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PFM Course Title Teaching Faculty : Environmental Conservation & Ecosystem Management (ECEM) : Dr. Bhaskar Sinha, Dr. Chandra Prakash Kala, Dr. Advait Edgaonkar

Batch Term Objective

: PFM 2010-2012 : July - September 2010

The course Environmental Conservation & Ecosystem Management (ECEM) focuses on the use of knowledge of the environmental science for decision making in natural resource management. The course is designed with flexibility so that the students will pursue and gain substantive scientific knowledge in an integrated manner; ensure that students gain a strong scientific understanding, analytical perspective and technical skill of understanding the environmental conservation issues, their causes and solutions. The course will enable the students to develop to think across disciplinary boundaries in order to understand the specific environment and environmental problems. It will also equip them with the knowledge and skills essential to enable them to make decision from social, economic and ecological perspectives. Pedagogy Detailed/ introductory instructional notes will be distributed to the students. Cases and case studies will be used for classroom discussion. Field exercises and assignments will also be given to examine the concepts in actual field conditions. Text Book and references Text book and other references will be suggested to the students as essential readings and suggested readings during classroom learning according to the session concerned. Text book Miller G. Tyler 2006. Environmental Science: Working with Earth. First Indian Reprint 2007. Smith R.L. 1996. Ecology and Field Biology. 5th Edition Harper Collins Publishers, New York. Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. WA Saunder & Co. Philadelphia. Evaluation Field exercise Quiz Assignment Mid-term Examination End-term Examination 05% 10% 20% 30% 35%

Course Content Session 1-2 (BS) Environmental management y y Topic conservation and ecosystem Cases / Report Text Book/ Reference Chapter 1. Environmental Science; Working with the Earth by Miller Ecological Footprint, Case study: the tragedy of commons Case study: living in an exponential age 3 (CPK) Fundamental Principles of Ecology y Ecology, scope of ecology Ecosystem and Ecosystem Dynamics y Ecosystem Concept, structure and ecosystem services Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Ecology by Odum EP What is Ecosystem Management? Edward G. 1994. Conservation Biology 27-38. 6 (CPK) Ecological Factors Chapter 3-9. Ecology and Field Biology by Smith RL 1996. Chapter 3. L.S. Khanna, Principle and practices of silviculture 7 (CPK) Population ecology y Properties of population, population growth, dynamics and regulation Chapter 17-20. Ecology and Field Biology by Smith RL 1996. Case study: Sea otter: are they back from the brink of extinction? Chapter 28-29. Ecology and Field Biology by Smith RL 1996. Case study ; flying foxes- key stone species and tropical forests Chapter 30. Ecology and Field Biology by Smith RL 1996. Chapter 1. Ecology and Field Biology by Smith RL 1996 Chapter 10. Ecology and Field Biology by Smith RL 1996.

Introduction and scope Environmental problems, their causes and their sustainability

4-5 (CPK)

8-9 (CPK)

Community ecology y The community; community structure and disturbance

10-11 (CPK)

Ecosystem development y y Ecological succession Succession types, theories and process, redevelopment of vegetation

Chapter 4. Plant Succession, Khanna LS, Principles and practices of silviculture Chapter 1. Restoration of degraded land;

concept and strategy 1993. J.S. Singh. Rastogi Publication. 12-14 (BS) Ecosystem energetics y y Concept of Productivity and Biomass, Productivity of different ecosystems Energy in ecosystem: Food-web, secondary productivity, ecological efficiency. Chapter 11. Ecology and Field Biology by Smith RL 1996. Chapter 3. Fundamentals of Ecology by Odum EP

Principle of biogeochemical cycling y y Concept, biogeochemical cycles of C,N,P Nutrient cycling in forests Chapter 12. Ecology and Field Biology by Smith RL 1996. Chapter 4. Fundamentals of Ecology by Odum EP

15 (AE)

Environmental management business strategy


Chapter 1 & 2: Environmental management and business strategy by Richard Wellford

