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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Wispweave Octagon

Here is the pattern for the next Wispweave shape, an octagon! The pattern has 12 rounds and
the finished size measures about 5 1/2" from the points. Here are links to the other Wispweave
patterns available- Wispweave square, triangle, hexagon, and doily.

This one was a bit trickier than the others to create. At first I tried starting out with 16 dc so
there would be 2 picots per side, but there had to be a larger circle in the middle to fit that
many dc stitches and it didn't really look like the other shapes. On the second try I started out
with 8 dc which turned out to be not enough stitches and the design looked stretched
out. Third attempt I started with 12 dc and decreased to make 8 picots (1 per side) which I
liked but wasn't exactly the right shape (I may use that one for something else though :D). Next
I tried starting out with 12 dc again but this time increasing on Round 6 instead of decreasing to
make 16 picots which worked! Although this was a lot of frogging and trying out different stitch
combinations, it's one of my favorite parts to see what works and what doesn't. And also it's
exciting when something finally does!

The thread I used for the examples pictured is Scheepjes Maxi Sugar Rush in the colors Spring
Green, Old Lace, and English Tea for the border. I hope that you enjoy making this and happy

This pattern has 12 rounds and measures about 5 1/2" from the points.
Pattern is written using U.S. Terminology.
size 10 thread in 2 colors-
color 1- 30-35 yards
color 2- 5 yards
1.75 mm hook
yarn needle

Stitch Abbreviations

ch- chain
dc- double crochet
hdc- half double crochet
FPdc- front post double crochet
FPsc- front post single crochet
FPtr- front post treble crochet
sc- single crochet
st(s)- stitch(es)
yo- yarn over

Special Stitches

FPtr cluster- ★ yo twice, insert from front to back around dc indicated, yo and pull up a loop, [yo, draw
through 2 loops on hook] twice, repeat from ★ once more, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

FPdc decrease- [yo, insert hook from front to back around next FPdc, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw
through 2 loops on hook] twice, yo, draw through all 3 loops on hook.

picot- ch 3, slip st in last FPsc made.

small picot- ch 2, sl st in second ch from hook.

large picot- ch 3, sl st in third ch from hook.

[ ] - work enclosed instructions the amount of times indicated, or work enclosed instructions in
the stitch or space indicated.

{ } - work enclosed instructions the amount of times indicated.

★ - repeat the following instructions the amount of times indicated.

( ) - Enclose additional information and the number of stitches at the end of a round.

Rounds 1-4 of this pattern are the same for the Wispweave doily and a photo tutorial for the
stitches FPtr cluster, FPdc, and FPdc decrease is available

With color 1 ch 4, sl st in fourth ch to make a ring.

Round 1- ch 3 (counts as first dc now and throughout), 11 dc in ring, slip st to third ch of first
dc, mark first dc for stitch placement on Round 3.
(12 dc)

Round 2- ch 3, dc in same st, [2 dc in next dc] around, slip st to third ch of first dc.
(24 dc)

Round 3- ch 3, FPtr cluster around marked dc on Round 1, dc in next dc on Round 2, [ch 3, dc in

next dc on Round 2, FPtr cluster around next dc on Round 1, dc in next dc on Round 2] around,
ch 1, hdc in third ch of first dc to make last ch-3 space.
(24 dc, 12 FPtr clusters, 12 ch-3 spaces)

Round 4- ch 1, sc in same space, [FPdc, ch 3, FPdc] around next FPtr cluster, ★ sc in next ch-3
space, [FPdc, ch 3, FPdc] around next FPtr cluster, repeat from ★ around, slip st to first sc.
(12 sc, 24 FPdc, 12 ch-3 spaces)

Round 5- slip st in next FPdc and into next ch-3 space, ch 3, 4 dc in same space, FPdc decrease
around next 2 FPdc, { [2 sc, ch 2, 2 sc] in next ch-3 space, FPdc decrease around next 2 FPdc}
twice, ★ 5 dc in next ch-3 space, FPdc decrease around next 2 FPdc, {[2 sc, ch 2, 2 sc] in next

ch-3 space, FPdc decrease around next 2 FPdc} twice, repeat from ★ around, slip st to third ch
of first dc.
(20 dc, 12 FPdc decreases, 32 sc, 8 ch-2 spaces)

Round 6- slip st in next dc, ch 1, sc in same st, sc in each of next 2 dc, FPdc around next FPdc
decrease, 3 dc in next ch-2 space, using next FPdc decrease work- [FPdc, 3 dc, FPdc], 3 dc in
next ch-2 space, FPdc around next FPdc decrease, skip next dc, ★ sc in each of next 3 dc, FPdc
around next FPdc decrease, 3 dc in next ch-2 space, using next FPdc decrease work- [FPdc, 3
dc, FPdc], 3 dc in next ch-2 space, FPdc around next FPdc decrease, skip next dc, repeat
from ★ around, slip st to first sc.
(12 sc, 16 FPdc, 36 dc)

