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Volume 2

Series Editor: G.M.L. GLADWELL

Solid Mechanics Division, Facu/ty of Engineering
University o!Water/oo
Water/oo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3GI

Aims and Scope of the Series

The fundamental questions arising in mechanics are: Why?, How?, and How much?
The aim of this series is to provide lucid accounts written by authoritative research-
ers giving vision and insight in answering these questions on the subject of
mechanics as it relates to solids.
The scope of the series covers the entire spectrum of solid mechanics. Thus it
inc1udes the foundation of mechanics; variational formulations; computational
mechanics; statics, kinematics and dynamics of rigid and elastic bodies; vibrations
of solids and structures; dynamical systems and chaos; the theories of elasticity,
plasticity and viscoelasticity; composite materials; rods, beams, shells and
membranes; structural control and stability; soHs, rocks and geomechanics;
fracture; tribology; experimental mechanics; biomechanics and machine design.
The median level of presentation is the first year graduate student. Some texts are
monographs defining the current state of the field; others are accessible to final
year undergraduates; but essentially the emphasis is on readability and c1arity.

For a list ofre/ated mechanics tit/es, seefina/ pages.

Elastic Bodies
in Rolling Contact


Department of Mathematics and Informatics.
TH Deljt. The Netherlands

Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Ka 1ker. J. J.
Three-dlmenslonal elastlc bodles ln roll1ng contact I by J.J.
p. cm. -- (Sol id mechanics and its appl icatlons ; v. 2)
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.

1. Rolling contact. 2. Elastic solids. I. Title. 11. Series.

TJ183.5.K34 1990
620. l' 05--dc20 90-5239

ISBN 978-90-481-4066-4 ISBN 978-94-015-7889-9 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-94-015-7889-9

Printed on acid-free paper

All Rights Reserved

© 1990 by Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht
Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1990.
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1990
No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or
utilized in any fonn or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and
retrieval system, without written pennission from the copyright owner.
To my Wife

Preface XIII
Introduction XV
Notation XXI


1.1 Statement of the problem 4

1.2 Mathematical modeling of the contact formation 6
1.3 Mathematical modeling of the slip 10
1.4 Mathematical modeling of friction 18
1.5 The complete boundary conditions 20
1.6 The half -space approximation 22
1.6.1 Many geometries are elastically alike 23
1.6.2 A(x,y) may be calculated exactly 23
1.6.3 Quasiidentity is common in half -space problems 24 The Panagiotopoulos process 24 An Alternative to the Panagiotopoulos
process (K OMBI) 24 The Johnson process 25 Symmetry and quasiidentity 25 Mindlin's method 28
1.6.4 Exact three-dimensional solutions of contact problems 28
1. 7 Boundary conditions for some applications 28
1. 7.1 The Hertz problem 28
1. 7.2 Frictionless or quasiidentical contact formation for
concentrated or semi-concentrated non-Hertzian contact 35

1. 7.3 F rictional boundary condi tions f or bodies of
revolution with the axes almost in one plane 41
1. 7.3.1 Concentrated, e.g. Hertzian, geometry 44 A ball rolling in a conforming groove 45


2.1 Frictionless contact 48

2.1.1 Element methods 49 Fridman and Chernina 50 Later authors 51 Influence Function Methods for the half-space:
choice of elements 52 The accuracy of the elements 56 Conclusion 59
2.2 Elastic rolling contact 59
2.2.1 Carter and Fromm 59
2.2.2 The no-slip theory of rolling contact 64 Comparison of Johnson's spin theory with the
exact values 66 Comparison of Vermeulen and Johnson's no-spin
theory with the exact values 67 Calculation of the exact values of the C .. by
separating the variables in Laplace's eq:!ation 68 Calculation on the basis of a generalisation of
Galin's Theorem 69 Strip theory /line contact theory 71 IF methods for the half -space 73
2.2.3 Nonlinear, finite friction rolling contact 74 Johnson and Vermeulen-Johnson 74 Strip theory 78 Simplified theory 80 The first exact theory 82 A linear programming method for the
two-dimensional case 84 Generalisation of the method of Sec. to
the three-dimensional case 94 Duvaut-Lions based methods 95


