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Prepared for:

Prepared by:

February 26, 2021


TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------------- 1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------- 2

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES ----------------------------------------- 3

METHODOLOGY ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4

RESULTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION -------------------------------- 6

APPENDICES A ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

APPENDICES B -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

APPENDICE C ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 23


A survey of Online Shopping was conducted in 2021 during the month of

February. All the participants were choosen around Malit familyand answered a
one-on-one interview question. The participation was voluntary, the survey was
implemented online, and respondents were ensured confidentiality.

Now a day, online shopping has become popular among people, they have
become techno savvy and feel very confident in using internet. So online shopping
has becoming a trend that is why the proponent thoughto make a study on
customer online shopping behavior.

A quiestionnaire was prepared to report of what are cosumer behavior when

buying things online. The proponent questioned different people with different age
group to get the questionnaire filled. The information gathered was compiled and
analyzed to arrive at the very purpose of study.

It is interesting to know that people in age group of 16 and older years use
online shopping more. It came to know that people are frequently visit online


With the growing e-commerce trend, we are curious about the current state
of the reatail world and how they affect the consumers online shopping behavior
and spending behaviors.

The proponent wanted to know more about the effects of the online
shopping trend, internet, online purchase, and technologies towards the retail
world, such as consumers preference on retail shopping, what are their opinions on
the shopping experience, and the future trends in consumer spending.

Since the late 1990s, online shopping has taken off as an increasing number
of consumers purchase increasingly diversified products on the internet. Given that
how to attract and retain consumers is critical to the success of online retailers,
research on the antecedents of consumer acceptance of online shopping has
attracted widespread attention. There has yet to be a holistic view of online
shopping acceptance from the perpective of consumers. (Zhou, 2007)

In addition, I, the proponent have found out that teenagers and older between
16 and older years, they visit frequent to online shops.


Over hundreds of consumers the proponent surveyed 10 people around Malit

family. For the reaseon that we are currently facing a difficult times during the
pandemic and also in response to the health protocols in the cummunity, we might
as well rest assure that we do not exposed ourselves too much outside the house.
Out of the 10 respondents, 3 respondents are identified as Male, and 7 respondents
are identified as Female. The participants age ranges 16 and older. The proponent
choose to do the survey to the resposdents through one-on-one interview. The
participants filled the questionnare voluntary.

The questionnaire was made less complicated so that the participants have a
clear idea what is being required from them and save their precious time.

Partcipants were asked to answer question about how frequent they buy and
how much they spend when online shopping.


Below is the summary of the key finding from the survey responses.
 50% of respondents are shopping online once a month, 40% are shopping
twice a montth, and 10% is shopping 3 to 5 times a month.
 60% of respondents are spending less than 500.00 Php, 10% are spending
less than 1000.00 Php and more than 2000.00 Php, and 20% are spending
more than 1000.00 Php.
 All of the respondents preferred to received their order at home.
 60% of the respondents are buying clothes, 50% are buying home appliances
and health and personal care, 40% are buying mobile accessories, 20% are
buying mobile gadgets, shoes, and bags, and 10% are buying fashion
 90% of the respondents preferred online shopping because it saves time,
40% preferred because of home delivery, 20% preferred because of wild
range of choices, and 10% preferred because of flexibility of prices.
 80% preferred payment method is cash on delivery, and 20% preferred
payment through mobile balances.
 80% of the respondents preferred online shopping because of the quality of
products, and 20% because of the cheap prices.
 60% of the respondents answered shipping expenses if ther are not buying
online, and 40% answered that they cant find what they look for.
 80% answered free shipping to what discount they want, and 20% answered
fash shipping.
 50% of the respondents rated 80 the online shop they used, and 10% each
rated 90, 85, 75,70, and 60.

This study marks the online shopping behavior of 10 respondents. Taking all
of our data into account, the proponent learned that online shops seller are doing a
sufficient job with customer engagement. However, as customer expectation rise,
the quality of service and support that business offer will need to elevate. The
consumer should also know whether or not they are buying from a secure website
and to what extent their personal data is protected. None of the respondents choose
security when they answered the question “why would they prefer to buy online?”

