Cyber Crime

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A Study on Awareness of Cyber Crime and Security

Article  in  Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences · January 2017

DOI: 10.5958/2321-5828.2017.00067.5

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1 author:

Anupreet Kaur Mokha

University of Delhi


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Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences 2017; 8(4):459-464 A.K. Mokha

A Study on Awareness of Cyber Crime and

Anupreet Kaur Mokha
Assistant Professor, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi

Usage of internet has become a daily routine for majority of people for
day-to-day transactions. The number of internet users has grown
tremendously and so does cyber-crimes. Cyber-crime is the crime that is
ISSN 0975 – 6795 (print) done using computer and network. The threat of cyber-crime is an ever
ISSN 2321– 5828 (online) present and increasing reality in both the private and professional sectors.
Research J. Humanities and Social
With the advent of internet, old crimes have taken on a new appearance.
Sciences. 8(4): October -December,
2017, 459-464. The purpose of this research is to make awareness regarding cyber-
crimes which are happening in today’s world and also to create
awareness of increased cyber security. This paper attempts to analyze the
awareness of cyber-crime among internet users with different age groups
DOI: 10.5958/2321-5828.2017.00067.5 and educational qualifications. Linear Regression Model has been
applied for analyzing both the objectives. This paper finds that there is a
relationship exists between the age groups and educational qualification
of the respondents. So, it is the duty of one and all internet users to be
aware of the cyber-crime and security and also help others by creating
awareness among them.
Research Article
KEYWORDS: Cyber-crime, Cyber criminals, Cyber security, Internet,
IT Act, Awareness.

The internet in India is growing rapidly. It has given rise to new
opportunities in the field of entertainment, business, sports, education,
and many more. With the advent and increasing use of internet, the
businesses have crossed the barriers of local markets and are reaching out
to customers located in every part of the world. Computers are widely
*Corresponding Author: used in enterprises not only as a tool for processing information, but also
Anupreet Kaur Mokha for gaining strategic and competitive advantage. Computers can be used
Assistant Professor, both for constructive and destructive reasons.
SGTB Khalsa College,
University of Delhi The abuse of internet has given birth to new age crimes which are
addressed by the Information Technology Act, 2000.As information
around the globe has become more accessible, it has also become more
vulnerable to misuse. India is on the radar of cyber criminals with
growing cyber-attacks on Indian establishment. India rank third as a
source of malicious activity on the internet after US and China, second as
source of malicious code and fourth and eight as source or origin for web
attacks and network attacks.

According to the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-

Received on 27.08.2017 In), 27,482 cases of cybercrime were reported from January to June
Modified on 16.09.2017 (2017). These include phishing, virus or malicious code, defacements,
Accepted on 10.10.2017 scanning or probing, site intrusions, ransomware and denial-of-service
© A&V Publications all right attacks.

Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences 2017; 8(4): 459-464 A.K. Mokha