3.1 Recapitulation of the linear theory of elasticity 100

3.2 The thin elastic layer 101
3.3 Validation by frictionless contact 103
3.3.1 Comparison with the theory of Meijers 103
3.3.2 Comparison with the Hertz theory 107
3.3.3 Conclusion 112
3.4 Frictional compression 112
3.5 The FASTSIM algorithm 117
3.6 The shift 119
3.6.1 1/J = 0, w = (L I ,o{, elliptic contact 120
3.6.2 1/J=L w=O 122
3.7 Steady state rolling contact 122
3.7.1 The full adhesion solution 123
3.7.2 Finite friction coefficient 126
3.8 Transient rolling contact 133
3.9 An alternative method to find the L. 133
3.1 0 Conclusion of tangential simplified theory 134


4.1 The principle of virtual work and its dual for contact problems 138
4.1.I Virtual work 138
4.1.2 Complementary virtual work 144
4.2 Application to elasticity 148
4.2.1 Minimality of the potential energy, maximality of the
complementary energy, and uniqueness of the solution 150
4.2.2 The case Sg 4< 0 154
4.2.3 Existence-uniqueness theory 156
4.2.4 Surface mechanical principles 157
4.2.5 Complementary energy or potential energy in numerical
work? 158
4.3 Implementation 159
4.3.1 The basic algorithm 160
4.3.2 Discretisation of the contact problem 168
4.3.3 The algorithm of 4.3.1 applied to half -space contact
problems 172
4.3.4 Steady state rolling, elastic and viscoelastic 181
4.3.5 Prescription of total force components 181

4.3.6 Sensitivities 182
4.3.7 Calculation of the infIuence numbers in a half -space 183
4.3.8 The subsurface elastic field in a half -space 184
4.3.9 Note on the generalisation to non-concentrated contacts 184


5.1 The normal contact problem 186

5.l.l Validation (normal contact) 188
5.1.2 New results achieved by RNJLK and CC 193
5.2 Quasiidentical frictional contact problems 202
5.2.1 Validation 203
5.2.l.l The Cattaneo shift 203 The Mindlin shift 205 The creepage and spin coefficients for steady
state rolling 206 The theory of Vermeulen-Johnson on steady
state rolling and i ts generalisations 207 The Vermeulen-Johnson theory and its
generalisations: Validation 213 Brickle's experiments compared with CONT ACT
and F ASTSIM 214
5.2.2 New results in Hertzian frictional rolling contact 215 The total tangential force 216 The areas of adhesion and slip 218 Surface tractions 219 Subsurface stresses 221 Transient rolling contact 224 Some remarks on corrugation 229
5.3 Non-quasiidentical frictional contact problems 231
5.3.1 Validation 231
5.3.2 New results 233 Unloading the Spence compression 233 Transition from the Spence compression to steady
state rolling 235


Appendix A The basic equations of the linear theory of elasticity 239
Appendix B Some notions of mathematical programming 245
Appendix C Numerical caiculation of the elastic field in a half -space 255
Appendix D Three-dimensional viscoelastic bodies in steady state
frictional rolling contact with generalisation to contact
perturbations 265
Appendix E Tables 285

Bibliography 295
Index 307


This book is intended for mechanicians, engineering mathematicians, and, generally for
theoretically inclined mechanical engineers. It has its origin in my Master's Thesis (J 957),
which I wrote under the supervision of Professor Dr. R. Timman of the Delft TH and
Dr.Ir. A.D. de Pater of Netherlands Railways. I did not think that the surface of the
problem had even been scratched, so I joined de Pater, who had by then become Professor
in the Engineering Mechanics Lab. of the Delft TH, to write my Ph.D. Thesis on it. This
thesis (1967) was weil received in railway circles, which is due more to de Pater's
untiring promotion than to its merits. Still not satisfied, I feit that I needed more mathe-
matics, and I joined Professor Timman's group as an Associate Professor. This led to the
present work.

