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Center city is where it all happens.

Although everybody from common street gangs to

the Yakuza have been battleing for control of the area for decades it has remained
a melting pot for people from all walks of life, bleeding in from the surrounding
areas and mixing into the life force which gives Philadelphia it's unique pulse.
There is no other place like it in the city. In a single club you may find samurai,
corps, yaks, mobsters, wage slaves, mages, shamman, and every other representation
of human or metahuman imagineable. As a shadowrunner you will be spending much time

>>>>>[Ok, before everybody gets confused somebody should explain that the term
"Center City" referrs to all of the areas listed below in addition to being the
name of the area most cities usually call "downtown". In other words, Center City
is in Center City, along with Chinatown, Antique Row, etc.]<<<<<

Security Ratings

Center City A
Ben Franklin Parkway AA
Chinatown B
Olde City AAA
Antique Row no presence
South Street B
Rittenhouse Construction Zone B


In the late 1900s the Center City area was the focus of a large number of
regentrification projects and to this day it still receives large influxes of city
funds designed to keep the district's growth rate rageing. With the nothing left of
the North and Northeast but wasteland and the South diverting most of their money
back into the Mob, the Center City area, along with West Philadelphia, has been the
city's only large scale source of revenue. In order for the city to stay alive so
must the district. Stretching from the Schuylkill river to the Deleware along
Market Street is a ribbon of clubs and bars intermingled with a dense web of
skyscrapers and monstrous parking garages. On any night of the week the six lanes
of Market Street will be packed with automobiles, spilling onto the side streets
and sidewalks resulting in the nightly traffic nightmare which has become such a
part of the experience of Philadelphia after dark that nobody seems to mind
anymore. The chaos also provides the perfect backdrop for, well, lets call them
"transations". Although the various corps and crims may have their own staked out
territories, they all come to Center City to deal. Locations in this area which
specifically cater to one particular group are few and far between as no yak would
want to enter a shadowrunner bar and no runner would be caught dead in Yakuza land.
There is no need for the obscurity of a seedy, back ally bar here. All patrons
understand the intrinisic idea that business is business, and all owners know how
to keep their mouths shut.

Although the police presense in Center City is strong they do little but check for
I.D., although they are more aggressive about it during the day. An night this is
difficult, all it takes is a quick dart into a river of people and you're gone.
Violence is fairly common but even the most brutal of fights is cloaked by a web of
pedestrians and the deliverer of a hit vanishes like a ghost into the frantic
night. Although business is business, violence is as intergral to it today as a


Bellevue Hotel Large Hotel/Broad & Walnut/Allison Jenson, Manager/Bias Aginst

Metahumans And Magicians
The ultimate in luxury, and probably the only luxury you'll find in Center City at
all. A week's stay parralells the cost of a runabout and comes with all the perks
including valet parking, a loaner car, bell hops, massuses, exersize rooms, and
tons of top rate security. All rooms are equipped with every privacy feature
imaginable and the walls are so thick a nuclear detonation wouldn't be heard beyond
the front door. This place is booked up on the weekends weeks in advance and houses
at least five individuals of paramount societal positioning at any given time.

>>>>>[Security here is definately something special. Since they arn't allowed to

carry guns because they scare the patrons all of the secs are packed with
cyberware, bioware, a mandatory cybergun, and are specially trained in a VR mockup
of the Bellevue.]<<<<< -Muggy (23:12:53/08-13-54)

>>>>>[One thing this place does not have is magical security. Something to do with
Jenson being scared of it.]<<<<< -Fiver (05:33:12/10-29-54)

Holland Inn Large Hotel/10th & Market/Marcon Price III, Manager/No Bias

Can best be described as superficially ritzy. During the hotel's construction Price
blew almost all of his funds on the massive, modern, and externally ornate building
the hotel occupies. With little cash left over for the interior he resorted to
cheap fake gold plating, super thin mirrors, and rooms which let through every
sound that hits the walls. The result has been flaking paint, unpredictable
utilites, and an outright scuzzy interior appearance. Arguments between patrons due
to the lack of aural privacy are common and often times violent.

>>>>>[The upper twenty or so floors were never completed and for the right price
you can rent out an entire level.]<<<<< -Tiff (15:43:16/08-22-54)

>>>>>[Yeah, if you don't mind no water, no heat, sometimes no windows, and the
chance that the people renting above you might suddenly come crashing through the
ceiling.]<<<<< -Jive Jamon (02:42:32/08-27-54)

Embassy Suites Hotel Large Hotel/17th & Ben Franklin Parkway/Everette Anderson,
Manager/No Bias

With the movement of most individuals who could afford luxury into West
Philadelphia the Embassy Suites Hotel was forced to down grade its prices and
services in order to survive. The cylindrical building is popular with those who
plan on visiting the various attractions located along the Ben Franklin parkway.

Windham Franklin Plaza Hotel Large Hotel/17th & Race/Govinda DeLano, Manager/No

Located on the border between Center City and North Philadelphia, the Windham
attracts patrons who desire a close proxcimity to downtown as well as the option to
bolt North if necessary. Security is pretty good but their primary function is to
keep anybody from the North from messing up the hotel and they pay little attention
to the activities of paying customers.

