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You are who you know. —Street proverb his chapter includes brief descriptions, including Attribute and Skill Ratings, for non-player characters likely to appear in Shadowrun adventures. The quotes may help the gamemaster get a “fee!” for the character to help him add life and color to his own roleplaying. In many cases, some items of equipment have not been listed so that gamemasters can tallor the gear to their own needs. LEGWORK To follow up on or discover clues in an adventure, the player characters need. to investigate people, places, and situations. One of the best ways for runners to get the information they need is through their contacts. A success test using Street or Corporate Etiquette, Target Number 4, typically serves to find out what a contact does or does not know. The amount of information available from the contact depends on the number of successes the player achieves. Characters who achieve more than one success gain all the information available to all previous levels of success. The gamemaster should try to make the player character's interaction with his contact consist of more than a few abstract die rolls. Play out the meeting in full contacts are characters with their own lives, points of view, and needs, not simply spigots of information to be tured on and off automatically. The player character rolls a number of dice equal to his Etiquette Skill to determine what information the contact knows and is willing to impart. Once the number of successes is determined, the gamemaster can roleplay the encounter with the appropriate information level in mind. Meetings should be tailored to the. “personality” of specific contacts. Some will prefer a straightforward meet in a 200 SHADOWRUN ina SE specific place, while others will only feel comfortable with elabo: rate forms of information exchange. Contacts are generally considered trustworthy, as long as the runners play Itsae. A player character should never compromise his contactby later making it obvious where he obtained the information ‘orby revealing that the team may be planningto hitsome group with ‘which the contact isafllated. Are the contacts tes stronger to his .$roup oF to the runner? A good runner never tests those tes by placing his contact in a position where he must choose Whether or not the runner has to pay for hiscontact's services and how long before the contact may want information ora favor in retum are questions that adé another dimension to these encounters. Dealing with a contact is a two-way street. Those _gamemasters who need a base-line value to determine fees for Information can use a formula of multiplying the contact’s Skll Rating in his or her most appropriate Etiquette by how many successes the player rolled in his Etiquette Test. Multiply that total by the total of the contact’s Charisma and Intelligence. Then ‘multiply that final value by 10. The results in nuyen. Gamemasters will, of course, adjust the base result ro reflect the actual contact involved. Normal Negotiation procedures (p. 72) apply to deter ‘mine the final payment forthe information, Runners may also ask their contacts to “check around,” "keep their ear to the ground,” or some other Idiom describing generally listening for news. In such a case, the gamemaster makes an appropriate Exiquette Test for the contact at +2 against the target number given in the information table, (See published Shadowrun adventures) Ifthe Etiquette Test results in any successes, the contact, reports the appropriate information tothe runner in 2D6 hours. or at atime determined by the gamemaster. This Is an excellent way for ‘gamemasters to make sure that certain plece of information makes Ittotherunners. The cost ofthis service is determined asifthe contact had had! access tothe information initially The gamemaster can add another dimension to legwork by acknowledging that contacts are not always available atthe conve: hence of the runners. Anangements must be