Many thanks are due to G.M.L. Gladwell, who thoroughly polished style and contents of
the manuscript. Thanks are also due to my wife, herself an engineering mathematician,
who read the manuscript through critically, and made many helpful comments, to G.F.M.
Braat, who also read an criticised, and, in addition, drew the figures together with
J. Schonewille, to Ms. A.V.M. de Wit, Ms. M. den Boef, and Ms. P.c. Wilting, who typed
the manuscript, and to the Publishers, who waited patiently.

J.J. Kalker Delft-Rotterdam, 17 July 1990.


Contact mechanics can be defined as the mechanics of the interaction of deformable

bodies that touch each other in a contact zone, which will also be named the "contact",
"contact region", "contact patch", or "contact area". In this work we will confine ourselves
to the contact of two or more solid, three-dimensional linearly elastic bodies, subject to
Coulomb friction. In the sequel we will write "elastic" when we mean "linearly elastic".

We distinguish between concentrated and non-concentrated, or diversified contacts. A

contact is called concentrated when the dimensions of the contact region are small with
respect to a typical local dimension of the contacting bodies. In concentrated contacts the
contacting bodies may be approximated by half -spaces as far as the elasticity calculations
are concerned, while the boundary conditions of contact are determined for the real
geometry and the real kinematics. A contact which is not concentrated will be called
di versified.
Examples of concentrated contacts are:
Two elastic spheres in contact;
The non-flanging contact of a railway wheel and arai!.
Examples of diversified contacts are:
A cylinder pressed on a thin, elastic layer;
A screw in a nut;
A shrink fit.
Semi-concentrated contacts are contacts with the short axis of the contact zone smalI, and
the long axis of the contact not small with respect to a typical diameter of the bodies.
Examples are:
Two cylinders with parallel axes in contact;
The contacts in many unlubricated roller bearings.
Semi-concentrated contacts can often be treated by considering the geometry as two-
dimensional, as in the two cylinders with parallel axes in contact. This simplification is
sometimes too crude, e.g. in the contact problems of the roller bearings.

Although there is no difference in principle between concentrated and diversified
contacts, there is a difference in practice. The effect of a concentrated load on a three-
dimensional half-space is known analytically (Boussinesq, 1885; Cerruti, 1882). This
opens the door to three-dimensional contact calculations of concentrated contact problems,
and some diversified and semi-concentrated contact problems. For most diversified
problems the half -space approximation is neither feasible nor desired, and a finite
element method is required. Whereas such a calculation is well-established practice for
two-dimensional problems, it is still in its infancy for three-dimensional FEM analysis.
This justifies the practical distinction between concentrated and diversified contacts.
Consequently, when, in Ch. 4, we consider the general, variational theory of contact, and
the theoretical side of the algorithms, our analysis is valid for three-dimensional diver-
sified contacts with Coulomb friction. But all our results concern half -spaces, i.e. concen-
trated and some semi-concentrated problems.

Much has already been written on concentrated, three-dimensional contact problems. In

frictionless contact, we have the giant figure of Hertz (1882a,b). In frictional contact we
have Cattaneo (1938), and Mindlin and his co-workers, from 1949 onward till the mid-
fifties. Three-dimensional rolling contact problems were initiated by Johnson in 1958.

There are a few books devoted exclusively to contact mechanics:

Galin published two books (1953, 1980), on elastic and viscoelastic contact prob-
lems. The 1953 book is based mostly on Muskhelishvili's works (1946, 1949). This
theory is two-dimensional. The 1980 book contains a large chapter on three-
dimensional, frictionless contact problems.

Fichera (1964) and Duvaut and Lions (1972) established the variational theory of
contact, in which they concentrate on existence and uniqueness proofs of the solu-
tions. Duvaut and Lions consider also viscoelastic and dynamic contact problems.

