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Post- Graduation Diploma in Pre & Primary Teacher Training

Term 1 Assignment

1.With reference to the various approaches to ECE select any two which you think are most
appropriate for young learners. Support your answer with relevant explanation.

Maria Montessori
The Montessori program is a child- centric approach in which children are viewed as active
participants in their own development, strongly influenced by natural. This approach of learning is”
hands-on”. Maria Montessori believed that moving and learning are inseparable. In classroom,
children work with specially designed manipulative materials that in invite exploration and engage
senses in the process of learning. All learning activities support children in choosing meaningful
challenging work at their own interest and ability level.

This child-directed engagement strengthens motivation, supports attention, and encourages

responsibility. Children are thought how to regulate their own social interactions. Through fun role-
playing activities. Children move freely throughout the environment, choosing activities that interest
them. Specially designed learning materials are easily accessible to the children.

Children get their turn and take pride in being the oldest. They serve as role models for younger
students, they demonstrate leadership and citizenship skills. They reinforce and consolidate their
own learning by teaching concepts they have already mastered to their peers. In their kindergarten’s
year, they express confidence, develop self-esteem and self-sufficiency and show responsibility.
Children exhibit the independence, critical thinking, collaboration and leadership skills. In a sense,
they become their own teacher. A skill that lasts for life.

Waldorf Education
Waldorf education places children at the heart of its pedagogy. His learning process is essential
threefold, Engaging head, heart and hands or thinking, feeling and doing. Waldorf education begins
with the premise that childhood is made up of three different stages (early childhood, middle
childhood and adolescence) Each stage shapes the way children feel about the approach the world -
intellectually, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Which, in turn, shapes the way they learn.

Children being free to develop according to their own natural rhythms, Waldorf educated children
enjoy full and rich childhoods, gaining the experiences they need to become healthy, self- actualized

Waldorf education method strive to bring out what lives in each student. All the students study
math, science and foreign languages, they all play instruments and sing in the chorus, they all learn
handwork and take movement classes and perform in the class play. The goal in Waldorf education
is to expose children to wide range of experiences and to develop within them many interests and
capabilities. This in turn, leads to well-balanced young people with high level of confidence in their
ability to apply skills developed in one area to another and the knowledge that they can master

2.Plan an activity- based lesson on any one of the following subjects:

a) Science b) Language c) Art and craft.

Your lesson can incorporate PPT, music, rhymes; story etc and the lesson should cater to the young
learners’ class.

• Mention age.

• The time frame for the lesson needs to be within 35-40 minutes.

• Use variation of activities appropriate for the selected age group

• The lesson flow needs to have clear-cut steps

• Please end with a recapitulation activity in the form of a worksheet/song/game. You may attach
the worksheet/ or the material used with your answer sheet/ answer. Level refers to language level
of the students like beginner, elementary, intermediate and advanced.

Lesson Plan for young learners: (pre – primary)

Name of the Teacher: Date : 14-04-2022

Vijayalakshimi. M

Age Group: 3 to 4 years Number of Student: 25

Number of the activity: Material(s) used:
The five sense organs.  Sense organs flash cards
 Sense organ PPT
 Sense organ Poster
 Sense organ Video clip
 Watermelon
How it is going to benefit the child:
At the end of the lesson the child should be able to:
 Name the sense organs
 The students will be able to recall and identify
 understanding of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell
 Understanding the functions of sense organs
Presentation: The teacher will ask question related to the topic to
introduce the topic to the class. When you wake up in the morning, what are
the first things you see? Hear? Smell? Touch? Taste?
The children will answer “Mummy”. The teacher will ask with the help of
what will you see your mother. The answer is eyes. Then the question will be
asked for the other senses respectively. After the children answers all the 5
senses, the topic is introduced.
Showing the picture the teacher will teach, what is sense organs and explain
its functions. Next the teacher will teach about “sensory details” (with

The teacher will ask what can we do with our senses? The kids will reply -
Smell, Taste, look, touch and hear. Now the teacher will ask questions for the
weaker ones to make sure they understand the concept. What can you sense
about a flower? The kid will answer smell. Then the question goes on to the
other pupils. Now, the teacher will say “we will now do a fun activity about
sense organs.” The teacher now brings a watermelon to the class, asking
them to touch it. How does it feel? The children reply “hard”. The teacher will
say with the help of our hands we feel the sense of the melon. Then the
melon is broken into two paces, during that the sound will be herd, the kids
will say “wow so loud”, then the teacher says u can hear the sound with the
help of your ear. Then it is cut open the melon and ask what colour it is?
They say “Red”. Yes. The teacher says with the help of our eye we see the
colour. Now the teacher will give small pieces of the water melon to
everyone to taste. The teacher will ask what taste is it? the kids reply
“sweet”. Correct teacher says with the help of tongue, we all taste our food.
Then the teacher will ask how does it smell and the children reply, it smells
sweet and fresh. Very good teacher says with the help of our nose. we smell
our melon.
Then the teacher explains how we just used all our sense organs to explore
the watermelon.
Recapitulation: To summaries the class will watch and sing the five-
sense song video together.
To end the class, the teacher will show the PPT presentation to revise what
they have learnt.

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