It has been shown that in the first six months of 2017, at The term Cyber Crime has been defined neither in
least one cybercrime was reported every 10minutes in Indian Parliament nor in the Information Technology
India which is higher as compared to every 12 minutes (IT) Act,2000. In India, IT Act, 2000 deals with the
in 2016.India has seen a total of 1.71 lakh cybercrimes offenses related to cyber-crime. Registration of Cyber
in the past 3.5 years and the number of crimes so far Crimes in India takes place under the three broad heads
this year has been 27,482, which indicates that the total which are the IT Act, the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and
number is likely to cross 50,000 by this December. other State Level Legislations (SLL). Several Cyber
Analysis of data from 2013 to 2016 shows that 6.7% of Cells have been put up to handle exclusively the cases
all cases accounted for network scanning and probing which are registered under cyber-crimes in India.
while virus or malware accounted for 17.2%.
It is a fast growing area of crime. Cyber criminals are
According to the latest report National Crime Records exploiting the Internet to commit a diverse range of
Bureau(NCRB), a total of 11,592 cases were registered criminal activities. In the past , cyber-crime was
under the cyber-crimes (which includes cases under committed mainly by individuals or small groups but
Information Technology Act, offences under related now the cyber criminals constitutes of various
sections of IPC and offences under Special and Local groups/category such as Professional hackers,
Laws (SLL)) in comparison to 9,622 cases registered organized hackers, children and adolescents between
during the previous year (2014) which shows an the age group of 6- 18 years, scammers, phishers,
increase of 20.5% over the previous year. Uttar Pradesh insiders, malware authors, spammers, etc.
has reported the highest number of such crimes
followed by Maharashtra and Karnataka. Categories of Cyber Crimes:
The major categories of cyber-crimes can be broadly
The growing internet usage rate has created a problem classified under the following four groups on the basis
for people who spend long hours browsing the Cyber of their target and impacts:
World. In 2017, the number of mobile phone internet 1. Crimes against Individuals:
users grew 12.49 percent compared to the previous year These type of crime are done to harm particular
and 23.93 percent of the population accessed the individuals. These includes hacking , cracking,
internet from their mobile phone. This figure is harassment via emails, cyber-stalking, cyber bullying,
expected to grow to 34.85 percent in 2022. defamation, dissemination of obscene material, email
(, 2017).Thus, increased internet usage has spoofing, SMS spoofing, carding, cheating and fraud,
opened the gate of cyber-crime to flood in. Lack of child pornography, assault by threat, denial of service
awareness on such issues will lead to the damage of attack, forgery, and phishing.
financial, emotional, moral or ethical grounds.
2. Crimes against Property:
Under such alarming scenario, besides tackling the There are cybercrimes done to harm the property of an
cybercrimes, another issue that needs to be focused on Individual. They can be classified as – Intellectual
higher priority is – creating awareness on “cybercrimes property crimes, cyber-squatting, cyber vandalism,
and security” among the internet users. Thus the current hacking computer system, computer vandalism,
study focuses in finding out the answers to alarming computer forgery, transmitting viruses and malicious
questions i.e. “Are the people really aware that they are software to damage information, Trojan horses, cyber
vulnerable to various cyber-crimes?” “If they are aware trespass, Internet time thefts, robbery or stealing money
then up to what extent?”, and “If they are not aware, while money transfers ,etc.
then what measures can be adopted to make them more
aware and updated. 3. Crimes against Government /Firm /Company
/Group of individuals:
Understanding the Cyber Crimes: These types of crimes include cyber terrorism,
Cyber-crime refers to any crime that involves a possession of unauthorized information, distribution of
computer or a network. It is an unlawful act where in pirated software, web jacking, salami attacks, logic
the computer is either a tool or a target or both. It is the bombs, etc. The criminals in these wants to terrorize the
criminal activities committed through the use of citizens of the country.
electronic communications media. It is taking
something of the computer over the internet.

Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences 2017; 8(4): 459-464 A.K. Mokha

