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Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, page 1 of 5. © The Author(s), 2020.

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COVID-19, mental health and psychological first aid

E. Minihan1, B. Gavin1,* , B. D. Kelly2 and F. McNicholas1

School of Medicine, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Department of Psychiatry, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin 24 D24 NR0A, Ireland

Crises such as the global pandemic of COVID-19 (coronavirus) elicit a range of responses from individuals and societies adversely
affecting physical and emotional well-being. This article provides an overview of factors elicited in response to COVID-19 and their
impact on immunity, physical health, mental health and well-being. Certain groups, such as individuals with mental illness, are
especially vulnerable, so it is important to maximise the supports available to this population and their families during the
pandemic. More broadly, the World Health Organization recommends ‘Psychological First Aid’ as a useful technique that can help
many people in a time of crisis.

Received 20 April 2020; Revised 10 May 2020; Accepted 11 May 2020

Key words: COVID-19, coronavirus, crisis, mental health, pandemic, psychological first aid, stress.

The effects of stress physical and mental health. There is a causal rela
tionship between stressful life events and major
Stress, the body’s reaction to real or perceived harmful
depressive episodes, with individuals being 2.5 times
situations, has been evoked at both an individual and
more likely to be depressed patients compared to
societal level as a response to COVID-19. While acute
controls (Hammen, 2005), and an increased risk of
stress reactions might be protective, when extreme and
admission for depression (Kessing et al. 2003). Anxiety,
long-lasting and when viewed as outside of our control,
too, is often linked with stressful events and commonly
prolonged stress may lead to longer term pathology.
occurs before depression (Schneiderman et al. 2005). -
There are a number of particular features relating to
Stressful events may promote behaviours that are
the current pandemic that make it reasonable to assert,
harmful and cause further stress, such as smoking,
based on the current aetiological understanding of
increased alcohol consumption, sleep problems and
stress and anxiogenic factors, that COVID-19 is particu-
disordered eating.
larly likely to result in increased psychological and
The theoretical framework underpinning societal
psychiatric morbidity. Not least of these are the huge
stress responses is based on ‘contagion theory’ (LeBon,
knowledge gap pertaining to the scientific understand-
1897) which describes collective behaviours in groups
ing of the virus (and by extension that of the general
(Khan & Huremović, 2019). This model has been
public), its markedly variable course and prognosis,
developed to incorporate the impact of a crowd on
and the absence of certainty as to how this situation will
an individual’s emotional and behavioural response
evolve, as well as its pernicious effect. Given the infec-
(Park and Burgess, 1921). The term ‘emotional conta-
tion control protocols pertaining in this pandemic,
gion’ is used to describe the spread of affect and mood
patients’ families may experience particularly high
through populations simply through people’s expo-
levels of stress due to restrictions on visitation and
sure to each other, while ‘behavioural contagion’ is
face-to-face clinical discussions with treating clinicians,
the spontaneous imitation of a crowd’s behaviours.
and fear induced by the donning of personal protective
Different elements of these ‘contagion’ effects are evi-
equipment, together with the fear of contracting the
dent during the current pandemic such as panic buy-
virus and passing it on to other family members. For
ing or donning of homemade masks. Within this
families who are bereaved, grief is likely to be compli-
model, it is postulated that anxiety and panic spread
cated by the inability to engage fully in traditional
through populations owing chiefly to the anxieties of
funeral rituals with family and friends. While stress,
others (Saner, 2020). This is termed as an ‘emotional
in certain contexts, in small doses and for short periods
epidemic’, such as that accompanying the 2009 H1N1
can be beneficial in allowing one to cope with the
pandemic (Ofri, 2009). While this component of the
stressor, prolonged stress has negative effects on both
societal pandemic stress response was reported to
dissipate quickly, the impact of individual stress
*Address for correspondence: B. Gavin, Associate Professor in Child
responses had more enduring sequelae (Ofri, 2009).
and Adolescent Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University College
Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Individuals in crisis situations or during disasters
(Email: commonly experience enduring psychological trauma
2 E. Minihan et al.

