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Principle of Business

LESSON PLAN: # 14 in Unit plan School visit/Field Day: Virtual Teaching

TEACHER: Indira Mathura SCHOOL: Carapichaima East Secondary DATE: 08th October, 2021

CLASS/FORM: 4:3 No. in class: 22 TIME: 11-12 pm No of period(s): 1 Duration: 60 mins

Planning for the lesson

UNIT PLAN: Section 2- Internal Organizational Environment

TOPIC: Characteristics of leadership.

CONCEPT map /graphic organizer of knowledge required for lesson or Unit (to be attached separately):

CURRICULUM INTEGRATION AREAS: across subjects and materials needed (where relevant):
Social Studies, English Language and IT

Strategies for:

 Planning for inclusiveness: Use of varied activities – discussion, questioning, scenario thinking.

 Planning for Technology Integration: Laptop/ Google classroom to be used during lesson.

 Planning for BUSINESS integration: An understanding of the characteristics of leadership will help
students to identify different types of leadership styles. This knowledge will enable students to
visualize how decisions are made, policies are formulated and goals are achieved under the different
leadership styles.

 Instructional strategies to be used and their rationale: Effective questioning that activates prior
knowledge and circumstances, events/activities that highlights different leadership qualities. This will
allow students to actively participate in class discussion while understanding how leadership can
impact organizational success.
The lesson plan:
PRE-KNOWLEDGE: Students are familiar with different organizational structures. They understand the
concept of chain of command and span of control. They are aware of leadership in organization and but
have not necessarily be aware of the different leadership styles.

At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

Objectives of the lesson Classification of objectives Domain

1. Define what is leadership Understanding Cognitive
2. Discuss the characteristics of different Knowledge Cognitive
leadership styles
3. Explain the effect leadership has on Analyzing Cognitive
business success.
4. You are given the responsibility of Evaluating Affective
establishing a charitable organization.
Discuss how you will use the
knowledge of leadership to achieve your

SET INDUCTION: Video clip – Time allotted: 3 mins

Students will view the video which demonstrates leadership. Students will then be asked relevant questions so as to
identify the topic being leadership.

SECTION 1- Time allotted: 15 mins

Teaching points:

1. Define what is leadership:

Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a
common goal. In a business setting, this can mean directing workers and colleagues with
a strategy to meet the company's needs.

Leadership vs. Management

Leadership Management
May or may not be a manager May or may not be a leader
Must inspire followers May or may not inspire those under them
Emphasizes innovation Emphasizes rationality and control
May be unconcerned with preserving Seeks to work within and preserve existing
existing structures corporate structures
Typically operates with relative Typically a link in the corporate chain of
independence command
May be less concerned with May be more concerned with interpersonal
interpersonal issues issues
2. Characteristics of s good leader:
Integrity It’s especially important for top-level executives who are charting the
organization’s course and making countless other significant
Ability to Delegate  It’s also to enable your direct reports, facilitate teamwork,
provide autonomy, lead to better decision-making, and help
your direct reports grow. In order to delegate well, you also
need to build trust with your team.
Communication You need to be able to communicate in a variety of ways, from
transmitting information to coaching your people. And you
must be able to listen to, and communicate with, a wide range
of people across roles, social identities, and more. The quality
and effectiveness of communication across your organization
directly affects the success of your business strategy, too.
Self-Awareness Self-awareness is paramount for leadership. The better you
understand yourself, the more effective you can be.
Gratitude Gratitude can lead to higher self-esteem, reduced depression
and anxiety.
Learning Agility Learning agility is the ability to know what to do when you
don’t know what to do.
Influence Being able to convince people through logical, emotional, or
cooperative appeals is a component of being an inspiring,
effective leader. Influence is quite different from manipulation,
and it needs to be done authentically and transparently.
Empathy If you show more empathy towards your direct reports, our
research shows you’re more likely to be viewed as a better
performer by your boss. Empathy can be learned, and in
addition to making you more effective, it will also improve
work for you and those around you.
Courage It can be hard to speak up at work, whether you want to voice a
new idea, provide feedback to a direct report, or flag a concern
for someone above you. That’s part of the reason courage is a
key skill for good leaders.
Respect Treating people with respect on a daily basis is one of the most
important things a leader can do. It will ease tensions and
conflict, create trust, and improve effectiveness. Respect is
more than the absence of disrespect, and it can be shown in
many different ways.

Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources

1.Questioning Students will share their knowledge
The teacher will ask students to on what they understand leadership Google classroom
discuss what is leadership. to be.
2.Group work
Teacher will ask students to form Students will engage in group
two groups, to discuss, the discussion to identify the
characteristics of a good leader characteristics that good leaders
may have

SECTIONAL REVIEW and feedback (formative assessment strategies) Time allotted: 3 mins

Identify some leaders in your country and the characteristics that they may possess.
(5 marks)

SECTION 2- Time allotted: 6 mins

Teaching points:

1. Types of leadership styles:

1. Authoritarian
leadership styles: allow Advantages:
a leader to impose  Time spent on making crucial decisions can be
expectations and define reduced.
outcomes. A one-person  Chain of command can be clearly emphasized.
 Mistakes in the implementation of plans can be
show can turn out to be
successful in situations  Using authoritarian leadership style creates
when a leader is the most consistent results.
knowledgeable in the
team. Although this is an Disadvantages:
efficient strategy in time-  A very strict leadership style can sometimes lead
constrained periods, to employee rebellion.
creativity will be  It kills employee creativity and innovation.
sacrificed since input  It reduces group synergy & collaboration.
from the team is limited.   Group input is reduced dramatically.
 Authoritarian leadership increases employee
The authoritarian turnover rate.
leadership style is also
used when team members
need clear guidelines .
2. Participative leadership
styles: are rooted in Advantages:
democratic theory. The  It increases employee motivation and job satisfaction.
essence is to involve team  It encourages use of employee creativity.
members in the decision  A participative leadership style helps in the
creation of a strong team.
making process. Team
members thus feel  High level of productivity can be achieved.
included, engaged and
motivated to contribute. Disadvantages:
The leader will normally  Decision-making processes become time-consuming.
have the last word in the  Leaders have a high probability of being apologetic
to employees.
 Communication failures can sometimes happen.
processes. However, if  Security issues can arise because of transparency in
there are disagreements information sharing.
within a group, it can be a  Poor decisions can be made if the employees are
time-consuming process unskilled.
to reach a consensus.
leadership/delegative Advantages:
leadership: focuses on  Experienced employees can take advantage of their
delegating initiative to team competence and experience.
members. This can be a  Innovation & creativity is highly valued.
 Delegative leadership creates a positive work
successful strategy if team
members are competent, take
responsibility and prefer
engaging in individual work.  Command responsibility is not properly defined.
However, disagreements among  Delegative leadership creates difficulty in adapting
the members may split and to change.
divide a group, leading to poor
motivation and low morale.
4.Transactional leadership styles:
 use "transactions" Advantages:
between a leader and his  Leaders create specific, measurable and time-bound
or her followers - goals that are achievable for employees.
rewards, punishments and  Employee motivation and productivity is increased.
other exchanges - to get  Transactional leadership eliminates or minimizes
confusion in the chain of command.
the job done. The leader
 It creates a system that is easy to implement for
sets clear goals, and team leaders and easy to follow by employees.
members know how  Employees can choose reward systems.
they'll be rewarded for
their compliance. This Disadvantages:
"give and  Innovation & creativity is minimized.
take" leadership style is  Empathy is not valued.
more concerned with  Transactional leadership creates more followers
following established than leaders among employees.
routines and procedures
in an efficient manner,
than with making any
transformational changes
to an organization.
5. Transformational
leadership styles, the Advantages:
leader inspires his or her  It leads to a lower employee turnover rate.
followers with a vision  Transformational leadership places high value on
and then encourages and corporate vision.
empowers them to
 High morale of employees is often experienced.
achieve it. The leader
also serves as a role  It uses motivation and inspiration to gain the support
model for the vision. of employees.
 It is not a coercive approach to leadership.
 It places high value on relationships.

 Leaders can deceive employees.
 Consistent motivation and constant feedback may be
 Tasks can’t be pushed through without the agreement
of employees.
 Transformational leadership can sometimes lead to
the deviation of protocols and regulations.

Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources
Scenario thinking Students will share their ideas on Google classroom
the different leadership styles.
Teacher will put forth scenarios
which stimulate critical thinking
where the student will identify
different leadership styles,
advantages and disadvantages

SECTIONAL REVIEW and feedback (formative assessment strategies) Time allotted: 2 mins

Identify local companies utilizing the different leadership styles

(5 marks)
CLOSURE (How will you end the lesson?)– Time allotted: 3 mins

Recap what is leadership

Recap the characteristics of leadership
Recap different leadership styles

FINAL EVALUATION – Time allotted: 3 mins Critical thinking activity (knowledge from discussion arising
out of teaching point 2)
You are given the responsibility of establishing a charitable organization. Discuss how you will use the knowledge
of leadership to achieve your goal.
(5 marks)

Students to look at:
 Potential sources of conflicts
 Research strategies that can be used to resolve conflict in organization.

Table of specification
Knowledge Application Analysis Evaluation TOTAL
1. Identify some leaders 3 2 5
in your country and
the characteristics that
they may possess

2. Identify local 2 3 5
companies utilizing
the different leadership

3. You are given the 1 1 1 2 5

responsibility of
establishing a
organization. Discuss
how you will use the
knowledge of
leadership to achieve
your goal.
TOTAL 4 5 1 5 15

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