Portfolio Advanced 05

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Today we will talk about what I usually postpone most in my life and what I usually
postpone is studying, studying is the only way that can help people to grow mentally
but I get complicated when studying because my problem is not paying attention but
lately I spent time studying because I saw that my mom had given my little sister some
sandwiches and I asked my mom: why have you given her sandwiches? and she told
me: She had snacks after finishing her study time and that's how I had the motivation
to start studying.

I postponed the time when I had to study because I had a lot of homework and
sometimes I went out with my friends and once my mom told me: Making friends is a
natural thing to do but for everything there is a time and from that moment on I
reconsider and try to solve my biggest problem and for that I prepared myself well to
be in a university academy and what helped me was having met Tomas in my first
week of academy helped me throughout my academic career and you may wonder
who is it thomas? Tomas was my study partner and thanks to him I was able to commit
myself more in the study, sometimes he sent me a lot but I don't like being told what
and what not to do.

After continuing to prepare myself in my studies, it turned out quite well because in
my final exams I had an excellent score and I continued studying and I think I speak for
everyone because I don't think everyone wants to leave the study halfway and maybe
they don't believe me but one day I They gave me and my friend a bad grade for the
exam and right there my friend said: My advice is to file a complaint at once and just at
that moment they corrected the exam and I told them that you should never give up, It
is Wrong not to go ahead I tell you this because once they gave me a lot of homework
and I said: I am too tired to do my homework but then I had the guts to do all my
homework and the next day I got a grade that I didn't expect and I left that day as well.

I will give you some suggestions, do not try to do your homework as fast as possible
because I tell you that my father once told my mother: He is not studying fast enough
to pass the exam and at that moment I was preparing for myself final exams but I tell
them that when they do their homework they take the time to do it well and never
expect anything in return even if they tell them: Samuel could be given a prize for fulfill
their duties and always remember that The room needs to be cleaned after you stand
up is one of the many responsibilities you have if you do that you will get results and
never forget that Their doors should be shut at night what I am trying to say is that the
most important thing is not to postpone it and thus you will stop procrastinating.

Today I have to tell you two expectations that I have in my life, one of them is to study
abroad and another is to help my family and country and the truth about these two
expectations lately I have been afraid but try to have some patience and to be able to
fulfill one of these expectations is to highlight our knowledge lately I go to bookstores
and they tell me: You can take any of the books and I also have friends in which we go
to the library and almost always take a two-minute break and then there it is where I
stand out more because they say to each other: Fares has a lot of knowledge about
this topic obviously they talk about the topics that we read in a book but what I
highlight from everything I have said that lately to achieve what I have in mind I must
learn and get used to doing new things that help me fulfill what I want.
I tell you that once I found four boxes and inside those boxes there were many books
so I put all those books that in total were 25 books on my desk and from those 25
books I learned a lot and by the way you should know that knowledge is power thanks
to knowledge we can expand and always remember to fulfill your duties because
responsibility wins intelligence because I tell you that I just don't want to be an office
worker oh a jewelry maker sincerely I want to be more than that, I would like to be a
millionaire man and lead a gold watch oh also a platinum watch for five thousand
euros but for that I have to expand my knowledge and get to what I really want.
After having told what I want and how to achieve it, I will tell you what will be one of
those several steps to achieve what I really want, one of those several steps in buying
the beautiful book "The Illustrated Biblical Manual" and that is how I can have more
certainty in my next plans and another of my several is to be able to work for a short
term to be able to spend on what I plan in the long term and what I could spend on is a
soft and heavy bed it would be my first purchase as an independent man and others of
my final steps is to be able to go to the canadian embassy and give my first interview
to obtain my visa but for that I must not be depressed , excited oh nervous let me tell
you that once a few years ago I was so scared to speak in front of 150 people that later
Having exhibited I got so depressed thinking that I had exhibited badly I got so shocked
because I had exhibited.
The important thing to achieve what you really want is that you should never give up
or lower your guard, always fight for what you want even if it is the most difficult thing
you have to do but the difficult thing will never be impossible, believe in yourself and
you will see how you can achieve what you want.

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