which develops into depression, anxiety disorders or The human immune system is significantly affected
substance abuse (Schneiderman et al. 2005). Loss of by stress and stressful events (Glaser & Kiecolt-Glaser,
income, perceived threat to life and personal injury 2005), contributing to chronic fatigue, depression and
are all associated with mental illness. Up to one in five immune disorders (American Psychological Association,
survivors of the 2013–2016 Ebola epidemic experi- 2006). Furthermore, depression, isolation and loneli-
enced post-trauma reactions similar to those seen in ness all affect the immune system and all are relevant
victims of more typical traumatic events such as armed during the present pandemic. In addition, psychologi-
conflict, natural disasters and personal assault (Hugo cal distress alters immune responses to the influenza
et al. 2015). Healthcare workers are not immune to vaccine (Seiler et al. 2020) and results in a lower anti-
the stressogenic effect, and following the 2002–2004 body response to vaccination in general (Segerstrom
outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome et al. 2012; Pedersen et al. 2009). This might well prove
(SARS), clinical distress was detected in one-third to a further complicating factor later in the current pan-
a half of healthcare workers at the time, with elevated demic, if a vaccine for COVID-19 is eventually identi-
levels still evident 2 years later (Maunder et al. 2008). fied. Overall, stress can not only weaken our immune
The management of such pandemics, such as isolation system, but also affect our response to vaccination.
and quarantine, also contribute to stress, with individ- Stress can also present as respiratory problems, such
uals reporting despair, fear, loneliness, extreme bore- as shortness of breath and rapid breathing, increased
dom and anger, with some taking their own life oxygen demand (Yaribeygi et al. 2017) and place those
(Brooks et al. 2020). The longer the isolation, the more with pre-existing respiratory disease, such as asthma
susceptible the person is to serious depressive symp- and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, at most risk
toms (Khan & Huremovic, 2019). The psychological (Roche et al. 2013). In addition, anxiety and depression
effects of quarantine therefore should not be underes- are both associated with an increase in asthma symp-
timated (Brooks et al. 2020). toms (Richardson et al. 2006). This intensification of
Stressors provoke a range of emotions and psycho- respiratory symptoms owing to stress can, in turn,
logical reactions including, most notably, fear (Khan & further exacerbate anxiety, leading people to consider
Huremović, 2019). In some cases, fear can be productive consulting their general practitioner or attending an
and can act as a motivating factor for people to take emergency department. This can cause yet further
action and come together as a society to ensure safety anxiety and complexity during the current pandemic
and order. Alternatively, fear can have a negative effect as many people are reluctant to attend medical ser-
and can inhibit people from taking necessary actions. vices in the first place and those who do worry that
There are, for example, reports from previous out- their symptoms might be similar to those of COVID-
breaks of healthcare staff trying to flee and refusing 19 (World Health Organization, 2020). This presents
to treat patients (Barbisch et al. 2015). Fear can also challenges for patients as well as hard-pressed staff in
make people react in inappropriate ways to try primary care and hospital settings who must ensure that
to avoid the threat, especially if ill-informed (US patients with new or exacerbations of pre-existing respi-
Department of Health and Human Services, 2019). ratory symptoms are fully investigated and are distin-
Denial, the refusal to acknowledge imminent harm or guished from those with anxiety-related respiratory
that harm has already occurred, is another common difficulties, requiring a different treatment approach.
reaction during an acute crisis (US Department of Similar scenarios relating to cardiac issues are also
Health and Human Services, 2019). Stigmatisation likely during the pandemic given the association of
is another common, unhelpful psychological reaction stress and hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
to events such as outbreaks of infectious disease. US Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system,
Latinos, for example, were stigmatised during the increases heart rate and causes narrowing of veins
H1N1 pandemic (McCauley et al. 2013). Some of the (Yaribeygi et al. 2017). Stress can also activate the
earliest cases of the outbreak were reported near a parasympathetic nervous system and result in a
Mexican pig farm and this led to stigmatisation of people decreased heart rate, as well as sustained muscle ten-
from Mexico owing to this association. Stigmatisation sion, resulting in tension headaches, migraines and
often stems from fear. During the SARS outbreak, the lower back problems. As a consequence, people in cri-
Chinese population was scapegoated by the media sis situations tend to have apparently unexplained
and unfairly apportioned blame (Eichelberger, 2007). physical symptoms, such as headaches, muscle aches
Evidence of this stigmatisation and discrimination is and stomach upset, that are primarily due to stress
present in this pandemic, with persons at high risk (US Department of Health and Human Services,
feeling stigmatised for using resources (Ryan et al. 2019). Again, some of these symptoms can resemble
2020) or different ethnic groups who were blamed those of COVID-19, which can present with fever,
for the origins of the disease (Ren et al. 2020). headaches and muscle pain (Cascella et al. 2020).
Covid-19, mental health and psychological first aid 3