Mid Term Examination 16 (CPK) Biodiversity and stability y Biodiversity, concept, magnitude and distribution of biodiversity, values of biodiversity, loss of biodiversity, causes and consequences of biodiversity loss, conservation strategies Biodiversity conservation at landscape level Biodiversity assessment and monitoring Ecosystem based management, integrated resource management and adaptive management: concepts and approaches Ecosystem restoration definition, attributes WCMS, 1992, Global biodiversity: status of earth living resources


Case study: The Valley of Flowers (Kala, C.P. 1998; 2004) Field visit/exercise Ecosystem based management in encyclopedia of earth.

18 (AE) 19-21 (BS)

y y

Ecological Restoration, a means of conserving biodiversity and sustaining livelihoods. Society for Ecological Restoration, 2004, International, Tucson, Arizona, USA and IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

Chazdon, R L. 2008 Beyond Deforestation:

Restoring Forests and Ecosystem Services on Degraded Lands, Science (320)1458-60.

Case study exploring options for joint forest management (Singh et al., 2005) 22 (AE) Rehabilitation of steep mining area in Mussori Hills Afforestation in Bauxite mined area in Central India 23-24 (BS) Ecosystem as transformed by humans and regional challenges y 25-26 (AE) 27-28 (BS) y y y y Invasive species Pollution and management Water and air pollution and its control Climate change: An overview, Impacts of climate change Global Chapter 11 & 15. Environmental Science; Working with the Earth by Miller Case study: pollution of Delhi by ATREE Chapter 11 & 15. Environmental Science; Working with the Earth by Miller Sathya et al., 2006. Climate change, sustainable development in India: global and national concern. Current Science 90 (3) Wetland and reclamation of mining area Case study Wetland management

An inconvenient truth. A film by Al Gore 29-30 (BS) y Sustainable Society remaking the future Rethinking the past, Chapter 6: Denial Chiras, Environmental Science a system approach to sustainable development

Sustainable development: measuring sustainability, environmental ethics End Term Examination

Suggested Reading List

Ambasth, R.S. A textbook of Plant Ecology, 8th ed. (1986) Students Friends & Co. Varanasi, India. Anderson, J.M. (1981) Ecology for Environmental Science: Biosphere, Ecosystem and Man; Edward Arnold Publishing Ltd., London. Bormann, F.H., and Likens G.H. (1997) Pattern and Process in a Forested Ecosystem, Springer Verlag, New York. Botkin, D.B. and Edward K.B. (1982) Environmental Studies, Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, Columbus. CEE (1996) Biodiversity: Oxford University. Cunningham, William P., and Saigo B.W. (1995) Environmental Science A Global Conservation, WMC, Brown Publishers. Enger, E.D. and Smith B.F. (1995) Environmental Science A study of Interrelationships, WMC, publication. Hardy, J.T. (2004) Climate change causes effects and solution. Harris, J.A. and Rudy van Diggerlen; Ecological restoration as a project for global society in Restoration Ecology. Hiremath, S.R., Krishna, B.J. and Puranjpye, V (1996). All about Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Samaj Parivartan Samudaya (SPS), Ashadeep Jayanagar, Dharwad, Karnataka. Holt, R.F.; background Report: An ecosystem based management planning framework for the North Coast LRMP in Ecosystem Management Background Report, 2001. Jim, A. Harris and Rudy van Diggerlen; Ecological restoration as a project for global society in Restoration Ecology. Khanna, L.S. (1993) Principles and Practices of Silviculture, Dehradun. King, T.J., (1989) Ecology: Thomson Publishing Co. UK. Kormondy, Edward J. (1986) Concept of Ecology; Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs NJ, USA. Lal, J.B. (1989) Indian s Forests, Myth and Reality, Natraj Publishers, Dehra Dun. Lal, J.B. (1992) Forest Ecology, Natraj Publishers, Dehra Dun. Light, A and Eric S. Higgs; The Politics of Ecology Restoration, in Environmental Ethics. Mackenzie, A Ball A.S., and Virdee (1999) Instant Notes in Ecology, BIOS, Scientific Publishers Ltd., Oxford, OX4, 1RE, UK. WCMC, (1992), Global Biodiversity: Status of Earth s Living Resources, Chapman and Hall, London, 585p. Wilson, E.O., (1988) Biodiversity, NAP, 536p. WWF, (1995) A Handbook of Wetland Management.

