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The experiment of Alkali metals with water

The reaction of Sodium and Potassium with water:

During the experiment Carefully observe the reaction and record your observation:
Give answers to the followings:

● List the physical properties of sodium and potassium metals.

Physical properties of Sodium:

1. Sodium’s melting point is 371K and boiling point is 1156K

2. Sodium has a strong metallic luster
3. Sodium compounds lose luster rapidly due to the reaction caused by exposure to
the air
4. Sodium reacts with oxygen in the air to form sodium oxide

Physical properties of potassium:

1. Potassium is soft and white

2. It has a low melting point and, it is a good conductor of heat and electricity
3. Its vapor is green
4. Melting point 312.46K
5. Boiling point: 961K

● List three observations of what happens when Na and K are dropped in water.
● The sodium reacts and floats on the surface
● Hydrogen gas catches fire
● When potassium is dropped in the water, hydrogen gas is formed as a product

● What do you observe as the level of reactivity of Na and K.

Most reactive: Potassium

Less reactive: Sodium

What does the color change of UI (Universal indication) before and after both experiments.
Before experiment: _Sodium is silvery-white and potassium has a dense silver color
After experiment: _A colorless solution is formed_

● What are the pH values of both Na and K before and after the experiment?
NaOH: Before experiment: pH7 After experiment: pH14
KOH: Before experiment: pH 11.5 After experiment: pH less than 7

● Write word equation when Na and K reacts with water.

2Sodium + 2water = 2Sodium Hydroxide + Hydrogen gas

2Potassium + 2Water = 2Potassium Hydroxide + Hydrogen gas

Write the name of gas formed in both experiments.

Hydrogen Gas

Write observation of the gas formed during the experiment.

The reaction of water with sodium with water was observed as weak as compared to it’s
reaction with potassium.

● What is the color of the pH paper.

Potassium after experiment: Blue

Sodium after experiment: Red

The color of the universal indicator after the experiment.

When potassium reacts with water, the universal indicator shows a dark purple color.
When sodium reacts with water, the universal indicator’s color can either turn into blue or

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