TCW Oral Recitation

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This is a system of governing a state or community. This could be described as a single global
body whose aims and goals are clearly set to govern actions.Example of a global government:  the EU
become both a major force in contemporary institutions of global governance

Is there such thing as international government?

No, there is no such thing as a global government because the national government is already
chaotic. How much more if there is an international government governing different countries around
the world. However, there is what we call global governance. Global governance is a doable system of
rule based order without the government. This denotes the sum of laws, norms policies, and
institutions between states. An existing example is the United Nations or the UN which is thew central
clearing house for information and action created to maintain peace and promote human right.

Why is global governance Important? 

Global governance is important because the problems and the opportunities that are experienced
globally by mankind keep on increasing. Currently, the problems our world is facing includes violence
and the pandemic on a daily basis. which has regularly set foot beyond the borders affecting all of us.
Because of global governance not only our government moves but also our ngo’s which may bring
unity to every nation.

This is the personification of global governance. This was implemented on October 24,1945. This
organization is created to maintain international peace and promote human rights. Thus, this is best
known for peacekeeping, peace building, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance with its
primary goal which is to develop friendly relations among nations. The UN began with 51 countries
and now composed of 193 members.

Problems encountered by the United nations

Threats from poverty, disease, and environmental breakdown (the threats to human security).
threats from conflict between states. threats from violence and massive human rights violations
within states. threats from terrorism. Example is the UKraine WAR against Russia. 2022- Ukraine
broke diplomatic relations with Moscow in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The UN is
stepping up to deliver lifesaving aid to those in need by providing emergency food, water, shelter, and
medical care to the most vulnerable, including women, children, and the elderly. Amid the ongoing
destruction, humanitarian needs continue to rise — but resources are falling short. Help the UN
provide assistance as people continue to seek shelter and safety in Ukraine and across the region.

1. States are equal under international law.

2. They have full sovereignty over their own affairs.

3. They should have full independence and territorial integrity.

4. They should carry out their international obligations such as respecting diplomatic privileges,
refraining from committing aggression and observing the terms of treaties they sign.


1. General Assembly
This is the main deliberative, policy making and representative organ of UN. This is where decisions
on important matter such as peace, security and admission of new members happen. This rotates
among five member states and these are African, Asian, Eastern European, Latin America and
Western European.

2. Security Council
This is the most important and powerful organ of the UN and its primary responsibility is to
maintain international peace and security. This is composed of 15 members. The P5 are United
Kingdom, United States, Russian Federation, France and China. The non- permanent members are
Belgium, Dominican Republic, Germany, Indonesia, South Africa, Cote d’ Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea,
Kuwait, Peru and Poland.

3. Economic and Social Council

The center and prime mover of the UN which promotes and advances collective action towards
a sustainable development. Thus, this is the principal body for coordination and recommendations on
social and environmental issues.

4. Trusteeship Council
This is currently inactive since it suspended. The administration and supervision of such

5. International Court of Justice

This is the UN’s judicial organ. This resolves legal conflict between among member states.
Only states, not individuals can be sued or be sued before the ICJ. On the other hand, ICC hears cases
of war and other forms of o0ffenses against humanity. Under ICC, individuals including heads of states
can be prosecuted for violation of human rights.

6. Secretariat
This shall act in the capacity in all meetings of the 5 principal organs of UN. Antonio Guterres
from portugal served as the prime minister from 1999 to 2002. He is the one settinh the agenda for
ther deliverative and decision making bodies of UN.

Specilized agenicies of UN
 World Health Organization 
 World food program
 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

The UN wouldn’t be successful to carry out their mission without these specialized services.
However despite these, UN still face challenges from diseases, environmental breakdown, conflict
betwwen countries and violation against human right.
Globalization of Markets and Economic Relations
Globalization is a key trend in the business world. It is a given and a double - edged. While many
will say that it paves the way for countries to gain from trade, it also causes serious problems.
Globalization has been embraced in our world, people who enjoy sampling these new varieties of
goods and services from other markets consider this as a blessing and for those who are afraid of its
influence consider this as a threat. Example for this is the import of rice from other countries. The
local farmers will consider globalization as a threat because their profit will be deducted. On the other
hand, other countries will embrace this as a blessing because the gain more from it.


The International Monetary Fund defines economic globalization as an increasing integration
of economies around the world, particularly in the movement of goods, services and capital across
borders which resulted to the fast globalization of the world’s economy. This has been penetrating
down to the level of production to the enterprises.


Merchandise trade is a significant form of international integration. The rapid production of
activities and marketing are the driving forces of economic globalization. The products produced by
other countries that another state buys is called imports. While a country’s goods and services sold
abroad are called exports. In recent years, the net export of the Philippines has been negative
because we Filipinos are more on imports, than export products. Aside from goods, labor is also
making beyond borders and Philippines is a popular source of skilled workers around the globe.