Gladwell (1980) published a treatise on contact mechanics. For the most part he
considers only frictionless or bonded contacts, concentrated and diversified.

In 1985 Johnson's book on contact mechanics appeared, in which a complete survey

is given of concentrated contact theory and engineering practice, and many contact
problems are treated. There is a chapter on rolling contact of elastic bodies, and one
on inelastic rolling contact.

Kikuchi and Oden (1988) wrote a book on elastic, frictionless and frictional
contact mechanics in which they concentrate on the theoretical background of finite
element methods and variational theory.

In the present work we confine our attention to three-dimensional elastic contact
problems with Coulomb friction. The main theme is rolling contact, with a spin-off to
other types of contact problems such as frictionless contact and the frictional shift. Choice
and treatment of the subject matter are such that they are complementary to the above-
mentioned books. Many results described have been published before as articles, but there
is also much new, as yet unpublished, material. We survey the contents of the book.

In Ch. I the problem is stated and modeled. The boundary conditions are derived. The
chapter is introducory, and required reading for the succeeding chapters which can be
read independently.

In Ch. 2 the elastic rolling contact theories that have been set up are reviewed exten-
sively. We discuss the accuracy and the calculating speed of the finite element methods
(FEM) and the boundary element methods (BEM) and explain why the half -space
approximation, where applicable, leads to faster computer programs. The chapter is
intended for the rail vehicle dynamicist whom it will aid in choosing the roIling contact
theory appropriate to his work.

In Ch. 3 we discuss the simplified theory of contact. Simplified theory, discussed by

Johnson (1985) under the name of "mattress theory", is extremely useful in explaining a
number of complicated contact phenomena. So weIl does it explain them, notably in
rolling contact, that successful attempts have been made to convert simplified theory from
a qualitative theory to an approximate quantitative theory. This does not always work, so
validation is essential. Also, the usefulness of simplified theory resides in the speed of the
resulting computer programs. So, in Ch. 3 we consider the derivation, validation, and
numerical analysis of the simplified theory. Simplified theory is important for wheel/rail
theory, and for wheel/rail flanging phenomena. It also describes diversified layer pheno-
mena, which may find application in biomedical mechanics, notably in the theory of

Duvaut and Lions, who founded the variational theory of frictional contact in 1972, gave
no physical explanation of the variational inequality upon which they based their
existence and uniqueness proofs. Such a basis is given in Ch. 4, which also contains a
statement and proof of the active set algorithm that numericaIly solves the contact
problem on the basis of the variational theory. This chapter is primarily intended for
contact mechanicians.

In Ch. 5 numerical results and applications are given. It contains many interesting and
chaIlenging test cases; care has been taken to specify the problems completely. This
chapter is intended for researchers who want to test their own algorithms.

Appendices A and B contain some elementary not ions on the theory of elasticity and on
mathematical programming, respectively.

In Appendix C an algorithm is given to calculate the elastic field in the interior and on
the boundary of a half -space wh ich is loaded by a uniform load on a rectangle Iying in
the bounding plane.

Appendix D contains the extension of the three-dimensional elastic half -space theory of
steady state rolling to the viscoelastic case. Further , it contains an extension of the theory
of sensitivities (described in Ch. 4, Sec. 4.3.8), to perturbations that are periodic in time,
both in the elastic and in the viscoelastic case. Finally an explanation is given for the fact
that the calculation of the sensitivities, notably the creepage and spin coefficients of
rolling contact, see Kalker (l967a), Ch. 4, are calculated so inaccurately by the program
CaNT ACT that is based on the theory of Ch. 4.

Appendix E contains tables for the Hertz theory and related problems, and for the linear
theory of rolling contact.

My own results that are described in this book were obtained with two programs, viz.
ROLLEN (Hertzian rolling contact: simplified theory) and CaNT ACT (complete elastic
half -space contact theory).