Parker Spruce Hotel Large Hotel/13th & Spruce/Thelma Rae Parker, Manager/Subtle
Bias Against Non Regulars

A left over from the sleazer days of Center City hotels, the Parker hotel is
usually where the hookers, their dates, chippers with a few bucks, and runners in
need of a quick hide away end up. At least half of the customers are regulars, the
rest tending to lower class suburbanites who have gotten themselves too drunk to
drive home.
>>>>>[This place is super old. Just thinking about a match will start the place
burning]<<<<< -Demon Wraith (21:52:24/09-12-54)

>>>>>[Thelma, the manager, is very well connceted and very protective of her
regulars identity and safety. She also has a group of orks she employs for
security. Nice guys, so long as you don't mess with the regs.]<<<<< -Chump

Glouster Regent Small Hotel/22nd & Chestnut/Donald Grell, Manager/No Bias

A haven for Center City weapons dealing, the Glouster rents rather nice rooms by
the hour for the purpose of transactions. Rooms are also available for a longer
period of time for a rather steep price.

>>>>>[Roumer is Grell used to work for Ares before he grabbed some designs and ran.
Bug scanners go haywire in the hotel rooms. I don't trust this guy at all.]<<<<< -
Philly Phlash (10:12:52/10-30-54)

The Marr Large Hotel/20th & Market/Sari Christian, Manager/No Bias

The Marr is enormous, spanning two blocks, although its rooms are small and
services limited. It is actually built into parts to the Sizzler and Louve
nightclubs, having direct access to both, as well as a sky walk to Aoi Japan across
the street. The Marr mainly caters to club goers who sometime carry the party into
the vast matrix of hallways inside the hotel.

>>>>>[So big you could get lost in it. Or lose yourself in it...]<<<<< -Tiff


Nick's Small Bar/11th & Walnut/Nick Mulligan, Manager/Bias Against Annoying People

The best bar for your buck, Nick's offers great beer and great food and the best
damn bartender this side of the Deleware.

>>>>>[Nick rules. I swear this guy knows everything.]<<<<< -Temple (10:32:12/07-12-


>>>>>[Yeah, just don't get in his face too much. He's been known to take a whiz in
the drinks of people who piss him off.]<<<<< -Prattle (16:12:45/07-22/54)

Lionfish Small Bar And Resturaunt/20th & Market/Yhashi Masuka, Manager/No Bias

The lionfish used to be a popular Yakuza hangout before they gained control over
all of Candem. Now what was once a luxury establishment has fallen into decay and
it's beautiful decor is frequently vomited on by drunken wage slaves.

>>>>>[Heard the Yaks still control this place, though, and keep a bunch of heavy
ordinance in the basement just in case they need it while visiting this side of the
river.]<<<< -Sun (13:21:55/10-04-54)

Aoi Japan Small Bar And Resturaunt/16th & Walnut/Naga Kenika, Manager/Subtle Bias
Against Shadowrunnerish People

Luxury resturaunt popular with corporate Japanese and the occasional runner who
needs to meet with one. Several booths equipped with noise generators, jammers, and
even wards are available for a high price.
>>>>>[Aoi recently upgraded their security after a screwed over runner went berzerk
and started plugging corps. Since then they've kinda developed a dislike towards
anyone who looks like they run the shadows.]<<<<< -Demon Wraith (07:27:31/11-01-54)

Ribbit Large Resturaunt/8th & Walnut/David Quials, Manager/No Bias

A large, four story resturaunt, Ribbit caters to a mixture of tourists and wage
slaves. Security is tight, there is little privacy, and the outside walls are made
entirely out of glass in an attempt to keep undesirables from eating here.

>>>>>[...shiver....]<<<<< -Funny Guy (01:18:59/10-09-54)

Varillo Joe's Medium Resturaunt/Broad & Market/Joe Varillo, Manager/Bias Against

Non Government

Varillo Joe's is the only resturaunt located within city hall and its clientelle is
almost exclusively city council members and other city officials. A very difficult
to obtain membership is required for entrance.

>>>>>[What I wouldn't give for five minutes in this place. The gloriously corrupt
things I would hear...]<<<<< Suitcase (15:05:01/09-21-54)

Little Lisa's Small Resturaunt/22nd & Market/Lisa Greene, Manager/No Bias

A nice, quiet resturaunt on the edge of the Market Street strip, Lisa's has fought
off dozens of attemps by the city to replace her small establishment with yet
another nightclub.

>>>>>[Recently Lisa's has received a lot of business in the form of construction

workers from the Rittenhouse area. Its nice peaceful atmosphere is shattered as
groups of dirty and loud men and women stream in from the sites during lunch.]<<<<<
-Tiff (10:17:21/10-30-54)

Dolphin Cafe Small Resturaunt/10th & Chestnut/Chalk Forth, Manager/Bias Aginst Non

Strictly vegitarian, the Dolphin cafe is usually filled almost entirely with elves
many of which who, after years of being called dandilion eaters, have learned to
hate everybody else with a passion.