This defines the production of goods in more than one location. An example is the iPhone which
is currently the best selling product of all time. Every time a new product is released, people will line
up just to buy one. iPhone is made from USA but other nations also gain from this production because
the different parts of an iPhone comes from different countries. Example, battery - china, storage-
japan, RAM- Korea and rare minerals - California. Thus, the profit distribution of the device are
distributed to different countries.


The globalization is paved by technology. Technologies that automate trade can help create
more globalized economy which speeds up the development of market efficiencies. Thus, if one
nation has a competitive advantage in producing a product, they can produce it in masses and make
it cheaply available to the world. However, since new technologies have been implemented, workers
are replaced and thus, causes mass employment.


Globalization of capital markets describe the decline of national markets and the rise of global
markets. Companies benefit from pricing differences, or arbitrage, in different markets for labor and
supplies. With more choices open to them, borrowers and investors can obtain better terms on their
financing. It also increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates a larger variety
of choices for consumers.For example, online shopping. They have almost the same products but they
have different prices to make it cheaply available to the world.

Entrepreneurship is encouraged in the Philippines through the activities of the different
government departments, such as the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Science
and Technology, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and the Commission on Higher Education. Business
organizations provide jobs, career advancement, information, and training for employees. They do
this in areas of low, middle, and high income. This contributes to socioeconomic development
by giving community members the opportunity to learn new skills, gain income, and improve their
standard of living.


A country cannot provide all the goods that we wanted to provide on our own efficiently and it
will require trading off production of other goods. Through trading, there can be an expansion of the
size of the market, division of labor, specialization and increase in product variety. Thus, this makes
everyone better off since this will allow countries to specialize in what they do best and to enjoy the
greater variety of goods and services.

Apart from trading of goods, the exchange of human resources and skills has grown with the
increasing number of OFW seeking employment outside the Philippines. Nurses,teachers, and doctors
are migrating because of their living standards/quality of life. Because of course, where do you go? Of
course in countries where life is good, and  the salary is high. Example Canada, Australia and USA. The
skill they have will be acquired by that country and will be used for the development of that country.
Now, the country that is being left will lose skilled workers. Thus,this causes slow economic
development which is visible here in the Philippines. So, I suggest that their should be an increase of
salary so that they will no longer have to seek jobs outside of the Philippines and so that their skills
will be used for the economic development of the country.

Few years ago, the Philippines was the only country in Southeast Asia which provided just 10
years of basic education to its population but ever since the K to 12 implementation, the country has
joined its neighbors in adopting an education system which will provide more opportunities to
students on a global scale. Students of the new system are equipped with the skills required to be
ready for employment, entrepreneurship, middle-level skills development, and higher education
which can help them stand out on a global scale and compete accordingly according to international
standards.The K to 12 curricula in the Philippines will put Filipino students at par with the rest of the
world. There is still a challenge in accepting the K to 12 system as a curriculum but with these
advantages, doing so would require less difficulty. The curriculum is more than that, as it clearly
focuses on enhancing the students’ progress and their future.

In the Philippine culture, the effects of globalization are immense and diverse. The most
apparent effect lies in our language wherein using English in professional communications is essential
in being competitive globally. However, it made the Filipino language undervalued and detrimental.
Philippine tradition further decreased due to a colonial mentality wherein western practices are more
favored. As the effect of globalization becomes more visible along with the advancements of
technology, the used to be strong family ties had gradually changed. Most families don’t watch
Television together anymore and would use their own mobile phones instead. Having a meal together
is no longer valued and prioritized in family member’s schedule. Worst case scenario is each family
member minding their own individual lives and not bothering each other almost all the time. Decades
ago, when Filipino children greets or say goodbye to their parents an act of kissing their
forehead/hand is a sign of respect whenever one would greet. But as the country’s culture continued
to evolve only few Filipino children still does this to their parents. On the other hand, globalization has
brought communication in a whole new level with the possibility of talking with family members and
distant relatives through communication technology. Philippines is having a fair share of the positive
and negative impacts of globalization like any other country. In our culture, globalization raised the
standards of the country. It improved our way of living and created a drive for us to strive and be
known globally in order to gain more benefits – since globalization unfortunately, has somehow
become a competition among rich and poor countries.

The Philippines has no choice but to incur these debts. Governments always borrow money from
domestic and foreign sources to finance public projects. Most of this year’s extra borrowings were
mainly used to finance the country’s Covid response. The immediate effect of high Philippine debt is
the high-interest rates. This is especially concerning now that the US is rethinking its current lenient
debt policies. In addition, a growing debt paired with a gross domestic product (GDP) slowdown can
increase the country’s debt-to-GDP ratio. We are still experiencing the lasting impacts of the
pandemic. Furthermore, there is also economic instability due to the Russia-Ukraine war. Because of
these, investors are wary of another recession. The Philippines is incurring surprising levels of
debt,thus is a reason for us to worry. However, we should also keep track of how its effects, like high
interest rates, could impact the investments and cause of living in the country. By knowing the risks
ahead of time, the government can plan and buff up against a possible crisis situation.