High-risk groups and maximising supports Maintaining communication with family and friends
is critical during isolation, and if it is not possible for
Outbreaks such as SARS and Ebola had substantial
the person to be in direct contact with family or friends,
psychological impacts on healthcare workers not least
then healthcare professionals should try to provide a
because many felt that they were treated like prisoners
sense of support and communication.
due to restrictions put in place (Barbisch et al. 2015).
Levels of dedication dropped and some staff refused
to provide care to patients (Barbisch et al. 2015).
Psychological first aid
Providing care and communicating with patients
through several layers of personal protective equip- Psychological first aid (PFA) is defined as a ‘humane,
ment add another layer of complexity to work in supportive response to a fellow human being who is
healthcare settings, along with difficult decisions suffering and who may need support’ (World Health
about the allocation of scare resources such as ventila- Organization, War Trauma Foundation and World
tors or beds in intensive care units. The ‘moral Vision International, 2011). The PFA model requires
trauma’ associated with these decisions might well the provision of immediate help and support to individ-
have long-term repercussions for some staff (Maunder uals who are experiencing/have experienced distress
et al. 2008). due to a recent crisis. While it is not intended as a
People with pre-existing mental health disorders long-term solution, this method of care is valuable
are especially vulnerable during times of crisis (Kelly, and timely during an emergency, such as the current
2020). Patients in isolation or quarantine with pre- COVID-19 pandemic. PFA has been devised as an
existing illnesses should continue treatment for approach and a tool that may be provided by all, not
their psychological or psychiatric problems (Khan just healthcare professionals. It allows mobilisation of
& Huremović, 2019). It is important to ensure that societal resources at a time when healthcare profession-
psychiatric medication does not interact with any als might be needed for other tasks. Consequently, PFA
additional medication for the infectious disease and is not professional counselling, and practitioners
that all prescribed medications are clearly justified. should be aware of the limitations of this method and
Drug interactions can often be a cause for concern, evoke additional professional support when required.
and concurrent drug administration can cause increased To this end, the model identifies key signs that might
toxicity of the compounds (Spina et al. 2003). indicate a need for more professional involvement, such
Patients with substance use disorders might require as possible harm to self or others, long-lasting or severe
urgent detoxification before being isolated or quaran- distress or an inability to function in daily life.
tined. People detoxing from alcohol for example can Despite the limitations, key outcomes of PFA, such
experience anxiety, fever, tachycardia and hallucina- as feeling safe, connected, calm and hopeful, are reported
tions, among other distressing symptoms. It is impor- as effective in helping long-term recovery following a
tant that these symptoms are controlled if the person crisis, even when delivered by individuals without
is to be isolated or quarantined. professional mental health training (Fox et al., 2012).
Patients with cognitive disorders, cognitive impair- The extant literature suggests PFA has widespread
ment or learning difficulties might be unable to be quar- appeal and has been safely administered by a range
antined alone or to follow the necessary instructions. In of non-professionals in a range of settings (Fox et al. 2012).
some cases, these patients are unable to care for them- PFA is simple and straightforward, focused on
selves and unable to understand fully the crisis situa- methods that everyone can use to help reduce distress
tion. It is important that the person understands what in a time of fear, anxiety and uncertainty. PFA should
is happening as best they can and be offered support be carried out in a private setting that facilitates confi-
if in isolation, in order to minimise their anxiety. dentiality and the safety to speak openly if the person
People with depression and anxiety are particu- wishes. Key features of PFA include being supportive
larly vulnerable in times of crisis, especially if they but non-intrusive, recognising that people having the
need to be isolated or quarantined. Common symp- right to accept or decline assistance. PFA also involves
toms include low mood, trouble sleeping and feelings active listening but without applying pressure to speak
of guilt or worthlessness (Parekh, 2017). It is useful if the person does not feel comfortable doing so. It offers
to counteract these symptoms using supportive comfort and supports calmness during times of crisis. It
therapy, reassurance, accurate information and treat- is also important to protect the individual from further
ment for depression or anxiety. Provision of accurate harm, including further psychological distress or risk of
information is key to reduce the sense of uncertainty infection.
and panic and increase life satisfaction (Dulmus & A step by step approach is offered in The Psychological
Hilarski, 2003). First Aid Guide for field workers commencing with
4 E. Minihan et al.

establishing basic needs, such as access to adequate contributing to this work comply with the ethical
supplies of food and water, especially if access to standards of the relevant national and institutional
shops and other resources is limited (World Health committee on human experimentation with the
Organization, War Trauma Foundation and World Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008.
Vision International, 2011). Following this, it is essen- The authors assert that ethical approval for the pub-
tial to learn if the individual has specific new or lication of this paper was not required by their local
pre-existing healthcare needs and link them to the Ethics Committee.
appropriate help available. Ensure those who may
be particularly vulnerable are not overlooked, such
as the inform, the elderly, the young and those with Financial support
mobility or communication issues who do not self- This research received no specific grant from any
present. Given that it is likely that, post-disaster, the funding agency, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
individual may have many needs, it is necessary to
prioritise most urgent needs first. Individuals provid-
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