>>>>>[I once saw a human pick a fight here. The elves had him on the ground and out
the door in a second. Slow they are not.]<<<<< -Full Choke (17:18:43/09-12-54)

Flyers Large Resturaunt And Bar/Broad & Walnut/Skippy Day, Manager/Bias Against

Philadelphia's premiere sports bar, Flyers shifts from a nice peaceful place to
stop for a drink on nights when no Philadelphia team is playing, to a cauldron of
rageing testosterone when one is. The patrons are maniacially loyal to the home
teams, even when they are doing poorly, and one should pity the person who cheers
for the opposite side.

>>>>>[It's like a ten keg frat party. Disgusting.]<<<<< Tamar (07:21:42/08-18-54)

>>>>>[The regulars have perfected a technique known as the Razor Wedgie. If you
want to find out what it is, cheer for the wrong team.]<<<<< Prattle (17:32:10/10-
>>>>>[GO 76'ers! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!]<<<<< Sporty (21:19:32/10-01-54)


Sizzler Nightclub/20th & Market/Kubiac Thems, Owner/No Bias

The temprature is kept at around 100 degrees and the music blasts with the aural
force of a jet engine. Conversation is impossible, neather is the possibility of
someone resisting the Sizzler, an extremely good beverage containing enormous
amounts of alchohol which has gotten more than one Philadelphia resident completely
obliterated. This location is popular with individuals who have very little time to
party and wish to pulverize their frustrations towards the mundane business world
with a high impact doseage of noise and chaos.

>>>>>[Get a few drinks is some of those wage slaves and they'll start spilling all
kinds of neat info.]<<<<< -Good Witch (12:39:51/10-14-54)

Class Nightclub And Resturaunt/17th & Market/Alicia Commichi, Owner/Bias Against

Non Suits

Gives the impression of being more of an enormous bar and resturaunt than a
nightclub. The music is low and subdued, bordering on classical, and is frequented
by corporate types looking for an open and nuetral atmosphere in which they can
conduct business transactions. It is quite expensive, the cover charge alone being

>>>>>[Lots of older corporate types, the ones who might get broken going to some of
the other clubs.]<<<<< Suitcase (05:32:51/09:18:54)

Mosaic Nightclub/10th & Arch/Jeffery Krain, Owner/No Bias

Mosaic attracts the most diverse group of clientele of any Philadelphia nightclub.
The music is an ecclectic blend rangeing from high volume techo thrash to low key
poetic rythems and the sheer size of the place is mesmorizing to a new comer, the
facility occupying nearly a half city block. Outside it looks like a collection of
bricked up row stores, inside the buildings have been hollowed out, dug out, and
connected creating a cavonours singular building with multi level dance floors and
booths. The Market Street Blue Line is steps from Mosaic's basement entrance.

>>>>>[The individual people types; deckers, corps, mages, sams, etc. tend to
gravitate toward their own little areas. Great place to go if you're looking for a
group or looking to build one from scratch.]<<<<< Fiver (10:11:59/07-16-54)

The Grind Nightclub/22nd & Market/Frizzle Mellic, Owner/No Bias

A home for noise, strobing lights, and chaos, The Grind's enviroment is perfect for
exchanges of items, being public enough that nobody can pull any elaborate tricks
but distracting enough that nobody else can tell what's being exchanged.

>>>>>[The Grind is one of the few Center City nightclubs that does not check for
weapons.]<<<<< -Tiff (17:52:15/10-16-54)

>>>>>[Yeah, and it's one of the few Center City nightclubs that has to mop up blood
at the end of the night.]<<<<< -Demon Wraith (18:32:14/09-17-54)

Maui Nightclub/13th & Market/Ven Dickerson, Owner/Bias Against Orks And Trolls

Using state of the art artificial bio-enviromental technology Maui has transformed
the top ten floors of a hundred and fifty story sky scraper into a tropical forset,
complete with waterfalls, palm trees, and exotic birds. Covering the club is a
trideo dome depicting an eternal Hawaiian sunset. Cover and drink charges are high
and security is extremely tight.

>>>>>[The original location of Maui and a majority of the Philadelphia club scene
was along Delaware Avenue in the southern part of North East. Maui was the only
night club to remain financially intact after it, and a string of eight other
clubs, were bombed into oblivion in 2021. Everyone suspected the individual behind
the bombings was Evett Charlston, the Center City counsil represenitive at the
time, although this could never be proven.]<<<<< Apache (03:16:45/11-02-54)

Seven Circles Club Nightclub/Broad & Arch/Martha Gimbutas, Owner/No Bias

Music, light and darkness collide and merge into the powerful and painful ambience
which is the Seven Circles Club. The club consists of seven levels, each
representing one of the seven Buddist Hells. Each is a pulsating web of sweat and
bodies enticed by pronographic floor shows and the overdriving pulse of the music.
All peoples; the corps, the wannabes, and the true runners merge into one gigantic
mass of flesh and emotion and pain.

Passions Nightclub/18th & Market/Kep Smith, Owner/No Bias

A mediocre nightclub with mediocre music, Passions never really developed any
definable atmosphere or taste and therefore never picked up a reliable stream of
clientele. Now it is mainly a last resort spillover club for people who can't get
into one of the better ones. Currently the decor is cupid and hearts and a
nausiating amount of pink paint and neon.

