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‌Poulet à la Crème

‌Braised Chicken in Cream Sauce

Yi e l d :   4 to 6 p ort i on s   Poulet à la crème is shockingly easy to make, and its extreme richness
P re pa ra t i o n t i m e :   3 0 m i n u t e s + makes it very comforting, especially when the weather is cold. It definitely
24 h ou r s c u r i n g + 1  h ou r ranks among chefs as a favourite home-­cooking recipe. One of my mentors,
t emp er i n g
Rob Feenie, absolutely loves it; every time we see each other, we have some
Co o k i n g t i m e :   45 m i n u t e s
sort of discussion about this iconic dish, whether it’s about the time he first
had it in France, the fact that he could eat it every day for the rest of his
life, or versions of the recipe from some of the best French chefs in the world.
When it comes to making poulet à la crème, Rob and I agree it should be
rustic and simple, and the chicken should be cooked on the bone. You can
add wild mushrooms to the sauce if you wish, as Georges Blanc does, or opt
to keep it simple. Serve with Crêpes Vonnassiennes “Mère Blanc” (recipe
follows) and a leafy green salad with a classic vinaigrette.

‌4.5-­pound (2 kg) whole chicken TIP  When salting chicken, the perfect amount of salt is 1% of the bird’s
2 tablespoons (20 g) kosher salt weight in grams. So, for a 4.5-­pound (2 kg) bird, I use 2 tablespoons (20 g)
(see tip) of kosher salt.
Freshly cracked black pepper
½ cup (115 g) unsalted butter, ‌ ut the chicken into 8 pieces. (If you don’t know how to do this, ask your
divided butcher to perform the task.) Make sure you’re aware of the weight of the
1 medium onion, peeled and cut into bird, so you can figure out the perfect amount of salt. Place the chicken
4 wedges pieces on a baking sheet and generously season on all sides with salt and
4 tablespoons (40 g) all-­purpose pepper. Place the chicken in the fridge uncovered to dry the skin, and let
it cure for 24 hours.
½ cup (125 mL) white wine (use one
you like to drink) Take the chicken out of the fridge 1 hour before cooking and let stand at
1⅔ cups (400 mL) Chicken Stock room temperature.
(page 308, or store-­bought) or water
Bouquet garni of bay leaf, thyme, In a large braising pan on medium-­high heat, melt half the butter. Add the
and parsley stems (see tip, page 47) chicken pieces, skin side down, and lightly brown them. (You might have
½ cup (125 mL) Crème Fraîche to do this in two batches so you don’t overcrowd the pan.) Transfer the
(page 296, or store-­bought)
chicken pieces to a plate.
2 egg yolks
Pinch freshly grated nutmeg Add the onion to the pan, along with the remaining butter. Lower the heat
to medium and cook gently for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the
onion starts to take on some colour, making sure the butter doesn’t burn.
Add the chicken pieces back in. Sprinkle the flour evenly over the onion
and chicken. Add the wine, stirring gently, and simmer until the sauce
thickens. Add the stock and bouquet garni, stirring well. Lower the heat

c on tin ued

C l a s s i c F re n ch  111

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to low, cover, and simmer gently for 15 minutes or until a meat thermom-
eter inserted in the thickest part of a breast registers 155°F (68°C). Using
tongs, transfer the chicken breasts to a plate.

Continue cooking the legs and thighs, covered, for 15 to 20 minutes or

until a meat thermometer inserted in the thickest part of a leg registers
155°F (68°C). Using tongs, transfer the legs and thighs to the plate with
the breasts. Discard the bouquet garni and onions (although personally, I
like to keep the onions, as they’re delicious). Check the consistency of the
sauce. It should lightly coat the back of a spoon; if it’s too thin, reduce the
liquid further.

In a medium bowl, mix the crème fraîche with the egg yolks and season
with nutmeg. While whisking constantly, gradually add a ladleful of the hot
sauce to the crème fraîche mixture to temper it. Whisk the tempered crème
fraîche mixture into the sauce. You should have a beautiful light sauce.
Return all the chicken pieces and any accumulated juices to the sauce, gen-
tly stirring to incorporate. Taste for seasoning and spoon into a large dish.


‌Potato Pancakes

Yi e l d :   A b ou t 1 2 sm a l l I‌ n a medium pot, add the potatoes, cover with cold water, season with salt,
pa ncak e s and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer until tender. Purée the pota-
P re pa ra t i o n t i m e :   2 0 m i n u t e s toes with a ricer and let cool in a bowl for 10 minutes to let the steam escape.
Co o k i n g t i m e :   45 m i n u t e s
Using a wooden spatula, work the flour into the potatoes, then gradually
‌ ounces (250 g) russet potatoes,
9 mix in the whole egg, then the egg whites, gently, without whipping them.
peeled and cut in quarters Stir in the cream and salt, being careful not to overwork the batter. The
3 tablespoons (30 g) all-­purpose batter should be smooth and creamy. If it’s lumpy, pass it through a tamis.
1 egg In a large non-­stick frying pan on high heat, heat one-­quarter of the clari-
2 egg whites fied butter. Ladle in three 4-­inch (10 cm) rounds of batter, or whatever fits
⅓ cup (90 mL) heavy or whipping nicely in the pan. Be careful—​the pancakes cook quickly, so be ready with
cream (35% milk fat) an offset spatula to flip them and then transfer them to a serving dish.
½ teaspoon (3 g) kosher salt Repeat with the remaining batter, adding more beurre clarifié between
¾ cup (175 mL) Beurre Clarifié each batch.
(see tip, page 125)
TIP  You can make the batter ahead of time if you wish; that way, the cook-
ing process will be less stressful come dinnertime.

112  Wh ere t h e Ri ver N a r row s

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