made before the actual meeting can take place. When a player character wants to ‘meet with a contact, the gamemaster rolls 206, then multiplies the ‘result by 30. The resulting base time's the number of minutes i wil take to arrange the meeting with the contact. Players may elect 0 trade off successes from their Etiquette Test to reduce the time it takes to reach the contact, and so receive faster, but potentially less helpful, information. In this case. the gamemaster can have the player make the character's Etiquette Test atthe time he announces hisintention tomeet wth the contact. The player should also decide at that time how many successes he will trade off to reduce the ‘waiting period. The base time value should be kept secret Deckers may also take an active role in acquiring general information. Many electronic Information services exist in the era of ‘Shadewrun—public. private, and secret—and these contain many ‘slgapulses of data comprised of on-line conversations. rumors, stolen and dumped fles, and the ke. Deckers can create simple programs to search vast databases for hey words and related terms, then download the information to thelr cyberdeck oF Mattx-con- rected personal computer. To actually create the search program Is a trvial matter: gamemasters should assume al deckers have one. Virtually any information available in this section can be found Inthe Matix, Fone knows where tolook and has the time. The base time for such a search s2D6 hours. The deckermakes asuccess test against his or her Etiquette (Matrix) Skil, or defaults to Intelligence ‘on the Skill Web. The target number isthe same as given on the Information table. Hacking Pool dice may not be used fo supple rent this Success Test roll Etiquette Test successes can be traded ‘off to reduce the base time for receiving Information. No effective ‘Appropriate Contact restrictions can be applied to obtaining this Information, though the player must indicate what kind of informa tion sources he is searching, Ifthe characters searching corporate Felated databases, Corporate Contact information Is appropriate. If the character is searching a street-level chat-line database, Street ‘Contact information is appropriate 'A decker s limited in the number of subjects he can research ‘immultaneously based on his own abilites ancl the avalabie time. The ‘maximum number ofsearches that the decker can conductatany one timeisequal tothe characters Inteligence, dividedby 2, rounded up, ‘This base value assumes the decker does nothing else but sit and search, continually adjusting the search paths and parameter. Ifthe character wishes to actively perform other activities, the gamemaster must decide how much time Is taken up performing those other activities and adjust the base value accordingly. 202 SHADOWRUN HBR BOUNTY HUNTER “Nobody asked you to like me. You want the guy or not? I can bring him back alive, but that's extra If all you want isa body, no problem. Of course, Ill guarantee identification. It's all part ofthe quores “Dead, Alive, Don't really matter to me. Of course, dead is a lot easter.” ‘COMMENTARY ‘The bounty hunterisahard woman. She lives by tracking those ‘people thatthe corporate cops and hitmen don’t have the time or Inclination to track down, She's very good at what she does ATTRIBUTES SKILLS ody: 6 Be: 5 Quickness: 5 cans ‘Strength: 5 (6) Computer: 4 ‘Charisma uette (Corporate: 3 Intligence: 4 Exquere (Steet: 5 Willpower: 4 Firearms: 8 Essence: 2.35 Steaith Reaction: 4) Unarmed Combat ‘Special Skits: ata Tracing: 3 Tracking: 3 (CYBERWARE ‘Cyberar (Strength 1) CGybereyes with Themographic Imaging ‘Smart Wired Reflexes (2) Professional Rating: 3-4 BARTENDER “been tending bar here for alot ofyears now. Seen tall in my time. Know all the regulars real good. Their problems mostly, but their happy times, too. We're like family around here, Always looking out for each other. We're peaceable folks, though. Don't like no trouble. Trouble Is bad for business,” ‘quoTes “Whazappening, man? Aln't