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Management • consists op recruiting , interviewing ,hiring and

Process of integrating various parts of an orienting staff development employee

organization into a working whole in order to socialization, and team building
accomplish specific objectives Directing
• supervising, organizing • usually entails human resource management
• Process by which a cooperative group directs responsibilities, such as motivating managing
actions towards. common goal: conflict, delegating, communicating and
-coordination of the services of the people facilitating collaboration.
Principle of scientific management • includes performance appraisal, fiscal
Taylor also forwarded specific principles of accountability quality control legal and ethical
scientific management of human resources. control, and professional and collegial control

These principles may be presented as follows: Planning

-Deciding in advance what to do, Who is to do it,
• This is a necessity to apply science in the
how it is
development of each job, to replace the old rule of
to be done, and when is it to be done
thumb -melliod.
- planning is a proactive, deliberative process
• There should be scientific selection, training and
required of all managers
development of workmen order to achieve
optimum efficiency
Principles of Good planning
. All plans must be flexible
Management Process:
• All plans must include a regular review process
P- lanning
Planning hierarchy
• Staffing
1. Mission
2. Philosophy
3. Goals
4. Objectives
Planning 5. Procedures
-Primary management function 6. Rules
Encompasses determining philosophy, goals, 3 levels of planning
objectives, policies procedures and rules; carrying
1. Strategic planning-long range 3 to 5 yrs
out long and short range projectiona
2. Intermediate planning- 6mos to 4yrs
Organizing 3. Operational planning- short term
-includes establishing the structure to carry out 1week/1yrs
plans, determining the most appropriate type of
patient care delivery and grouping activities to
Staffing AND RULES
Goal- the desired result toward which effort is
Objective - how the goal will specifically be Responsibility
achieved (includes time frame and is • Obligation to perform the assigned task
Policies - plans reduced to statements. Principles of Organizing
Procedures - step-by-step process. • Unity of Command
Rules - plans that specifically define acceptable - There can only be one superior
choices of action. • Scalar Principle /Hierarchy/ Chain Of
Values- The beliefs that guide behavior Command
- Flow from higher to lower authority
Murphy (1999) suggests that: "change is • Departmentalization
inevitable, but growth is optional." - Grouping of workers with assignments
Organizing • Span of Control
It is the process of identifying and grouping the - The NUMBER of people that reports
work to be performed, defining and delegating directly to a manager
responsibility and authority, and establishing • Centralization
relationships for the purpose of enabling the - The staff all reports to one person that is
people to work most effectively together in higher to them.
accomplishing objectives • Decentralization /Delegation
- Transferring specified decision making to
Formal structure- well defined, procedures are lower levels of the organization
Informal structure- unplanned, covert Organization-the structure and process which
allows an agency to enact its philosophy and
Elements of organizing achieve its goals
1. Organizational structure- refers to the way
in which group is formed, It lines of Types of Organization
communication, and it means for Line Organization
channeling authority and making decisions - It is the simplest and most direct type of
2. Staffing- process of determining and organization
providing acceptable number of personnel - Each position has general authority over
3. Scheduling- time table showing planned the lower positions in the hierarchy. e.g.,
shifts Clinical and Administration
4. Developing job description- roles and
responsibilities, specification of duties
- Maintain simplicity - Neglects special
Terms Used in Organizing - Encourages speedy planning
action - Overworks key people
- Makes a clear division - Depends upon
Authority of authority retention of few key
• The right to act or make decision without people
need for approval of higher administration
Staff Organization
• Taking ful responsibility for the quality of
work and behavior
- It is purely advisory to the line structure the top with a line of authority flowing down the
with no authority to put recommendations hierarchy.
into action. Horizontal chart- also known as flat chart
- e.g., Training and Research Concentric- also known as circular chart
Gannt chart- shows task and schedule formation
• Frees the line • Reduces expert power to
executive of detailed place recommendation
analysis into action Nsg Jurisprudence (Midterms)
• Affords young • Tends towards centralization
specialist a mass of the ● CODE OF GOOD GOVERNANCE
training organization The Code of Good Governance promulgated by
• Enables specialist to • Continues the Professional Regulation Commission on July
give expert advice the organization even if its 23, 2003 states that the hallmark of all
functions are not clear professionals is their willingness to accept a set of
professional and ethical principles which they will
Functional Organization follow in the conduct of their daily lives. The
- It is one where each unit is responsible for acceptance of these principles requires the
a given part of the organization's maintenance of a standard of conduct higher than
workload. what is required by law.
- There is a clear delineation of roles and
responsibilities which are actually GENERAL PRINCIPLES
interrelated. The general principles of the Code of Good
ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Governance include the following:

• Relleves line •Makes relationship more 1. Service to Others. This implies a commitment
executive of routine complex to a life of sacrifice and genuine selflessness in
specialized decision •Makes limits of authority
carrying out their professional duties even at the
•Provides frameworks of each specialist a
for applying expert difficult coordination expense of personal gain.
knowledge 2. Integrity and Objectivity. Professionals
should perform their responsibilities with the
highest sense of integrity and imbued with
Organizational chart- it is diagram representation
nationalism and spiritual values.
of the organizational structure
3.. A certain level of competence is necessary,
i.e., knowledge, technical skills, attitudes and
5 major characteristics of organizational chart
experience, in undertaking only those
- Division of work
professional services they can reasonably deliver.
- Chain of command
4. Solidarity and Teamwork. Each professional
- Time of work to be performed
shall maintain and support one professional
- Grouping of work segments
organization that promotes a deep spirit of
- Levels of management
solidarity and teamwork among its members.
5. Social and Civic Responsibility.
Forms of organizational chart
Professionals shall always carry out their
Vertical chart- also known as tall chart depicts the
professional duties with due consideration of the
Chief Executive
broader interest of the public, serve them with
professional concern consistent with their - Slander is oral defamation of a person by
responsibilities to society and as Filipinos, speaking unprivileged or false words by
contribute to the attainment of the country's which his reputation is damaged.
national objectives. - Libel is defamation by written words,
6. Global Competitiveness. Professionals shall cartoons or such representations that
remain open to the challenges of a more dynamic cause a person to be avoided, ridiculed or
and interconnected world, rise up to global held in contempt or tend to injure him in
standards and maintain levels of professional his work.
practices fully aligned with global best practices.
7. Equality of All Professions. All professionals CRIMES, MISDEMEANORS, AND FELONIES
shall treat their colleagues with respect and strive Crime is defined as an act committed or omitted
to be fair in their dealings with one another. in violation of the law. Criminal offenses are
composed of two elements:
TORTS (1) criminal act and (2) evil/criminal intent.3 In
A tort is a legal wrong, committed against a criminal action, the state seeks the punishment of
person or property independent of a contract the wrongdoers.
which renders the person who commits it liable for Conspiracy to commit a crime. A conspiracy to
damages in a civil action. The person who has commit a crime exists when two or more persons
been wronged seeks compensation for the injury agree to commit a felony and decide to do it.
or wrong he has suffered from the wrongdoer. Persons who commit felonies are either
Examples of torts are: principals, accomplices or accessories
1. Assault and Battery. Principals are those who take a direct part in the
- Assault is the imminent threat of harmful execution of the act; who directly force or induce
or offensive bodily contact. others to commit it; or who cooperate in the
- Battery is an intentional unconsented commission of the offense by another act without
touching or no flattererson. which it would not have been accomplished.
2. False Imprisonment Or Illegal Detention. Accomplices are those persons who, not being
- False imprisonment means the principals, cooperate in the execution of the
unjustifiable detention of a person without offense by previous or simultaneous act. To hold
a legal warrant within boundaries fixed by the person liable as an accomplice, it must be
the defendant by an act or violation of duty shown that he had knowledge of the criminal
intended to result in such confinement. intention of the principal.
3. Invasion of Right to Privacy and Breach of Accessories are those who, having knowledge of
Confidentiality. the commission of the crime, either as principals
- The right to privacy is the right to be left or accomplices, take part subsequent to its
alone, the right to be free from commission by profiting themselves or assisting
unwarranted publicity and exposure to the offender to profit from the effects of the crime
public view as well as the right to live by concealing or destroying the body of the crime,
one's life without having anyone's name, or the effects or instruments
picture or private affairs made public
against one's will. Criminal Actions. Criminal actions deal with acts
4. Defamation. or offenses against public welfare. These vary
- In general, character assassination, be it from minor offenses and misdemeanors to
writen or spoken, constitutes defamation. felonies. A misdemeanor is a general name for a
criminal offense which does not in law amount to c. a person over nine years of age and under
felony. fifteen unless he/she acted with
