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Growing up in Poverty

Ademi Nurbolatkyzy

School of Liberal Arts, M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University

Academic Writing C1

Almagul N. Abubakirova

November 2, 2021

Growing up in poverty

The world has always been divided into two socio-economic groups: rich and poor, or,

as a term in Marxism theory "have" and "have not." This inequality arises in a seamless,

unique manner, and it is possible that it will never be fully regained on a structural level.

Low-income children encounter a variety of obstacles that children from more privileged

families do not. Poverty has a variety of effects on children's lives, having both positive and

negative effects.

Growing up in poverty can limit the types of facilities available to one.

Health, education, communication, and a variety of other amenities are among those that can

be regarded as essential, particularly during a child's developmental years (Malhomes, 2012).

Living in poverty can affect a child's physical and mental development, resulting in long-term

consequences in the type of adult they grow up to be. Increased stress is a known cause of

poverty's impact on developmental outcomes. Stress in poverty can impair learning and

decision-making by causing negative changes in the blood circulation, immune, physiologic,

and midbrain systems (Yoshikawa et al., 2012). In such instances, it does not mean directly

criticize the parents for restricting their children's exposure because they are often denied

access to the same facilities.

Therefore, living below the poverty line for centuries prevents the poor form rising from

their otherwise deplorable position, effectively halting their actual growth in both literal and

figurative terms. Another issue is that, as a result of a lack of proper education, the low-

income people are almost always forced to work in menial jobs that do not correspond to the

education they receive.

The issue is that individuals developing up in poverty do not get any broad information

approximately the skills one should survive within the vicious genuine life competition out
there, and since they are not legitimately prepared to bargain with the genuine life challenges,

they are naturally continuously lag behind, in spite of the fact that it is not their blame in any


One more point is that people living in poverty become very sensitive to any

opportunities that may arise for them, and they may easily switch into such opportunities

without identifying how right or wrong, it is to do.

According to Humus (2019), there are not only negative sides to poverty, the author

assures that there should be positive sides that might affect a child’s life. As mentioned above,

the stress having less may cause negative reactions, we should be in the line of people who

choose to become more sure to try and find new skills and experience without relying on


Not having something does not only make people want it more desperately, but it also

allows them to work hard towards living a life that allows them to enjoy all the things they

have not been able to enjoy in their lives previously. As a result, lack can be a major source of

motivation, pushing people to accomplish things on their own that the system had previously

prevented them from accomplishing.

Humus (2019): “Being poor does not define you as a human”. One more point of

concern is that poverty may actually aid in the development of one's character. In our society,

almost every second person knows real-life experiences about performing artists and athletes

who began their careers with little in their favor, only to go on to be both inspiring and


Growing up in poverty is not without its ups and downs. Being raised in poverty has its

advantages, and we should also understand and make others understand that there is nothing

fundamentally wrong with either the poverty condition of the people who have grown up in
such conditions. When we all accept and begin to recognize these truths, dealing with other

people becomes easier, more systematic, and, in some ways, fair and balanced. Our society's

problem is that it links one person's success in life to their immediate social and economic

status in society, and this confusion may destroy one's chances of improving in life.


Malhomes, V. (2012). Adjustment of children and youth in military families: Toward

developmental understandings. Child development Perspectives.

Humus, S. (2019). Is There a Positive Side to Poverty? The Partnered Pen.

Yoshikawa, H., Aber, J. L., & Beardslee, W. R. (2012). The effects of poverty on the

mental, emotional, and behavioral health of children and youth: Implications for

prevention. American Psychologist.

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