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Metacognitive Reading Report #1

Economic Globalization: A Crucial Component Towards the Building of the National

(Word Count: 1438)

Globalization is a huge factor towards the integration and interdependence of the

world as it aims to provide support through the access of goods, technologies, and other

services between multiple countries. The same can be said with economic globalization

which is one of the three main dimensions of globalization. An example would be the

import and export of goods and services that creates the action of negotiation, buying,

and selling that helps globalize the economy through the beneficial relationship that was

made during the trade interaction. With the existence of economic globalization, it has

intensified the economic exchange and economic corporations in the international

market of the world wherein the production capabilities are expanding throughout the

past year and is still gradually increasing up until now. It has also helped develop the

country’s fragmentation of production in the trade industry. But globalization, in theory, is

still far from being perfected that needs additional years of preparation in order to

perfect it. Which is why measures and determinants were made as a starting point in

order to be able to further understand the micro and macro details inside the

progression of economic globalization through the creation of theories, approaches, and

explanations as references to be able to measure the trade flows, factor movements,

and convergence of prices (goods, factor, assets) of the economic globalization.

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After reading the article entitled “Economic Globalization: From Microeconomic

Foundation to National Determinants”, there are three things that I significantly learned

from the reading. First of all, globalization cannot be defined as it is a wide complex

aspect that cannot be given any limitations as it is constantly evolving through the

continuous exchange of anything with different multiple countries. Instead, the

definitions are separately distributed to the sub-components of globalization such as

economic, political, social, etc. Another factor that prohibits us from giving a defined

term for globalization is the constantly changing character of it through the existence of

two main drivers which are crisis and investment that are both unpredictable in the

economic world. The second learning was that in order for us to study the causes and

consequences of globalization systematically, current tools were made in order to able

to measure the globalization progress which is classified into two

categories: markers estimating one specific part of globalization and indexes built on

various factors used to rank and look at globalization in changed nations. The difference

between indicators and indexes is that indicators come from organizations that have a

wide database and information such as the European Union, World Bank, International

Monetary Fund that gives a summary of a specific concept to globalization while the

indexes come from independent persons either from universities and research centers

that combines all scores or information gathered then combining them all together to be

able to form a single result or conclusion. Lastly, the third learning was that there are

prominent globalization indexes that currently exist to create a bridge on the gaps of our

understanding of globalization that will give us a transparent and significant point of

view to be able to further grasp the structure and essence of the globalization world. To

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name a few of those indexes, we have the 2002 KOF Index of Globalization constructed

in Dreher (2006) that covers 122 countries for the period from 1970 to 2002 and the

Maastricht Globalization Index (MGI) which was developed by Martens and Zywietz

(2006), and Martens and Raza (2009) that refers to a cross-section of 117 countries.

The difference between these two indexes is that the MGI index uses a rational and

scientific manner that focuses on the political, economic, social and cultural,

technological, and ecological dimensions. While the KOF index utilizes the empirical

manner in observing three of its dimensions which are economic, social, and political

globalization. The MGI and KOF indices can be very similar in many respects but there

are still micro differences between these two such as the methodological approach, the

adjustment of variables, methods for normalizing, how variables are weighted, etc.

The article provided only brief information regarding the entirety of

globalization which is why I find it hard to understand some concepts such as on what

action or approach should we be utilizing towards globalization, whether it be the micro

or macro determinants towards the development of the countries. There is also that

confusion where it was not indicated how the statistical tool or indices would be used

when trying to measure the dimensions or the current degree of globalization, there was

no clear instructions or data when processing the data of the indicators and indices.

Lastly, it was unclear to me that globalization still struggles in being a perfect concept

and fails to recognize the current problems or pitfalls in the structure of it despite the

different methodologies, choice of variables, weights, theories, measurements, and so


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Before reading the article entitled “Economic Globalization: From Microeconomic

Foundation to National Determinants”, I used to think that globalization was a new

phenomenon in the 2000s but it turns out that this is already the third wave and the first

wave of globalization happened somewhere between 1880 and 1913 while the second

wave happened after the Word War 2. I also used to think that globalization had no

rooms for disadvantages or consequences towards the relationship between countries

because after all, they are exchanging something on both parties which in return

creates a mutual relationship but it turns out not it was not living to what was promised

to use because at the moment globalization creates micro and macro determinants in

the global output such as the consumption of finite resources, a competition where less

developed countries receive less attention than the developed countries, sabotaging

other countries when a crisis becomes present because they have after all linked to one

another and much more problems that will arise in the future. Lastly, I used to think that

globalization was just a natural occurrence that did not need any experimentations or

testing but that changed when I learned the statistical tools and indices that were used

when measuring the rate of globalization around the world to be able to track the

investments and crisis happening per country in the world and develop a conclusion that

could improve and further the develop the globalization we currently we know.

These are the following question that I want to ask after reading the article:

 How to measure the globalization output using the statistical tools and indices

that were mentioned in the article?

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o It was said that indicators were present and were used by different

organizations such as the OECD, European Union, and the World Bank in

calculating indices of globalization, but it was never mentioned and clearly

stated how was it used or how was it applied when measuring the

globalization output.

 Which approach of globalization would benefit the country in its development of

the foundation, will it be the micro or macro determinants?

o Although it is discovered that microeconomic decisions of firms and

organizations are relevant to globalization, I would want to find out more

about the significance of macroeconomic components.

 What is the current progress of globalization, has it gone far or not far enough, or

has it been heading in the wrong direction?

o Globalization is a complicated matter to be handled as it influences and

interacts with different dimensions of the global world which makes it hard

for the indicators, statistical, tools, and indices to be able to come up with

results that are beneficial and solutions that can accurately address


A brief overview on articles such as the globalization article that was mentioned

allows students, researchers, professors, or any other persons to further deepen his/her

understanding on his/her basic knowledge about globalization and be able to learn

something new with the perspective of other people. With regards to the condition of

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globalization, it is still indeed developing nations through the influences of innovations

from multiple countries whether be it the micro or macro determinants, however, while

there are numerous advantages to globalization, there are drawbacks that are

conspicuous in underdeveloped nations. As much as globalization has benefits in

principle it needs long periods of arrangements to make the qualitative and quantitative

analyses possible and be able to address the current issues before the globalization

creates further macro problems from the micro problems that previously existed.

Through this thinking, we should be able to utilize the theories, mechanisms, and

researches and be able to explore and create new significant concepts and principles to

avoid crisis and change the current globalization that we currently know of as of today.

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