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Curriculum Vitae

Jia Yen LAI, PhD



• 12 years of experience in deforestation-risk commodity supply chains and Environmental,
Social, and Governance (ESG) in Asia.
• Field experience in Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Myanmar, Taiwan, and Scotland.
• Fluent in English, Chinese, Malay, and Indonesian.

2021 - Research Fellow in Social and Environmental Sustainability, Monash
University, Malaysia
2016 – 2020 PhD Research Fellow and Tutor, University of Edinburgh, UK
2014 – 2016 Director in Business Strategy, RUN Solution, Malaysia
2009 – 2014 Senior Strategy Manager, RUN Solution, Malaysia
2014 & 2010 Lecturer in Political Science, Southern College University, Malaysia

2016 – 2020 PhD in Geography, University of Edinburgh, UK
2012 – 2014 MSc in Urban Planning, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
2004 – 2008 B.A. in Political Science, National Taiwan University, Taiwan


2021 – 2024 Postdoctoral Fellowships, Monash University
2016 – 2019 The University Principle’s Career Development Scholarships
2016 – 2019 Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships
2019 Travel Grant to 5th Annual IIES Science and Policy Workshop, Seoul
2018 & 2019 Elizabeth Sinclair Irvine Bequest Centenary Agroforestry 89 Fund
2015 Iskandar Malaysia Social Hero Awards (Nominated)
2012 – 2014 Outstanding Overseas Postgraduate Student Scholarships
2005 – 2008 Distinguished Overseas Graduate Student Scholarships

• Lai, J.Y., Hamilton, A., and Staddon. S. 2021. Transmigrants Experiences of Recognitional
(in)Justice in Indonesia’s Environmental Impact Assessment, Society & Natural
• Lai, J. Y., Staddon, S., and Hamilton, A. 2021. Technical Experts’ Perspectives of Justice-
Related Norms: Lessons from Everyday Environmental Practices in Indonesia. Land Use
Policy 102 (March): 105234.
• Staddon S., Barnes C., Lai, J,Y., Scazza M., and Wilkie R. 2021. A “Token of Love”: the
role of emotions in student field trips teaching critical development
geographies. Journal of Geography in Higher
Education, DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2021.1977918
• Lai, J.Y., Hamilton, A., 2020. For whom do NGOs speak? Accountability and legitimacy in
pursuit of just environmental impact assessment. Environment Impact Assessment
Review 82 (May), 106374.
• Lai, J.Y., Cheng, H.H., 2019. Understanding Adaptation: Lessons from Local Adaptive
Measures to Coastal Risks and Hazards – A Case Study of Kukup Water Village, Malaysia.
Journal of Design and Built Environment 19, 13–23.

• International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - Commission Member of CEESP
Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy
• International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) – Associate Member,
Forest-based value chains unit & Rural development unit
• Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub (MCCCRH) – Member of
working advisory group
• Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) Malaysia Chapter – Member

2020 Webinar: Accountability and legitimacy of public participation by
NGOs. (University of Mulawarman, East Kalimantan)
2019 Oral presentation: In pursuit of just forest governance in Indonesia.
(Annual Science and Policy Workshop for International Institute for
Environmental Studies, Seoul)
2019 Poster presentation: Public participation dilemma of transmigrants in
Indonesian EIA. (World Congress on Agroforestry, Montpellier)
2018 Guest lecture: Environmental and development conflicts. (University
of Edinburgh, Edinburgh)
2017 Poster Presentation: Procedural justice in environmental decision-
making: Indonesian EIA. (Annual Meeting of Forests & Livelihoods:
Assessment, Research, and Engagement, Stockholm)

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