seen you fr awhile. The usual?” “I caught alittle something about that. Not first-hand, mine you. I heard from a man who knows a man. Understand?” “There was some sults n here asking ater you, but old them you ain't been around.” ‘COMMENTARY ‘The bartender Is a common source of information on current Conditions in the streets and on the club cicult. He's discreet and rellabe, fora price. Discounts for old friends and good customers, of course. ATTRIBUTES, SKILLS Body: 4 Firearms: 3 Quickness: 3 Exquette Steet: 4 Stenge: Unarmed Combat: 3 Charisma: 3 Specal Sklls Inteligence: 2 Rumor: 5 Wiipower: 2 Sympathedc Listening: 5 Essence: 6 Reaction: 2 Professional Rating; 1 ‘COMPANY MAN “I'm a company man. | know that doesn’t make me very ‘welcome in some places, but that doesn't bother me. 'm not here tomake people happy. I'm here to do ajob and I'l do whatever It takes to get It done. The company'l take care of the mess after wards. Italways does,” quores “Nothing personal, frend. I's just business.” “Lm just in It forthe money and the beneft package. sweet- heart.” = You're being an annoyance tosomebady important, churnme. I've been asked to resolve the matte COMMENTARY The company man is the special executive agent for the corporation. He does his job, no questions asked. Hes loyal, often Unto death. After all the corporation can even fix that ATTRIBUTES. SKILLS Body: 6 Esquette (Corporate): 3 Quicaness: 5 Fears: 7 Strength: 6 Stealth: 5 Charsma: 2 Unarmed Combat © Inteligence: Venicle (Gamemasters ciscredion for ype) 5 ipower: 5 Essence 3 Reaction: 4 (6) (CYBERWARE ‘Wired Reflexes (1 Shires (5) Professional Rating: 3 CITY OFFICIAL “We have a fine city here, one ofthe best-run metroplexes on the continent. All those rumors you may have heard about corrup- tion inthe current administration are just smoke from the oppos!: tion parties. Smoke and lies from malcontents. We are all hard workers, proud of our ity and proud to serve the public as best we quotes “No comment.” “'m sorry, but I really can't comment on that at this time.” assure you that there Is no conflict of interest in the present ireumstances.” COMMENTARY The ty offical is typical member ofthe bureaucracy that runs the metroplex. Though concemed about his public image and the reactions ofthe voters, he is more concemed abouthis party bosses and his sponsors. He Is most trustworthy during a campaign, but will gladly sell you out for a politcal or career advantage. ATTRIBUTES. SKILLS, Boy: 2 Eriquett (Corporate: Quickness: 2 Equette (nal: 3 Strength: 2 Negotiate: 4 Chasm: 5 Inveligence: 3 ipower: 2 Essence: 6 Professional Rating: 1 204 SHADOWRUN CORPORATE SECRETARY “I know what a lot of people think about us here at the ‘company. Believe me, I've heard It al, |also know ths isa strange thing for me to say, but...'ma company woman, All can says that the corporation's been very good to me and lintend to doanything, lean to keep things that way. Qquores 'm sorry, but Mr Johnson snot avalable atthe moment. May Hake a message?” “Could you hold, please?” fm sorry, but Mr. Johnson i still unavailable. He'll get back to you as soon as he can COMMENTARY ‘The corporate secretary Is cool ecient, loyal, and discreet. You'd want her working for you, IF you could have her. She's as much a part of the corporate office as the furniture and telecom, ATTRIBUTES. SKILLS Body: 2 Computer 3 Quickness: 2 Exquett (Corporate) 4 Strength: 2 Speelal Ske Chasm: 4 CoxporateRumormil 4 Intligence: 4 Essence: 48 Reaction: 3 CYBERWARE Datajack, 100 Mp of Memory Professional Rating: | CORPORATE SECURITY GUARD “Sure, been through hard times. but I've gota good job with the corporation now. I'm a company man all the way. I's go just enough glamour and excitement to keep me happy right now. Someday. though, maybe ll work my way up, and get myselfasot, in the special ops division. Be one of thase guys who push all the buttons. Yeah. that would be nice quores Hold it right there, chummer. Let's see your corp card.” ‘Are you authorized