>>>>>[Place makes me want to puke.]<<<<< -Funny Guy (23:43:45/09-04-54)

>>>>>[Still, it's not a bad location for meets during which you don't need to
impress anybody with the surroundings.]<<<<< -Tamar (01:45:10/09-10-54)

>>>>>[More still, It's a good place to avoid if you don't want to puke.]<<< -Funny
Guy (21:32:43/09-13-54)

The Louve Nightclub/21st & Market/Sunrise Kennedy, Owner/Pretentious Toward Non


An attempt to create an art oriented night club, The Louve only partially suceeded
in its quest. It initially failed at attracting the traditional artistic population
who tend to isolate themselves on Antique Row and was a weekend away from going
under when a large group of vandals trashed the interior, including the club's
extensive collection of valuable art. With no money for repairs The Louve was
forced to open in this wrecked condition and instantly became an attraction for a
small, but growing, group of individuals from South Street known as trash artists.
The club has been left in it's decayed state and continues to attract it's
traditional trash art clientele, who have all relocated to Center City, as well as
shadowrunners and gangs who gravitate to its atmosphere of freaky free form music
and dingy darkness.

>>>>>[Trash artists are certainly something special. They purchase normal,

traditional pieces of art, usually from Antique Row, and then completely mess them
up. Needless to say the original artists are none too pleased about this.]<<<<< -
Good Witch (04:55:16/08-29-54)

>>>>>[The animosity between The Louve patrons and Antique Row has grown to such a
level that it would be an understatement to say that they hate each other's guts.
Trash artists usually purchace through some kind of middleman nowadays after one of
their members was bolted to hell and back after his intentions were probed by one
of the Pine artists.]<<<<< -Deadbolt (19:18:19/09-03-54)

The Hundred Dollar Bill Nightclub/3rd & Market/Jacquolin Fera, Owner/No Bias

Located just outside of the Society Hill historical district, The Hundred Dollar
Bill uses a historical theme, focusing heavily on Benjamin Franklin. It is filled
with a large number of animatronic historical figures and presents bands which are
required to dress in a colonial style. The music, however, is techno-metal,
creating an odd clash of history and noise which is more annoying than it is

>>>>>[Popular mostly with historical oriented tourists who don't know any
better.]<<<<< -Funny Guy (02:32:52/10-23-54)

Penumbra East Nightclub/Market & 18th/Joesph Hokama, Owner/Bias Against Ugly People

The East coast duplicate of the highly successful Seattle version, Penumbra East
lives up to its reputation as the king of shadowrunner nightclubs.

>>>>>[Put on your prettiest leather, conceal your favorite SMG, and break out the
cred.]<<<<< -Prattle (03:12:12/10-25-54)

>>>>>[All hail the mightly Penumbra!]<<<<< -Dweeb (12:00:43/10-27-54)

Club Rage Nightclub/13th & Arch/Rodney Kocash, Owner/No Bias

The only people you'll find here are runners and corps and anyone wishing to hook
up with a runner or corp. Dress is black, leather being the standard for the
runners and midnight Tres Chic suits for the corps. It is silently understood that,
as far as respect goes, everyone is on equal ground in Club Rage, whether you're a
major shareholder in a ten digit corporation or a runner spending his first night
in the city. In contradiction with the club's name, clientele come here to discuss,
albeit in shouts over the music, and to work out contractual problems.

>>>>>[Pull any shit here and you're finished as far as your rep is concerned.
Profesionalism is what this place is all about. If you blow a meet in Club Rage
word travels like lightening. You'll be lucky to get a kitty cat run the next
day.]<<<<< -Tiff (23:51:42/08-23-54)

Heaven's Gate Nightclub/13th & Chestnut/God Callahan, Owner/Bias Against Scary

Looking People

Run by an egotistical elf who calls himself God, Heaven's Gate has been busted
twice for introducing a euphoric gas into its ventilation system. The atmosphere is
light and fluffy, the music isn't too loud, and the drinks are mild.

>>>>>[Popular with wussies.]<<<<< -Funny Guy (21:35:49/09-25-54)

Overload Nightclub/10th & Market/Grah Rrrrr, Owner/No Bias

A club you can really get yourself hurt at. The music is a constant rage of heavy
guitar, lighting reminicent of hell with strobes, and the clientelle go there to
drink heavily and push and run into one another. Frequented mostly by gang members
and runners needing the hard helping hand they can sometimes provide.

>>>>>[Beat, scream, punch, kick, smash, and hurt. That's all I can say about this
place.]<<<<< -Deadbolt (01:51:38/09-02-54)

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital 11th & Walnut

State of the art in every respect, this hospital is funded by the federal, state,
and local government as well as just about every corporation and wealthy
Philadelphia resident. They have the best of everything and have recently upgraded
their helicopter fleet with aircraft that would make a Doc Wagon response team

>>>>>[Unfortunately unless you're one of those government, corporate, or wealthy

individuals they won't let you in even if you have a knife sticking out of your
back. Even Doc Wagon isn't alowed to drop people here, you have to belong to
JeffNet, a very expensive but very efficient ambulance service owned by the
hospital.]<<<<< -Ruger (19:56:25/08-19-54)

Hanneman University Hospital Broad & Vine

Your good ole' middle of the road hospital which has an unfortunate tendency to
fall into the wrong crowd every once in a while and sell bodyparts to distributers
in North Philadelphia for export to other countries. Pretty cheap, they ask very
few questions and almost never call the cops. Usually the cops come to them and
when they do it ain't for medical care.

