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SQQM1023 – Managerial Mathematics

Tutorial 6 : Derivatives

1. Find the first derivative of the following functions by using first principle

a) y  3x  4 d) y  e ( x  1)
1 3
b) f ( x)  x e) y  3x 2
2 2
8x  2
c) f ( x)  f) f ( x)  ( x  5)2  x 2
2. By using a suitable rules of differentiation, find or f (x) for the following

a) y  3x 2 g) f ( x) 
( x  1) 2

b) y  0.25 x100 h) y  1  x2

c) y  100 x i) y  (1  x ) x
d) y (300  x100 ) j) y  x ln x 2
e) y  x 2 (1  ) k) f ( x)  x(2 x  6)( x  9)

1 x3
f) f ( x)  ( x  2) l) f ( x) 
dy d 2 y
3. Find the first and the second order of differentiation ( ie. , ):
dx dx 2

a) y  e x  3x  4 b) y  x ln x
4. Compute the critical points and determine weather they are maximum or
minimum or inflection point for the following equations:

a) f ( x)  2 x 2  5 x  3 c) y  4  12 x  3x 2  2 x3

b) y  x3  6 x 2  12 d) y  3x 4  16 x3  18 x 2
5. Revenue function for the Company of ABC Sdn. Bhd. Is as follows:

TR  20  3 p  p 2
where p is a price per unit product.
i) What is the price that maximized the company’s revenue?
(Notes: Use the critical point approach)
ii) Compute the value of maximum revenue at this price.

6. The daily profit function of a company is given by:

U  5q 2  360 q  4500

where q is the quantity of the product.
i) Find the marginal profit function for the company.
ii) What is the marginal profit when 35 goods are sold?
iii) By using differentiation method, find the selling level that will
maximized the company’s profit.

7. An entrepreneur of a product estimates that when q units of his goods

produced every month, the average total profit (in RM) is:
P (q)  1.125 q  45 
Find the quantity that give maximum profit to his company.

8. The daily cost C, in RM, of producing a product is

C ( x)  1000  72 x  0.06 x 2 0  x  60
where x represents the number of product produced.
a) Find the daily cost of producing 50 units.
b) Find the marginal cost function.
c) Find C’(50) and interpret its meaning.
d) Use the marginal cost to estimate the cost of producing 51 units.
e) Find the actual cost of producing 51 units. Compare the actual cost of
making 51 units to the estimated cost of producing 51 units found in part
f) Find the average cost of producing 51 units.
1. a) 3 d) e
b) ½ e) 6x
c) 4/3 f) 10

2. a) 6x g) -2/(x+1)3
b) 25x 99 h) 
1 x2

5 3 x
c) i) 1
x 2
d) –x99 j) 2(1+ln x)
e) 2x + 1 k) 8x2 - 42x - 54

x 2 (2 x  21)
f) –(x+2) – 2 l)
( x  7) 2

dy dy
3. a) = ex + 3 b) = 1 + ln x
dx dx

d2y x d2y
=e = 1/ x
dx 2 dx 2

4. a) C.P=(1.25,-0.125) Minimum

b) C.P=(0,12) Maximum
C.P=(4, -20) Minimum
C.P=(2,4) Inflection

c) C.P=(-2,-16) Minimum
C.P=(1, 11) Maximum
C.P=(-0.5,-2.5) Inflection

d) C.P=(0,0) and C.P=(3,-27) Minimum

C.P=(1, 5) Maximum
C.P=(2.21,-13.22) and C.P=(0.45,2.31) Inflection
5. i) RM 1.5
ii) 22.25

6. i) -10q + 360
ii) 10
iii) 36

7. 20

8. a) 4450 b) 72 – 0.12x c) 66 d) 4516 e) 4514.94 f) 88.55

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