In accordance to the above conclusion, In order to increase consumer

confidence in online shopping across borders, these figures need to improve.



Name: (Optional) 7 Age: _______
Sex: Female Male

Online Shopping Survey

1. How frequently do you purchased things online?
o Twice a month
o Once a month
o 3-5 times a month
o Never
2. How much do you spend on online shopping?
o Less than 500.00 Php
o Less than 1000.00 Php
o More than 1000.00 Php
o More than 2000.00 Php
3. Where do you usually receive your order
o At home
o Work
4. Do you buy anything from listed items? (choose as many as applicable)
o Clothing
o Fashion Accessories
o Bags
o Shoes
o Wallets
o Mobile & Gadgets
o Mobile Accessories
o Home Appliances
o Make-up
o Health and Personal Care
5. Why do you prefer online shopping? (Choose as many as applicable)
o Saves time
o Home Delivery
o Wide range of choice
o Flexibility of prices
o Security
6. What would be your best payment method if you buy online?
o Cash on Delivery
o Credit Card
o Bank Transfer
o Through Mobile Balances
7. What would you prefer most when you shop online?
o Cheap prices
o Quality of Product
8. If you do not purchase things online why?
o Shipping Expenses
o I do not trust online shopping
o Can’t find what I look for
o I do not receive what I order
9. What would you rather have as a discount on online shops?
o Fast Shipping
o Free Shipping
o Buy One Get One Free
10. How many percent would you rate the online shop you used? (0-100%)


Participant A:
Name: 7 Age: 16
Sex: Female / Male Address: Culis Hermosa Bataan

Online Shopping Survey

1. How frequently do you purchased things online?
o Twice a month
/ Once a month
o 3-5 times a month
o Never
2. How much do you spend on online shopping?
/ Less than 500.00 Php
o Less than 1000.00 Php
o More than 1000.00 Php
o More than 2000.00 Php
3. Where do you usually receive your order
/ At home
o Work
4. Do you buy anything from listed items? (choose as many as applicable)
o Clothing
o Fashion Accessories
o Bags
o Shoes
o Wallets
/ Mobile & Gadgets
/ Mobile Accessories
o Home Appliances
o Make-up
o Health and Personal Care
5. Why do you prefer online shopping? (Choose as many as applicable)
/ Saves time
o Home Delivery
o Wide range of choice
o Flexibility of prices
o Security
6. What would be your best payment method if you buy online?
/ Cash on Delivery
o Credit Card
o Bank Transfer
o Through Mobile Balances
7. What would you prefer most when you shop online?
o Cheap prices
/ Quality of Product
8. If you do not purchase things online why?
/ Shipping Expenses
o I do not trust online shopping
o Can’t find what I look for
o I do not receive what I order
9. What would you rather have as a discount on online shops?
o Fast Shipping
/ Free Shipping
o Buy One Get One Free
10. How many percent would you rate the online shop you used? (0-100%)

Participant B:
Name: 7 Age: 42
Sex: / Female Male Address: Culis, Hermosa, Bataan

Online Shopping Survey

1. How frequently do you purchased things online?
/ Twice a month
o Once a month
o 3-5 times a month
o Never
2. How much do you spend on online shopping?
/ Less than 500.00 Php
o Less than 1000.00 Php
o More than 1000.00 Php
o More than 2000.00 Php
3. Where do you usually receive your order
/ At home
o Work
4. Do you buy anything from listed items? (choose as many as applicable)
/ Clothing
o Fashion Accessories
/ Bags
/ Shoes
o Wallets
o Mobile & Gadgets
o Mobile Accessories
/ Home Appliances
o Make-up
/ Health and Personal Care
5. Why do you prefer online shopping? (Choose as many as applicable)
/ Saves time
o Home Delivery
o Wide range of choice
o Flexibility of prices
o Security
6. What would be your best payment method if you buy online?
/ Cash on Delivery
o Credit Card
o Bank Transfer
o Through Mobile Balances
7. What would you prefer most when you shop online?
o Cheap prices
/ Quality of Product
8. If you do not purchase things online why?
/ Shipping Expenses
o I do not trust online shopping
o Can’t find what I look for
o I do not receive what I order
9. What would you rather have as a discount on online shops?
o Fast Shipping
/ Free Shipping
o Buy One Get One Free
10. How many percent would you rate the online shop you used? (0-100%)