>>>>>[Not the best place to stop if you're just hanging onto a thread of life.
There's more than one doc willing to break out the sissors.]<<<<< -Bean

>>>>>[What makes this place even scarier is the fact that Doc Wagon has an all but
exclusive contract with Hanneman as their drop off spot. Something to ponder as you
fade to black after hitting the panic button.]<<<<< -Coleman (13:51:28/10-22-54)

Pennsylvania Hospital 8th & Spruce Street

The first hospital in the old United States, it posesses the largest non-corporate
magical healing research and care facility on the east coast, specializing in
everything from shamannic healing dances to good old fashon health spells.
Pennsylvania Hospital is also known for providing free care for individuals with
terminal illnesses, using magic and traditional methods in an attempt to find a
cure or to provide the person with a more plesent enviroment to spend their final

>>>>>[If a magician gets hurt, Pennsylvania is where they go. It is the only
hospital in the area with a department specializing in the delicate care a magic
user needs.]<<<<< -Good Witch (20:41:37/07-12-54)

>>>>>[Pennsylvania's close procimity to magic central, Antique Row, has created

close ties between the hospital and residents. Many magically gifted employees live
on Antique Row and many Antique Row residents volunteer time at Penn
Hospital.]<<<<< -Demona (01:43:25/07-18-54)


Almost all big time multinational megacorporations (i.e. those that need a
compound, not just a building) are located in West Philly or beyond in the burbs.
None the less, Center City is still home to a few UCAS based and localized

>>>>>[If you need a new breed of genetically enhanced Hellhound, go west. If you
need business cards, stay central.]<<<<< -Funny Guy (03:51:31/09-23-54)

Logic Enhancements 2nd & Race

Winner of the most deceptive name contest, Logic Enhancements does little more than
write specialized programs and databases for the use of small businesses.

>>>>>[Mostly employs programmers who weren't good enough for the big leagues.]<<<<<
-Data Dude (21:56:59/09-29/54)

Kendle & Grey Law Offices 20th & Arch

Kendle & Grey is a very successful law firm which has offices in every major UCAS
city. Although they mostly represent corps they will occasionally take on the case
of a normal citizen or even shadowrunner if the price is right.

>>>>>[K&G has a payroll list the length of a football field. Most cases never even
have to go to court. But "service" like this costs new yen and pleanty of it]<<<<<
-Muggy (05:45:46/10-20-54)

Meal Inc. Broad & Race

More than half of the resturaunts and nightclubs in Center City receive their food
products from Meal Inc. The company has maintained a respectable presence in the
city for more than fifty years and occasionally opens and operates soup kitchens in
the North in order to improve their image.

>>>>>[It's funny, everybody looks at Meal Inc. and their charity and thinks to
themselves "Gee, what nice people they are!". I've worked for them and you can't
even imagine how much of this giving is designed for the sole purpose of PR. When
sales are up the squatters could starve for all Meal Inc. cares.]<<<<< -Sharla
Ramone (21:14:54/11-01-54)

G.O.D. 5th & Arch

G.O.D. (Guarenteed Overnight Delivery) maintains a shipping facility in the center

of every major city in the UCAS, with Philadelphia as their headquarters. The
massive structure from which G.O.D. operates looks like a normal office building
from the outside but is actually a massive warehouse with fourty cavornous floors.
Everything is computer operated and each package is given a micro transmitter which
transmits information regarding its origin and destination. All orders are
unloaded, stored, and then reloaded by machine. A human only comes into contact
with a package when taking it from its sender and handing it to its receiver.
Attached to it is a relitively small building which houses G.O.D.'s organic

>>>>>[Security around this place is fierce to say the least. And if you manage to
get inside the computer controlled sentry guns will tear you to pieces if the auto
forklifts and other contraptions don't first. And you don't even want to hear about
the matrix security.]<<<<< -Philly Phlash (19:15:22/09-04-54)


City Hall Broad & Market

Still housed in its original massive stone structure sitting dead center in the
traffic circle where Broad and Market meet, Philadelphia's City Hall is where it
all happens.
>>>>>[Or all doesn't happen....]<<<<< -Funny Guy (06:10:32/06-30-54)

Minuteman Central Station 17th & Race

A clause in the contract between Minuteman security and the city requires they
house themselves in a city controlled building. Four sub levels and two above
ground levels are the garages which house virtually all of Minuteman and
Flashpoint's vehicles. The rest of the forty floors contain offices, holding cells,
and so forth.

>>>>>[The city has everything in this place bugged. It's so bad that the cops have
resorted to running noise generators in many of their offices.]<<<<< -Tiff

>>>>>[Minuteman has very few sub stations in the city, except the far North. In the
West the corps pretty much watch over themselves, same with the Mob in the
South.]<<<<< -Apache (01:42:52/09-18-54)


Gallery I, II, III, IV, and V Malls Large Mall/12th and Market through 7th

The Gallery has been aquireing additions at a rate of about one per ten years, with
a sixth slated for completion in late 2056. Here you can find just about everything
legally available on the open market. Security is extremely high, consisting of
Minuteman personal and contracted Knight Errant personal who also provide fierce
matrix protection. Typical patrols are armed only with Narcoject weapons but more
heavily armed personel are stationed in secret rooms throughout the mall. The mall
runs from 12th and Market all with way down to 7th, one floor is below street
level, one at street level, and one above with all sections interconnected by
underground concourses. Although closed at night, the mall's weekend and daytime
crowds are still quite impressive. Many corporate types take the regional rail from
West Philly to Market East station located in the Gallery at 6th street during
their lunch hour. The Blue line stops here as well.

