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Research Methods and Techniques


What is research?

Simplest definition: Research is looking for an answer to a query using the most logical and valid methods.

Defined in two words: Re + search

- Implies that the object of research has been done before, and the function of the present researcher is to concur or
improve, or negate the findings of the previous work.

Technical definition:
- Research is a process of using relevant data with the best methods of analysis that can help the user develop new
knowledge or new insight into a problem.

Importance of Research
- Research must give new knowledge for what is known in the past, may not be applicable to situations that are current/
contemporary at this time.
- Past researches do not become passé or lose importance.
- They become part of related literature, thus, still hold an important function and place in research activity.

Kinds of Research

1. Basic research - those that deal with the process of objects and things, information about different topics with no
concern for a direct pay-off (gain).

2. Applied research - those that probe into the unknown using directly the results to a current problem.

3. Empirical research - are more specific than basic research, but imply their nature from the use of data, whether
quantitative or qualitative.
4. Pure research - those that probe into the unknown using directly the results to a current problem.

Sources of a Research Problem

1. Experiences
2. Work environment
3. School environment
4. Technological and scientific advancement
5. Offshoots of other researches
6. Suggestions from friends/others

Factors that Influence Selection of a Problem

1. Availability of data
2. Time constraint
3. Funds
4. Capability of the researcher
5. Attitudes & interest of the researcher
6. Interest of the sponsor
7. Importance of the issues involved
8. Currency/ recentness of issues
9. Cooperation of others
10. Facilities and equipment
The Research Title
1. Should be clear and specifically stated;
2. Should include the variables in the study;
3. Should not exceed 20 words;
4. Summarizes the content of the study;
5. Serves as frame of reference for the study; and
6. Enables the researcher to claim the study as his own.

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