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Student’s Name: Matric No.:

Lecturer’s Name: Course Code:


1 2 3 4 Marks
Below basic Basic Proficient Advance
Organization Audience cannot Audience has difficulty following Student presents information in Student presents information in
understand presentation presentation because student logical sequence which audience logical, interesting sequence
because there is no jumps around. can follow. which audience can follow.
sequence of information.
Subject Student does not have Student is uncomfortable with Student is at ease with expected Student demonstrates full
Knowledge grasp of information; information and is able to answer answers to all questions but fails to knowledge (more than
student cannot answer only rudimentary questions. elaborate. required) by answering all
questions about subject. class questions with
explanations and elaboration.
Eye Contact Student reads all of report Student occasionally uses eye Student maintains eye contact most Student maintains eye contact
with no eye contact. contact, but still reads most of of the time but frequently returns to with audience, seldom
report. notes. returning to notes.

Many pronunciation errors Some pronunciation errors and Few pronunciation errors and run-on Precise pronunciation and uses
and run-on sentences. run-on sentences. sentences. complete sentences.

techniques Student mumbles and Student’s voice is low. Audiences Student’s voice is somewhat clear. Student uses clear voice so
speaks too quietly for have difficulty hearing presentation. Most audiences can hear that all audiences can hear
audience in the back of presentation. presentation.
class to hear.

Delivery techniques are Delivery techniques sometimes Delivery techniques make the Delivery techniques make the
either distracting from detract from audience presentation understandable, presentation compelling;

understandability of the comprehension; student appears interesting, and student appears student appears confident;
presentation or fail to be uncomfortable. Verbal cues include comfortable; Nonverbal cues are Non-verbal cues aid
effective; student is clearly unnecessary gestures and appropriate and useful. significantly.
uncomfortable or purposeless body language.
(oral/visual) unprepared.

Visuals are poorly prepared. Some materials are not supported Visuals help the flow of the Visual aids are well prepared,
There is a lack of creativity. by visuals. Creativity is average. presentation and are easy to informative, effective,
read/view. Creativity is apparent.
professional and not
distracting. Creativity is

Total Marks

Scoring Key

Undergraduate Postgraduate
Below basic 1-7 -
Basic 8-14 1-9
Proficient 15-21 10-20
Advance 22-28 21-28

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