4. Crimes against Society: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:

All the above mentioned crimes have their direct or To test the awareness of cyber-crime and security, the
indirect influence on the society at large. Therefore, all following methodology has been applied:
such crimes are included in this such as pornography,
online gambling, forgery, sale of illegal articles, a) Objectives of the study:
phishing, cyber terrorism, etc. 1. To examine the relationship between education
level of the respondent and the awareness of cyber-
LITERATURE REVIEW: crime and security.
Aparna and Chauhan (2012): 2. To examine the relationship between various age
The authors in their paper conducted a research in groups of the respondent and the awareness of
Tricity on cybercrime awareness and revealed that cyber-crime and security.
awareness can be increased by giving due importance to 3. To find out the internet usage of the respondents.
cybercrime which can be an efficient tool to decrease or 4. To find out the level of awareness on safety while
prevent the cybercrimes. They also concluded that it using personal computers and internet among
remains the responsibility of the net users as well as the internet users regarding cyber-crimes.
government to ensure a safe, secure, and trustworthy
computing environment. b) Sampling Design:
A structured questionnaire was administered for the
Mehta and Singh (2013): purpose of research on 160 respondents. It was divided
The author conducted a survey to study the awareness into four sections:
about cyber laws in Indian society .He found that there Section A dealt with the demographic characteristics of
is a significant difference between the awareness level the respondents.
of male and female users of internet services. The male Section B dealt with the internet usage of the
netizens are more aware of cyber laws as compared to respondents.
women users. Section C dealt with the level of awareness of cyber-
crime and security
Agarwal (2015): Section D dealt with the level of awareness on safety
The author in her paper discussed the types of cyber- while using personal computers and internet.
crime and the cyber laws made to deal with it. Her All the data was collected using likert scale 5 point. (1=
objective was to analyze whether the internet users are Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree,
aware of cyber-crimes. She also insisted that it is the 5= Strongly Agree).Samples are drawn from various
duty of all the internet users to be aware of cyber- regions of Delhi-NCR.
crimes and cyber laws.
c) Methods of Data Collection:
Hasan et al., (2015): Primary Data was collected from 160 respondents
Conducted a survey to analyze the cybercrime through questionnaire to analysis whether the people
awareness in Malaysia and found that female students really are aware that they are vulnerable to various
are more aware of cybercrime as compared to male cyber-crimes or not.
students. Secondary Data: Substantial data was collected from
various books, published nationals and international
Archana Chanuvai Narahari and Vrajesh Shah journals, various websites, etc.
The author in this conducted a survey on 100 d) Research Tools:
respondents to analyze whether netizens are really For the findings of the study, Linear Regression
aware of cyber-crimes. They found that the respondents technique was performed using SPSS Software version
are somewhat aware of the cyber-crimes, cyber security 23.
but still there is a need to increase awareness among
them. Also, they suggested a conceptual model e) Hypotheses:
explaining how to uphold and implement the awareness On the basis of mentioned objectives, the present study
programmes among internet users regarding aims at test the following hypothesis (null hypothesis):
cybercrimes. 1. H01: There is a relationship exists between the
Educational level of the respondent and the
awareness of cyber-crimes among them.
Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences 2017; 8(4): 459-464 A.K. Mokha

2. H02: There is a relationship exists between the ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION:

various age groups of the respondent and the A study was conducted on 160 respondents to identify
awareness of cyber-crimes among them. whether they are aware of cyber-crimes or not. Findings
of the study are as follows:
a) H01:There is a relationship exists between the
Educational level of the respondent and the
awareness of cyber-crimes among them.

Table 1 Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .913a .833 .830 .3472
a. Predictors: (Constant), Familiarity with the term "Cyber Crime", Awareness about Cyber Cell, Awareness on IT Act Among Internet Users.
Table 2 ANOVAa
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 84.260 3 28.087 241.143 .000b
Residual 31.050 145 .214
Total 115.310 148
a. Dependent Variable: Educational level of the respondent
b. Predictors: (Constant), Familiarity with the term "Cyber Crime", Awareness about Cyber Cell, Awareness on IT Act Among Internet Users.

Table 3 Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) .354 .283 1.667 .108
Familiarity with the term "Cyber Crime" .546 .096 .556 9.371 .002
Awareness about Cyber Cell .179 .292 .125 .613 .546
Awareness on IT Act among Internet Users .314 .176 .345 1.786 .086
a. Dependent Variable: Educational level of the respondent

To test the hypothesis, is a significant and positive value of p is 0.00003 which is less than 0.05 (i.e. the
relation exists between Educational level of the regression model is a good fit for the data). Table 3 puts
respondent and the awareness of cyber-crimes among more clarity by showing the values for all the above
them, Linear Regression Model has been used on the three factors i.e. Familiarity with the term "Cyber
three factors i.e. Familiarity with the term "Cyber Crime", Awareness about Cyber Cell, Awareness on IT
Crime", Awareness about Cyber Cell, Awareness on IT Act among Internet Users and indicates that the values
Act Among Internet Users. The R value in Table 1 are statistically significant at 0.05 for only one factor
represents that the simple correlation is 0.913 (the “R” i.e. Familiarity with the term "Cyber Crime"(0.002).
Column) which indicates a high degree of correlation. Hence the hypothesis (H01) is partially accepted for this
Table 2 indicates that the regression model statistically factor and rejected for Awareness about Cyber Cell,
significantly predicts the dependent variable as the Awareness on IT Act Among Internet Users.

b) H02: There is a relationship exists between the various age groups of the respondent and the awareness of
cyber-crimes among them.
Table 1 Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .903a .815 .792 .255
a. Predictors: (Constant), Familiarity with the term "Cyber Crime", Awareness about Cyber Cell, Awareness on IT Act Among Internet Users.

Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences 2017; 8(4): 459-464 A.K. Mokha

Table 2 ANOVAa
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 24.133 3 8.044 5.929 .001b
Residual 219.794 162 1.357
Total 243.928 165
a. Dependent Variable: Age groups of the respondent.
b. Predictors: (Constant), Familiarity with the term "Cyber Crime", Awareness about Cyber Cell, Awareness on IT Act Among Internet Users

Table 3 Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 4.787 .419 11.429 .000
Familiarity with the term "Cyber Crime" -1.763 .207 -.813 -8.513 .000
Awareness about Cyber Cell -.098 .067 -.137 -1.460 .157
Awareness on IT Act among Internet Users .055 .040 .122 1.370 .183
a. Dependent Variable: Age groups of the respondent.

Figure 1: Showing the various kinds of Cyber Crimes in day-to-day lives

To test the hypothesis, is a significant and positive i.e. Familiarity with the term "Cyber Crime"(0.00002).
relation exists between Educational level of the Hence the hypothesis (H02) is partially accepted for this
respondent and the awareness of cyber-crimes among factor and rejected for Awareness about Cyber Cell,
them, Linear Regression Model has been used on the Awareness on IT Act Among Internet Users.
three factors i.e. Familiarity with the term "Cyber
Crime", Awareness about Cyber Cell, Awareness on IT c)The figure 1 shows the very important part of our
Act Among Internet Users. The R value in Table 1 research i.e. regarding awareness on various types of
represents that the simple correlation is 0.903 (the “R” cybercrimes concluded that (42%) of the respondents
Column) which indicates a high degree of correlation. are aware of all the types of cyber-crimes whereas 26%
Table 2 indicates that the regression model statistically are aware of Hacking, 4% are aware of phishing, cyber
significantly predicts the dependent variable as the stalking and defamation, 12% are aware of
value of p is 0.001 which is less than 0.05 (i.e. the Virus/Worms and 8% are aware of identity theft.
regression model is a good fit for the data). Table 3 puts
more clarity by showing the values for all the above d)40% agreed that Government organizations are more
three factors i.e. Familiarity with the term "Cyber vulnerable to cybercrimes. 63% felt financial
Crime", Awareness about Cyber Cell, Awareness on IT institutions, like Banks, finance companies etc. are
Act among Internet Users and indicates that the values more vulnerable for cybercrimes.50% said Private
are statistically significant at 0.05 for only one factor sectors are the victims and 10% opted for Educational

Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences 2017; 8(4): 459-464 A.K. Mokha

institutions,65% thought there is threat to Law crimes should come forward and file a complaint
enforcement agencies like police, CBI, courts etc. 32 % against them in special cybercrime cells. This will
felt any individual can be victim of cybercrime. definitely help to tackle the cyber-crimes. Thus,
awareness of cyber-crimes and security is a need of an
With the increase in the users of internet, the increase in
cyber-crimes can also be seen. There are various kinds REFERENCES:
of cyber-crimes which are happening in day-to-day life. 1. Aggarwal, Gifty (2015), General Awareness on Cyber Crime.
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c) Always use strong passwords preferably 10. The Times of India(July 22, 2017),
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g) Check that all antivirus software and computer
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h) Double check the spelling of a website, URL,
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Government is also making efforts to have a control on

cyber-crimes. It has made cyber laws to help people
learn about various cyber-crimes and cyber security.
Information Technology(IT) Act 2000 deals with cyber
related crimes. Not only the government but people
should also work hand in hand to catch the criminals.
People who have been a victim of any of these cyber-

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