For Against Essay

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First Writing - Part 1

First Exam Focus

Writing - Part 1: an essay

In this part of the exam you have to write an essay, giving your opinion on the
subject in the question. The essay should include an introduction, clear
development and an appropriate conclusion. You are required to give reasons for
your opinions.

Titolo: Writing a 'for and against' essay

Exercise 43. What do you know about factory farming? Tell the class.

Exercise 44. Read the essay. Use the strategies in the Skills Builder to decide if
the statements (1-6) repeated at the end of the essay are facts or opinions.

See Skills Builder: number 12, page 302


1. Factory farming involves keeping farm animals inside buildings to increase the
production of meat or eggs. According to the Worldwatch Institute, seventy-four
percent of the world's poultry, forty-three percent of its beef and sixty-eight
percent of its eggs are produced in this way.

2. The main argument for factory farming is that, apart from being a lot cheaper
than traditional or organic farming, it provides more food for a world population
that has already reached seven billion, according to the United Nations. As factory
farms do not use a lot of workers, the costs are low and production is high.
Moreover, the animals suffer from fewer diseases than those living outside.

3. On the other hand, critics of factory farming say that it is cruel to the
animals. For instance, many farm animals are kept in small spaces where they can
hardly move. Animal rights activists claim that these animals suffer terrible
stress. Furthermore, factory farming has a negative impact on the environment
because it creates a lot of waste products and uses a lot of pesticides and
antibiotics as well (U K 'Farming Today' 2013).

4. To sum up, despite producing cheap food, factory farming is bad for the planet
and for the animals themselves. In my opinion, we should try to reduce this kind of
farming although we would have to pay more for our eggs and meat.

Statements taken from the text

1. seventy-four percent of the world's poultry, forty-three percent of its beef and
sixty-eight percent of its eggs are produced in this way.

2. a world population that has already reached seven billion

3. it is cruel to the animals.

4. these animals suffer terrible stress.

5. it creates a lot of waste products and uses a lot of pesticides and antibiotics
6. we should try to reduce this kind of farming

Titolo: Text Builder

Exercise 45. Read the essay again. Match the topics (a-d) with the paragraphs (1-

a. conclusion (your opinion)

b. arguments against something

c. introduction to the topic

d. arguments for something

Exercise 46. Which of the linking expressions (a-j) taken from the text do the

1. summarise

2. add new information (four times)

3. give examples

4. mention sources of information

5. contrast statements (three times)

Linking expressions

a. According to

b. apart from

c. Moreover

d. On the other hand

e. For instance

f. Furthermore

g. as well

h. To sum up

i. despite

j. although

Exercise 47. Choose the correct linkers to complete the sentences.

1. a. According to / b. Furthermore Greenpeace, factory farming is bad for the


2. a. Although / b. Apart from it produces cheap food, factory farming does not
create jobs.

3. a. Despite / b. Apart from producing most of our meat, factory farms produce
ninety percent of our eggs.

4. Factory farms produce cheap meat. a. Furthermore / b. On the other hand, the
conditions are cruel to the animals.

5. Factory farm animals are uncomfortable. a. On the other hand / b. Moreover, they
only live a few months.

Task - Writing a 'for and against' essay

Exercise 48. Write a 'for and against' essay.

1. Choose one of the essay titles (a-c) or choose another topic from the module.

a. We should only have organic farming.

b. Performing animals should be banned in circuses.

c. We should not use animal products (for example leather and fur) in clothes.

2. Brainstorm ideas for and against the statement you have chosen.

3. Then write notes for your introduction and conclusion.

4. Use your notes to write your essay. Use linking expressions.

See Skills Builder: number 19, page 304

Exercise 49. Work in groups. Tell your partners your opinions about the issue you
wrote about. Have a discussion and then report to the class what you agree and
disagree about.

We agree that organic farming is better but we don't think it should be the only

See Workbook page 195

Pagina 38 Titolo: Competence Builder - First Speaking - Part 3

First Exam Focus

Speaking - Part 3

In this part of the exam the examiner will give you written or visual information
and ask you to talk with your partner. You may be required to reach an agreement or
complete a collaborative task. You will be required to speculate, express and
justify your opinions, agree or disagree.

Titolo: Expressing contrasting viewpoints

Exercise 50. Read the statements and indicate the letter that represents your
opinion: a. I agree - b. It depends - c. I disagree.

1. Recycling has not reduced household waste.

2. It was a mistake to give women equal voting rights.

3. In the past severe punishments reduced crime levels.

4. Our grandparents had healthier lifestyles than us.

5. Our cities were safer places before the introduction of cars.

6. Women were better off staying at home and looking after children.

7. Animal testing has not significantly helped medical science.

8. Before the invention of mobile phones people were more sociable.

Exercise 51. For each statement in exercise 50 now think of one argument to support
your opinion.

Task - Expressing contrasting viewpoints

Exercise 52. Read the Exam Strategy Builder. Then work in pairs to discuss your

A: I don't agree that recycling has not reduced household waste. I think that
people are more careful about what they throw away.

B: I agree, we try not to buy plastic packaging now.

Titolo: Exam Strategy Builder - Expressing contrasting viewpoints

In part 3 of the exam you will be required to do a collaborative task with your
partner. You may not agree with your partner and in this case expressing a
contrasting viewpoint, while at the same time showing respect for your partner's
view, is important.

I take your point, but ...

That's an interesting view, however ...

I see what you mean, but ...

That may be true, but have you thought about ...?

I understand your point of view, but ...

See Workbook: check your progress page 196

See Skills Builders page 300

See Language Review: number 1

See Online Skills: number 1

Pagina 39 Titolo: Unit 3 - The media

Titolo: Vocabulary Builder

Exercise 1: non trascritto.

Exercise 2. Audio 30 - Audio 31 - Listen and match the extracts (1-4) with the
types of broadcasts (a-e). There is one extra type.

a. national news report

b. an opinion podcast

c. report in online music magazine

d. local news report

e. interview in online film magazine

Exercise 3. Audio 32 - Audio 33 - Listen to Simon. Complete the information in the

Vocabulary Network.

Titolo: Vocabulary Network - My media use

To get information about my interests, I often check out (1. dots).

Whenever I want to keep up with the latest news, I (2. a. read / b. watch / c.
listen to) (3. dots).

To chill out, I (4. a. read / b. watch / c. listen to) (5. dots). My favourite T V
programmes are (6. dots).

When I want to express my own opinions,

I post comments on (7. dots).

When I'm doing research for school work, I use (8. dots) and (9. dots).

To catch up with my friends' news and give my own, I use (10. dots).


Print media

- fashion, film, men's, music, news/current affairs, sport, women's magazines

- daily/weekly, local/national, tabloid/quality newspapers

Broadcast media

- T V programmes: chat shows, comedy programmes, discussions, documentaries, drama

series, films, game shows, reality shows, sitcoms, soap operas, the news, the
weather forecast

- Radio programmes (local/national): discussions, documentaries, music, news,

phone-ins, plays

Online media

- Blogs: fashion, personal, sport, travel

- Websites: celebrity, file-sharing, health, news, online magazines (for example

film/music/sport), online radio, online shopping, reference (for example online
dictionaries), school, science, social networking, video-sharing (for example
YouTube), wikis (encyclopedias)

- podcasts, search engines

Exercise 4. First Speaking - Part 1 - Work in groups. Use the Vocabulary Network to
talk about your media use.
See Workbook page 197

See Pronunciation - digital practice: exercise 17

See Vocabulary - digital practice: exercise 18

Pagina 40 Titolo: Grammar and Skills - Breaking news

Titolo: Reading

Exercise 5. Your

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