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Name: Alaya Gadhiya

Page No
Class 1 Histoy Nazism&The Rise of Hitler.

Dawes Plan Yeworked TheTms of

Yepartion t eose the financal
bwrdem on emans

2 n 1919, Hitlky joined

Small group

Caledth "Geman Jado2ker s Paty He

Later tooK over _Tha
organisotion and
yename d It theNat
Ceman Woexs Paxty. Thà pa
Came ts be noum_asNo2i Pety

3 The powe Df Nai pa ound fliler

wasSpRn Thzouglh
a heTrd bannuts wiîh TheSwashika,.
bThe Nazi Salute
C.Thu ituaused ounds of applauuse
afttr he Speechen
The Enablina Adt pasced an 3 marh 1q33
eatablished dttators hip in Cemany

5 Hitlex assiqned the vesponsibiuty bf eLonom

ecoey4 G th CLonomST HialmaY
Schochwho pmduted h tmau
eaan Su the peoples
Lan he VoKswaapen
-- ----
age i
6Hitler inttarated ustma and Semang
uin 1938 undi he slogan, 'Dna people
One empie pundOne lead.
7 ripa»ctite Pact signed h Septtmber 40
betwean betmany taly and Japan
a n Septtmbex 1939, many invadad
olomd amd The SeLondwald Laar
Hit atatkad the Soviet Union
Kuaia) n June 114L

USA enttaad The WWII_when Japan

bombad the Us ose et Feard Haxoou

Wodd waY ended n May 1945 oiith.

Hitler's deftot and the us dwpping
thoatom bamb onHiroshinaa tJapar
11Exp laui Lcbenstaum
Htlers ideolngy wso elbkdto the opolitcad
oncept ot ehenraum ouving Space
It means acquie Toun land ta Creata a
Vaf Rpmas empYe
Name: Alaya Godhyo

Clas Histoxy Nazism 2 The Rise Htley

4Explain Nazi Art of ropaganda
Aa Hitler projecfed himself as a saviour of
b)Lanauuage madia wire sed tb on
Support tor Noziem
CPeople wete made to beliere that ony
Na2is could Solve 7heu problems and
bamna albry Geman
d)Yeople were taught tohate tha'undesim
e) Educaim unuculum wad nmade bD
hhligh_Naziideology and sLope
the Jeos

2 Waie aboudd fhe d h _oanealTem

in No2i (emang
A yean old males had o entty Jungvalk
At 14 yeans, thoy had to join Naziyoh
bTganizalim Tha4 hed tglom sar
A t 18 yeans Th Joined t h Labour
o) TheYouth League u foundad in H22.
nd renamad Hitler Ybuh
e)AL 6hn yolh organizalimo w

3Explain Hutlors fareign pollay

A sSoon a Hifor came To power ho tost
ha lowima acaDn ap poud h u
Dreugn poioy
a)vmany t The eougue et Nationo in
bHitu repcupieo Rhinond in 193%
c) _annexed usma n 1938 unda
the Sloun bne peopla Dne empine and
One leDder
o) Heannayed Sudurttrland'and then
Cot over enlire Caechaslovekia
Ctmany invadedPolond in Sept 1939

4 ho ws the bobk The Turd Reeh

Dyeams whet dld the audhos descnbe
in tha book 2
AChordste Berndt umi th book The
Thid Roich o reaa
She had Secrdy recordos peopla3 dreams
h a diny wch Sh loctu publishad
a book
b h wntt h0 Fos Themselves bgan
belueve n Na2 stunatypesabout
fhmThane imoae tmublud flam io
their drlar
Name: ALaya Gadhisa
Date: 2312l22 Class:9
On the Political map of Europe, mark the Allied Powers and Axis
Powers. (groups of world u a L)



r a n c e ,

OEn chantedLean
A A2 A3
Allied Powers: Uk, France, Russia

Axis Powers: er many,Ttaly
wWI started uhen Gemany invaded this coutry
Europe Poland -
- 0Ss-

Page No.

42)2 Chp 3: Nazism and the Ase of HitlerOote:

Whar ate the peculiae teatures e Nazi hinling


State Ahe principles charockerigsics e Nazism.

aulbnicaion. of the Nakon dlazism uas based on
he belief that uermny oas a pouwerful notions ond *hey

restocethe alourius das

bHatred forJeus The undesirable nad to be eiminated i

Germany had to progress,

Belie in the superiority o Nordic Aryans- Nazism believed
that only pure blooded, blue eyed Ayans were
d)Lebensraum iving sate New erritories, }Yquired ,Can
anquuredfor the m/MeA motherland.
e)Sundval the itest - Bascd on dharlea Daruwin's hueu
Nazi believed nat allund èsiraole aere o be uiped .

Eplain unak role did ucOmen awe in Naz S0dety1 (rlozà cul
Girswere expeted to loeLwme qeod mothers and near pure
blodded Anan childrel.
Women uho gare birth 0 undesirale children uere punishea-
3 Wamen uho qavesirhm o 'desirade childtca were reusarded2-
ithhoneur RESSeS Bronze tor Hchildren Slver for 6aa
god r 8
ood mothers uwee gllen fareured treatment in hospi tals, on es
in shepS and railua ares and heakte tides.
5Those wemen ahodlsobeee lcuS were paraded throuan tte
own with sdie d heads, blackned feLcesand
ploAcard8 Cno
their ne des annundina I hare sullied tne honour ef the aioa

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