- ROLLEN implements the Hertz theory, the linear theory of Hertzian rolling
contact, and the simplified theory of Hertzian rolling contact. In addition, it
implements Hertzian deep groove rolling.

- CONTACT computes:
Contact formation;
Shift problems, such as Cattaneo's problem, both single step and transient;
Rolling contact problems, both steady state and transient;
The elastic fields inside a half -space.
All these problems can be solved for Hertzian and non-Hertzian contact, and for
equal and different materials of the contacting bodies. All calculations concern
three-dimensional, homogeneous, isotropic half -spaces in concentrated contact.

ROLLEN and CaNT ACT have a user-friendly input. Prerequisite of ROLLEN is a

thorough knowledge of Ch. I, and some knowledge of Ch. 3. Prerequisite of CaNT ACT
is a thorough knowledge of Chs. land 5, and some knowledge of Ch. 4.

The programs are available as a FORTRAN source code on a floppy disk, ready for use
on a 640 kB pe AT. Prices are available upon request. For information contact: J.J. Kalker

Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics
NL-2600 AJ Delft
The Netherlands

FAX (31)(15)787022.



A roman, non- bold faced capital letter signifies a point set or an index set.
A roman bold faced letter signifies a vector or a matrix, except B, C, D, E, K, see below
in S2.
An italic letter indicates a scalar variable.
All symbols may carry an index:
Index a: body number, I or 2.
Indices i, j, h, k run from I to 3, or over x, y, z; they indicate Cartesian components.
Indices 0:, ß, 1, r run from I to 2; they also indicate components.
r has the connotation: "tangential component".
Indices I, J indicate element numbers.
All these indices, except a, are subject to the summation convention of summing over the
entire range of repeated indices in a product, except where otherwise indicated.

All other indices serve to complete the identifier.
(0) = ,material derivative.
( ') may complete the identifier; in addition, it may indicate that the variable is taken at
the time t ' .
. = 8/8x.; analogously for j, h, k.
,I 1
"sub" means "subject to the auxiliary condition(s)".


This list shows variables whose meanings extend beyond the section where they are
defined. The construction of an entry is as follows:
Symboles) Definition, comment Reference

In the reference, numbers between brackets refer to equations, and without brackets to

A profile curvature difference ( 1.58)

A profile curvature ( 1.54)
A (y) profile function (1.59a)
A(x,y), A ..(x,y), A ..(x - y ) influence function (1.3 7),(2.39),(2.40),( 4.39)
IJ IJ a a
A IiJ j influence coefficient 4.3.7,( 4.39)-( 4.46)
AJA ca ) potential contact area (at body a) (1.39)
A p' (A ap) region of surface where traction is prescribed (1.39)
Au' (A au) region of surface where displacement is prescribed ( 1.39)
A(x.) index set of inequalities active at x. ( 4.28e)
Index body number, a = 1,2
a, (a ') contact (adhesion) semi-axis in rolling direction (1.58b),(2.11)-(2.l2)
contact ellipse semi-axes (1.57a),(1.58)

B profile curvature difference ( 1.58)

B profile curvature of body a (1.54)
B (y) profile of body a ( 1.59a)
B complete elliptic integral (1.57)
B index set of constraints (4.31a)
B(x.) index set of constraints active at x. (4.28f)
b semi-axis of contact ellipse (lateral) (1.58 b ),( 1.5 8d)

c complementary energy (4.21 b ),( 4.2 7b ),( 4.4 7)

c* =-c complementaryenergy ( 4.47)
C .. creepage and spin coefficients 2.2.2,(2.14)
C complete elliptic integrals (1.57)
C contact area 4.3.3
ce collection of programs having a method in common 5.1
c = ..;ab a, b: semi-axes of contact ellipse (1.58d)

curvature differences (1.54),(1.58)

complete elliptic integral (1.57)
differential operator

E Young's modulus App.A

Eijhk elastic modulus App.A

E complete elliptic integral (1.5 7)
E exterior area, A \C 4.3.3
e local distance in deformed state = deformed distance 1.2,(1.1),(1.5)
e. local shift (1.11)
e .. strain App.A

i = 1,2,3 or = x,y,z total force transmitted by contact 1.4,( 1.64)
FEM finite element method