A felony is committed with deceit and fault. A d. any person who, while performing a lawful
deceit exists when the act is performed with act with due care, causes an injury which
deliberate intent and there is fault when the is merely an accident without fault or
wrongful acts result from imprudence, negligence, intention of causing it;
or lack of skill or foresight." e. any person who acts under the
Criminal negligence may be classified into compulsion of an irresistible force;
reckless imprudence and simple imprudence. It is f. any person who acts under the impulse of
reckless imprudence when a person does an act an uncontrollable fear of an equal or
or fails to do it voluntarily but without malice, from greater injury; and
which material damage results immediately. g. any person who fails to perform an act
required by law, when prevented by some
Criminal intent is the state of mind of a person at lawful or insuperable cause.
the time the criminal act is committed, that is, 3. Mitigating Circumstances are those which do
he/she knows that an act is not lawful still decided not constitute justification or excuse of the offense
to do it anyway in question, but which, in fairness and mercy, may
be considered as extenuating or reducing the
CIRCUMSTANCES AFFECTING CRIMINAL degree of moral culpability.
LIABILITY 4. Aggravating Circumstances are those attending
1. Justifying Circumstances. A person may not the commission of a crime and which increase the
incur criminal liability under the following criminal liability of the offender or make his guilt
circumstances: more severe.
a. there is an unlawful aggression on the 5. Alternative Circumstances are those which
part of the offended or injured party; must be taken into consideration as aggravating
b. there is reasonable necessity for the or mitigating according to the nature and effects
means employed by the person defending of the crime and other conditions attending its
himself/herself to prevent such commission.
aggression; and
c. there is lack of sufficient provocation on Illiteracy is not in itself sufficient to be considered
the part of the person defending himself. mitigating.
Anyone who acts in defense of the person or the LACK OF EDUCATION IS NOT MITIGATING IN:
rights of his/her spouse does not likewise incur 1) гаре
any criminal liability. 2) forcible abduction
2. Exempting Circumstances. There are certain 3) arson
circumstances under which the law exempts a 4) treason
person from criminal liability for the commission of 5) in crimes against chastity like seduction and
a crime. acts of lasciviousness; and
a. an imbecile or an insane person, unless 6) those acts committed in a merciless or heinous
the latter has acted during a lucid interval; manner.
b. a person under nine years of age;
Moral Turpitude is an act of baseness, vileness or Robbery. Robbery is a crime against a person or
depravity in social or private duties which a man property. The taking of personal property of
owes to his fellow man or to society in general, an another person from him or in his presence
act contrary to the accepted and customary rule constitutes robbery. An example would be when
of right and duty between men. in his Pokes the patients cash or jewelry while the
Murders is the unlawful killing of a human being latter is sleeping.
with intent to kill. It is a very serious crime. Nurses Controlled Substances. Republic Act 6425 known
should keep in mind that death resulting from a as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972 covers the
criminal abortion is murder. Euthanasia is administration and the regulation of the
also considered murder. manufacture, distribution, and dispensing of
Homicide. Homicide is the killing of a human controlled drugs.
being by another. It may be committed without
criminal intent, by any person who kills another,
other than his father, mother, or child or any of his
ascendants or descendants, or his spouse,
without any of the circumstances attendant the
crime of murder enumerated above being
present. he
Abortion. The term abortion means the expulsion
of the product of conception before the age of
viability. In law, any person who, with the intention
of prematurely ending a pregnancy, wilfully and
unlawfully does any act to cause the same is
guilty of procuring abortion.57
- The Constitution of the Philippines
protects the life of the unborn from
conception (Art. II Sec. 15). In the United
States legal abortion is practiced under
certain conditions, but not in the
Philippines which considers abortion as
Infanticide. Infanticide is the killing of a child less
than three (3) days of age. The mother of the
child who commits this crime shall suffer the
penalty of imprisonment ranging from two (2)
years, four (4) months and one (1) day to six (6)
Parricide is a crime committed by one who kills
his/her father, mother or child whether legitimate
or illegitimate, or any of his/her ascendant/ or
descendants or his/her spouse. Shall be imposed
a penalty from life imprisonment (reclusion
perpetua) to death.

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