>>>>>[Corp and weenie stuff.]<<<<< -Funny Guy (01:41:23/10-22-54)

>>>>>[Gotta buy socks somewhere.]<<<<< -Funny Guy Wannabe (23:10:22/10-26-54)

Goodes Guns Small Store/11th & Chestnut/Gimmy Goode, Owner/No Bias

The only weapons store located downtown, Goodes is under constant pressure from the
police to close down dispite the fact that it runs completely ligitimately.

>>>>>[This is as good a time as any to bring up the legality of firearms in Philly.

Technically anybody can get a permit to keep a weapon in their home but the police
have a nasty habit of misplaceing the paperwork for permit requests. No permits to
carry are ever issued to anyone not connected to a corporation, the government, or
security agency. Out of city permits to carry are valid for a week and then expire.
The up side of all of this is that fake permits are pretty easy to aquire, although
you'll pay around 1,000 ny for a good one. But the down side of the upside is that
you need a security permit as well or it will be obvious that the permit to carry
is a fake. Faked security permits start at five grand but can run as high as
twenty. And these will only get you a pistol permit. You can, without a doubt,
forget about getting a permit for anything bigger.]<<<<< -Tiff (03:43:25/10-23-54)

>>>>>[Screw permits, go to Chinatown.]<<<<< -Muggy (05:16:32/10-24-54)

Gold's Enhancements Medium Body Shop/Various Locations/Bias Against Orks, Trolls,

and Dwarves

Catering almost exclusively to the corporate world, Gold's is a favorite for

executives and, occasionally, wage slaves. They work completely within the confines
of the law, have excellent facilities, and a well trained staff. Gold's has
locations throughout Center City and West Philadelphia.

Chazz Body Builders Small Body Shop/10th & Chestnut/Gordon Chazz, Owner/No Bias

Chazz's area of expertise involves muscle enhancement and bioware, its primary
clientele being security guards.

>>>>>[You're not going to find very many bio and cyberware shops in Center City
which cater to runners. If the Northeast has one thing going for it, decent body
shops is it.]<<<<< -Prattle (02:10:23/08-03-54)

>>>>>[Philadelphia's bio and cyberware laws are foggy at best. Ninety nine percent
of the time both police and security personell ignore it unless you've got a
Panther cannon poking out of your forehead. Most of the club goers posess some form
of ware and most of that ware is illigal by UCAS standards. But so long as you're
not blaitantly dialing the phone with your cyber spurs nobody with a badge is going
to mess with you.]<<<<< -Philly Phlash (09:15:21/08-10-54)


Located along the Ben Franklin Parkway, a stretch of roadway which juts towards the
north west from City Hall oddly defying the city's grid structure, are a variety of
cultural and educational facilities which have managed to stay in tact and updated
despite Philadelphia's financial woes, mostly through the support of corporate

>>>>>[Corporate sponsors? Let's face it: The corps OWN these places.]<<<<< -Rabid

Franklin Institute 20th & Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Lots of hands on exhibits exploring high tech science and astronomy, the Franklin
Institute also posesses a state of the art OmniTrid theater.

>>>>>[Fuchi's got their fingers in this one. Rumor has it many of the exhibits are
being used to test people's reaction to various stimuli.]<<<<< -Suitcase

>>>>>[A big grape on the vine tells me they've got a bunch of research labs in the
basement.]<<<<< -Tiff (03:43:25/10-19-54)

Acadamy Of Natural Sciences 19th & Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Featureing the traditional dinasour bone exhibits the Acadamy was also instramental
in providing funding and personell for several recent digs in Africa regarding a
lost city of Bibilical importance.

>>>>>[Owned backwards and forwards by MagiTech. Oh, yeah, and that dig? Ancient
magical formuli I can guarentee the public will never, ever lay their eyes
on.]<<<<< -Philly Phlash (01:33:25/07-29-54)

Philadelphia Museaum of Art 26th & Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Sitting on a hill overlooking downtown, the Philadelphia Museam of Art is probably

the most beautiful and well kept building in the city.

>>>>>[The museaum is sponsored by a large number of rich corporate big wigs who
have been trying to close it to the public for years so they can have it as their
own little snobby play land.]<<<<< -Denver Defector (19:41:10/09-22-54)

>>>>>[You can't even get up the steps without a thorough frisking by an extremely
large, well trained, and well armed security guard. Don't try bribing, either.
These guys are paid very, very, very well and an few extra grand isn't even going
to phase them. They may even shoot you for making an attempt. And, trust me,
they're more than authorized to.]<<<<< -Tiff (01:04:45/09-25-54)

Mutter Museaum 21st & Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Posessing one of the largest collections of preserved human physical abnormalities,

the Mutter Museaum was forced to move from its original location to a larger
facility following the waves of goblinization.

