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1 Present Simple

1. (Be) as a main verb

Subject + (am, is, are) + complement. I am a clever and respectful student.

Subject + (am, is, are) + not + complement. This isn’t my first trip to Kurdistan.
(Am, Is, Are) + subject + complement? Are they polite in the class? Yes, they are.
Wh-words + (am, is, are) + subject + complement? Why is she at the library?

2. main verb

Subject + base (s) + complement. The boss gives us a lot of work to do.
Subject + don't / doesn't + base + Complement. The boss doesn’t give us a lot of work to do.
Do / Does + subject + base + complement? Does the boss give us a lot of work to do?
Wh-words + do / does + subject + base + complement? Why does the boss give us a lot of work to do?

{today, every (day, week, month, year)} 
Choose the correct answer:

1. Claire …………………… very sociable. She …………………… lots of people.

a. is / know b. are / knows c. is / knows d. both (a and c)
2. My friend is finding life in Paris a bit difficult. He …………………… French.
a. don’t speak b. doesn’t speak c. both of them d. none of them
3. Most students ……………… quite close to the college, so they ……………… there.
a. live / walk b. live / walks c. lives / walks d. none of them
4. My sport kit is really muddy. This shirt …………………… a good wash.
a. needs b. need c. doesn’t need d. both (a and c)
5. We have got plenty of chairs, thanks. We …………………… any more.
a. doesn’t want b. don’t wants c. doesn’t wants d. don’t want

1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. d

one two three four five
number /ˈnʌmbə/ you /juː/ he /hiː/ sport /spɔːt/ I /ʌɪ/
country /ˈkʌntri/ youth /juːθ/ she /ʃiː/ ball /bɔːl/ nine /nʌɪn/
running /ˈrʌnɪŋ/ blue /bluː/ we /wiː/ your /jɔː/ my /mʌɪ/

Like, love, hate, doesn’t like, good at, bad at + (noun / infinitive)

Noun = Verb(ing) Infinitive = to + base

/s/ /z/ Singular Plural

likes loves person people
hates lives man men
its games woman women
lots his
tennis countries Who ?
yes is What ?
this names Where ?
listen music How old ?



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