Participant C:
Name 7 Age: 27
Sex: / Female Male Address: Culis, Hermosa, Bataan

Online Shopping Survey

1. How frequently do you purchased things online?
/ Twice a month
o Once a month
o 3-5 times a month
o Never
2. How much do you spend on online shopping?
o Less than 500.00 Php
o Less than 1000.00 Php
o More than 1000.00 Php
/ More than 2000.00 Php
3. Where do you usually receive your order
/ At home
o Work
4. Do you buy anything from listed items? (choose as many as applicable)
/ Clothing
o Fashion Accessories
o Bags
o Shoes
o Wallets
o Mobile & Gadgets
/ Mobile Accessories
o Home Appliances
o Make-up
/ Health and Personal Care
5. Why do you prefer online shopping? (Choose as many as applicable)
/ Saves time
o Home Delivery
o Wide range of choice
/ Flexibility of prices
o Security
6. What would be your best payment method if you buy online?
/ Cash on Delivery
o Credit Card
o Bank Transfer
o Through Mobile Balances
7. What would you prefer most when you shop online?
o Cheap prices
/ Quality of Product
8. If you do not purchase things online why?
/ Shipping Expenses
o I do not trust online shopping
o Can’t find what I look for
o I do not receive what I order
9. What would you rather have as a discount on online shops?
o Fast Shipping
/ Free Shipping
o Buy One Get One Free

10. How many percent would you rate the online shop you used? (0-100%)

Participant D:
Name: 7 Age: 29
Sex: / Female Male Address: Culis, Hermosa, Bataan

Online Shopping Survey

1. How frequently do you purchased things online?
o Twice a month
o Once a month
/ 3-5 times a month
o Never
2. How much do you spend on online shopping?
o Less than 500.00 Php
/ Less than 1000.00 Php
o More than 1000.00 Php
o More than 2000.00 Php
3. Where do you usually receive your order
/ At home
o Work
4. Do you buy anything from listed items? (choose as many as applicable)
/ Clothing
o Fashion Accessories
o Bags
o Shoes
o Wallets
/ Mobile & Gadgets
/ Mobile Accessories
/ Home Appliances
o Make-up
o Health and Personal Care
5. Why do you prefer online shopping? (Choose as many as applicable)
/ Saves time
o Home Delivery
/ Wide range of choice
o Flexibility of prices
o Security
6. What would be your best payment method if you buy online?
o Cash on Delivery
o Credit Card
o Bank Transfer
/ Through Mobile Balances
7. What would you prefer most when you shop online?
o Cheap prices
/ Quality of Product
8. If you do not purchase things online why?
o Shipping Expenses
o I do not trust online shopping
/ Can’t find what I look for
o I do not receive what I order
9. What would you rather have as a discount on online shops?
o Fast Shipping
/ Free Shipping
o Buy One Get One Free
10. How many percent would you rate the online shop you used? (0-100%)

Participant E:
Name: 7 Age: 50
Sex: Female / Male Address: Culis, Hermosa, Bataan

