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Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes.

believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you
agree with? Use specific reason and details to support your answer.

Nowadays, some university classes can be required or optional for students dependent on
the University. In my opinion, I prefer to attend university classes, and also, I prefer IN-
PERSON rather than virtual. All the reasons for it are going to be reviewed in the following

Attending university classes teaches students to have discipline because they must be on time
to take their classes and it is a way to show respect to their professors. Thus, they will learn
the value of time and respect. Also, attending classes teaches them to have a schedule. It
means that they will learn that there is time to have a class, to lunch, to do assignments, and
to have a rest. Therefore, they will learn to be self-organized and mature about university
priorities as students.

Furthermore, attending university classes CONTRIBUTE TO their learning process. If it is the

first time that they heard the topic, being in class will HELP THEM HAVE the first LOOK AT IT
from their professors. Then, they can SEARCH FOR more information about some details that
they learned during the class, expanding their knowledge, and CONTRIBUTING TO KEEPING
the topic in their minds.

In addition, attending university classes can make them part of an academic environment that
includes their professors and classmates. This environment is different from talking to your
friends at a party or meeting. This academic environment can contribute to their professional
growth by having their professor as models.

In conclusion, I agree with the statement that university students should be required to
attend classes because it can teach them discipline, organization, and MATURITY, and also
can contribute to their learning process and professional growth due to the academic

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