>>>>>[Not the place to go right after lunch, especially if you plan on visiting the
venerial disease exhibit.]<<<<< -Funny Guy (01:31:34/10-09-54)


Still in tact even after suffering extensive damage during Philadelphia's Night Of
Rage, Chinatown now occupies a five block area two blocks from Market to the north.
The scrapers come to an abrupt end and give way to dwellings who's cultural
archatecture has remained a constant for many centuries. Most residents rarely
leave the neighborhood and all become immediately aware of a stranger's presense.
It is known mostly for the illegal sales of weapons from an interconnected grid of
stores located beneath the streets. Directly to its North, across the Vine Street
Expressway, lies the barrens of North Philadelphia. The streets at night often
become a battleground between gang members and the police who attempt to keep them
from entering and wreaking havoc in Center City. Chinatown also serves as residence
to the Tong and Triad crime operations. A common shadowrunner will almost never
meet a Tong and if they do they are most likely in something way over their heads.
Triads are more common, owning many of the stores and supplying most of the illegal
items sold in the underground marketplaces. Just about every business in
Philadelphia's Chinatown is a front for something.


Broad-Ridge Subway Spur Market

Running underneath Chinatown is a section of subway which used to connect Market

East station with the orange line's Girard Station to the north. The transportation
authority finally cut service on it early this century and since then it has been
left to waste. The criminal elements of Chinatown immediately recognized its
potential use as a safe corridore through which it could move weapons and has set
up an underground weapons marketplace of sorts in it near Chinatown's old station.

Golden Sun Small Resturaunt/12th & Race/Qizang Zou, Manager/No Bias

A small, quiet resturaunt with a steady group of regulars and pretty decent food. A
lot of Triad under bosses eat here.

>>>>>[There are several booths reserved especially for Traids. The worst mistake a
person can make in this place is to seat themselves at one of them.]<<<<< -Saber
Chang's Imports And Crafts Small Store/9th & Race/Jen Chang, Owner/No Bias

Chang's specializes in homeland imports and the inside of the store is a cramped
maze of crafts and supplies. The second floor, however, contains a bewildering
array of melee weaponry.

>>>>>[The weapons you see are mass produced and of poor quality. All the really
wizzer stuff is on the third floor, although one should be very careful when
choosing a method of getting there. Jen knows more things one can do with a sword
than simply sell it.]<<<<< -Chinatown (22:53:12/09-10-54)

Dry Tears Small Store/10th & Race/Soo Chu, Owner/Bias Against Large People

Dry Tears custom makes fine glassware and jewlry in its own on location facility.
Soo nervously watches anyone walking through his showroom which explains his
tendency to make up any excuse to keep a troll out of the store. High level corps
and crime bosses of all types shop here, the quality being equisite and the
astronomical prices being within their reach.

Scriptures Small Store/9th & Arch/Kenneth Pen, Owner/No Bias

Originals and replicas of chinese and asian literature line the narrow asles of
this book store. Although Kenneth never sells his originals there is a small
reading room in the back where an individual may view the literature for a nominal
minuitely fee.

>>>>>[As one looks through the shelves they will quickly realize that almost all of
these books have to do with the mixing and delivery of poisions. And, guarenteed,
Kenneth has read every one of them.]<<<<< -Mr. Chan (12:41:35/10-02-54)


As Center City development increaced the properties on which certain historical

buildings and items were located became more and more valuable. Finally, in 2030,
the mayor signed a bill which authorized the movement of virtually all of the
historical items, locations, etc. into the Olde City section. Dispite the outrage
from historians the move occured and now everything is packed into a eight block
area at the east end of Market street where it meets I-95 from the south. Here
you'll find the liberty bell, most of the old museams and houses and even a few
cemetaries which were once located on prime real estate. Minuteman keeps a very
close eye on this area and even has a Flashpoint unit stationed there at all times.
The entire area is surrounded by high, old looking, stone walls and entrance
requires an extensive I.D. checking. The only real interest it may hold for a
shadowrunner is its abundance of visiting corporate and political higher ups. Olde
City occupies the area between 5th and Market, Front and Spruce, and all blocks


The area along and surrounding the stretch of Pine Street running from Broad Street
east to its dead end at I-95 is known as Antique Row. Set between the wall of
Center City sky scrapers to the north and Mob ruled South Philly a few blocks
opposite, Antique Row remains a pleasent onclave of row houses, brick alley ways,
small coffee shops and antique dealerships. The area serves as residency to a
majority of Philadelphia's artists and magic users, some quite powerful, which is
probably the main reason the Mafia hasn't been able to touch it. Trees flourish
along the streets and the air is plesent, most likely the result of magical
manipulation, and it provides stark contrast against the rest of the city. A large
number of magic users operate businesses in the the area although few will even let
you through the door without a solid reference. Every shop and resturaunt has some
kind of bias against non magicians and non artists. Police presense here is nearly
non existance as few would dare attempt to disturb such a powerful neighborhood.


University Of The Magical Arts North Broad and Pine

Formerly the University Of The Arts, it was one of the first institutions of higher
learning to introduce magic into its corriculum. Although not located on Pine
Street a vast majority of its students reside there, many remaining after
graduation. Although the University has banned the teaching of combat spells it
focuses heavily on manipulation spells and its relation to the creation of to art,
many of which can transform a human as well as a block of wood.