Online Shopping Survey

1. How frequently do you purchased things online?
o Twice a month
/ Once a month
o 3-5 times a month
o Never
2. How much do you spend on online shopping?
/ Less than 500.00 Php
o Less than 1000.00 Php
o More than 1000.00 Php
o More than 2000.00 Php
3. Where do you usually receive your order
/ At home
o Work
4. Do you buy anything from listed items? (choose as many as applicable)
o Clothing
o Fashion Accessories
o Bags
o Shoes
o Wallets
o Mobile & Gadgets
o Mobile Accessories
/ Home Appliances
o Make-up
o Health and Personal Care
5. Why do you prefer online shopping? (Choose as many as applicable)
/ Saves time
o Home Delivery
o Wide range of choice
o Flexibility of prices
o Security
6. What would be your best payment method if you buy online?
/ Cash on Delivery
o Credit Card
o Bank Transfer
o Through Mobile Balances
7. What would you prefer most when you shop online?
/ Cheap prices
o Quality of Product
8. If you do not purchase things online why?
o Shipping Expenses
o I do not trust online shopping
/ Can’t find what I look for
o I do not receive what I order
9. What would you rather have as a discount on online shops?
/ Fast Shipping
o Free Shipping
o Buy One Get One Free
10. How many percent would you rate the online shop you used? (0-100%)

Participant F:
Name 7 Age: 52
Sex: / Female Male Address: Culis, Hermosa, Bataan

Online Shopping Survey

1. How frequently do you purchased things online?
o Twice a month
/ Once a month
o 3-5 times a month
o Never
2. How much do you spend on online shopping?
/ Less than 500.00 Php
o Less than 1000.00 Php
o More than 1000.00 Php
o More than 2000.00 Php
3. Where do you usually receive your order
/ At home
o Work
4. Do you buy anything from listed items? (choose as many as applicable)
o Clothing
o Fashion Accessories
o Bags
o Shoes
o Wallets
o Mobile & Gadgets
o Mobile Accessories
/ Home Appliances
o Make-up
/ Health and Personal Care
5. Why do you prefer online shopping? (Choose as many as applicable)
/ Saves time
o Home Delivery
o Wide range of choice
o Flexibility of prices
o Security
6. What would be your best payment method if you buy online?
o Cash on Delivery
o Credit Card
o Bank Transfer
/ Through Mobile Balances
7. What would you prefer most when you shop online?
o Cheap prices
/ Quality of Product
8. If you do not purchase things online why?
/ Shipping Expenses
o I do not trust online shopping
o Can’t find what I look for
o I do not receive what I order
9. What would you rather have as a discount on online shops?
o Fast Shipping
/ Free Shipping
o Buy One Get One Free
10. How many percent would you rate the online shop you used? (0-100%)

Participant G:
Name: 7 Age: 22
Sex: Female / Male Address: Culis, Hermosa, Bataan

Online Shopping Survey

1. How frequently do you purchased things online?
o Twice a month
/ Once a month
o 3-5 times a month
o Never
2. How much do you spend on online shopping?
/ Less than 500.00 Php
o Less than 1000.00 Php
o More than 1000.00 Php
o More than 2000.00 Php
3. Where do you usually receive your order
/ At home
o Work
4. Do you buy anything from listed items? (choose as many as applicable)
o Clothing
o Fashion Accessories
o Bags
o Shoes
o Wallets
o Mobile & Gadgets
/ Mobile Accessories
o Home Appliances
o Make-up
o Health and Personal Care
5. Why do you prefer online shopping? (Choose as many as applicable)
/ Saves time
o Home Delivery
o Wide range of choice
o Flexibility of prices
o Security
6. What would be your best payment method if you buy online?
/ Cash on Delivery
o Credit Card
o Bank Transfer
o Through Mobile Balances
7. What would you prefer most when you shop online?
/ Cheap prices
o Quality of Product
8. If you do not purchase things online why?
o Shipping Expenses
o I do not trust online shopping
/ Can’t find what I look for
o I do not receive what I order
9. What would you rather have as a discount on online shops?
o Fast Shipping
/ Free Shipping
o Buy One Get One Free
10. How many percent would you rate the online shop you used? (0-100%)