fr this section? Let's see your corp card.” "Your card checks O.K. How about them Sonics? Quitea game the other night.” ‘COMMENTARY The corporate security guardisasimple man whos really more interested in his own private life and survival than dangerous action and adventure. He greatly values his position with the corporation and will work in Its best interests, especially when there Is a corporate offical nearby watching him. ATTRIBUTES SKILLS Body: & Exquette (Corporate): 2 Quickness: 3 reams: 3 Strength 3 Iterogation:2 Chasen 2 Unarmed Combat 3 Inteligence:2 \Wipower 2 Essence: 6 Reaction: 2 Professional Rating: 2 EEE DWARF TECHNICIAN “Lknow it'sa stereotype, but what do you want? Stereotypes make sense sometimes, you know. happen to like tech, that's all. It’s not lke I's in my blood. t's just a knack, an Interest. And | am very good ati. Quotes: “Nobody appreciates good craftsmanship anymore.” ‘What do think you're paying for? Some fuble-fingered ork ‘who doesn’t know a clrcult board from a bread board?” “Now ain't that sweet! Them furrners sure lke to make theit rcults small COMMENTARY ‘The dwarf technician may actually be no better than any other but he does tend fo blow his own hom whenever he gets the chance. Maybe he just tries harder, though he would never admit that. ATTRIBUTES ‘SKILLS Body: 4 ‘Computer Theory: & Quickness: 2 Computers (B/R) Stength: 3 Eectonis (8/R) 9 Charisma: 2 Hetonis: 6 Inteigence: 6 Etiquette Steet or Corporate): 3 Willpower: 4 Essence: 38 Reacton: 4 CYBERWARE, Datalack, 200 Mp of Memory Professional Rating: 1-2 ELVEN HITMAN “You came looking for the best and now you've found me. | heard of your proposal. Such a sanction s well within my capacity. |rean do the work with no nolse, no fuss, no trace. Satisfaction teed." ‘quotes “Ido hope you have arranged for quality logistic support. My last employer had a skinflint’s tendency to skimp.” “What did you say your credit balance was?” “Lam not mad. You de not want to see me when | am mad.” ‘COMMENTARY The elven hitman is slick and smooth, and he knows It. He Is the quintessential gentleman-assassin. He fs always impeccably dressed, with accessories of the Rinest quality. His manners are smooth, with just a hint of dangerous arrogance. Unless, of course, he loses his temper. ATTRIBUTES, ‘SKILLS Body: 5 he: 4 Quickness: 6 Gar Strength 5 Demolition: 4 chars: 2 aquette (Corporate): 3 Inveligence: 4 Eiquette Steet 3 Whipower: 4 Firearms: 8 Essence: 25 Hover: 4 Reaction 5 (9) Unarmed Combat 4 CYBERWARE ‘Wire Reiexes (2) Smartink Professional Rating: 3-4 206 SHADOWRUN BRIERE GANG BOSS “To live on the streets Is to know the streets. Who's on top, who's out, where the turf lines are. You'te on my turf now, cchummer. Let's here you sing. If like the tune, maybe Illlet you keep your tongue. But you'd better not bring any trouble my way. I don't lke strangers slopping their wars over onto my turf quotes "Tm the boss here.” "You want to see action inthis part ofthe plex, you talk tome. ‘COMMENTARY The gang boss talks (ough, and he is tough, He has to be in ‘order to stay on top. But he's not stupid. He's leamed a lot ofhard lessons growing up on the streets. Just being tough doesn't cut it anymore. ‘ATTRIBUTES SKILLS Body: 3 ‘Armed Combat: 4 Quickness: 3 Eriquete Steet: 6 Strength: 4 Firearms: 4 Charisma 4 tesdesip: Essence: © Reacton: 3 Professional Rating: 2-3, FIXER "You say you're looking frat military hardware? Could be | have just what you need. Money is an amazing thing, Fixes just about anything, Need an expert to run that hardware? I can take cate ofthat, 100, You came to the right woman, my friend. | know we can do business. quotes Let's see the cred balance, chummer t's hot. Some kind of military program. think. I's definitely not Israel, despite the casing.” “A woman's got business expenses to cover Are you sure nobody's tiling you?” COMMENTARY The fixer Isa fence and/or arranger, a power broker of the streets who always has the latest in software, equipment. of information. All