>>>>>[Always wondered why Pine street has so many trees.]<<<<<

The Last Drop Small Coffee House/13th and Pine/Lisa Samson, Owner

Your typical artsy fartsy coffee shop filled with artsy fartsy people turning their
pretentious noses up at you. The only way to be accepted here is to prove your
status as an artist, otherwise everyone will simply snicker softly and go back to
playing chess. The Last Drop hosts various local poets and musicians from time to
time and it is a good place for information regarding artistic current events once
you can get someone to talk to you.

Mythics Small Store/9th & Pine Street/Jacoloc Mithaths, Owner

Dealing in locally produced art, Mythics also carries exotic talismans and fetishes
created by local talismongers. Prices here are extremely high but the quality of
the work is good and once you purchace an expensive item Jacoloc will begin
refering to you as a friend. You'll be amazed at the nifty things that happen once
you become one of Jacoloc's friend's.

>>>>>[Yeah but that don't mean some sam can waltz in, shell out five grand for a
manipulated hunk of clay, and start acting chummerish. Still gotta be magical, or
at least non cybered.]<<<<<

Love's Gems Small Store/8th & Pine Street/Lisa Love, Owner

Definately not a pawn shop. Love's sells magical materials, including orchalcum, to
an exclusive set Pine street clientele. Only by knowing one of them can you even
get inside. But what she sells is sometimes worth the pain, her gems and ore are
twice as powerful as the normal stuff.

Folklore Small Store/11th & Pine Street/James McGlogh, Owner

This small book store is a bit less strict about letting in non magicains but the
only way you'll get a peek at McGlogh's special spell library is if you're a spell
tosser, and a good one. In order to root out the wanabees from the true
practitioners McGlough has established several tests one must pass, some of which
are quite dangerous, even deadly.

>>>>>[One thing someone otta mention is the security on these places places.
Although it don't look like there's any, particualarly the lacking of the steel
windowshutters which are standard equip everywhere else, it's there in a biggie
way. Astral space on Pine looks like downtown on a sat night. Watchers, elements,
city spirits, and ward after ward after ward. I once saw a guy try to toss a rock
through a store window after dark, nobody even around, and before you could say
manabolt both he, and the rock, were dust. Nothing but dust.]<<<<<


Also known as "Freak Street", South Street has attracted people from all walks of
life for years to its shop lined streets which discriminate against nobody and
cater to everybody. Traditionally the actual street is closed on Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday nights during which it fills up with pedestrians looking for a good time
away from Center City. South Street is also a favorite place for shadowrunners to
go clothes shopping, the variety of costuming being immense, and many live here as
well, enjoying the ability to walk out in public dressed as a freak from hell and
getting very little attention. Lots of teenage shadowrunner wannabes hang out here
as well, many of which are willing to do anything for a buck. The Mob occasionally
makes appearances as well, usually just to remind residents that they are only a
block or two away.


om selling punkish garbs to shadowrunner outfits and in addition to having a wide

selection (no two garments are exactly the same) they also do custom work. Although
not lisenced for the sale of armor for a little extra doah they can make virtually
anything bulletproof.

Erogenous Zone Small Store/5th & South Street/Alicia Sandela, Owner

In addition to selling anything you'd ever want, or be afraid of, in the field of
erotica they are also a good source for love drugs and BTLs.

>>>>>[There was this thing there, spikey with, uh, bristles, and something that lit
up and spun around, and it made wierd animal noises too...I think it was a pair of


Small Bar, Hotel/1st & South Street/Mark Slaughterblade, Manager

A favorite hangout for shadowrunners and a favorite hideout for shadowrunners in

trouble. In the bar runners trade information, occasionally weapons.
Slaughterblade, a former runner, also has ties with Shadowland and it was through
his assistance that this sourcebook was placed on line. The hotel has as many
secret rooms as it does visible, many equipped with noise generators and wards for
situations when security is essential.


Medium Nightclub/Front & South Street/Stoog Ukk, Manager

The perfect place to get smashed and look at the pretty lights. At least that's
what a majority of the patrons do. The special effects display is spectacular,
usually syncronized to the band's actions and music. Many people say interesting
things while under the influence of whatever they're under the influence of. Stoog
Ukk, a troll more commonly known as Trippy, usually stays sober enough to introduce
the first band after which he himself gets obliterated.

>>>>>[Be aware. There are many bouncer trolls which stay VERY sober and will not
hesitate to throw your wasted ass in front of traffic if you become too
unruley.]<<<<< -Dannie Electron (06:12:43/09-22-54)


The area along the Schuylkill River, north of Market Street, known as the
Rittenhouse Construction Zone is currently undergoing massive amounts of
construction as Center City expands its nightlife network into the area. With
nowhere else to develop (crap to the north, mob to the south.) the city is seizeing
property in this area at every opportunity. Very little is here but new clubs and
hotels and holes in the ground where even more hotels and clubs are to be built. At
night numbers of the construction sites are used for gang fights and bonfire
parties which the police try to break up before anything gets broken. Sites of
projects sponsored by large corporations are usually heavily guarded. Some
squatters also hang out in the buildings further south, many getting killed when
the building is knocked down the next day.

Discarded By Branson Hagerty

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