Participant H:
Name 7 Age: 20
Sex: / Female Male Address: Culis, Hermosa, Bataan

Online Shopping Survey

1. How frequently do you purchased things online?
/ Twice a month
o Once a month
o 3-5 times a month
o Never
2. How much do you spend on online shopping?
o Less than 500.00 Php
o Less than 1000.00 Php
/ More than 1000.00 Php
o More than 2000.00 Php
3. Where do you usually receive your order
/ At home
o Work
4. Do you buy anything from listed items? (choose as many as applicable)
/ Clothing
o Fashion Accessories
o Bags
o Shoes
o Wallets
o Mobile & Gadgets
o Mobile Accessories
o Home Appliances
o Make-up
/ Health and Personal Care
5. Why do you prefer online shopping? (Choose as many as applicable)
o Saves time
/ Home Delivery
o Wide range of choice
o Flexibility of prices
o Security
6. What would be your best payment method if you buy online?
/ Cash on Delivery
o Credit Card
o Bank Transfer
o Through Mobile Balances
7. What would you prefer most when you shop online?
o Cheap prices
/ Quality of Product
8. If you do not purchase things online why?
o Shipping Expenses
o I do not trust online shopping
/ Can’t find what I look for
o I do not receive what I order
9. What would you rather have as a discount on online shops?
o Fast Shipping
/ Free Shipping
o Buy One Get One Free
10. How many percent would you rate the online shop you used? (0-100%)

Participant I:
Name 7 Age: 30
Sex: / Female Male Address: Culis, Hermosa, Bataan

Online Shopping Survey

1. How frequently do you purchased things online?
/ Twice a month
o Once a month
o 3-5 times a month
o Never
2. How much do you spend on online shopping?
o Less than 500.00 Php
o Less than 1000.00 Php
/ More than 1000.00 Php
o More than 2000.00 Php
3. Where do you usually receive your order
/ At home
o Work
4. Do you buy anything from listed items? (choose as many as applicable)
/ Clothing
Fashion Accessories
/ Bags
/ Shoes
o Wallets
o Mobile & Gadgets
o Mobile Accessories
o Home Appliances
o Make-up
/ Health and Personal Care
5. Why do you prefer online shopping? (Choose as many as applicable)
/ Saves time
/ Home Delivery
/ Wide range of choice
o Flexibility of prices
o Security
6. What would be your best payment method if you buy online?
/ Cash on Delivery
o Credit Card
o Bank Transfer
o Through Mobile Balances
7. What would you prefer most when you shop online?
o Cheap prices
/ Quality of Product
8. If you do not purchase things online why?
o Shipping Expenses
o I do not trust online shopping
/ Can’t find what I look for
o I do not receive what I order
9. What would you rather have as a discount on online shops?
/ Fast Shipping
o Free Shipping
o Buy One Get One Free
10. How many percent would you rate the online shop you used? (0-100%)

Participant J:
Name 7 Age: 31
Sex: / Female Male Address: Culis, Hermosa, Bataan

Online Shopping Survey

1. How frequently do you purchased things online?
o Twice a month
/ Once a month
o 3-5 times a month
o Never
2. How much do you spend on online shopping?
/ Less than 500.00 Php
o Less than 1000.00 Php
o More than 1000.00 Php
o More than 2000.00 Php
3. Where do you usually receive your order
/ At home
o Work
4. Do you buy anything from listed items? (choose as many as applicable)
/ Clothing
o Fashion Accessories
o Bags
o Shoes
o Wallets
o Mobile & Gadgets
o Mobile Accessories
/ Home Appliances
o Make-up
o Health and Personal Care
5. Why do you prefer online shopping? (Choose as many as applicable)
/ Saves time
/ Home Delivery
o Wide range of choice
o Flexibility of prices
o Security
6. What would be your best payment method if you buy online?
/ Cash on Delivery
o Credit Card
o Bank Transfer
o Through Mobile Balances
7. What would you prefer most when you shop online?
o Cheap prices
/ Quality of Product
8. If you do not purchase things online why?
o Shipping Expenses
o I do not trust online shopping
/ Can’t find what I look for
o I do not receive what I order
9. What would you rather have as a discount on online shops?
o Fast Shipping
/ Free Shipping
o Buy One Get One Free
10. How many percent would you rate the online shop you used? (0-100%)
Question 1.


Question 2
Question 3


Question 4
Question 5


Question 6
Question 7


Question 8
Question 9

Question 10

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