for a price. ATTRIBUTES. SKILLS Boxy: 2 Computet 3 Quickne 3 ects 3 Value of Hi-Tec ems: 6 CymrRWARE SHADOWRUN 207 2 HUMANIS POLICLUB MEMBER “They're worse than the heathen, these so-called metahumans. They and all who side with them must be annihilated ithe true way ofthe world is ever to be followed. Tell me, have you fallen under their spels, bother?” quorts “Black, white, or yellow isno longer the question at hand. Now itis simply a matter of us and them. Humans and metahumans, “would take my siste’s ite before | would let her poison our bloodline in marriage to one of them. ‘COMMENTARY ‘The Humanis Policlub member belongs toan organization that ‘opposes al legal rights forthe Awakened, especially metahumans. They have been known to twist and bend existing laws whenever possible in order to further thelr own alms, while atthe sare time suppressing the rights of the opposition ATTRIBUTES, ‘SKILLS Body: 4 Bike: 3 Quickness 4 can Strength 4 Demolition: 4 Charsma: 2 Eriquette (Street: 3 Inceligence:2 Firearms § Willpower: 4 Reaction: 3 Professional Rating: 1-3 NOTES: The ncividual member will have 106 other members he can alto help him, The Humanis members tend to be pack animals MECHANIC “Machines are a lot nicer than people. They never sass you back, never get up on the wrong side of the bed. A woman can Understand them. They never complain about grease on your clothes or dirt under your fngemalls. Machines and me, we get along pretty wel quotes “You broke it good this time.” “How do ya expect me to fix that on yer budget?” “I ya don't want the weapons registered, It'll cost ya extra Plenty extra COMMENTARY ‘The mechanics the person to see when your transport'sdown, ‘She also does custom work ATTRIBUTES SKILLS Body: 2 ‘Aira (8/8) 6 Quickness: 3 Computer Theory: 6 Strength: 3 Computer 3 Charisma: 2 Electonics (8/R): 5 Inteligence: 6 tectonics: 3 Wilpower 4 Ground Vehicies (8/8): 8 Reaction: & Professional Rating: 1-2 2 MEDIA PRODUCER “The people want toknow. That's what always say. Tey have enquiring minds, and besides, I's thelr fundamental right to be Informed. At least that's what we'll tell them.” quores “For us, bad news Is always good for the ratings.” “IFL can't find any news, just have to make some.” “Look. | been in the business since before you were born. | know what'll play and what won't.” “All the people want Is a good show. Just a show. Every day |s 50 full of problems, complaints, and worties that when people come home at night ll they want Is thelr cocktail, their solitude, their entertainment. That's where I come fe.” ‘COMMENTARY The media producer Is an entertainment entrepreneur, who draws a very fine line between news information and entertain iment. She's got an eye for what will make people sit up and take notice, and how to present the stories in a way that won't leave anybody too upset. Broadcasting Isa business, ate all ‘ATTRIBUTES, ‘SKILLS Boxy: 2 Computer: 3 Quickness: 3 Etdquette (Corporate: 4 Swength 2 Eiquerte (Medi: 4 Charisma 5 Eiquett Steet 4 Incetigence: 4 Negotiation: 4 ipower: 4 Steaitn 2 Essence: 6 Unarmed Combat: 2 Reaction: 3 Professional Rating: 2 METAHUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST “We're all human, you know. It's as simple as that. The disgraceful actions of Lone Stars storm troopers at the O.R.C. rally last week will not be forgotten. They never should have gassed! the crowd, There wasno real provocation. It was. peaceful demonstra tion. Disgraceful. | just came from fling a grievance with the city court, We'll see what the govemor has to say when her Gestapo Is Slapped with a lawsuit.” quotes “Elves (and dwarfs and tolls, sometimes even orks) are people, too.” “How would you lke to be treated tke that?” “You think the March on Fresno was tough. Nothing. | was ‘down in SF on Gobiinization Day.” COMMENTARY The metahuman rights activist may have another job, but her true calling Is working to see that all branches of humanity tecelve equal justice before the law. Then again, any unjust law