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TPACK Template

Subject Aerospace Technology I

Grade Level 9th

Learning Objective SOL: English: 10.5, 11.5, 12.5

ITEEA National Standards: (12) Use and Maintain Technological
Products and Systems.
Verso: (016) Design a model aircraft.

 What are the steps in the design process.

 Determining components and materials.
 Following manufacturer and/or instructor guidelines.
 Export objects/designs from Tinker cad.
 Import objects/designs into 3D printer software.
 3D print airplane design.

In this interactive smart white board activity, the students will touch the smart board to
move objects and reshape those objects in designing a model aircraft and learn how to
identify aircraft components and those functions of each component. Students will
Pedagogy Planning

reshape objects into an aircraft fuselage, wings, elevators, rudders, stabilizers, and landing
gear components.
Activity 1. Students are to design an aircraft using an assigned web-
based program.
2. Students are to use their assigned chrome books and
with using the internet access the website
Students will then create a free account on
3. Students will access the Aerospace Technology I class
that has been created by the teacher. Students will
navigate through the tabs and click on the Activities tab
and then click on the Aircraft Design Activity.
4. Teacher will use the Smart Board and Tinker Cad to
access the Aircraft Design Activity.
5. Teacher will provide the instructions for the designing
process of the aircraft design.
6. Teacher will illustrate how to use tinker cad by clicking on
objects provide and dragging that object onto the grid
that is provided.
7. Teacher will illustrate how to re-shape the objects by
clicking on that object and forming a shape of an aircraft
body (fuselage).
8. Students will use the smart board and Tinker Cad to
touch objects and drag those objects onto the grid, then
by touching those objects the student will re-shape the
objects to design an aircraft.
9. Students will then use their chrome books to highlight
their aircraft design and then click cntrl “G” to group
their objects together.
10. Students will then save their design to a USB drive for 3D

Technology Smart Board Designing an Aircraft.

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