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Vitamin E May Help Fight Prostate Cancer

Vitamin e fight prostate cancer BRISBANE, Australia, Oct. 20 (UPI) An Australian researcher suggests a new vitamin E fight prostate cancer survival rates. Dr. Patrick Ling and colleagues at Queensland University of Technology in Australia found a particular constituent of vitamin E called tocotrienol or T3 can successfully kill off the prostate cancer stem cells believed to promote tumor regrowth.

Currently there is no effective treatment for metastatic prostate cancer, because it grows back after conventional therapies in more than 70 percent of cases, Ling said in a statement. But with gamma-tocotrienol, Queensland University of Technology researchers have found a better way to treat prostate cancer, which has the potential to inhibit recurrence of the disease. Ling and colleagues conducted animal trials for a study that found gamma-tocotrienol fed to mice in water completely inhibited tumor formation in more than 70 percent of the animals implanted with prostate cancer cells and considerably reduced tumor regrowth in the remainder. In contrast, 100 percent of the control group had tumors reform. The study is published in the International Journal of Cancer.

Vitamin E Fight Prostate Cancer

What is prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer is a malignant (cancerous) tumor (growth) that consists of cells from the prostate gland. Generally, the tumor usually grows slowly and remains confined to the gland for many years. During this time, the tumor produces little or no symptoms or outward signs (abnormalities on physical examination). However, all prostate cancers do not behave similarly. Some aggressive types of prostate cancer grow and spread more rapidly than others and can cause a significant shortening of life expectancy in men affected by them. A measure of prostate cancer aggressiveness is the Gleason score (discussed in more detail later in this article), which is calculated by a trained pathologist observing prostate biopsy specimens under the microscope. However, the research team have discovered a particular form of T3, called gamma-tocotrienol (?-T3), can successfully vitamin e fight prostate cancer.

Vitamin E Fight Prostate Cancer

As the cancer advances, however, it can spread beyond the prostate into the surrounding tissues (local spread). Moreover, the cancer also can metastasize (spread even farther) throughout other areas of the body, such as the bones, lungs, and liver. Symptoms and signs, therefore, are more often associated with advanced prostate cancer. Click here to read another related post about vitamin e fight prostate cancer

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