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A Project Proposal to Research towards Gender and Racial Harassment

For the UPOU Office of Gender Concerns

University of the Philippines

A Project Proposal to Research towards Gender and Racial Harassment

For the UPOU Office of Gender Concerns

John Cedrique M. Rimonte

Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies
2016 – 30769

March 7, 2020
A Project Proposal to Research towards Gender and Racial Harassment
For the UPOU Office of Gender Concerns

John Cedrique M. Rimonte

Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies
2016 – 30769

UPOU Office of Gender Concerns

University of the Philippines Open University
3/F, UPOU Headqurters, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines
Contact number: (049)-536-6001


Sex and race – based preconception and discrimination, in a form of sexism or xenophobia,
these contributing factors to social imbalances not just in workplace, but also inside the school
community. Most of all societies have some sexual segments of labor. The importance on gender
inequality is carried out in the roles assigned to both men and women, specifically in the political,
economical, and educational domain. While, racial or ethnic inconsistency is the effects of
hierarchical solid divergence both racial and ethnic classification within the society and are often
based on the characteristics such as skin complexion and other physical attribute or an individual’s
place of origin, culture, and gender. This proposal is intended to identify the solutions on
widespread and established barriers to everyone regardless of their gender and label in the society.
The project proposal will discuss the social expectations, responsibilities, limitations, and priorities
of both women and men, scrutinizing the social, economic, and environmental elements which
may influence their roles and decision-making capability in the University.


Sexual and Racial Harassments cases filed from 2003 to 2019 are scrutinized, particularly in
some of the areas and contexts: the total number of filed cases, demographics of both complainants
and respondents, types of relationships between complainants and respondents, severity and
grounds for sexual or gender harassment, places where gender and racial harassment cases are
done, and the types of resolutions for the grounds of gender and racial harassment [De Luna &
Narvaez, 2019]. Difficulties with regard to executing the Anti-Sexual & Racial Harassment are
introduced, more so those concerning the following: information and awareness of Sexual and
Racial Harassment, and problems that involve it; the inadequate number of personnel, the
education towards research and advocacy programs, and lastly, the number of authorized personnel
or licensed staffs who handle difficult, formidable, demanding, and emotionally-draining cases.
A Project Proposal to Research towards Gender and Racial Harassment
For the UPOU Office of Gender Concerns

There are a lot of questions regarding Gender and Racial Harassment. By enforcing artificial
separations between the social and economic roles of women and men, the lives of women and
girls are negatively impacted, and this can have the effect of limiting social and economical
development. A diversity of universal issues such as HIV/AIDS, illiteracy, and poverty are often
seen as “women’s issues” since women are disproportionately affected. These problems are
currently facing by the students due to lack of proper education. Ultimately, ensuring the students’
rights of both men and women in the UPOU should be and are protected and approved which can
encourage a sense of belongingness that motivates the students to contribute to the society.


At the end of the project, I hope that these kinds of issues should be addressed accordingly so
that the students both women and men get the security, safe academic environments. Pending such
safeguards be in place, students will continue to experience not only barriers to school and
opportunity to learn, but will persist to be the main victims of discrimination, oppression, and
 Students will be educated and can increase awareness in terms of prejudice, stereotyping,
ethnocentrism, scapegoating, and racism, or in other forms of gender and racial issues.
 Administrators will help the students address these types of concerns so that they will be


Carrying this out on a bigger/larger scale entails a stronger institutions in research and
development, sufficient resources, more responsive leadership, and enhanced policy making that
will thus make an advancement in solving gender and racial inequalities through a diversity of
equity-focused and rights-based policy, and other program initiatives that will help the students
both men and women in the long run.


It is important that this project should be available and implemented so that we can easily act on
the situation immediately regardless how severe or pervasive the ground is since it’s becoming too
Details of the Project Proposal
Project Title:
A Research towards Gender and Racial Harassment for the UPOU Office of Gender Concerns
Project Sponsor: Actual funding (Estimated):
A Project Proposal to Research towards Gender and Racial Harassment
For the UPOU Office of Gender Concerns

UPOU Office of Gender Concerns Up to P50,000.00

In order to achieve this goal, I will follow the schedule presented in Figure 1. Since I already
possess literature on the research of Gender and Racial Harassment, most of my time will be spent
sorting through the literature to find key results, and presenting those results to the audience.

03/16 03/25 04/06 04/13 04/27 05/09 05/13 05/24 06/10

Research criteria for
G&R Harassment


Draft final report

Prepare illustrations

Revise final report

Monitor the


I am currently a Junior student in the Faculty of the Information & Communication Studies at the
University of the Philippines Open University, majoring Multimedia Studies. I have taken several
classes related to Gender, Society & Politics which I believe will help me in preparing and
conceptualizing the proposed research. Should you want to check my qualifications, you may
check the attached resume for your perusal.


Since all my sources are readily available at the University of the Philippines Library, there’s no
additional cost associated in performing this review.


Women and those people whose gender identity does not conform to the patriarchal beliefs about
sex (only male and female) endure to face aggression or hostility on global, domestic,
A Project Proposal to Research towards Gender and Racial Harassment
For the UPOU Office of Gender Concerns

interpersonal, institutional, and administrative scales [UNDP]. This project proposal is intended to
evaluate the emphasis on gender and racial harassment. The proposed research aims the following
goals: (1) to explain the major culprits as to why it has been a one of the major issues of today’s
society. (2) to help me us if this meets the criteria.

UPOU Office of Gender Concerns. University of the Philippines. Retrieved from:
Teresa Paula S. De Luna, Ph.D. with Ma. Rizza Mae G. Narvaez, “Faces of Sexual Harassment in
UP Diliman and the OASH Mandate”. Retrieved from:
Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment (OASH). 2019. 2003-2019 Filed Cases Statistics. Quezon City:
University of the Philippines Diliman.
UNDP. Gender Equality. Retrieved from:
UP Board of Regents (2017). UP Anti-Sexual Harassment Code. University of the Philippines.

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