Margaret A. Palmer, Donald A. Falk, and Joy B. Zedler; Ecological Theory and Restoration Ecology, in Foundation of Restoration Ecology. Jim A. Harris and Rudy van Diggerlen; Ecological restoration as a project for global society in Restoration Ecology.

Peter M. Vitousek, Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H. Enrlich and Pamela A. Matson; Human Appropriation of the Products of Photosynthesis in Bioscience Vol. 36 No. 6. Andrew Light and Eric S. Higgs; The Politics of Ecology Restoration, in Environmental Ethics. Dominick A DellaSala, Anne Martin, Randi Spivak, Todd Schulke, Bryan Bird, Marnie Criley, Chris van Daalen, Jake Kreilick, Rick Brown and Greg Aplet; A Citizen s call for Ecological Forest Restoration Forest Restoration Principles and Criteria in Ecological Restoration, March 2003. Rachel F. Holt; Background Report: An ecosystem based management planning framework for the North Coast LRMP in Ecosystem Management Background Report, 2001. Ecosystem based Management in Encyclopedia of Earth. Michael S. Quinn and Jannette C. Theberge; Ecosystem based management in Canada: Trends form a National Survey and Relevance to protected areas. Rodolphe Schlaepfer; Ecosystem based management of Natural Resources: A step towards Sustainable Development, IUFRO s Occasional Paper. Jason S. Link, What Does Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Mean? In Fisheries, Vol 27 No. 4. Marc Mangel et. al; Principles for the Conservation of Wild living Resources, A New Role for Forests in the Green Economy: Developing commercial markets for the environmental services of forests; Sydney Futures Exchange, Forest Trends, State Forests. Jayant Sathaye, P.R. Shukla and N.H. Ravindranath; Climate Change, sustainable development and India: Global and national concerns, in Current Science, Vol 90, No. 3, February 2006.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Environmental Management (Scientists and Environmental Assessors) Bio-diversity and Conservation Ambio A Journal of Human Environment Restoration Ecology The Journal of the Institute of Charted Foresters Forest Science A Quarterly Journal of Research and Technical Progress Forest Ecology and Management Current Science Ecology Journal of Ecology Journal of Tropical Ecology Society and Natural Resources An International Journal Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Required Readings
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005. Ecosystem and Human wellbeing, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, 1992. Agenda 21 Press Summary, United Nations, NY 44p. Ecological Foot Print,


From: Dr. Bhaskar Sinha Course Coordinator ECEM To: The Chairperson - PFM

IIFM/BS/PFM-ECEM/10/ June 15, 2010 Sub: Course Outline of ECEM (PFM 2010-12)

Please find enclosed herewith the course outline of Environmental Conservation & Ecosystem Management (ECEM) for the PFM 2010-12 batch students for your information & record.

(Bhaskar Sinha) Encl: a/a Copy to: 1) Dr. Advait Edgaonkar 2) Dr. C.P. Kala


From: Dr. Bhaskar Sinha Course Coordinator ECEM To: The Chairperson - PFM

IIFM/BS/PFM-ECEM/10/ June 15, 2010 Sub: Course Outline of ECEM (PFM 2010-12) Please find enclosed herewith the course outline of Environmental Conservation & Ecosystem Management (ECEM) for the PFM 2010-12 batch students for your information & record.

(Bhaskar Sinha) Encl: a/a Copy to: 1) Dr. Advait Edgaonkar 2) Dr. C.P. Kala

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