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Phobia in paradise

It was just April and the sun is hot to the point where is feels like summer. Its breezy like a

sandstorm and the airplane flying through the air like a bird. “ladies and gentlemen welcome to

Cancun Mexico 13:13, Forty-Two degrees Celsius” said the flight attendant as the big aircraft

landed on Cancun hottest runway. Little did I know the fun trip I planned will soon turn into

chaos. Hoping the one thing I fear the most would never happen especially, when am out the

country. An unexpected situation that could change your view of life. Never say you fear nothing

but God, in reality there is always something you fear, even if you haven’t figure it out as yet.

After leaving the airport the girls and I were greeted by two gentlemen. Both men wearing

white button-down shirt creased in Collar, Khaki pants and brown loafers to match the embroider

logo in their work shirt. One of the well groom gentlemen hold a poster to his chest, the poster

had our names written in cursive. The other male is standing in front of the white shuttle van

holding the door. As we Approach the men “buenos días señoras, bienvenidos a Cancún” said

the man holding the poster. The kind gentlemen assisted us with our luggage. The scent of fresh

citrus air freshener hit our nostrils as we hopped into the van. It hasn’t even been a minute yet

and Ms. Photogenic of the group, Keshawna pulled out her expensive iPhone to take selfies. She

captured every inch of the shuttle and herself in it. Click! Click! As her phone continue snapping

while she took photos of Her dark melodious skin and white teeth along with her bright eyes.

Camaree on the other hand, was more chilled and relaxed. Her posture was a little

Slouching with a bit of anxiety as she was curious to see where we were heading. The jewellery

lover rock her jewels from her ears to her toes matching her outfits and her sense of style. While

the girls did their own thing, I was more interested in the view as I pierced my head to the
windows to see the view of the beautiful city. The view was just breath taking, all the trees, the

sites, the moving cars, everything is astonishing.

I was enjoying the view when the van came to a stop, we finally arrived at the Renaissance

Cancun Resort and Marina. The sound of flip flops fled the main halls of the hotel as the girls

and I head to check in. We exchanged information and receive our key card for room 307. We

then took the elevator to the twenty-seventh floor, when we arrived at room 307, I glide the key

card in order to gain access to the room. The girls and I entered and acquaint ourselves with the

room that will be our home for the next 3 days. I must say the view from the twenty-seventh

floor was like ants crawling, after hours of soaking in the lovely view Keshawna came up with

the idea to go swimming.

The girls and I accessorize to go to the beach, the sunlight beat our heads like a drum and

the clearness of the water bounced on to our eyes. As soon as we arrive to the beach we walk

along the shoreline, our bodies relaxed and our mind quietens. I could feel the wet sand and the

crisp coolness of the water as it washes up on the shore and onto my feet. The smell of salt fills

the air and breeze slapping us across our faces. We observed the sunset and cuddle each other

with towel wrapped around our necks, just admiring the sight of the sun hiding. After watching

the sunset, we continue to swim till it was dark. We shared jokes and memories as we head back

to the hotel. The girls and I patrol with our swimsuit and beach bags in hand, heading to the


After strolling down the Renaissance Hall, we arrive at the silver machine. I press the blue

circular button on the elevator with an arrow to go up to the twenty-seventh floor. The girls and I

then bored the silver box, Click! the door shut behind Camaree. However, things took a turn on

our way up to the top floor. Bang!! I felt a jerking of the elevator. We all looked at each other
with our eyebrows in the air, puzzled wondering what it could be. The elevator continues to

make its way to the top, then suddenly in the midst of going up it stop. Everything is so silent,

until I break the silence shouting “Not Today” as I am in disbelief.

I ran to the doors of the elevator banging it as hard as I could. Camaree continues to press the

emergency button while I yell “Help were stuck”. We thought it is useless as no one could hear

us, we then sat parallel from each other with our backs propped against the not so clean elevator.

We sit down for a few minutes as our voices and hands are exhausted from the banging and

yelling. We tried to formulate a strategy to try and get out. “I have an idea” said Camaree, we

then got to work and executed her plan. Keshawna put her hand together to form a scoop,

Camaree then take her left foot and place it into keshawnas scoop that she made with her hands,

along with her two arms around her shoulder so she could climb onto keshawna shoulders. The

Girls are now twice as tall so they can see if they could see anything from outside the elevator.

While the girls are looking outside, the electricity went out. The grey box was pitch black; I

couldn’t even see my hand infront of my face. I began to worry, so I pranced from corner to

corner in the elevator. “we must get out”, “I can’t stay in here”, “I haven’t even had kids as yet”

all these thoughts began to flow through my head. Tears roll down my cheeks and my feet began

to shake. Time is going by and we are still stuck in the elevator. I curled my body towards my

knee and wrap my hands around them forming a ball trying to stay sain. Although, keshwana

was the only one who brought her cell phone to the beach she only had 20% of battery life, she

then turn on her phones flashlight in order to see. Four hours has passed and the worms in our

stomach began to kick in. We scramble in our belongings to find food, all that is left is half bottle

of soda, two gums and a half bag of chips. I refuse to eat as I was ready to get out of here. I was

already losing my mind from the heat of the enclosed elevator; the box is getting hotter by the
second and we began to sweat. I could feel the sweat from my hair running its way down to my


“Aleisha, stay with us” said the girls as my eyes began to roll at the back of my neck.

Keshawna tried to fan me with the towel, but it is too wet to create any fan like motion. Camree

hold my head in her arms close to her chest telling me everything would be Fine. I could feel

myself drifting like I am in a trance, a surreal feeling yet so distant. It has been almost hours

since electricity went out in the whole city and we are still stuck in the elevator. My heart rate

began to race like it was going to run straight out of my skin. The girls try to keep me calm but it

was useless. I told the girls “If I die today, tell mother I love her”, then my eyes went shut; As I

faint in the arms of my best friends. While I was out the girls continue to rattle and ask for help.

At last, one of the hotels tour guides heard us and came to our rescue. “Te sacaré de aquí, te

prometon” he said. Promising to get us out of here. He ran down the flight of stairs with his

flashlight in his hand, running to get help. At this time, the girls began to think I was dead.

Luckily the guide came back with a supply of tools and people to assist him to pry open the

heavy metal door. After so many attempts and knocking on the door one of the men said, “ladies

step away from the door”. All the girls could see is spark coming in from outside of the elevator,

using their elbows to cover their eyes. Buff! the metal door drops to the ground and we were

finally free. One of the men did CPR and brought me back to life, after which I was able to feel

at ease knowing I am free from the grey box. The four men then use their flashlight to guide us

to safety as we await the electricity to come on.

Finally, if it wasn’t for those four men, we would have all faint from dehydration. Nonetheless,

we got out of the chaos. My experience is different from the girls, I never knew that today would

be the day an event like this would happen. I came face to face with the thing I fear even if it
wasn’t in my country. An unexpected situation that alters my interpretation of life. Never say

you fear nothing but God. Although I fear the big man up above, I am also afraid of close spaces.

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