deserves to be broken. The activist is a mortal foe of the Humanis cultists ‘ATTRIBUTES. SKILLS Bory: 2 Etiquette (Med 5 Quickness: 2 Interogaton: 3 Strengths 2 Leadership: 3 Chars: 2 Negotiation: 3 Inceligence: 2 ipower: 2 Essence: 6 Reaction: 2 SHADOWRUN 209 RRR MR. JOHNSON “Let me assure you that| fully understand your positon. |hope you understand mine. Let's just say it would be very uncomfortable for all concerned were any news ofthis to be made public know! edge. I'm quite sure that we can rely on your. quoTts “Ifyou're caught, we never heard of you before.” “This conversation never took place. Understand?” “It's a small job. Minimal complications.” “Payment willbe handled the usual way. You may check your accounts before you leave, if you like.” COMMENTARY 'Mr. Johnson may not look the same the next time you see him. He may not even be a he. But don't be fooled-—he's the man. Mr. Johnson Is the generic slang term for a corporate-insider connec: tion. He's got the bucks and he's got the jobs. And he's also got a private army to hunt you down if you cross him. ‘ATTRIBUTES SKILLS Boxy: 2 Computer Theory: 5 Quickness: 2 Etiquette (Corporate: 8 Swength: 2 Negotiation: 6 Charisma: & Poychology: 8 Inteligence:6 Spec Sit Essence: 38 Reaction: 4 CYBERWARE Datalack, 200 Mp of Memory Professional Rating: 2-3 SQUATTER “Watchu staring at, chummer? Ain't ya never seen a poor person? Watchu doing here? This squat's mine! Whoa, calm down, Don't want no trouble. Let's not get violent. I can find another. Alwayshave. justlet meslip pastya.lwon’tsay nothing, Truth. Real ‘ruth, Not a word,” quotes “Mind your own biz.” “Ain't seen nothing. Ain't heard nothing, “wasn’t always lke this “Dey went dat way.” COMMENTARY Thesquatterisa tough Victim ofthe undersideof the metroplex, hardened and beaten down by ifein the slums. He sasurvivor who tries to rol withthe punches, and stil wants to see another day. In fone plece. ATTRIBUTES. ‘SKILLS. Body: 2 Exquette Steet: 3 Quickness: 2. Special Skis Strength 1 Know Neighborhood: 6 Chars: Serounge: & Inceigence: 2 Willpower: 2 Essence: 6 Reaction: 2 Professional Rating: 1-2 STREET DOC “In trouble again? No, don't tell me about t! I's better for both cof us if don't know. Just keep your mouth shut and don’t squirm until the local rakes effect. 'd wait, but you're the one in a hurry. quotes “Stop bleeding on the floor Interested in a good deal on some vat tissue? Source says i's real Chiba stock. could stitch it down while 've got you opened up. No? Maybe alte cosmetic work since have the laser scapes out?” “This isthe third time this year. Haven't you any respect for ‘quality craftsmanship?” COMMENTARY The street doc may be a quack or he may be a top-flight surgeon, but either way he's an outlaw’s best friend. He'll always keep hismouth shutand won'treport any suspicious wounds to the corp-sec or register your augmentatlons withthe manufacturer for full-wartanty coverage. He's got his own skeletons in the closet ATTRIBUTES, SKILLS Body: 2 Blologial Sciences: 6 Quickness: 3 Biotech: 8 Strength: 2 Eniquete (Street 3 CChansma: 2 Negotaion: 4 Inteligence: 4 Willpower: 2 Essence: 58 CYBERWARE Datajack STREET COP “When I signed on with Lone Star, | belleved all their recruit ment hype. I was young. | know better now. but Fm still working forthem. Guess lke the job.’ feel beter about the job ifthey were real police, but them days are long gone. We're businessmen now. Sil the streets should be safe. | believe that. Guess that's why fm stil doing the job.” quotes “Look. I'm just doing my job.” ‘Let's not have any trouble here. Dead oF alive, you're coming with me.” “Don't try It. chummer. Don't even think it COMMENTARY ‘The street cop Isa slightly disillusioned, frustrated, but still determined servant of the law. He works for an independent comoration rather than the government. It means better benefits, but lesser prestige. He has learned to live with this t00. A few cops have, as always, succumbed to the femptations of thelr positions and