/; / stat' / kin coefficient of friction; static, kinetic 1.4,(1.31)

/.I body force (4.1 ),App.A

G combined modulus of rigidity (1.44 )

G modulus of rigidity of body a (1.44 )
g I. traction bound 1.4
2. axial ratio, a l / a2 , of contact ellipse (1.57a)
constraint function (4.28a,c)

H area of adhesion 4.3.3

h local distance in the undeformed state =
= undeformed distance Fig.1.3,( 1.5)
linear velocity of body a regarded as rigid 1.7.3,(1.73)

K elastic difference parameter (1.44)

K complete elliptic integral ( 1.57)
k excentricity of contact ellipse (1.57a)

L,L. flexibility parameter (3.10),(3.53)

L.' values of the f1exibility parameter (3.51 ),(3.52)

M moment about z-axis exerted on body I, at the contact area.


N index set of inactive constraints ( 4.3Ia)
N(x.) index set of constraints not active in x. ( 4.28g)
n, nj outer normal on V; can carry subscript a (4.3c)

o I. origin of coordinate system 1.2

2. order-of -magnitude symbol

prescribed surface traction at A (1.39),( 4.4)

traction; can carry all types of indices App.A
tangential traction exerted on body I (1.32)
normal traction in z-direction exerted on body I (1.6)

Q index set of all indices (4.28h)

q I. distance traversed ( 1.24)
2. approach (1.53),(1.55)
q. rigid shift at origin (1.62)

R radius of curvature of body a at 0 in the x-direction ( 1.27)

radius of curvature of body a at 0 in the x .-direction
RNJLK set of routines implementing a method 5.1

S local shift ( 4.8a)

S slip area 4.3.3
dS element of area
local slip (1.15),( 1.20)-( 1.26)
stress deviator (5.18)

(present) time 1.3

t ' previous time, t' t t 1.3

u potential energy (4.21 ),( 4.27),( 4.48)

U* potential energy (4.5Ia)
displacement difference (1.21 )
displacement of body a 1.2

displacement of body a, at time t I (1.7),(1.8)
prescribed displacement in A (1.39),(4.4)

v magnitude of rolling velocity (1.21c)

v volume occupied by body
V volume occupied by body a (4.1 )
dV element of volume
rolling velocity (1.21c)
rolling direction (1.23b)

W a , Wai angular velocity of body a about its axis 1.7.3,(1.72)

W local rigid shift (4.8b)
w, wi' wr local rigid slip (1.21d)
Lagrange multiplier of Coulomb's Law 4.3.3-Point 4
relative local rigid shift (1.21e)

x plane X = Xl = 0
x, xl coordinate in rolling direction between (1.23) and (1.24)
x. Cartesian coordinates, origin 0 1.2
X. Cartesian coordinates of body a 1.7.1
x a ' x ai particle coordinates in undeformed state at time t 1.2
x'. as X ., at time t I 1.2
a/ a/

y plane Y = x2 = 0
y = x2 coordinate in lateral direction

Ya' Y ai particle coordinates in deformed state at time t 1.3

Y ai as Y ., at time t I 1.3

z 1. plane z = x 3 = 0
2. feasible set (4.3)
coordinate pointing normally into body 1

6 variation operator ch.4

6 .. Kronecker delta, = 1 if i = j, = 0 else

'1 lateral creepage (1.82)
v combined Poisson's ratio (1.44)
v Poisson's ratio of body a
v. Lagrange multiplier (4.29)
v[ Lagrange multiplier of non-penetration conditions 4.3.3,Point 4
e longitudinal creepage (1.82)
p density
r7 .• stress App.A
r7[ ideal stress (5.19)
r/> spin ( 1.82)
w angle between planes of principal curvature 1.7.1


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