Round 7- slip st in next sc, ch 1, sc in same st, [FPdc, ch 3, FPdc] around next FPdc, {skip next
dc, sc in next dc, [FPdc, ch 3, FPdc] around next FPdc} 3 times, skip next sc, ★ sc in next
sc, [FPdc, ch 3, FPdc] around next FPdc, {skip next dc, sc in next dc, [FPdc, ch 3, FPdc] around
next FPdc} 3 times, skip next sc, repeat from ★ around, slip st to first sc.
(16 sc, 32 FPdc, 16 ch-3 spaces)

Round 8- slip st in next FPdc and into the center ch of next ch-3 space, ch 1, sc in same space,
ch 2, FPdc decrease around next 2 FPdc, ch 2, [sc in next ch-3 space, ch 2, FPdc decrease
around next 2 FPdc, ch 2] around, slip st to first sc.
(16 sc, 32 ch-2 spaces, 16 FPdc decreases)

Round 9- ch 5 (counts as first dc and ch-2 space), dc in same st, sc in next ch-2 space, ch 1,
FPsc around next FPdc decrease, picot, ch 1, 2 sc in next ch-2 space, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next
ch-2 space, ch 1, FPsc around next FPdc decrease, picot, ch 1, sc in next ch-2 space, ★ [dc, ch
2, dc] in next sc, sc in next ch-2 space, ch 1, FPsc around next FPdc decrease, picot, ch 1, 2 sc
in next ch-2 space, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next ch-2 space, ch 1, FPsc around next FPdc decrease,
picot, ch 1, sc in next ch-2 space, repeat from ★ around, slip st to third ch of first dc.
(16 dc, 8 ch-2 spaces, 56 sc, 16 FPsc, 16 picots)

Round 10- slip st into first ch of next ch-2 space, ch 5 (counts as first dc and ch-2 space), dc in
same space, ch 5, skip next 2 sc, sc in each of next 3 sc, ch 5, ★ [dc, ch 2, dc] in next ch-2

space, ch 5, skip next 2 sc, sc in each of next 3 sc, ch 5, repeat from ★ around, slip st to third
ch of first dc.
(16 dc, 8 ch-2 spaces, 16 ch-5 spaces, 24 sc)

Round 11- ch 3 (counts as first dc), [2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc] in next ch-2 space, dc in next dc, 5 dc in
next ch-5 space, skip next sc, sc in next sc, 5 dc in next ch-5 space, ★ dc in next dc, [2 dc, ch
3, 2 dc] in next ch-2 space, dc in next dc, 5 dc in next ch-5 space, skip next sc, sc in next sc, 5
dc in next ch-5 space, repeat from ★ around, slip st to third ch of first dc, fasten off color 1.
(128 dc, 8 ch-3 spaces, 8 sc)

Round 12- All sc stitches in this round are worked in the back loop only, the slip stitches are
made using both loops. Join color 2 in same st on Round 11, ch 1, sc in same st, small picot, sc
in each of next 2 dc, sc in first ch of next ch-3 space, in next ch work- [sc, small picot, sc, large
picot, sc, small picot, sc], sc in next ch, sc in each of next 2 dc, small picot, sc in each of next
6 dc, slip st in next sc, ★ sc in each of next 6 dc, small picot, sc in each of next 2 dc, sc in first
ch of next ch-3 space, in next ch work- [sc, small picot, sc, large picot, sc, small picot, sc], sc in
next ch, sc in each of next 2 dc, small picot, sc in each of next 6 dc, slip st in next sc, repeat
from ★ around, sc in each of next 5 dc, slip st to first sc, fasten off and weave in ends.
(176 sc, 32 small picots, 8 large picots)

Blocking and Finishing

It is optional but recommended to block your finished piece. Fill a bowl with water and add
some liquid starch if you prefer the motif to be lightly stiffened. Soak and gently press out any
excess liquid, being careful not to pull or twist on the stitches. Lay it flat on a blocking mat and
pin the motif working from the center out to the edges. Allow to dry completely before
removing the pins.
This pattern is by Julia Hart of Draiguna. Feel free to link to this pattern but do not reprint it on
your site. You can sell items made from this pattern. Please credit me as the designer, Julia
Hart of Draiguna, link to my etsy shop-, or to my blog-
Please do not claim this pattern as your own, sell, or distribute it. This includes making charts
or graphs of the pattern. Thank you!

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