become "bad cops.” but most remain true to thelr honor. ATTRIBUTES, SKILLS, Quickness: & Etiquette (Corporate): 2 Strength 4 Eeiquerte (Street) 4 Charisma 2 Firearms: 3 Inceigence: 3 ‘Unarmed Combat: 3 Wilpower 3 Specta Sa Essence: 6 Palce Procedures: 4 SHADOWRUN 211 RESET TALISMONGER “Ifyou're looking for the magical goods, | got ‘em. Powders, bones, potions. Only the best ingredients and materials. What did ‘you have in mind? If don't have it, can make arrangements to get it I've got a lot ofriends all over the ‘plex and not a few outside oft” quotts “Fist, let's see the cred balance, chummer On my uncle's spit It really i elven (or dwarf or ork or toll) workmanship." “Of course, | can’t guarantee that it'll work under all cond tions COMMENTARY The tallsmonger's.a broker of magical goods and services, sor ‘of an occult middle-woman, Sometimes she will moonlight as 2 fence for stolen magical materials as well as information, ATTRIBUTES. SKILLS Body: 2 Etiquette (Steet 4 Quickness: 3 Magieal Theory: 8 Strength: 3 Negotation: 6 Charman 2 Sorcery: 4 Inteligence: 3 Special Skits ipower: 4 Evaluate Maghcal Goods: 6 Essence: 6 Woosworking: 4 Magle 6 Metalworking: 4 Reaction: 3 Professional Rating: 1-2 TRIBAL CHIEF “You are sitting in the councl lodge of my people, stranger You do not give orders here. You may make a request, and the council may consider your words, but no demand will be made here. If we find it Inthe Interests ofthe tribe, we may agree to do as you ask” quores, “Lam the chief. They do the singing. “Do you play chess?” “Ihave afine horse, so whoneedsacar? Ahorselsarenewable resource, Have you had any success breeding your car lately? Before I present you to the tribe, | will have to check your fle ‘on the council database.” COMMENTARY ‘The tribal chiefs a man wise inthe ways of the madem wort, not ust the ancient traditions, He mustbe well-aware oftechnology and the corporations if he Isto guide his tribe well. He therefore makes ita point to knew what Is going on around him a all mes. ATTRIBUTES KILLS. Body: 3 Exquett (Corporate): Quickness: 3 Equette (bal: 8 Strength: 4 Leadership: 5 Charsma: 4 Negotiation: Intetigence: 4 Project Weapons: 4 \ilpower:& Paychology: 5 Essence: 6 Stealth 5 Reaction: 3 Professional Rating: 1-2 TROLL BOUNCER “Don't make trouble and you won't get hurt.” . ny ‘quores UW “Tek ase yout eae, sony ANY “Dat supposed to hurt?” NYT " “Youse tin’ to me?” *Coxn time ‘COMMENTARY Troll Bounces are popula in many cubs, and not just the tougher ones either. Any ub owner would rather see a trouble maker leave without causing a commotion Atl sist the ight cone to get the Jb done. Few drunk wl argue wth amountaln of ruse Nes ATTRIBUTES, ‘SKILLS Body: 9 ‘Armed Combat: 3 Quieaness: 3 Eriquette Steet 2 Strength 9 Fears: 2 Charisma Unarmed Combat: 6 Inceigence: 1 ipower: 2 Essence: 6 Reaction: 2 Professional Rating: 2-3 YAKUZA BOSS “The times now are not what they once were. Tisisiife. Aman who wishes to be successful must adapt as society changes. We in the yakuza have done so, preserving as much ofthe old, honorable ‘ways as possibie while atthe same time leaming the new. Society will always need us. We area vital part ofthe way the world works.” QuoTEs “The new men are nothing more than gangsters and ruffans. They have no real sense of honor. And the Koreans and the Chinese are mere barbarians, COMMENTARY ‘The yakuza boss, despite his philosophizing and courteous manners, is stil a criminal mastermind. His ue designs are ruthless, yet he always seeks to spread a veneer of culture and _gentlty over his rough edges. The older bosses prefer influence: pedaling and embarrassment tactics over the crude intimidation and violence favored by the new blood, ATTRIBUTES, SKILLS Body: 3 Exquett (Corporate & Quierness: 4 Exquette (Steed: 5 strength: 3 Leadership: 5 ‘Charsma: 5 Negotiation: 6 Inteigence: 6 Walipower: 5 Essence: 3.2 Reaction: 5 ‘CBERWARE, Professional Rating: 3-4 SHADOWRUN. 213

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