Regionalism is an agreement among states to enhance cooperation and mutual relationships.
Regionalism is a political ideology that seeks to increase the political power, influence, and/or self-
determination of the people of one or more sub national regions.The regionalism concept encourages
municipalities to look beyond their boundaries and recognize that working together towards the
betterment of an entire area will ultimately prove beneficial to each locality within it.

This is not a new phenomenon. Regional integration simply as the process by which states
within a particular region increase their level interaction with regard to economic, security, political,
or social and cultural issues. In short, regional integration is the joining of individual states within a
region into a larger whole. Regions are identified by similar socio-cultural characteristics and shared
cultures. However, regional identities can also overlap. For example, members of ASEAN are also
members of APEC because regions are politically and economically created. Therefore, these can be
reshaped and reimagined over time depending on we who will become members and who will cease
to be part of it.


The ASEAN is one of the most important regional organization in Asia. This states that the aims
and purposes of the Association are:to accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural
development in the region and to promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for
justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries in the region and adherence to the
principles of the United Nations Charter.This includes improving transportation and communications
facilities and conducting studies on international commodity trade with the overarching goal of raising
the living standards of ASEAN peoples. This is consist of 10 countries namely:
 Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan
 Cambodia- Phnom Penh
 Indonesia- Jakarta
 Laos- Vientiane
 Malaysia- Kuala Lumpur
 Myanmar- Naypyidaw
 Philippines- Manila
 Singapore- Singapore
 Thailand- Bangkok
 Vietnam- Hanoi
The aims of the European Union within its borders are: promote peace, its values and the well-
being of its citizens. Offer freedom, security and justice without internal borders, while also taking
appropriate measures at its external borders to regulate asylum and immigration and prevent and
combat crime. It consists of seven major institutions and dozens of smaller bodies that make law,
coordinate foreign affairs and trade, and manage a common budget.The EU has 28 member states
 Germany -Berlin
 France - Paris
 Italy - Rome
 Spain - Madrid
 Poland - Warsaw
 Romania - Bucharest
 Netherlands - Amsterdam
 Belgium - Brussels
 Czech Republic (Czechia) -
 Greece -
 Portugal -
 Sweden -
 Hungary -
 Austria -
 Bulgaria -
 Denmark -
 Finland -
 Slovakia -
 Ireland -
 Croatia -
 Lithuania -
 Slovenia -
 Latvia -
 Estonia -
 Cyprus -
 Luxembourg -
 Malta -
 United kingdon -

 The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, established in 1989, has become the pre-
eminent economic forum in the Asia-Pacific region. Its primary purpose is to promote sustainable
economic growth, trade and investment, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. This is composed of
 Australia
 Brunei
 Darussalam
 Canada
 Chile
 China
 Hong Kong
 Indonesia
 Japan
 Republic of Korea
 Malaysia; Mexico
 New Zealand
 Papua New Guinea
 Peru
 Philippines
 Russian Federation
 Singapore
 Chinese Taipei
 Thailand
 United States of America
 Vietnam
 People's Republic of China

The EU started with six member states: France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and
Luxembourg. It had a political goal: to reconcile France and Germany .
 In 1957, two European Communities namely, the European Economic Community and Atomic
Energy Community.
 In 1967, the European Coal and Steel Community, European Economic Community and Atomic
Energy Community has become a single community known as the European Community.
 In 1973, Denmark, Ireland and United Kingdom joined the European Community.
 In 1981, Portugal and Spain joined EC.
 In 1993, it it through the Moastricht Treaty known as Treaty of European Union that became EU.
 In 1995, Austria, Finland,Sweden joined EU.
 In 1997, Treaty of Amsterdam was signed to expand reducing the influence of national veto.
 In 1999, Euro becomes an official currency of eleven member states.
 In 2001, Treaty of Nice was signed to help functioning EU.
 In 2004, 10 new members joined EU, making it 25 state members.
 In 2007, Bulgaria and Romania joined increasing the members to 27, Treaty of Lisban was signed.
 In 2013, Croatia joined the EU increasing the members to 28.


The EU is a regional organization of European states that aims for unification and centralization in
terms of political, economic and social policies of its members. After the II WWR, European states
moved from extreme nationalism. European countries also made sure that no state would become
too economically powerful than the rest to avoid one to dominate and conquer others. This prevents
future conflicts by building alliances and friendships that breed trust. This does not only exist for
political and economic reasons but also for the social unity of European people. This is considered a
model of globalization because its member states are deeper than any regional institution in the
world. Economically, it has established and implemented a single market and a single currency.
Culturally, it has recognized and afforded citizenship to citizens of its member states. For these
reasons, other regional organizations are not comparable with EU.

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