a university to declare the end results at the given period.
Chapter 10

Future Work

• The question will automatically appears when the student enters the respective question ID, it
helps the student to view the questions and upload the answers correctly

• In the future MCQ’s , Fill in the blanks, Long answers like subjective and essay type answers will
be done

• Live exam using webcam will be done in future, student should On the camera and mike during
the examination

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